Montreal Escorts

When "lack of professionalism" meets "irrealistics expectations"....

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Ooooookkkkayyyyyyy very long post here I feel like typing but I have things to do today and a life to live (lol) I will just give one flat out example of what I mean in the title....those who enjoy second degrees humour and irony will find it quite funny and interesting...the others won't...but I might not like the others as well so I will still share my little observation lol

As far as I can remember, I never got the point of calling it GFE/PSE and complaining when the girl is not Professional enough...isn't a GF supposed to act like a pro???

Recently, I have read on the board guys complaining about indies referring to talking with their receptionnists in order to book something with them....I might bug some of you...but I am sure the majority favorise this over seeing his Partner of the moment being on her cell phone because she has to earn her life...don't you think so?

I am aware I did create some hard feelings is some of you due of my lack of responses....and I gave my apologies in my thread ( as I explained with more détails to those I have seen)....most of you forgave me right away since you haven't thought I had many priorities above the board...but very few didn't...the funniest part is those few ones are the same who complained about talking to a receptionnist....

Last week, in my PMs flooding (lol...I am referring to my inbox...), I did read a pm that start without manners...but as raw as:

"Maybe if you gave us contact informations, you would look moe reliable..,,,and your rates would avoid you to hide you are pricey etc" and it goes on and on and on and on for about 30 basically say I do not look like a poifessional!"

My answer looked like:"Hell'ooo [handle],
Well, thank you for your clever advices....but save yourself your time and energy for those who ask for opinions... My Alyssa's account says I am on merb since 2012, but I started to be on the board with another handle as far as 2005.... And I still have my reviews thread when I was stripping back in 2009...and a new thread that just started as a courtesan.... so I think I am quite reliable...
But please, tell me where have you read me pretending of being Professional and/or complaining about not "working" enough that gave you the need of helping me to make more money?? Because this is definitly NOT the image I want to give as it is far from the reality and I can assure you I would not be bragging about being a pro...BUT if you do read my ads:

"Just a friendly reminder: I am not a typical SP as I am not earning my life from it, so I don't have to see few lovers daily to live a comfortable life: I would definitely describe myself as a Fantasy fulfilling Minx (as mentionned Under my handle) over "a courtesan" since I consider MERB more of an hobby than a job!! I just think being Alyssa one more time is an amazing way of combining business with pleasure!

Many of you got this point...but some missed the part where I can take a while before responding to our few first messages... It doesn't mean my lovers need to look like Brad Pitt and/or I will have to see their personal incomes/pedigree, give them 4 personality tests they will have to fill out before scheduling anything intimate or that I am disrespectful towards them (it is even the opposite as I really take time to read and to give the best answer that will be as honest as possible).... I just have many responsabilities that just can't be merged with this uncommon hobby of mine.. ;) ... So I gues I am, perhaps, definitely NOT the type of companion to contact in order to see me within few hours or for a 15-30 minutes date!

What I just wrote also means I have a carreer in the psychology field and this, by itself, is the main reason of all the blurred information towards my pictures contacts informations/website. [...]"

So, I am sorry if I overestimated my English here...french is my first language, but since I just reread this part as I copy/paste it here..I can't see where I could have muskead readers by giving the impression of being easy to book and not taking long to respond...especially since my goal is not to see one client per day (maybe one on 2-3-4 days...depends on my weekly Schedule), I will favorise longer dates...and if I am with someone for few hours, I won't start to read my messages, so many of men who wrote me might wait few days....because I am way too respectful to the person I accepted to spend intimate moments with and even more when it comes to my children or family...Sex should be done by pleasure only, not by I can't see the reason of being rushed other than a possible tourist who wants to see me before the end of his trip....but my lifestyle doesn't allow spontaneous things so what else can I tell you.........
And finally, I won't ever pay a receptionnist to book my intimacy, this is my accountabilities...but... It is quite of an utopian view of thinking I can asnwer my mails AND share encounters with men....

So far he hasn't replied me.....but as the least Professional advertising here (and proud of it! lol since I never described myself as an escort...because I do know and assume I am more of an edgy Minx who like uncommon fun and who is just too busy to let a man get in my life right now so I get my fun on the board... "If you are good at something, do not do it for free.." the Joker said... lol...I can tell you there are many contrasictions between what men are requesting from a SP...and what they are complaining about.... Maybe you will tell me we aren't any better on our side...I am more than interested of knowing your perceptions of this and our femaleness contradictions (if I might say)... so go ahead, I am all jhear...

...and this just reminded me of replying my least few of them...and hopefully get the all responses done by tonight..



New Member
May 2, 2017
It's funny how people expect without even knowing who they are dealing with. I mean, they don't know what the person is about, how their lives are and what circumstances they have in their daily lives.
It's not like the person on the other end is waiting for the PM, text or phone to ring and ready to answer to anyone's beckoning call. Some people just "expect", which in time, hopefully for them, they will learn.

Contact made via whatever means is just the tip of the iceberg, and it cannot be a tell-all to someone's life. Although, common courtesy should be there from both parties.

Alyssa: You sometimes answer my PM's, sometimes you don't, no biggie, and WHATEVER! I just move on, and take it that life has not meant for whatever to happen, NEXT!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think if you are transparent with your situation, it should be fine.

Personally due to my status of being an outsider of Montreal and all the hassle it is to make the trip to the big city, i can't really afford to see unreliable providers even if the unreliability is for good reasons. So i am expecting a "professional" side of things at least when it comes to the booking process unless mentioned otherwise.

Of course nothing is perfect and cancellations happen, its a part of the business i have to accept but i try to make the most chances on my side from the start so if for instance i know a specific provider will be very hard to book, i usually won't bother trying, unless for some reasons i must see her. (seen her in a party and she had a big effect on me, or she was in an agency when i saw her and is now indy)

Obviously when you live in Montreal in your own appartement or whatever, things must be easier. Got cancelled? No biggy... not loosing anything and reschedule... But me once im there with an hotel booked... its either i wasted 24h of my life for nothing + around 200$(hotel + travel) or i find a replacement... so yeah ill go with the replacement. Sometimes you end up with a wonderfull surprise but sometimes not so much. So yeah got to at least try my best to have original plan work.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I am not sure I understand the context - are we talking about cancelling existing appointments or being hard to reach to make an appointmemt?

Being difficult to reach and hard to schedule is not unprofessional - it is selective. I have had similar experiences with plumbers electricians landscapers and other contracters. If I call and they don't call me back, I move on. It is not unprofessional to be at your capacity for new business.

Once I make an appointment with a provider, I do expect that she responds to inquiries or confirmation messages and last minute cancellations would generally be considered unprofessional even though it is something that is bound to happen from time to time.

An independant escort working by herself must keep many balls in the air at the same time. Just because she is an indy doesn't mean she wants to work 24/7. When you contact an indy, you need to expect a range of responsiveness without getting annoyed.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
lol sorry for the misunderstanding guys; if I set an encounter, i'll be there..the "knot" is to set it...

I am leaving Dalila's place but I will be more clear when I will be back home.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Be who you are, without apologies to anyone Alyssa ! Fortunately you don't need every member of this or any other review board to fulfil your fantasies as Alyssa. The haters and critics will always be there no matter what you say or do and those who like you for who you are would never want you to change.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
lol sorry for the misunderstanding guys; if I set an encounter, i'll be there..the "knot" is to set it...

I am leaving Dalila's place but I will be more clear when I will be back home.. ;)

Sorry for the delay.... I knew it would take more than 10 minutes to do, so when I had the occasion to post my comment; either I didn't trust my PC to start this post or didn't want to type it from my cellphone....

BUT, to get back where I left in my last post, the coincidence is better because yesterday I just hit a no show (last minute cancellation on a month prebooking...I even think I did read his first PM when I got back from Dalila's the night of the last post I quoted was 1 or 2 am and the PM was so long I just thought I wouldn't start it tonight before I closed everything and was going to bed)...I got bugged by his attitude toward my delay to answer his devoted PM but I just preferred to ignore the annoyance ı felt and gave him a shot...the guy was sending pm 24-48h after my replies and was talking about everything and nothing....he knew he was coming in june, mid june...but couldn't tell me when but definitely wanted to meet me....fine with that, knowing how long I could take to response, it was more than perfect for me lol.....then two weeks ago he told me he would be in town from june 11th to june 15th and would like to see me after 8pm....I said "well, I have my girl that week so I guess I could only manage it on the 15th..." a week after he asked me like it was the first time he asked to choose between the 12th and the 13th....I don't know if he thought I wouldn't remember I told him my availabilities (or my lack of availabilities that week lol) and just wanted to test me at his convenience...unfortunately for him, I do have an endless memory especially since I do not book dozens of encounters at the same I told him I don't get his goal by doing answer...before yesterday he PMED me to ask me again for the 13th "I know you said you couldn't but I had to try and ask"..I told him I will see what I can do....yesterday noon he PMed me to say he can not make it for tonight but added "but hey, let me PM you as I get back in my hotel room so we can talk by phone to see what we could do in my next trip..."..his demeaning attitude I first felt didn't pass and I just told him "no,*we won't talk later..." and let him know my opinion.... ( :tape: )

The thing is; I do not need to have a minimum of encounters daily nor weekly, I do not need this to earn my life or to pay my bills...I truly, genuinly went back here to combine business with pleasure and keeping my independance while responding to my kinky's needs by setting I date men but I respect them enough to not see them if I do it only for their money and I will be there by their side only if I am next to them at 110% or just not be there at all......and I have enough self respect to not forgetting myself while trying to please everyone...But if I say I'll be there, I I gave my word to my partners...but when things are complicated is to get the first wild rendez-vous with me as I am busy and there is nothing I can do about it...
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