Rouge Massage
Montreal Escorts

What is body type you like?

What is your choice?

  • Woman not like mannequin, with shape (natural B/C and hip)

    Votes: 41 70.7%
  • Tall woman mannequin with not hip and natural A

    Votes: 8 13.8%
  • Tall woman mannequin with not hip but is lucky and have C to DD naturel

    Votes: 6 10.3%
  • Tall woman mannequin with not hip but gift from chirurgien: C/DD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like man better than woman

    Votes: 3 5.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Lilly Lombard said:
I think when a man picks an sp, he goes for whatever feeds his fantasy. But when a man looks for a life partner he choses according to different standards, body and looks often being a little less important.

Ok. This make sense to me if go back to human have instinct reaction and sometime do things with out know why argument. Man want fantasy for bed time, but for family time have different standard so his woman not be fantasy of other man. So lower standard mean more likely to keep woman and not raise fantasy man babies. Yes, make sense.

DouMan said:
Quand je mentionne que j’aime le eye-candy, c’est mon coté ados qui revient a la surface, le bling bling des revues bien caché sous le matelas ou sous la pile de gilets de ma jeunesse. Par contre quand je rencontre une dame pour une relation c’est mon coté un peu plus adulte, supposément plus mature, qui prends le dessus et basé sur des expériences de la vie, m’attire plus ver un autre style de femme qui se rapproche plus de mes préférences pour le moment actuel.

Merci pour ta réponse DouMan, mais je suis toujours perplexe. Quand tu vois des belles filles sur la rue, ton côté ado fait surface mais quand tu vois une SP c'est ton côté adulte? Je croyais que voir des SP c'était justement une question de 'lâcher son fou'? Chez les hommes mariés en tout cas, je supposait que les séances avec SP seraient beaucoup plus enjouées que celles dans le lit matrimonial (si).

Thank you DouMan but I am always perplexe. When you see hot girl on street it is your boy side (the one with porn magazine hide under sweater :)) but when you see SP it is adult side? I thought to see SP is to let out boy again? Well I think this maybe true for married man who see SP that seance is more playing than in matrimonial bed (if any).

Wow, quelle conversation intéressante!

Thank you all for participate. Please say more!




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Lilly Lombard said:
That is a good question my dear. A SP is a "service provider", what I assume to be a "sexual service provider" or plainly a "sex provider". I guess there is a category of strippers who might be considered to be "sp" since they provide more than just dances. So I would consider any "sex worker" to be a SP : masseuses with extras, street workers, escorts, strippers with extras etc. Maybe some merbite can correct my understanding of this acronym.

So I will re-phrase what I wrote before : When men are paying to see or have sex with a woman, they seem to be going for what is closer to their fantasy. ;)

Hello Sweet Lilly,

Technically, you are correct. All of these categories do technically provide sex at one level or another. However, most references by Merbites to "SPs" refers to escorts. Some might include other areas when they use the SP term, but very rarely street workers. Certainly I have used the term SP many, many times and I would cringe to think anyone ever thought I ever was referring to a street walker. I have never been with one and in my view there is a stigma of very high risk associated with being with street walkers compared to the others. I am not sure exactly how much other hobbyists may agree with that view, but I venture to say that many would feel similiarly. For me SP means escorts, and there are other standard acronyms, like SW for street walkers, to distinguish between strippers, massage services, and others. When I use SP it's escorts only and I have never been with any other type of SP.




New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Korbel said:
Hello UHGL,

I met a lady from the old First Time agency named Jenny who was very popular, and a true waif at 5'3" 95 lbs with very small curves...and maybe close to being anorexic. She was a real sweet beautiful doll. But, when she started to undress I thought, well, this could be a bit hard on me. The meeting turned out to be one of the most sensual, softest and arousing meetings I ever had.

Long live waifs,


I do like the waifs too!

Mr Korbel, have you ever met Roxanne of Eleganza? For a very young woman of a listed 5'0" tall at only 85 pounds, she has the perfect body! She is so perfect, you only notice that she is on the short & thin side, when she is standing next to someone or if you are holding her........ with her small frame, her "B"s look so full! I know that 85 pounds sounds so scary, but her ribs are NOT sticking out, and her checks are not sucked in....... her teeth are nice & white...... ruling out meth. This is just a magical moment in Roxanne's life where she is just physically perfect. Gawd, being young is so awesome! The down side to Roxanne and her youth is she does not yet, have the greatest skills...... but I believe she will, she is very affectionate and loves sex.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
UHGL said:
I do like the waifs too!

Mr Korbel, have you ever met Roxanne of Eleganza? For a very young woman of a listed 5'0" tall at only 85 pounds, she has the perfect body! She is so perfect, you only notice that she is on the short & thin side, when she is standing next to someone or if you are holding her........ with her small frame, her "B"s look so full! I know that 85 pounds sounds so scary, but her ribs are NOT sticking out, and her checks are not sucked in....... her teeth are nice & white...... ruling out meth. This is just a magical moment in Roxanne's life where she is just physically perfect. Gawd, being young is so awesome! The down side to Roxanne and her youth is she does not yet, have the greatest skills...... but I believe she will, she is very affectionate and loves sex.
Hello UHGL,

You may have read of my experiences with Eleganza that I have posted not long ago. I have been interested mainly in three ladies there, but they are never available. Others also look very appealing and had they been available I would have accepted the encounter. But I can't seem to find anyone on that I want when I call. So, I have had no chance to meet Roxanne. She does look awesome to me too, and I used to have very good luck with this agency. If you know how to get through for a meeting please PM me? I sure would love to know how.



Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
I would hate to limit myself to one "type". Men who can't find appeal in a wide variety of female bodies are limiting themselves.

Of my ATF sp's there are many different body types, breast size, hair colors and skin colours.

Why always eat Italian ? :D


Jun 2, 2006

UHGL said:
I do like the waifs too!

Mr Korbel, have you ever met Roxanne of Eleganza?

OK, now this conversation has gotten to a place where I can chime in. Roxanne (for me, for now) is just about perfect. She is as described above. I just love this fantasy. She is tiny, perfectly proportioned, fun, and enthusiastic. A dream for me.

But I do take the points made earlier, that one chooses very differently for different situations. Were I to seek to marry again, is this the way I would go? Both are unlikely. And perhaps it is my own insecurity (surely yes, it is!) that would make me uncomfortable walking around town with a tiny 5'-0" waif. I would feel like a dirty old man (likely true, but I have been precisely this dirty for some time, making the "old" part seem less operative!). But in the comfort and privacy of a hotel room, I could spend many a night with Roxanne before I became even remotely hungry for anyone else. Indeed, it is partly because of the forbidden nature of these liaisons (obviously!) that makes them so alluring. Longer term relationships are by their very nature not about that.

So, in short, yes, one can appreciate a more "normally proportioned" woman as part of a more normal relationship (whatever that is), but you'll never shake the Roxanne out me! (or me out of her, whatever!)

By the way, the fantasy is likely still so strong because I have only seen her once!


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Korbel said:
Hello UHGL,

You may have read of my experiences with Eleganza that I have posted not long ago. I have been interested mainly in three ladies there, but they are never available. Others also look very appealing and had they been available I would have accepted the encounter. But I can't seem to find anyone on that I want when I call. So, I have had no chance to meet Roxanne. She does look awesome to me too, and I used to have very good luck with this agency. If you know how to get through for a meeting please PM me? I sure would love to know how.



Whoa me too! During my last trip to Montreal, I gave up on booking with Eleganza. I hope John can hire like 50 more escorts(because they will all work just one or two days a week, each) and a full-time booker to answer the phones. At this point he should give up on the email/PM bookings, because he can't run it fairly or consistently...... while I am at it, maybe even another driver or 2, because Eleganza has the worst on-time schedule for sessions.

About your three Eleganza Ladies.......... what, just three? I have six! On my To Do List:

#6 Kira
#5 Victoria
#4 Roxanne(repeat)
#3 Dolce
#2 Larissa(repeat)
#1 Karyna(repeat)

Unfortunately, I have no magic "Bat" line, to call John directly....... Sorry, I will not be sending you that PM with John's Kryptonite. I can only dream of being a Eleganza VIP.

You know what would solve almost everything? If Chris(Devilish) would buy Eleganza from John, and then have Billy run it!
Last edited:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
UHGL said:
Whoa me too! During my last trip to Montreal, I gave up on booking with Eleganza. I hope John can hire like 50 more escorts(because they will all work just one or two days a week, each) and a full-time booker to answer the phones. At this point he should give up on the email/PM bookings, because he can't run it fairly or consistently...... while I am at it, maybe even another driver or 2, because Eleganza has the worst on-time schedule for sessions.

About your three Eleganza Ladies.......... what, just three? I have six! On my To Do List:

#6 Kira
#5 Victoria
#4 Roxanne(repeat)
#3 Dolce
#2 Larissa(repeat)
#1 Karyna(repeat)

Unfortunately, I have no magic "Bat" line, to call John directly....... Sorry, I will not be sending you that PM with John's Kryptonite. I can only dream of being a Eleganza VIP.

You know what would solve almost everything? If Chris(Devilish) would buy Eleganza from John, and then have Billy run it!

Hello UHGL,

I had wanted to meet: Karyna, Dolce, Honey, and Nicole. All are listed on the website, but I understand Nicole is gone because she is never available. But there are others like Roxanne I would have tried if only there were any options available when I called. This is what Happened when I called Devilish and met Nikki on my last trip. I just asked for a certain type and went with the suggestion. I alos had choices at Montreal XXTASE, and Montreal Sex City when I called them. At Eleganza there is rarely any choice at all. And so goes the mystery there.




New Member
May 7, 2005
Lilly Lombard said:
That is really just a false perception. I had mine redone (went from -A to small C) with saline. First of all, they are way more sensitive than before I had the surgery. Second, since they are with saline and not with silicone, they are firm and soft. Nothing like those huge hard balloons we see in porn. I've thouched breasts like those before and I couldn't stand something like that on my body. I guess it depends when the implants were done, which surgeon etc. I had people on nude beaches coming up to me to feel my breasts, they didn't believe by looking at them that they were fake.

Most of my life, I weighted 125lbs, up till a few years ago (3yrs or so) when I dropped 12lbs. At 125lbs, I had men telling me I was too "skinny" for them. Lilly I've checked out your picks on your site they are beauitful. To be honest you are my type in every inch of the word. Very pretty face, right height and weight nice breasts I could go on. i wish I had been on that nude beach LOL.

Lilly I've checked out your picks on your site they are beauitful. To be honest you are my type in every inch of the word. Very pretty face, right height and weight nice breasts I could go on. i wish I had been on that nude beach LOL.

Now all I have to do is get my ass to Montreal. You got my attention LOL.


Jul 5, 2008
alice_wonderland said:
Chez les hommes mariés en tout cas, je supposait que les séances avec SP seraient beaucoup plus enjouées que celles dans le lit matrimonial (si).
Tu y apporte une variante intéressante en comparant avec nos habitudes hors hobby.

Moi je ne suis pas différent avec une SP ou une non-SP … mais à services égale qu’il faut comparer.

Je ne veux pas généraliser, mais il y a sans doute un fort pourcentage qui rencontre une SP pour vivre une fantaisie qu’ils n’ont pas dans leur quotidien.

Peut être pour éclaircir (ou compliquer d’avantage :) ), complétons la variante avec …

Si vous pouvez avoir les mêmes services (, CIM etc) qui répondrais a vos fantaisies avec une partenaire non-SP,

1-quand vous allez rencontrer une SP, est-ce que votre façon d’agir au lit va être différente?
2-serez vous toujours intéressé de rencontrer une SP?

Pour 1- je dirais, non
Pour 2- je dirais que l’instinct animale et chasseur de l’homme peut continuer à ouvrir la porte aux rencontres SP. Pas certain que je continuerais à franchir la porte.


Jul 5, 2008
alice_wonderland said:
Well I think this maybe true for married man who see SP that seance is more playing than in matrimonial bed (if any).
You add an interesting variable by comparing with our out of hobby lives.

I am no different with an SP or non-SP … but compared with equal services.

I don’t want to generalize, but there is no doubt a strong percentage of those who meet an SP to fulfill a fantasy which they do not have in their daily lives.

To clarify (or to make it even more complicated :) ) let’s expand the variable with …

If you can have the same services (, CIM etc) which would satisfy your fantasies with a non-SP partner,
1-when you meet an SP, will you act differently in bed?
2-will you still be interested in meeting SP’s?

For 1- I’d answer, no.
For 2- I’d say that the animal and hunter instinct of men could continue to open the door meeting SP’s. Not sure if I would still cross the door.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
thebitchelor said:
completly agree with you...especially with women...maybe im less selective, but a love all kind of women, lil, tall, chubby, older,big breast natural or not...its almost depend on her personnality, of course she have to got a pretty face, but the body type doesnt really matter

I am with you on that. Of course there has to be a certain attraction between me and the woman but I have been with older women, youngers, smaller, bigger, I've even been with bbw's. I am like a man to some degree, I cannot only eat steak every day of my life.

It's the same for me with men. I know what it is about me though, I am into brain stimulation more than anything. Once you've stimulated the right spot in my brain, you get my interest. :D


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Lilly Lombard said:
I am with you on that. Of course there has to be a certain attraction between me and the woman but I have been with older women, youngers, smaller, bigger, I've even been with bbw's. I am like a man to some degree, I cannot only eat steak every day of my life.

It's the same for me with men. I know what it is about me though, I am into brain stimulation more than anything. Once you've stimulated the right spot in my brain, you get my interest. :D

Whoa Lilly,

#1. Uh NO! I can testify that you are not "like a man"

#2. There seem to be many other spots too. ;)




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Star-Man said:
I just heard Karyna say the exact same thing, "I am kinda like a man in some ways"

Right Tony,

Desperately in need of attention huh.



Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
thebitchelor said:
well, ive already say it too, girls somes things that i hate...ive always had a lot of boyfriends...somes girlfriend too but never had a best girlfriend, that could be my confident ...well i had when i was i dont trust girls;)

Wow, you just wrote the story of my life. That's impressive.

I fit much better in a pub, drinking draft and eating chicken wings while watching football with a bunch of dudes than shopping and getting my nails done with a chick. I was always surrounded by men, all my friends are males and I think like them, act like them on many things. Only major difference is my look which is a good thing. I think for a woman to be so liberated sexualy it takes a strong masculine side anyway.

Sorry if I just broke the fantasy of the perfect babe there!


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
elvix1 said:
Bonne discussion autour de bonnes bouteilles!

P.S. Tu n'as pas dit quel est le physique de l'homme qui t'attire. En passant rouge ou blanc le vin?

Merci :p

J'ai des goûts assez simples: ce que j'aime c'est un homme plus grand et fort que moi :D Plusieurs femmes aiment être toute petite à coté de leur homme :p En tout cas, qu'il n'ait pas des cuisses plus minces que les miennes! Je n'aime pas la maigreur et je ne suis pas plus attirée par le look haltérophilie. Disons entre 5'8 et 6', et 170 à 200lbs. Pas obèse, mais avec de quoi pour s'agripper, quoi ;) Ce qui m'attire le plus chez un homme, c'est son intelligence, mais ça c'est pas dans la catégorie 'physique' :rolleyes: J'ai aussi un faible pour les bruns...


p.s. le rouge!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
tex said:

Marry me?

You are doing fine in your writing..I wish I could write in French or even speak it.

LOL Tex,

Are you going to try to marry everyone on this board? Please skip my

Whoa boy, :eek:



Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Korbel said:
LOL Tex,

Please skip my

Whoa boy, :eek:


Me also. I am already married :D



New Member
Oct 14, 2007
J'adore les brunettes

J'adore les brunettes avec des courbes ,genre latino avec le teint couleur café,et des levres douce et pulpeuse ....Avec de belles dents blanches et un beau sourire charmeur ....pas trop grande et pas trop jeune !!!;)
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