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With or without the mask?


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Sir william. Your comment is ridiculous
Take the example of the recent party attended by 60 kids.
they contaminate themselves. No risk of dying
they contaminate others. No risk of dying
But what if your kid was at risk and this butterfly effect made you get it.
what if a business has to close because you had a party with 100 people and 1 got contaminated. Then went to work.
what if someone from florida who has it takes a flight to montreal to get laid by an sp. that sp them gives it to her next clients.
this is all about the greater good.
Your argument goes along the same lines as. Don’t wear a seatbelt. There are much fewer than 1.5% car accidents. And don’t wear a ski helmet. What are the risks of falling.
you only look at the impact on yourself and not on others

Sir William

May 22, 2019
The ones that are at risk are the ones that have to protect themselves wear masks and gloves and stay at home.

Your examples Flyingby is to protect the people at risk when they should protect themselves.

Helmets, seatbelt, condoms... are a no brainer I am protecting myself at risk. They protect themselves at risk of catching COVID-19 by wearing a mask. I'm not at risk I don't wear one.

The Nature Boy

Complete left wing socialism does not work in a society based on pure capitalism. It's me first and then the others if I want to. You can't impose to me to go wash dirty socks or skin potatoes at l'accueil Bonneau. The same way that you can't impose to me to wear a mask for less than 1% of the population that I should be really preoccupied with. If you want to go volunteering and wear a mask go for it. Take your brownie points and scout badges and try to book an escort with them ;)

Our economy is suffering very badly. A lot of people and businesses went or are going to go bankrupt. Tell them "Lot of Me, me, and only F’ing Me F’ers around here." and see what they will answer you. In fact more people and businesses are going to go bankrupt then there will be REAL reported deaths from COVID-19.

Everybody is dying from COVID-19 including people that have motorcycle accidents to people dying from multiple sclerosis. I would like to know what the real death toll is. Ain't going to happen...
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
left wing socialism? Hmmm...ur economy’s about to get a lot shittier sir
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
The ones that are at risk are the ones that have to protect themselves wear masks and gloves and stay at home.

Your examples Flyingby is to protect the people at risk when they should protect themselves.

Helmets, seatbelt, condoms... are a no brainer I am protecting myself at risk. They protect themselves at risk of catching COVID-19 by wearing a mask. I'm not at risk I don't wear one.

The Nature Boy

Complete left wing socialism does not work in a society based on pure capitalism. It's me first and then the others if I want to. You can't impose to me to go wash dirty socks or skin potatoes at l'accueil Bonneau. The same way that you can't impose to me to wear a mask for less than 1% of the population that I should be really preoccupied with. If you want to go volunteering and wear a mask go for it. Take your brownie points and scout badges and try to book an escort with them ;)

Our economy is suffering very badly. A lot of people and businesses went or are going to go bankrupt. Tell them "Lot of Me, me, and only F’ing Me F’ers around here." and see what they will answer you. In fact more people and businesses are going to go bankrupt then there will be REAL reported deaths from COVID-19.

Everybody is dying from COVID-19 including people that have motorcycle accidents to people dying from multiple sclerosis. I would like to know what the real death toll is. Ain't going to happen...

The problem with this pandemic is that everyone is at risk of developing severe complications and also long term ones. You don't have to have a predisposition to have severe effects from this. I have no health issues but i still protect myself because i do not want to catch it and i do not want to infect others, and also in order for this pandemic to end. It will never end if people think like you do. And if i was having a bbq and my vegan friends come I make sure to also have the types of food that they can eat. If recovering alcoholics come then i will consider making it a booze free party. Nobody needs alcohol to live.
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
The problem with this pandemic is that everyone is at risk of developing severe complications and also long term ones. You don't have to have a predisposition to have severe effects from this.

Please prove this affirmation with imperial evidence. Or is it just more unsubstantiated scare and paranoia that is distributed and claimed freely without proof. Best of luck!

Any untreated infection is at risk of developing complications as the flu in small percentages can lead to pneumonia. Is pneumonia severe in a healthy individual? it could be. If you're coughing and puking your lungs out it probably would be a good idea to go see a doctor. If you don't go see one other complications will come.

What if your 2,5 vegan or vegetarian friends have a predisposition of going ballistic or become nauseated at the sight or smell of meat. Will you put smoked plexiglass everywhere and heavy duty ventilation and make everybody wear masks so if someone talks to them after eating meat they will have no issues? Will you just go politically correct and make it a no meat party since like alcool nobody needs meat there are plenty of substitutes. Even better do like the government and just close everything down. Cancel everything including the party!

I will never let you organize a party for me!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
The Nature Boy

Complete left wing socialism does not work in a society based on pure capitalism. It's me first and then the others if I want to. You can't impose to me to go wash dirty socks or skin potatoes at l'accueil Bonneau. The same way that you can't impose to me to wear a mask for less than 1% of the population that I should be really preoccupied with. If you want to go volunteering and wear a mask go for it. Take your brownie points and scout badges and try to book an escort with them ;)

Our economy is suffering very badly. A lot of people and businesses went or are going to go bankrupt. Tell them "Lot of Me, me, and only F’ing Me F’ers around here." and see what they will answer you.

I think a lot of them will say “your wisdom is as grand as your penis Naitch, WOOOO!!!!!” “What’s the big f’in deal!? Your not snippin my cord/tubes”
That’s what I truly think the majority would say

I’m not advocating another lock down in the USA, shit if you wanna take hydroxychlorquine and drink chloroform, That’s on you, but the mask is a small thing that a lot of peeps are agreeing on except a few. It really is. I’m not hear saying keep your biz closed but the mask and refusal to wear it is just perplexing in USA?

Is there this mentality in Canada? Here in U.K. the beaches were filled a few weeks ago, totally get lockdown fatigue, but the mask? People are wearin it. You can’t get onto the underground with out it. Not hearing of anyone bitching about it as much as the states

Socialism, capitalism, maintaining free civil liberties are great ideas but their true forms are tough to achieve. They depend not only on you working not only for the better of you, but for the common good, yes even capitalism. The maintainability of civil liberties is one thing but when it starts impinging on public safety, well, why wear pants and tighty Whitys then? Just let the boys run free?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Please prove this affirmation with imperial evidence.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
They protect themselves at risk of catching COVID-19 by wearing a mask. I'm not at risk I don't wear one.

Not to be rude, but have you not read anything about masks? The masks being warn by most don't protect them from catching the virus. That's not the point, and it's not how it works. It doesn't work on an individual level, but only works collectively when most or all wear masks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am glad you are comparing peoples lives to eating steaks and drinking.
It says it all, enjoy your meal.

Yes a bit of common sense would be good every now and then.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I have somewhat cynical and perverted view on all of this. I don’t know why you guys complain about people without masks. I look at the rapidly rising infection rate with optimism as it tells me that this will be mostly over at the end of summer. I think this is what Tramp’s plan is about: to get it peak and die before the election time. The cost does not matter as people have a very short memory (Cuomo is an example). The science hints that with 20-30% “buffer” layer of infected the rise will be never exponential again though “smouldering” can go for much longer. Let younger folks have “chickenpox parties” if they are not afraid, so we old farts can start hobbling again in the fall.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Very very bad reasoning.

Almost 60,000 new cases in the USA in one day.
So you and Trump must be happy.
But do you know the% of these people who will get by easily but who will have consequences?

You seem to give a damn. You only think of yourself, like all those people who don't want to wear the mask.

And we are not the old farts.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
What if your 2,5 vegan or vegetarian friends have a predisposition of going ballistic or become nauseated at the sight or smell of meat. Will you put smoked plexiglass everywhere and heavy duty ventilation and make everybody wear masks so if someone talks to them after eating meat they will have no issues? Will you just go politically correct and make it a no meat party since like alcool nobody needs meat there are plenty of substitutes.
You cannot compare eating meat at a BBQ to pandemic response. Its not on equal footing. But i believe in reasonable accommodation, so like i said I will provide food that all people can eat. I don't have any vegan friends who have side effects from smelling meat so no problem there. If i did know someone that goes ballistic, then would need to stay home. To me that is not a world health issue. My sister in law is allergic to fish and can get seriously indisposed just from the smell. If she comes to my place i will not cook fish out of respect because that is a health issue. A worldwide pandemic, however, is in a class all by itself and i believe all precautions should be taken to curb its spread. Anyway you believe what you want and i will believe what i want.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Thank you for the reading. In 10 to 15% of patients temporary loss of smell for healthy individuals. For those at risk that got hit hard by the infection kidneys, lungs, coronarian, brain... they don't know the ratio and uncertain of predisposition and putting the accent on reanimation trauma. It applies to people at risk that got hit hard and survived. Nothing new.

The way everybody puts it - including you is that healthy individuals not at risk can get severe complications after getting COVID-19. Clearly what is not explained in any of the documents that applies to individuals at risk that got hit hard and survived.

I know that the masks are not 100% efective and that most don't wear it properly. Condoms aren't 100% effective against sexually transmitted infections like warts, pubic lice... Never kept me from hobbying.

The 2.5 % that are at risk should manage their own risks not 97.5 % of the population for them. That is where I have a hard time. If the ratio would be 60% at risk OK. We are acting like 60% to 80% are at risk that's where I have an issue.

Everybody has their opinion. Mine is that it's an over proportion reaction for less than 1% of the population that are not at risk by their fault.

I am the one saying that it's not "good thinking" During slavery if I would of been opposed to it and voiced my opinion I would of probably hung or shot ;)

It's hard to go against mainstream movements, mass hysteria or stupidity. Specially when such movements prone good thinking or the politically correct. Only history will be the judge of "good thinking" like slavery and ethnic purification of the holocaust just to name of few. And now the drastic measures, paranoia & histeria of COVID-19.

I don't think that there is any more information and mostly misinformation that can be said about COVID-19 and the subject is becoming boring like a dog running after it's tail.

How about starting threads on a subject that never gets boring: Women :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If you are not the old fart yet than with time you will be one and than we shall see how your perception will change :)
As a very wise old lady once told me they don’t give medals for being young, everyone was once.
It is much more difficult to live a long life than it is to be young.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I have somewhat cynical and perverted view on all of this. I don’t know why you guys complain about people without masks. I look at the rapidly rising infection rate with optimism as it tells me that this will be mostly over at the end of summer. I think this is what Tramp’s plan is about: to get it peak and die before the election time. The cost does not matter as people have a very short memory (Cuomo is an example). The science hints that with 20-30% “buffer” layer of infected the rise will be never exponential again though “smouldering” can go for much longer. Let younger folks have “chickenpox parties” if they are not afraid, so we old farts can start hobbling again in the fall.
What you are not taking into account is the immunity factor.
The typical corona virus, like the common cold , doesn`t give you a very long immunity....months maybe a year. There is indication that covid19 immunity starts to weaken several months after recovery. Antibodies lessen and weaken to the point where you can get re-infected. Unless there is a viable and effective vaccine then there will be a second wave re-infecting many who have recovered from the first wave of covid19
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
:) ;)
What you are not taking into account is the immunity factor.

Cloud, you contradict yourself. There can be no vaccine without a minimally protracted, say from 6 to 12 months immunity (i.e. vaccination provides immunity through simulation of the infection). There are currently no reliable data that re-infection can happens within say 6 months. A few cases that were registered show that people that test again positive for the virus presence are not getting sick.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
What you are not taking into account is the immunity factor.
The typical corona virus, like the common cold , doesn`t give you a very long immunity....months maybe a year. There is indication that covid19 immunity starts to weaken several months after recovery. Antibodies lessen and weaken to the point where you can get re-infected. Unless there is a viable and effective vaccine then there will be a second wave re-infecting many who have recovered from the first wave of covid19

Oh yea, I would like to read the studies that prove that. Can you state your sources. For a pulmonary infection that has been out since what December 2019 January 2020.

What happens if a healthy individual gets reinfected? The same "
The problem with this pandemic is that everyone is at risk of developing severe complications and also long term ones. You don't have to have a predisposition to have severe effects from this." Severe complications for 10 to 15% of healthy individuals of temporary loss of smell... Now that's severe and intense. We should close everything down for 6 months just to be certain that nobody has to live through the loss of a temporary sense of smell. On a second infection of a healthy individual temporary erectile dysfunction while we are it why not!!! That would be the worst of the worst let's shutdown everything for two years for the common good!!!

Public pools are going to open on July 1st let's multiply by ten the amount of chlorine. It wont make a difference to the very small percentage of people that got the virus and "serious" temporary olfactory complications as for the 99.5% that are not at risk because let's face it some people at risk will still go let them get serious skin rashes for the 0,5 % The new in thing will be working on your mask tanning lines. Babes will certainly not want them to get too wide and will meticulously place the strings while applicating cream on their rashes with bloodshot red eyes.

I gave up on people having common sense when the whole wall at Costco that is usually full of tissues, toilet paper and wipes was empty for close to a month. 300 to 400 people were lining up everyday to empty it all out and fighting over them...
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