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What is the point of Onlyfans? Why keep paying for this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024

It's also the fact that I find it extremely rude and entitled to complain that people get paid for their labor. It's also the disconnect, where men who pay for sex are somehow so confused by the idea that other men pay for other sexual services. Sex IS free. I promise it is. So why pay for it? There is no shortage of women wanting casual sex.

The deleted posts are moot IMO and nothing to do with paying for OFs, as for paying for sex it is called an upgrade, I can buy a Ford but I rent a limo.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
paying for sex it is called an upgrade, I can buy a Ford but I rent a limo.

To you. Many people don't pay for sex as for them it's either gross or a downgrade. And many people pay for OF because they see it as an upgrade compared to watching porn on regular porn sites. It's almost like everyone has a unique experience in every aspect of life! Wow who would've thought
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I know of men who are paying but are married as their spouse is only with them for money! Is that considered an upgrade to escorts? I think not!

Ok? How does that cancel my point? It's almost like everyone has a unique experience in every aspect of life! Wow who would've thought


New Member
Jul 16, 2016
Upstate NY
I know of someone who his wife makes excuses not to have sex as I hear she’s not into him yet he puts her name on his house and gives her a free life! He will never leave her and is stuck like this forever! He will never have the experience of an attractive woman coming over for 250 who he would probably get along way more than his wife who won’t have sex with him!
Yeah, that’s called a sexless marriage or a dead bedroom. I’m suffering one myself. It’s unfortunately very common. Probably the majority of marriages end up that way.

I’ve heard that 70% of OF consumers is married men but I’m not sure how accurate that is.

Married men probably like OF cause they can interact with real women online without feeling like they’re cheating on their wives.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
You *always* pay for sex. Maybe not with money but you’re definitely paying for it one way or another and the sex you get for “free” is often far more expensive.

While I do not disagree with your statement, it's a very depressing way of seeing things.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
So many choices of with wonderful escorts why waste it on a sexless marriage
Because in a sexless marriage, there is still love. A relationship has so many more levels than just sex. Just because there isn't sex any more, doesn't mean the love between the 2 people disappears. No matter how many people i sleep with, no one makes me feel the euphoria i feel just by being wrapped up in my master's arms. Even if i am close with a few of my little bf's (regulars), there is no comparison.
It is a very different thing to share a life with someone, than just to be in the bedroom. And I tip my hat to any man who stands by his wife after menopause even if she goes no sex, especially as this is a major insecutity to just about every woman. Will he leave me for a younger woman when nature takes it's toll and makes sex hard to enjoy, or even painful? They don't go no sex to punish him, often it is because sex became painful or uncomfortable rather than pleasurable.
But there is so mich more to a woman than just sex.
That's like saying a husband with ED should be abandoned by his wife because he can't do anything with it any more. There is so much more between them. A life built together isn't something that you should just be willing to walk away from because of something as trivial as the ability to preform.

Edit: In a good relationship, your partner can also be your best friend. You turn your back on the relationship, you loose your best friend you had for however long you were together. You have guy friends/best friends too, you enjoy your time when you hang out with the boys, you willing to turn your back on them because they won't let you bend them over?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
So many choices of with wonderful escorts why waste it on a sexless marriage
There is more things to life then sex. Everyone needs a companion, when you get older especially over 65 yr old, loneliness hits hard as your social circle tends to shrink by a lot. It is great to have a companion to have company and do things with. I got to stripclubs and often see so many lonely men trying to buy love and still remain empty. This statement you wrote is very superficial and if that is how you think about your wife it means you do not really love her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I see the origional comment on sexless marriage came from discussing your friend.
I know of someone who his wife makes excuses not to have sex as I hear she’s not into him yet he puts her name on his house and gives her a free life!
makes excuses not to, or has valid reasons she may not want to? It isn't a pleasant feeling for all women. Some just haven't been in the position where it was a pleasurable expierience.
Maybe she was abused in the past and sex is a ptsd thing, or ... he may not even know what she has been threw, or does and that's why he stands by her anyways.
He will never leave her and is stuck like this forever!
He married her, and he takes his vows seriously. Loves her reguardless.
He will never have the experience of an attractive woman coming over for 250
She is attractive to him. And what you find attractive may not be what he finds attractive. That and he likely knows looks are only skin deep, and a life partner shouldn't be found on looks alone.
who he would probably get along way more than his wife who won’t have sex with him!
But I also read this could also be Similar to a sexless sugar baby situation. (Not all of them will be sexual). I also read this as she could very likely be a really sexy woman, (possibly as sexy as any escort) and he is seriously simping on her, and if he's fine with that, who are we to judge him for it, or her for just being herself. I'm sure he gets his own pleasures out of this relationship, that an outsider just might not know about.
Also there are some men who like being used and treated like b*iches (a term used in bdsm for men who like being treated this way, and worse). Who knows, he might be the kind of guy who actually gets off and turned on by being denied, and worshiping her is his excitement.

This honestly sounds like a possible vanilla version of mistress and b*tch. They get off on the power dynamic without the kink.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Hi , I was referring to someone who is being used and not getting sex anymore as I’m sorry but she is obligated to give him sex as he gives her a free life!
No one is obligated to give sex if they aren't into it. That is a very toxic way of thinking and if enforced is called rape. Yes it is rape if a husband acts on his entitlement that his wife must please him sexually, especially if she has expressed not wanting to, even if it isn't expressed as a solid no.
He is a fool as he does not know how to deal with it!
he likes it as it is, otherwise he wouldn't be happy to cater to her desires. And loves her just as she is. He's the one working and paying for things, and he put her name on the deed, she couldn't force him if he didn't want to.
There is no love on her behalf as she controls everything!
Sounds like what i wrote before as he made it that way. If he didn't want to put it in her name he wouldn't have. And doesn't mean she doesn't love him just because she controls it. If that were the case, she could just end things herself and make off with everything, as you said it is all already in her name. What does she need him for if not to still be his wife, and likely enjoys his simping.
It’s way better to be free then deal with such a mess!
In your oppinion.
Those of us who are submissives to our core, in our relationship need, crave, desire, want our dominants to be in control in some of these kinds of ways.
In my daily life with other people, others often cater to what I want or say, I can be inflexible, and am often the person others run to to fix things, or make decisions for them. But when I am with my love, my master, it is a TPE, and what he says goes. He greatly considers my input, but over all he makes the final decision, reguardless on if i agree or not. Though he makes decisions that i am on board with, as it is part of our dynamic. If he disreguarded how i felt entirely, he would loose my trust, and my submission.

What you say is better to be free, to some it is better than being free. Everyone is different. And we all have different needs, and it sounds to me like your friend is happy in his life choices. He might be even happier if she put a collar and leash on him lol... just because you don't understand their dynamic, doesn't mean it is a bad one, so long as the 2 people in this concenting relationship are happy whith how things are.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Your paying on a daily basis being married!
Believe it or not there are exceptions.
It is not unheard of to live a life with the woman of your dreams and have her be an equal partner in everything including work and finances.
Not all women are gold diggers or after your money. Just like not all men are cheating scum bags that will fuck any woman that gives them half a chance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
She would have not of married him if he did not bring the goods and no she was not abused ! If he wants sex which is normal as she does not want that’s a big problem!
There are many men on this forum who could answer this better than me as they are married in sexless, or reduced sex relationships and still have love for their wives and girlfriends. Even if they call escorts, it is their coping mechanism to not force their love to do something they don't want to, have sex.

And likely if she was abused it would not be something you would be likely trusted to know about. It's not like all those who have been a victim will say so. I don't know her, and it is irrelevant as we (you, me, and everyone else) don't get to judge her for not having sex, as you wouldn't want to be judged for having it. I was just coming up with reasons a stranger i know nothing about, might have as a reason to not want to.
He is not happy as he has no inter course at all! He has every right to find it elsewhere as he is paying all the bills
It is his choice he doesn't though. And just because someone is paying the bills doesn't entitle them to cheat if that's how he feels about it.

This is reminding me of a man i once saw who made appointments with me, just so his wife would divorce him, so he wouldn't have to compromise his own morals. He never actually cheated, as all we did was enjoy eachothers company, no sex. Then made a second appointment with me and left his phone on purpose for her to find and get the wrong idea, just so she would leave him. Saw him a couple more times, still no sex, his call, because the divorce wasn't final yet.

But again. Just because he makes money does not make him entitled to her body. In your oppinion he gambled his life away on a dud. There is more to their life story.
But does make your point that relationships cost more than just calling an SP and avoiding relationships.
It is his choice though that he sticks with it. And many women go threw a point in their life that sex becomes unimportant. Personally, I couldn't stand life without it, not wanting it at all one day, is a very real nightmare, and fear I have, that I have already asked my partner his feelings on the topic if that day does happen to come, and I hit menopause, I fear he wont want me any more, where he reasures me that sex isn't the reason we are together, it is only one of the ways we are compatible. Kind of, as I have a higher drive than he does.

Other's are entitled to their own life choices, and consequences for those choices.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Yes! He does not know how to man up! I mean she put a stop to his credit card as he was buying ice cream but it is his money! Lol
It could still be an unrealized kink desire, but dude could also just be in an abusive relationship. Only he knows the answer to that. Either this relationship fulfills him, or it rips him appart.
I don't want to say he should just leave her, as it sounds like he has the means if he really wanted to, but doesn't want to. Though abuse does work both ways, and switch the roles, and society would be in an uproar for her safty. If that is the case there is often a mind manipulation that happens so the victim of emotional abuse is compliant to what is happening.

But if she was like this even before marriage, and he was attracted to and wanted her anyways, I still think it likely falls more in a case of unrealized submissive, and though he might miss sex, he is still getting something out of this relationship. Aparently just having the ability to have sex is not worth restarting his life over. His life choices just aren't the same ones you would make.

No icecream could either be a way of controling him, or he could have expressed the desire to watch his weight, and this is a concentual form of punishment. They just might have a mistress/b*tch relationship, and you just dont know their dynamic. Men will rarely admit to anyone but their partner this side of themselves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022

"Trying to bring it back to the origional topic."
LoL your friend has a real life version of OF. He sees her, pays for her, and can't touch her. He want's to bust a nut he will likely have to do it himself while watching her, he is the worlds biggest simp to his wife. And why? Because that is his desire, and the life he chooses to live. Only mistake in marriage, is thinking a troubled relationship will get better with marriage. It will not fix the problems.

But if your concerned about your friend you could have a conversation with him about concent works both ways. For him as well as for her. That you see him as being in a financially and emotionally abusive relationship, (even though him not cumming even though he supplies the household income, seems to be your biggest issue) and is he really ok with how things are? He may tell you good points of the relationship, you don't see from being on the outside looking in.
Or you could be opening his eyes to just how unacceptable her actions are, and give him a different perspective of what he has subjected himself to.

There is a fine line between an abusive relationship and concentual bdsm lifestyle.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I’m sorry but she is obligated to give him sex as he gives her a free life!

That's not how this works. Yikes...

Anyway maybe you should open a separate thread about your friend and his wife lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Sorry for bothering everyone for this! The guy needs balls he’s a simp!
It doesn't make him less of a man because he simps after his wife. Honestly sounds like he is giving it his all. Trying to make it work. In my book that makes him more of a man, than one who is willing to walk away without putting any effort in to save the commitment they made to eachother.

Same as it doesn't make men cumps, or simps for paying for entertainment on OF.

It makes them men who know what they like, and believe the effort and work entertainers put into their content is worth supporting.

Self provided content, rather than content created by a production company is the way of the present and future.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
It doesn't make him less of a man because he simps after his wife. Honestly sounds like he is giving it his all. Trying to make it work. In my book that makes him more of a man, than one who is willing to walk away without putting any effort in to save the commitment they made to eachother.

I love how you, so often, see the good in men :)


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
It’s his money plus she knows his family had tons of money as well! It’s a game to her! She played it very well!

It's possible. Some women are like that. But overall, reading your posts, you seem to have a pretty closed and basic view of marriage, which can be summarized as "men provide money so women must provide sex". There's actually so much more to why 2 people choose to live together, with all the ups and downs that inevitably occur.
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