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What is the creepiest thing you ever seen, told by, did with a SP, Massage/SC girl

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
He didn't write a bad review... And I will not elaborate. If anyone else really wants to go into details, PM function is available...

Btw I in fact DID mention the time only once 10mins before the end. See why I dont want to elaborate ? Theres just too much to add...

Why would I offer discounts for this situation ? Wowwww rude I'm speechless...


New Member
Jan 24, 2012

I am just suggesting some good public relation gesture. Remember how Samsung got the public's confidence back when their batteries started to catch fire? They just went out and backed their product until they got their name back., not long after their name was scheiße they are back on top.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I vaguely remember this. I guess it worked ;)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Quiznos what`s with comparing what happened between Julia and a customer to a bread scandal at Loblaw or burning Samsung batteries. Firstly its none of your business and secondly its a relatively minor incident between 2 people. It happened and it wasn`t pleasant for either....Julia made a mistake by mentioning it in public but its not a billion dollar marketing let it go.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You are the voice of wisdom my friend.

I apologize for the disturbance. Let's talk about something else :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm okay with fantaisies as long as they are discussed beforehand LOL ! Don't talk about pregnancy with an escort without asking her first if she is okay with this type of fantasy. It was scary on the spot I was like "Uhhhhh is he going to try removing the condom ?"

Oh, I get it. Maybe you thought he was going to actually try to get you he may even try to pull off the condom or something like that? Nahhhh. Guys just like to role play. He may even be thinking about a former lover or something like that. On occasion, I've done some role play that was spontaneous but the girls always seemed to get into it. Maybe they walked away thinking I was a creep too? Oh well. But you convinced me that it is better to discuss this before hand.

Just by reading the last few posts, I think escorts need to be careful about what they write here.

Guilty as charged :lol::lol: And that is not even my wildest fantasy :)) But at least I would ask the girl if she is ok with it beforehand, so I wont make her feel uncomfortable during the session. No disrespect, but thats how I think. Also, I dont want you to think that I am being judgemental or anything because everyone on here has their own fetish/fantasy.

Hey man. It's your money and it is your fantasy....probably pretty vanilla compared to what people do and you are right. If you discuss it before hand and, you are two consenting adults....why not? Sorry for being such a smart ass. Just joking.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
He said, she said... really?? LOL

Perhaps I have a different perspective, but I've been on both sides, so to speak... in porn, time is relative... or should I say that there are two timeframes. There is "porn time" and real time... Real time is time as we know it... 5 minutes is 300 seconds, no more, no less. Porn time is relative, depending on director/performer... "Hey Baby, we only need five more minutes of anal... we just need to make sure we have the shot..." or "Give me a minute, bro... I just need a minute to work it up... I'm almost there... I'm a little overheated, just need a min to cool down..." 15 - 25 real time minutes later, voila!

I suspect "Hobby Time" is not that different from Porn Time and that 5 minutes is very rarely 5 minutes. Wearing my director hat, it's easy for me to say, "JuliaBaby (lol), I just need 5 more minutes..." Wearing my performer hat, I know 5 minutes isn't 5 minutes (or should I say a minute isn't a minute, lol)... I don't blame Julia at all for what she did. IMHO, the simple solution would have been to extend the session. I'll be the first to admit that I think with my dick too often for my own good, but I would be like, "Julia... Baby... <pant> I... need... <pant> 5 more... minutes... <pant> please... don't... leave... my... dick... <pant> this... way... <pant> can... we... extend...? <pant> pretty... please...? <pant> Let's... make... babies... <pant> And... of... course... <pant> I'll... vote... for... you... <pant> as... best... Indy... on... merb... <pant> ;) :D

So Julia... you wanna??? I'll bring my egg (timer)... it vibrates... :D

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I know my personal way of doing is not the same as everybody but i want to add to what happened between Julia and Ares.

Honestly if you have not cum when the time is done totally (60min) then you obviously missed your mark. You should never wait for the time to be totally done. I often joke i am a clockwatcher myself as a client because i always look at my time. I make sure i don't get cheated on time, but at the same time i make sure im done way before time is up. I get that this was an incall as its Julia's usual way, so shower time for her was on her time after yours (personally i meet outcall so i always allow 5 to 10 mins for SPs to shower at my hotel room) but even in that case, why wait for the very last second?

It happened in the past a few times i had SPs had an alarm set for 5 to 10m or so before time was up and i was actively masturbating to cum as it started. Alarm was a sign for me to "cmon dude, its now or never" and i came 1-2m after alarm was started. I never like to go that "limit" and when i do its usually because we talked too much at the beginning(20m or so). Wich in a way is a little sad in itself as it mean we have a good chemistry but obviously despite enjoying the provider's compagny, i am there for the sex obviously :p Usually if we start after 10 min of chit chat, i usually finish by the 45-50m mark MAX.

I can say without a doubt i never got overtime myself. I had SP leaving my hotel room over time but it was them taking a little more time in the shower and stuff like that. My motto is you should be totally done by the 55 min mark, no matter what. How could Julia know that your "one more min" wouldn't turn out as 5-10 more min. An hour is an hour.

I heard countless stories of clients wanting to fuck for 59 mins of there 1h time, and i just find it weird. Its not because you pay for an hour you should make sure you fuck for all of it... Respect your providers.

Altough being brutally honest may not be "good seller" with your customers , i totally agree with Julia on this. Watch your own time gentlemens !!! I always make sure i do personally.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Bloo balls are never fun so I feel for Ares, but if the 60 minutes were up and both of you were having fun and you needed 5 more minutes then you should have offered extra for the extra time. When girls are lined up with clients then unfortunately they have to be clock-watchers or be accused of being always late . BTW if you got a full 60 minutes then you are lucky since many girls take off 10 minutes for their shower.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I wasnt scheduled with someone else after, it's just that I have a 90mins rate... Which I told him but oh well. As max said theres no way I could know for sure he would really come fast, as HM said an hour is an hour... I warned him 10mins before the end and kept trying. Some girls would have stopped and said it's shower time...

So he got an hour AND a shower at my place on my time.... But I'm the bad girl :)

Btw - In my first post I merely mentionned a situation that happens a lot with different people. I guess someone felt like the hat fit, but I never mentionned anyone.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
LOL I like to joke that we have to be good until Christmas for Santa to gift us, but between December 25th and January 1st it's time to be as naughty as possible... ;)


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
That leaves me less than 24 hours to catch a plane to MTL... ;)
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
LOL I like to joke that we have to be good until Christmas for Santa to gift us, but between December 25th and January 1st it's time to be as naughty as possible... ;)

Every time we’ve met, it has been catastrophic , because i’m Probably 80 yrs your senior it takes me 30mins to undress and another 30 to shower then u tell me it’s over. No joy!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You're hilarious helirage... That would be an extreme case hahahhaha... Btw congrats on your 100th birthday !

(Have we ever met btw ?)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Either you never told me your handle or we never met... I remember faces more easily than handles though lol


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
BTW if you got a full 60 minutes then you are lucky since many girls take off 10 minutes for their shower.

Was with Cassie of Vogue not too long ago, that day she happened to turn NON-GFE (Or safe GFE / Whatever ???),
CBJ and stuff like that so I got to the 50th min...

At the 50th min (Was maybe 1 or 2 min away from SOG), the alarm goes off and everything stops, she goes shower time and
took off to the bathroom (Then I checked downstairs and yes they were all blue LOL).

On the other hand, some top providers (Including, most probably the top provider of the year) were passed the alarm time and few
times passed the hour time and we were still enjoying our time together (Nothing to do with my SOG).

So guess who is not on the repeat list.

Customer service goes long way sometimes, like I get few drinks in a bar next thing I know the barmaid, bouncer, doorman
or the manager offers me a free one as an appreciation of my business with the establishment...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Can the mods pleasr erase the whole bullshit about overtime comments. Guys respect the time you paid for unless it comes from the sp’s mouth who tells you to stay longer. Shut up. Put it back in your pants and move on. Fuck some of you guys are so fucking cheap it is beyond me

I don't believe Cruiser777's comments were inappropriate and he wasn't really complaining about 'overtime'. From my perspective he was just telling a story about how unusual his 'date' with Cassie ended. I loved reading his post and even chuckled at it as i imagined how it all happened. Heck, i'm still chuckling! :lol:

It was almost like he was with a robot and the robot was timed to stop working at the sound of a bell....or in his case, at the sound of an alarm. I had a similar thing happen to me with one of the last girls i saw from Eleganza a few years ago. I had nicknamed her Butt-plug Girl. She had come in and we had a nice conversation. Then she had excused herself to go and take a quick shower which lasted nearly 20 minutes. Then she came out wearing next-to-nothing and had a butt-plug in her ass. And just when things got heated and we were at third base and about to head for home plate, her alarm came on and she informed me that we had exactly 2 minutes left before she had to go take (another) shower. WTF!!!!!! I wasn't exactly pleased, to say the least!! The worse part is that i didn't even get to play with her butt-plug!!! :lol:

p.s. But today that story seems funny and i love to re-tell it. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Okay, my turn....

A few years ago i meet this sp and she no longer looked like the pictures on her agency's website. She was now very muscular!!! She told me that she was now into bodybuilding and had been intensively training for the past three months. It showed!!! Personally i've never been into muscular types. Not my thing. Maybe it's just me but i find this to be somewhat masculine. Anyways, i was horny and since i was already in a 'giving' mood i figured i'd go ahead with it, plus she was nice to speak with.

However later we're in doggy and as i'm staring at the large mirror ahead of us (i was at the Sheraton) and looked down at her very muscular backside it hit me that this must be how it almost feels like to be fucking a guy! So i'm still giving it to 'her' in doggy and i have all these things going through my head. And then when i was about to cum it crosses my mind: "Wait!!! But if she used to be a guy???" Her face did look somewhat manly, after all. Or maybe i imagined it was.

Needless to say, i never did cum after all. Just too many strange thoughts racing through my head at the time. :confused:

p.s. A few months later i see this sp that a buddy of mine also wanted to see. He saw her just before me on that that same day, actually. Anyways she shows up and guess what? While in doggy i noticed her very muscular back!! "Oh no!!!", i told myself. "Not again!!" But things actually went well (although she was a bit paranoid about stuff) and she was a true lady.
  • Haha
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