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What is the nicest thing you ever seen, told or, did with a SP, Massage/SC girl?


Feb 16, 2011
Just thought I would start a new thread completely the opposite to the "creepiest" thread...
I'll start. One day I was in the Frankfurt Hilton Bar at the airport waiting for my flight the next morning, and I was watching a very beautiful girl talking across the bar, to a gentleman in his 50's from the US. They were flirting and it was clear there was some chemistry between them. This went on for a good 15 minutes and then the girl went over to talk to him. Now, if anyone knows the bar in the Hilton at the airport, that's a prime meeting area for SP's. So I said to myself this should be amusing. So he buys her a drink, and they re getting closer and closer and then I hear him say, "well I could buy you a necklace"...She whispers in his ear, and you would have thought that she told him his mother was dead...He got really mad, said NO and told her to go away,.,,By the time she got around to the other side of the bar, he was gone... Well I looked at her and said, " Looks like business is not so good tonight?" She started laughing and asked me if I wanted to go up. I said, no, can't afford it ($500). So anyways we talked for a while, and then she left. About an hour later, I go up to my room and I'm walking down the hall, and she comes out of a room. She smiles and says, change your mind? I said no, really can't afford it. No problem she says, no charge! So we spent the next three hours, in bed, chatting, drinking, having a great time...
So what's your story? Gotta be some good positive ones!


Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
It was my second rendezvous with Delilah Sansregret, and I still don't regret it, we had just finished a two hours love fest with awesome music (thanks to the Tank Girl Soundtrack) and some wine. The weather had gone sideways if I recall correctly and it was 1:30AM, she was dreading the trudge back to her place. So I stayed, helped her tidy up the incall space and drove her close to her place so she didn't have to spend hours on public transit or take a cab.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
The nicest a client has ever said to me is "Babe I got you some food". LOL I'm such a foodie !!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Many years ago , In Amsterdam, I saw an old guy in a wheelchair being pushed around by his friend. I watched as they arrived at a window of a Dutch/ Irish girl . They carried the paralyzed guy into her room. I passed her window again after about 30-45 minutes to see him emerge with a huge smile on his face. I asked my Dutch friend if he knew the girl. He introduced me to her, and she was so nice, that I immediately entered her room. After our session, I asked her about the old guy. She told me that he was a regular, and he would stay at least an hour and she would just talk to him , never charging him a penny. He was just a lonely old man , with no family

I would always try to see Jessica every time I went to Amsterdam, as rarely you find a girl as pure and sweet ( She reminds me a lot of Daryn )
She left the RLD many years ago, and the last time I spoke to her, she was working with rescued abused animals in the countryside of Holland. This came as no surprise to me .

I hope to bump into her again , when I see her in Heaven :rapture:

For you that know me, I am sure that I have showed you a picture that she sent to me of her in civilian life

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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With my ATF I still see her from time to time and always bring her a coffee from Tim's ( her preference) 2 milk and 1 sugar along with something to eat. When I see her we usually spend a couple of hours together ( she always charges me for 1 hour ) and catch up. I enjoy the company and the conversation almost as much as the sex.

Another girl I still see although out of the business was going to do a gangbang to cover rent and Christmas for her kids, I asked her how much the gangbang was going to bring her and she told me $800. I left it at that and a couple of days later I gave her $800. and told her to cancel the gangbang. She did and we have been friends ever since. She is no longer in the business and I see her regularly and have never provided her with any more money.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
It wasn't a single moment, but I see one montreal provider socially outside of compensated sessions and I really enjoy the companionship.
May 23, 2016
I invited 2 of my favourite SP's a couple weeks ago for a dinner date and Spa night to Bota Bota Spa in old Montreal. They did not charge me for the 6 hours we spent together.I took care of the whole night both new there was no strings attached.It was a christmas present from me for the wild sessions we had this year.They were dressed very sexy ,dressed to kill in the restaurant everyone could not take their eyes off of them. After dinner we went to the Spa .Man both came out with string bikinis .My jaw dropped.They each grabbed a arm and we exited the boat into one of the hot tubs .Guys there was not much left to the imagination with what they were wearing. I'm 55 both girls are in their 20's everyone knew what was up.The husbands, boyfriends could not stop staring the women were pissed off.I had a smile on my face.
We moved around the ship to take advantage of all the facilities.Their is a quiet room no one was in it when we arrived. The room has huge portholes.Each girl grabbed a porthole and layed in it and were staring at the city.It was a cold night minus 20 .The city looked amazing.I layed down on one of the couches while the girls gazed and smiled at me.I started dozing off and one of the girls walked up to me an snuggled into me and the second did the same.They had a plan every time a couple came in they would say hey sugar daddy when are we coming back to the spa and shit like that.
The night was over I drove both of them home.
They gave me the night of my life.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Lors de la partie sociale avec une escorte, au restaurant, à la fin du repas, elle m'embrasse sur la bouche.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A 18 to 25 year old having sex with a 40+ dude, how much nicer can it get.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
An sp i saw a year later told me that "whoever he is, that Doc Holliday guy saved my life. I wouldn't be here talking with you today if it weren't for him. I was told he wrote nice things about me once & to be honest i'm not even sure to have met him." I was flabbergasted and admitted to her that i was that Doc Holliday. She then came over to hug me & began to choke up.

I saw her several times afterwards and would call her up once in a while to check up on her. I haven't seen or spoken to her in a dozen years. I hope she's doing well and still among us.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I had a funny date with an Indy and Doc will know who I am talking about since he personally introduced me to her.

The year was 2004. After some chat room conversations we set a date. I was staying at the Hyatt. I had only seen pics of her and chatted with her in chatrooms, never met her. So I get a call about 10 minutes before the meeting time. The Lady on the phone says “Mr. _____, this is Hyatt Front Desk, we have a lady who is here to meet you.” I said “good, send her up.” I actually believed it was the front desk of the Hyatt; in fact it was her. She had a smile on her face when I opened the door and burst out laughing.

We then had a 2 hour date, which was my usual. The action was very good. During the date I was teasing her and playing around with her and she started saying to me in French, “tannant, tannant!” Her first language is English so I said, “what is a tannant?” She said there is really no translation but closest is “rascal” in English.

So the date ends. I had a good time. She had a nice disposition, was funny, performed well. But then I noticed 2 hours were up and she was paid but wasn’t leaving. So I kept talking to her but I was really hungry because it was after dinner time for me. So not wanting to kick her out, I said “hey I am really hungry, want to join me for dinner?” Much to my surprise she did. We then spent 6 more hours together off the clock. I kind of understood she was a new Indy who was trying to build clientele but still thought it was very nice and she was very cool and natural about it. She had two stints as Indy. In 2004, and then again in 2015 before retiring again. Looking back on the date what was much more memorable than the sex (though it was good) was the non-private social time I spent with her. We spent two hours walking around the downtown looking for a restaurant. We finally ended up at some Italian place on rue de la Montaigne which has been out of business for 10 or more years. She told me she was a vegetarian so I found a menu that had a spinach manicotti that looked appealing. I think both of us ordered it. I have had many dinner dates with SPs on the clock but that was the only one that was off the clock. That was the nicest thing I have ever seen.

The other thing I recall at the time the big TV show was “Sex In The City” and she told me I looked like the character Harry on that show. I did not know who she was talking about until that same actor played David Duchovny’s literary agent in Californication. In what was possibly the most memorable episode of that series, he is caught on video masturbating in his office, and is fired by his employer despite his protests. The actor is a very funny dude.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. I have had many dinner dates with SPs on the clock but that was the only one that was off the clock. That was the nicest thing I have ever seen.

There was an escort I met a lot when I started, Lady Ino ( Could be spelled wrong ), all dinners were off the clock, time started when we got back to the room


Aug 15, 2011
There was an escort I met a lot when I started, Lady Ino ( Could be spelled wrong ), all dinners were off the clock, time started when we got back to the room

I had me to a great relation with an SP ... always have lunch and drinks all the evening before with go to the sexiest part !!! She even pass few nights to sleep with me .... what a good time :) !!! And all this for the price of an hour or two.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2012
I do this for the adventure and very sporadically (when I'm single) and only with indies....and I admit I've been very lucky with my encounters.

One girl I saw for what was supposed to be an hour, ended up between the conversation, the pleasure, the shower together and lunch after (obviously on me), being a three hr date....for the one hr fee (offered more but she refused). Saw her twice after that, doing lunch afterwards became kind of a tradition.

With another girl, after the session, again we showered together washing each other. She then asked if I wanted to smoke a little weed with her...why not! She rolled one up and stayed another half hour chilling and laughing.


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
I called a SP for an appointment for 1pm. and told her to meet me at the usual motel. She tells me that I get a 2 for 1 that day as she has a second appointment at the same motel at 3pm. and it makes no sense for her to go anywhere and come back later. I ask her where she will be having lunch and she tells me maybe McDonalds or Burger King. So I tell her as long as she is giving me a 2 for 1, how about a 3 for 1. I suggested that I pick up Chinese food from the place we were talking about the last time and she wanted to try. I meet her at 12 noon and we had a liesurly lunch in the room and relax till 3pm. We had food, then we had sex, then we watched Opera. Is that the George Costanza trifecta?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is a great idea for a thread Lady Lover. I have had more than a few good experiences but there is one that stands out that has happened fairly recently. A few years ago I met a certain SP at a social event. She was really wasted and let's just say she got carried away and made a bit of a scene. The next day, she PM'd me with an apology. I told her I appreciated her apology and not to worry and I blamed it on the alcohol. She offered to treat me next time that I was in Montreal. I thought that was a nice offer but I never expected anything to come of it. I thanked her for the offer.

A few years later, I was in Montreal. We ran onto each other at another event. She was so nice. We ended up going home together and the next morning she did make it up to me and never asked for anything. The best part was we had breakfast together, stone-cold sober and we talked for a couple of hours. I really got to know her. She is such a beautiful person. That was so nice. I can't wait to see her again.

There are a lot of good people on both sides of this hobby. I have met so many people that have destroyed every pre-conceived notion or stereotype I have ever had surrounding pay-for-play. There are two kinds of people: men with too much money that like to have sex with beautiful young women and women that don't have enough money and enjoy (or don't mind) sex with men.
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