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Will you be donating this Merry season?

Throughout the year, my mom and I "sponsor" two families with kids in our community ; we get together for a special day of cooking every 4 weeks or so and cook a large amount of food for theses two wonderful families. It helps them a lot when their budget is extra tight and when there might not be enough money for a full kart of groceries because of other financial responsibilities. Providing them with goodies for school lunches and meals, meals they can freeze and use at their convenience when most needed, and knowing they will not go hungry during thougher times is a reward in itself when we see their thankful and appreciative smiles.

As usual, for Christmas, we will be getting both families big turkeys, all the yummy trimmings, homemade pies and desserts and a small gift for each kid.

Whether it is canned food, frozen food, money, toys for kids, volunteering your time at a homeless shelter, etc., will you be donating during the holidays this year?

Many organisations and charities would appreciate the kind and thoughtful gesture in order to help others less fortunate enjoy their Christmas, too. No gesture is too small...

Happy Holidays to all!


Passionate Hetaera
Jan 8, 2015
I have been buying metro passes for underemployed, homeless, or in transition people who have to choose between buying a meal or getting to work/a job that wont pay them for another week. A portion of all my calls before I leave on the 16th is going towards that effort.


Aug 6, 2011
Very nice gesture Gabriella.

I always pick up an item for donation when i go to Costo and Walmart and after 3 to 4 weeks I take them to Sun Youth. They badly need non-perishable food, baby food, diapers, ....

We need to keep charity in mind throughout the year and not around Xmas.

Happy and health Holiday Season


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I make a monthly donation to both the Welcome Hall Mission and the Old Brewery Mission. I also especially at this time of year go through my things at home and donate the clothes that might be helpful to someone in need


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
It's been an interesting couple of days of reflection on myself, after reading this thread. The idea of giving/donating to any type of charity, didn't even cross my mind.

Granted, for many years, my financial situation has always been bleak. Mostly worked minimum wage jobs. I barely had enough funds for myself, let alone buy any gifts for others during the holidays. I hated the holidays.

Not to say that I did not spend quality time with friends and family during the holidays. Potlucks were huge success with my friends. But giving any type of gift to anyone, let alone donate to a charity was to stressful on me financially.

The past year and and a half has been a chance in my situation when I got employment with a higher income. I'm far from being rich, but I am in a much better position in my life. Heck, its one of the reasons why I've been able to see companions recently. And it does mean that I now have the means to give to others who need it.

As such, I've done some research and have donated to the 'Welcome Hall Mission' which serves the Montreal's homeless and most vulnerable since 1892.

Thanks for the reminder to give during this holiday season.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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It's been an interesting couple of days of reflection on myself, after reading this thread. The idea of giving/donating to any type of charity, didn't even cross my mind.

Granted, for many years, my financial situation has always been bleak. Mostly worked minimum wage jobs. I barely had enough funds for myself, let alone buy any gifts for others during the holidays. I hated the holidays.

Not to say that I did not spend quality time with friends and family during the holidays. Potlucks were huge success with my friends. But giving any type of gift to anyone, let alone donate to a charity was to stressful on me financially.

The past year and and a half has been a chance in my situation when I got employment with a higher income. I'm far from being rich, but I am in a much better position in my life. Heck, its one of the reasons why I've been able to see companions recently. And it does mean that I now have the means to give to others who need it.

As such, I've done some research and have donated to the 'Welcome Hall Mission' which serves the Montreal's homeless and most vulnerable since 1892.

Thanks for the reminder to give during this holiday season.

This is why I chose the route of giving to the Welcome Hall and the Old Brewery on a monthly basis. I should note that I give to the Children's Hospital also monthly, I found that when it came to the holidays like most I was trying to cover the expense of friends and family and those really in need were left off my list. Then one year the Welcome Hall approached me to see if I would like to contribute monthly. The amount is withdrawn from my bank account each month and as the amount is not huge, I don't even notice it. The year after I actually was part of a group who went to the Old Brewery to volunteer on Christmas day, while there I asked about doing the same thing and they gave me the forms necessary to start donating there as well. I added the Children's as my sons life had been saved by them at birth and I felt this was my time to pay back. I'm not PK Subban in the amount I donate but I feel this is my way of sharing with those who are less fortunate. I applaud those who do the same


Jan 9, 2012
Usually I bring food to my chiropractor and she gives it to a well known organisation for people who have problem making ends meet.
In return she gives you one free treatment.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Some money to guinolé , not a ton but everything helps right?


Apr 3, 2015
This year my chosen organization is to donate to a charity that takes care of mentally challenged children. One of my friend asked me to do this.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ervey year I send $200 to the Salvation army, I think it is about the only legit group that does not keep most of the monies collected for themselves.


Jul 29, 2011
I regrettably have not donated in the past. However, I feel the need to do so this year. Perhaps it is because of all the good things that have happened in my life this year.
I have several gift cards, tim Horton's, subway,etc to donate. My question: is there an organization that I can give them too, or individuals that any merbites feel deserve some holiday cheer. I would appreciate some suggestions.


Aug 2, 2004
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Last year I spent over $250.00 on toys & delivered them to the Montreal Children's Hospital.
This year I will be donating money to Children's Starlight foundation as well as donating old clothes & adding groceries for Sun youth.
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