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Why I choose NOT to lick pussy...

When it comes to licking a SP pussy...

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
In the last few years, i've considerably reduced the amount of times i go ahead and do DATY (with an sp) since it is one of the most common ways to transmit stds & this is something i'm paranoid about, even though i'm willing to accept the risks involved for as long as i remain in this 'hobby'. ..... As soon as i see a hint that the girl isn't comfortable with this (but seems obligated to allow it), i will pass. And if i happen to get an undesirable smell from that area, there's no way that my mouth will get anything close to there & more often than not, it might happen that i'll put a premature end to the proceedings since this bothers me big time.


I am not as convinced as you are that DATY is the most common way to get an STD. There is no scientific proof to validate this assertion.

I am a DATY fanatic and I had comprehensive STD tests prior to my latest encounters. Thankfully, I had absolutely nothing. Herpes was my biggest fear and that blood test also came out negative. It does not guarantee that I will not catch something but I always use my common sense.

I agree with you that it is not worth forcing the issue if you see a lady does not enjoy DATY. In fact, it turns me off when I see her not enjoying DATY so I stop right away.

As for smells, they do not always signal an STD infection. Some ladies smell naturally. I had a recent encounter with Lea of XXXtase who I think is hygienic but I asked her to shower because something smelled down there that day. She looked a little offended but I didn't care.

It is rare that you will encounter the perfect pussy, just like SPs will not encounter the perfect penis. But sometimes you land on these babes who have a nice pink pussy that smells like a million bucks. That is when I feast like a King!:p


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Maybe girls-women who love DATY should have some protectives sheets for their intimes parts...So, if a man wants to do it safely, that could be possible...Another solution for that problem....

It's called sucking on Saran Wrap.:D


Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Doc Holliday said:
In the last few years, i`ve considerably reduced the amount of times i go ahead and do DATY (with an sp) since it is one of the most common ways to transmit stds & this is something i`m paranoid about, even though i`m willing to accept the risks involved for as long as i remain in this `hobby`. Sure, many girls get checked, but it doesn`t happen often enough. It`s even worse with the majority of hobbyists, where many never get checked at all & go on living their lives symptomless. One day, i realized that it was kind of silly of me to continue doing DATY on women who were regularly having sex with 20+ guys a week. Quite often, each of these `guys` would also have sex on his own with maybe 5-6 per week. In some cases, anywhere between 10-15. Over the years, i began hearing stories of girls & guys getting certain STDS, and the only way i could figure that they got them was through oral sex. Since then, i`ve reduced some GFE practices from my list & the only one i`m still open to is receiving , even though i`m aware of the risks involved with just this practice alone. In the heat-of-the-moment, DFK might happen, but it`s rare. Same thing with DATY, which i rarely initiate. As soon as i see a hint that the girl isn`t comfortable with this (but seems obligated to allow it), i will pass. And if i happen to get an undesirable smell from that area, there`s no way that my mouth will get anything close to there & more often than not, it might happen that i`ll put a premature end to the proceedings since this bothers me big time. But who am i kidding? I`m the one who made the choice of seeing someone who regularly has multiple sex partners on a nightly basis. Guilty!

So when DATY does occur (but rarely), i will quickly rinse my mouth several times with Listerine (Listerine has the strongest alcohol content among mouth washes, by the way) once my guest has left or if i happen to go to the bathroom. An after-shower is also a must whenever i see someone.

I agree with just about everything in this post. This reminds me of me...


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
An observation...

I think guys that do not DATY is because they think too much about how many guys the SP has seen. It can drive you mad to think like this to the point where you will not enjoy your session.;)


P.S. BTW, the only thing I love more than DATY is the number 69.:p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
I imagine thats better than nothing at all.......I have to test that...!! Maybe it is not so bad, finally, than i can imagine....I will buy that and try it...Now, i just have to find a volonteer...hahahahaha

Not me...I prefer BBDATY.:p


Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Being the first apt. of the day greatly alleviates this concern for me. Somehow it's not as bad knowing that she had 10 dicks in her yesterday, versus about 20 minutes ago... Part of it is definitely psychological. For instance, the thought of seeing an incall SP, just after another guy left the room, is enough to kill any erection in my world... Same goes for porn stars who have swallowed gallons of jiz on camera. I just lose my mojo in those situations... Seeing an fresh clean (HDH preffered) SP who is driving out herself just to see you and nobody else that day, even if she may have been sucking on 10 big beefy black cocks earlier in the week, still provides an illusion that is more appealing to me.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ben Dover said:
... Seeing an fresh clean (HDH preffered) SP who is driving out herself just to see you and nobody else that day, even if she may have been sucking on 10 big beefy black cocks earlier in the week, still provides an illusion that is more appealing to me.

RALFMAO, you have a very vivid imagination!:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Just want to say something...Maybe you just don't know that some girls-women in an agency just see one , two or at the big maximum 3 encounters a day because their doing multi-hours with the same man....

Very well stated. A lot of guys think that all SPs see 10 guys a day every day of the week. That would turn off anyone. The truth is that the best ladies do not work like fuck machines; they limit the number of encounters they have on any given day and they do prefer multi-hour encounters. As for the touching and feeling, this has been scientifically proven to be erotically arousing when done right.;)


P.S. All you DATY worriers, I suggest you meet sexy Kassandra:

She is drop-dead gorgeous, intelligent, provides a CBJ and it was one of the best DATY sessions I ever had. If she doesn't change your mind about DATY, nobody will.:p
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Mar 28, 2007
General Gonad said:
It's called sucking on Saran Wrap.:D


You can also buy 10mil vapour-barrier plastic at the builder supply store if you want something a little thicker. It comes in hundred-foot rolls and would cover a lot of pussy.:D

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Hi Maria,

Good points, but you may have slightly misunderstood my comment.. The "10 cocks" I was referring to was "earlier in the week" -- not the "day before"... Many ladies who would certainly not be considered "machines" but who do work regularly could easily see 9-12 clients in a week... That would only be 3 days of work with a limit of 3-4 guys per day working... The three working days would be a much lighter shift compared to many agency SPs who you can tell (by their schedule) see at least 15-20 guys per week, or more...

Besides, is there really a major difference between 10 cocks? 5 cocks? 20 cocks? It's all psychological for me... I hope that clears things up a little bit...



Mar 26, 2004
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General Gonad said:
It's called sucking on Saran Wrap.:D

Think I read somewhere that if you use this it should be the type that is NOT meant for use in a microwave... I'm guessing its somewhat porous....

(JUst checked: Lots of quotes on this eg:
Use a modified condom, dental or glide dam or saran wrap for oral sex on women (Do not use microwave safe saran wrap))
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New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Basically if her pussy looks and smells funky you don't eat her out. Same goes for the SP if your dick looks and smells funky she's not gonna suck you off.

I am a pussy muncher and I love it. Almost all the times I've gone down on an SP she's been fresh. I can only remember 2 occasions where her pussy tasted like rubber and her pussy tasted like she hadn't showered for a couple of days. But other than that the SP's take good care that their pussy is nice and fresh for the next client.


The Don

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Equanimity said:
How would you like to just be ready to dine when you suddenly remember " Just a minute my dear, I almost forgot to compare you to my scratch and sniff samples of clamydia".

Good luck with her after that. :D

LMAO, you will be wacking off for a long time after that move.:D


Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Maria Divina said:
Yes, a little bit more...but, i can add something too....The schedule is just showing the hours a Sp can takes some rendez-vous.......That's not showing the hours she is really working......Explanation with an exemple: Supposed that i am disponible 3 pm until 11 hre pm......First rv: 3hre to 5 hre ....That's time to eat supper....So, after, at 6h30 or 7 hre, i got my second rv until 10 hres. My day finish there.

Hi Maria,

Of course... more great points and I understand this completely. But I still don't think my estimates were too far from reality... For example, one of your colleagues at MSC is listed as being available between 2pm -- 9pm six days out of seven this week. That's a total of 42 hours of available time, really more like 50 hours, since the last rendez-vous can probably be booked STARTING at 9pm... I think it's pretty realistic to therefore extrapolate that this person will probably have sex with at least 12-15 people during this week. Maybe less if business is slow or if there are many multi-hour clients -- and maybe more if things are very busy... With 15 clients spread over 6 days (50 hours) that would still be less than three per day....

To give you an idea of how this compares to an ATF of mine like Vicky from xxxtase, she only shows up for a short shift once every couple weeks. Sometimes not at all for a month or two... Again, I realize it's a psychological thing for me and I certainly don't want to foist my views on anyone else. Just trying to explain how my little brain works...

Last but not least, at some other agencies, the hours on the schedule are just a portion of the hours worked. Look at some of the most popular girls from Eleganza for example... They are on the schedule 3 or more days a week but they are still almost impossible to book (look at other threads to hear all the sad merbites complaining)...

It's great to get you "SP perspective" on topics like this (and many others).

Thanks again!!


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
As for being a daty fanatic, i kind of fall in this category, but mostly in my private life with people i know well. I never will be a 'daty fanatic' with prostitutes. This is just pure silly & too risky in my humble opinion.


I respect your opinion but if I didn't engage in DATY, I wouldn't be hobbying. There are risks in hobbying no matter what sexual acts you abstain from. It is up to each and everyone of us to find their level of comfort and to test themselves regularly.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
General Gonad said:

I respect your opinion but if I didn't engage in DATY, I wouldn't be hobbying. There are risks in hobbying no matter what sexual acts you abstain from. It is up to each and everyone of us to find their level of comfort and to test themselves regularly.

You hobby in order to do DATY??? :confused:

I agree with your statement. Unfortunately, 95% of hobbyists never get tested unless they suspect they've caught something. Then, we wonder why some girls wind up catching something & unknowingly spread it around until they themselves begin to have symptoms or get checked out....too many sps also don't get checked out regularly unless they suspect they've caught something. Yes, dabbling in this business does involved a lot of risks. Sometimes, too many.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
You hobby in order to do DATY??? :confused:


No, that is not the main reason I hobby but I must admit without DATY, it isn't as fun for me.:p At the very least, I would need to engage in some serious DFK to get my main soldier to salute me.:D


P.S. Risks are everywhere and the greatest risk of all is ignorance. When it comes to my health, I only trust myself.;)


Mar 26, 2004
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General Gonad said:
P.S. Risks are everywhere and the greatest risk of all is ignorance. When it comes to my health, I only trust myself.;)

Ah, masturbation!!! Make sure to wash your hands first.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Judging from the responses I've been getting, I think I have perfected the art of DATY.:p Now, if I can only get the SPs to pay me at the end of our sessions.:D

Here is a question to all of you: Do guys that DATY get better mileage?;)

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