Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

What many % do escort because just want sex?

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
If all I was looking for was money, I'd surely get another job and easily!

I am in this buisness because it is a fantasy of mine to be a whore. Makes me wet and horny.

The Money aspect of it makes me feel like I have to be submissive. I have to belong to the person for the time we are together. I have to do what ever he wants. And THAT makes me even more horny and wet.

So, not the money, the idea of the money. Makes sense?


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Miss Maria said:
If all I was looking for was money, I'd surely get another job and easily!

No one ever said it was ALL about money. In many cases, there are also other reasons (love of sex, meeting new people, being spoiled, told you're pretty, etc)....but MONEY is ALWAYS the common denominator. Nothing wrong with that.
May 8, 2007
l'argent va toujours faire partie de l'équation c'est evident ...

moi je suis pas une fille materialiste ... alors l'argent n'a jamais été une priorité dans ma vie ... elle aurait dû l'être de temps en temps , ça m'aurait évité beaucoup de probleme mais bon ...

malgré tout c'est un metier ... donc qui dit metier dit rentré d'argent .
Quand vous changer de metier pour un metier qui vous plait vraiment plus que l'autre ... vous regardez certainement aussi si ça peut être bon financierement non?

Dans mon cas , je ne fais pas ce metier pour faire fortune ... et je suis meme tres loin detre capable de gerer une fortune :D J'étais tannée de faire 100 heures semaines ... j'avais 3 jobs depuis un bon moment et j'avais besoin de faire un break ... j'avais deja connue le metier et jai eu envie de retourner à mes vieux amours ... c'est à dire ... tripper avec qqun dans un lit et rendre fou de desir les hommes pour moi ... lol.Et je savais que ça paierait mes factures autant que mes 3 jobs ... je voyais ça comme un break car jai toujours aimé etre productive et travaillé fort ... mon break dure depuis 1 an et je commence à avoir pas mal envie de faire autre chose ... meme si jai beaucoup tripper ... jai besoin de sentir que jevolue dans la vie et là en restant entre mes 4 murs ... je me sens tourné en rond.

Donc , oui cest vraie que lon a tous nos raisons de faire ce metier ... mais moi j'ai vraiment adoré ce contact et jen ai besoin pour vivre ... bien plus que d'argent ... le sexe a toujours été #1 sur ma liste de besoin essentiel ... et je crois pas etre capable de le detroner! lol

bon copain va bien dire que je parle trop de ma vie privée encore lolll
haaaa les extravertie , on est des vraies livres ouverts ... ça vous laisse toujours plus de facilité apres pour nous faire du mal ... mais bon on vit avec!

p.s ... j'ai de nombreuses histoires salées qui se sont passés dans des univers tres differents ...dans presque toutes mes jobs jai eu des aventures tops ... Trop sex addict c'est clair! Mais je garderai ces histoires pour moi puisque ce nest pas le thread pour en parler lollll
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
But if the 2nd reason wasn't part of the equation, you wouldn't have done it, correct? So money is ALWAYS the common denominator. ;)

I don't want to write the story of my life, but I'll be happy to tell you when we're one on one. ;) .

Anyhow, the fact that I needed money back then just opened me faster to realise that fantasy. I had been looking at escort ads for so many years (since I was 15) and was fantasising about it. But I was so shy... But I would have ended up doing it anyway.

After all, after I've opened up sexually, it is no secret that I became very involved in the swigner's community and in that world, I did realise all my other fantasies. I thought I had to do all my fantasies at least once in my life. :D

Sex is as much present in my personal life than it is in escorting.

What I love about escorting? For me it's like a game, my own scenario. I dress up, I make myself look as good as possible, dress sexy, have people turning their heads to look at me when I walk down the street. Then I meet my date. He opens the door and I don't know what to expect. He desires me, he tries to hold himself from jumping on me and undressing me right there. I make a move and the action starts. He pleases me, he has those mixted feelings about me : yet I am a fantasy, beautiful, sexy inteligent, he wants me, but on the other hand he knows he can't spend his life with me. We cuddle,we chat, we share a great moment. I go back home with a big smile and energize (often even play with myself thinking back at the appointment).

It's just as much a turn on as having sex with a man wearing a uniform.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2008
I've always had that fantasy. You're not alone or crazy, but maybe we're in the minority. Most of us probably just don't act on it for a lot of reasons. And yes, while we can always get laid, something must be special about being with a guy JUST because he wants you for sex at that very moment, and so you can please him. And while it obviously must have drawbacks, Lilly and Maria certainly make it sound fun! There's only one way to find out. You should go for it. Send back a report from the other side.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Slippery said:
There's only one way to find out. You should go for it. Send back a report from the other side.

Once it's done though, you have to be able to psychologicaly accept it and live with it without shame or guilt. I've known some that couldn't. But once you dealt with it and feel good about it, then, it is very easy to get addicted.

One other thing that did convince me I would be able to go through with it is a xmas party at work. On the spear of the moment, during xmas party, I went to the public washroom with one of the Directors of the company who was much much older than me (I was 23 and he was almost 50 and looked every years of it). That was the first time I was having sex with a man that wasn't fitting in my usual standards. Somehow though, I was so strongly attracted by him. The sex was so spontaneous and exciting... we ended it in a hotel room. I think what was attractive about him was the fact that he was much older and compare to me, he was in a position of power but god did he made me feel desired and sexy, his little naughty secretary.

Oh, so much memories...

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Slippery said:
I've always had that fantasy. You're not alone or crazy, but maybe we're in the minority. Most of us probably just don't act on it for a lot of reasons.

It's not a rare fantasy at all. I know many women who had it. I even knew some who's husband had it and would set up the scenario with a stranger for them.

You know, a lot of hardcore porn out there is actually made by women.

As far as fantasy goes, women have all sorts of fantasies (not sure if the average man would believe that). The one I heard the most frequently was rough sex, light domination, trio with two men etc. Often, the problem women have is "who do they trust enough to do it with" or "what will my boyfriend think of me if I tell him that".


May 3, 2007
Sexy_BBW_Véro said:
bon copain va bien dire que je parle trop de ma vie privée encore lolll
haaaa les extravertie , on est des vraies livres ouverts

Tu sais bien que je t'aime bien, espèce de grosse courgette d'amour!

Je voulais seulement t'aider en te disant que la majorité des hommes aiment les femmes mystérieuses, pas les livres ouverts (sauf peut-être les dépendants affectifs qui voient les escortes comme des amies!).
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Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Lilly Lombard said:
I had been looking at escort ads for so many years (since I was 15) and was fantasising about it. But I was so shy...

This is exactly me. I do not look at escort adds but dancer. And I was 16. I call one place to make appointment to meet a man who has club. But I do not go because I think this is not good idea. And I am too shy also. How do I dance in front of many man if I am shy? But I think if I know about escort I maybe call to make appoitment and maybe I go because this is only one man. This I think says a lot of what I mean ‘it is not the money’. It is the idea of be in this underworld. It is like world parallele to real world (or this is how I imagine). I like this idea. This is still what make me think of being escort. I say it in other message: break society rule. I imagine many man see escort because also want life out of real world. Break society rule of be only with wife. Why can woman not think like this too? Break society rule of be nice, pretty girl and be escort woman?

Miss Maria said:
The Money aspect of it makes me feel like I have to be submissive. I have to belong to the person for the time we are together. I have to do what ever he wants. And THAT makes me even more horny and wet.

Yes. I think this is also other aspect. I did not think this way but it is true that if you be pay you have boss and boss here is man and maybe I like this idea. I have a lot of power at my real work. I tell other worker what to do. I am leader. But I would like to do like I am told. Also I would like to make man want me so maybe I am not 100% submissive. Maybe it is combination of things.

Doc Holliday said:
No one ever said it was ALL about money. In many cases, there are also other reasons (love of sex, meeting new people, being spoiled, told you're pretty, etc)....but MONEY is ALWAYS the common denominator. Nothing wrong with that.

M. Doc, I think you need to read first message again. I say this before already but you still do not read I think. I never say money has nothing to do with this. Money also have nothing to do with job I have but it is very nice to make. But this is different. The thing with money in escort is fact that you are pay to BE sexy, to do what man ask, to have sex because you are so good at sex that you can be pay. This is what you do not understand also with go to club to ‘get lay’. This is easy. What is more excite is to be pay to do this. It is IDEA. It is the WHOLE scenario. It is you flirt in email and say sexy thing. And then you meet man who you do not know. And then you go to restaurant and play sexy girl. I see you wear skirt with no underwear and say to man guess what I am not wear. And he want you more. To be wanted like that is excite. And then you go to hotel. And then it is so good that you be pay - this is why man see you. Maybe if I do this I open seprate bank account and donate money to frustrate man fondation. You sound like very frustrate man. I am sorry.

Slippery said:
And yes, while we can always get laid, something must be special about being with a guy JUST because he wants you for sex at that very moment, and so you can please him.

Slippery: yes, yes, yes. It seem the girls understand what I mean and some man. One man just want to ventilate repress anger (it's money, it's money, all you girl who say it's not money is delusion. Well M. Doc look: a lot of woman say it is not just money. My question in first message is for who fantasy is #1 reason to do escort. #1 reason does not mean only one reason).

Thank you very much for this discussing :p



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Simple Question

alice_wonderland said:
M. Doc, I think you need to read first message again. I say this before already but you still do not read I think. I never say money has nothing to do with this. Money also have nothing to do with job I have but it is very nice to make. But this is different. The thing with money in escort is fact that you are pay to BE sexy, to do what man ask, to have sex because you are so good at sex that you can be pay. This is what you do not understand also with go to club to ‘get lay’. This is easy. What is more excite is to be pay to do this. It is IDEA. It is the WHOLE scenario. It is you flirt in email and say sexy thing. And then you meet man who you do not know. And then you go to restaurant and play sexy girl. I see you wear skirt with no underwear and say to man guess what I am not wear. And he want you more. To be wanted like that is excite. And then you go to hotel. And then it is so good that you be pay - this is why man see you. Maybe if I do this I open seprate bank account and donate money to frustrate man fondation. You sound like very frustrate man. I am sorry.

Slippery: yes, yes, yes. It seem the girls understand what I mean and some man. One man just want to ventilate repress anger (it's money, it's money, all you girl who say it's not money is delusion. Well M. Doc look: a lot of woman say it is not just money. My question in first message is for who fantasy is #1 reason to do escort. #1 reason does not mean only one reason).

Thank you very much for this discussing :p


So remove money from the equation and the rankings and what happens to all the other reasons? Question applies equally to any job including escorting.


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
I wonder

If Any Male Sps would answer this question too. This is an interesting subject. I mean yes money is a factor but fantasy is another strong one. How many people out there are struggling actors/artists/volunteer workers who do their jobs because they love it, or always wanted to do it? Why can't some Sps have those ambitions and feelings too? It is quite possible. Just my two cents... LOL


May 3, 2007
Maria Divina said:
L'argent sert à l'homme d'éviter de devoir séduire afin de nous amener dans un endroit discret.

L'argent sert aussi à vous voir disparaître aussitôt la baise finie :)

Pourquoi crois-tu que des joueurs de joueurs de hockey et des vedettes se tapent des putes alors qu'ils pourraient facilement se taper une fan?

Parce que la fan va coller mais que la pute, elle, va disparaître!

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Star-Man said:
i'm not saying there are or there are not, I'm just wondering. I'd like to know how many of you come from a divorced family, or if you have been abused or raped. Not even sure if that would have anything to do with it. But lots of girls need money and won't go into this. Lots of girls like sex and won't go into it. I don't know I'm an idiot and I think too much. Thanks for all your information so far.

Huh... Did we really have to be abused to go into this? :confused: Well, while I did go in therapy a few times for anxiety problems related to normal 9-5 office jobs I had I also asked many times my psychologist why it was I enjoyed doing this if I didn't fit he normal stereotype. He told me that I love this because I to some degree a business woman. I am self employed, independent and it gives me lots of freedom and feeds a need most women have to please and feel attractive, desired. I was also surprise to hear from that same psychologist that he had a few other female patients in my situation.

I don't want to generalize but I think you will find most of the women fitting that stereotype (abused as child) working as street walkers, addicted to drugs and/or alchool. They are sex workers in order to feed an habit that helps the pain go away for some hours. Often, they are still living the same kind of relationship they had as child with their pimp. After all, we are humans, and humans have that tendency of recreating patterns from their childhood because that's what they know. Does any of the woman you see postig here seem to be a drug addict or forced to work by a pimp?

If other women who do love sex won't get into it can be for many reasons. It is still not socialy acceptable to be an escort. Many women don't know they don't need to have a pimp to do this. Many don't know they don't have to meet multiple men in one day. Many don't know there are such things as independent escorts. That is actually why I didn't go into it before, but when I did it was because I had found on internet there were independent escorts and I could work the way I wanted to.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
Say what??? :confused:

Oh, don't tel me you don't watch Show Case? They have (or use to have) a show about women in porn. Lots of them started as actresses but then opened their own company, produced or directed movies, wrote scripts. Of course I am not talking about Max Hardcore or Rocco Siffredi. But I remember a women being put in jail because she was producing "snuff" films (illegal and violent).

I have friends who go to the AVN every years in Vegas and it is supposedly very impressive the amount of women "in charge" in that business. Also, many of them works conjointly with their husband.

That is what I would do if i had money, I would start my own porn production company. I thought about that for many years.
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New Member
Jan 6, 2008
10-19 said:
escorts who are promiscuous to begin with?

Well, I was in that situation and I was approached by a friend who told me that if I stopped sleeping around I could charge and make more money and have just as much sex.

Granted... since I had my daughter my sex drive has dropped and I no longer need to get off quite as often, but like my previous post... It is the thought and the stigma of the way society looks at people like us.


Nov 25, 2005
When I first got involved in this "hobby" I thought it was "all about the money". But then....isnt most of the jobs we've had or currently have driven by the monetary compensation for our time and our talents?? As our skills become more specialized or in demand we expect compensation to increase. Why should escorting be any different???

The more time I spend and as I meet hobbyist and escorts I see more and more that we are like 2 sides of the same coin. Some escorts are driven to this profession because of unresolved issues with men, just as "john's" are driven to this hobby because of unresolved issues with women. We both have our insecurities and the "hobby" is a boost of ego for both parties. The "session" is a "safe" place for both parties to indulge in this fantasy...away from the realities of our everyday lives.



New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
Huh... Did we really have to be abused to go into this? ....
I don't want to generalize but I think you will find most of the women fitting that stereotype (abused as child) working as street walkers, addicted to drugs and/or alchool. They are sex workers in order to feed an habit that helps the pain go away for some hours. Often, they are still living the same kind of relationship they had as child with their pimp. After all, we are humans, and humans have that tendency of recreating patterns from their childhood because that's what they know. Does any of the woman you see postig here seem to be a drug addict or forced to work by a pimp?


I appreciate that you did not generalize... but please people, Know that those girls who were abused, walk the streets, and mostly work to feed a habit can change.
Now, I never lived with an actual pimp and when I realised that I was approaching that stage, I left.
Yes, humans have the tendancy to go with what they know. I hate that people do that though. I have always thought of how I was treated as a kid and I always think of that before I make any decisions to make sure that I do not make the same mistakes twice.
I do not blame the fact of abuse on my ability to be in the trade. I blame it more on a time of pure desperation for money and survival instincts. The fact that I am still here is to blame on the fact that I have gotten used to the biz and I have grown to appreciate what I do and find the aspects that I truley love and enjoy out of every day.
I had some on eonce ask me why I seemed to not know what I was doing... (I was new to the board) He remarked how it seemed that I move around alot and was disorganised... in 6 years, moving around, dancer, massage, indy, agency... all changes of pace that are needed to keep the sanity.
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