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With or without the mask?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Lol, u know this is DJT though right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
SIr William,

So what happened to your statistical proof that Sweden did so well compared to their next door neighbours and Quebec compared to the rest of Canada. Not into research anymore relying on emotions are we.
You just keep repeating the same nonsense, about pharmaceutical companies, wtf of course they are out to screw the public they always were, all companies are about making profit.
Yes there are bankruptcies it happens every year just like the flu.
Now there are going to be many more it has to do with this huge conspiracy that shut down the economies of the world for three months so far has killed more than half a million people and running rampant still in many countries.

There are millions of people throughout the world scared to death of it trying to protect their loved ones and themselves ( even if they are old and according to you useless to society and they would have died anyways.).
You on the other hand feel it is an unbearable hardship to wear a mask and not be able to get smashed until midnight in a bar.
Great to have such intelligent and caring people amongst us.

What enterprise and companies have you created please enlighten us it should be very interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
SIr William,

There are millions of people throughout the world scared to death of it trying to protect their loved ones and themselves ( even if they are old and according to you useless to society and they would have died anyways.).

I agree with you Fradi.
I'm still not able to understand, Sir William.

I am perhaps too emotional, however in this very precise case, I find on the contrary that I am very rational.

You will not wear the mask for the rest of your life, it is until scientific researchers find a cure or a vaccine.

We live in society, we need everyone to defeat this virus.

Watching the United States is the worst nightmare ever, and it is because two ideologies clash instead of being united.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Standing and applauding ... you phrased better my abrupt but similar post above ...

NOPE ... headed to Walt Disney World ... won't be wearing a mask unless Mickey himself comes and slaps one on! LOL

this is the new problem. The smart asses forget the smart part for the better part of their day
I hope Trudeau dosen’t let any Americans in for a while. No offense to New Yorkers who for the most part seem to be the smartest of the bunch
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
He is playing Devils advocate and is going against popular opinion and has enjoyed antagonizing most here haha
But for all we know out in the real world he could be wearing a mask and a face shield at the same time , he could very well be responsible and considerate to all those at risk and mans true friend :/


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
It’ is one thing to be a sceptic and another to be utterly selfish ... I think all of us one time or another during this lockdown thought that some things could have been handled differently , still this is not a time to be a contrarian . We should be more obedient and follow the rules put in place to help from spreading the virus to others even if the mask has not really shown to be that effective, it’s still not useless
So let’s wear the damn mask when it’s called for without second guessing everything
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Even with certain masks on Amazon, there is criticism over how effective the masks are. One user came up with a test: if you can blow out a candle through the mask, it is likely time to get a better mask. This comment came up on Amazon in one of the user review threads on these new Ascot Masks that have become de rigeur of late in mask fashion. I must admit that what got me looking at those masks on Amazon were 3 things, (1) I saw a guy wearing one in the parking lot of my local Big Y and I thought it looked really cool and fashionable, (2) I saw Giancarlo Stanton of the NY Yankees wearing one in practice and it also looked cool, and (3) I then saw J.R. Smith of the LA Lakers wearing one of those Ascot Masks which had the purple and gold colors of the Lakers and I was like, that is so fucking cool! Here is the interview with J.R. Smith in which he is wearing the Ascot Mask I am referring to, which can be pulled up over nose and mouth:

Does anyone know where I can get that Ascot Mask like he is wearing in that interview? Also, does it pass the candle test?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
No_Church_InThe_Wild, I always liked your diplomacy, but unfortunately diplomacy has no effect on these recalcitrant.

As long as people are not personally involved, they will always be in denial.

Take a place where there are often accidents, and when some people die in an accident at this place, there we will correct the situation.

We must not count on the good will of people, unfortunately we will have to impose the wearing of the mask.
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Hi all :)

The lounge area is: "Open Discussion Area for all"

So what happened to your statistical proof that Sweden did so well compared to their next door neighbours and Quebec compared to the rest of Canada. Not into research anymore relying on emotions are we.
You just keep repeating the same nonsense, about pharmaceutical companies, wtf of course they are out to screw the public they always were, all companies are about making profit.

The nonsense of pharmaceutical companies as you call it is the main reason there was so many deaths. Call it nonsense if you like. I call it mass murder and it's unacceptable.

Theres no research to do if protocol would have been applied as recommended by the highest international expert in pulmonary infections that has a team of more than 200 researchers and doctors behind him the death toll would of been no higher then the death tools of the flu worldwide. Instead yes the pharmaceuticals paid doctors to discredit him and they got caught doing it.

( even if they are old and according to you useless to society and they would have died anyways.).

Never wrote or even thought that thanks for implying that.

What enterprise and companies have you created please enlighten us it should be very interesting.

I learned a long long time ago that confidentiality is the only way to go in this hobby. Asking to breach my confidentiality in this forum is really weird.

I'm still not able to understand, Sir William.

When I don't understand someone I ask questions and clarifications.

He is playing Devils advocate and is going against popular opinion and has enjoyed antagonizing most here haha

Nope just stating fact and my conclusions on these facts.

What`s there to understand. The guy is a troll and sounds like Trump. In other words your run of the mill narci-psycho.

If you are unable to discuss a subject without going into accusations of me being a troll and a narcissist-psycho ask yourself if you are adapted to live and interact in a society. If you can't debate and discuss a subject without going into name calling and being disrespectful because someone has a different opinion and point of view than you, you have a serious problem.

Let me give you my take on MERB so far. The community is composed of about 100 active participating members and posters according to all the poll results that I have seen. Mainly high posters. All other members are silent and review readers. Open discussion and debate is not welcomed, pushed to the side and insulted if it goes against the majority. There is no discussion and debate. There is very little reviews because of that and essentially you are all shooting yourselves in your feet by being so closed minded and uninviting to new members.

If you can't accept that someone could have different ideas, opinions and points of view go live in the woods in a shack secluded from society. If you are ready to debate, exchange ideas in a respectful manner I'm all for it. I could be wrong you could be right or the opposite and the debate and exchange of ideas begin. That's how normal people behave in a society.

I still won't wear a mask.

Have a great evening gentlemen if you are in that category all others well I'm too polite, have been brought up, disciplined, educated and know how to behave in society ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump wears a mask on a visit to a military medical center.
President Trump on Saturday wore a mask in public for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began, after repeated urging from aides that it was a necessary message to send to Americans resistant to covering their faces.

Mr. Trump wore a dark mask affixed with the presidential seal during a visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he planned to visit wounded troops. He was surrounded by Secret Service agents and others also wearing masks.
But as the pandemic has spread to states with large numbers of Republican voters, Mr. Trump had signaled more recently that he was more open to masks, and told reporters he planned to wear a mask on the visit to the medical center.

His team changes strategy, as the previous one didn't give votes, they said that the only thing that could win votes, would be to say that he now agrees with the wearing of the mask.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

I like to see Trump wearing a mask for two main reasons:

1) to insist people do like him.

2) because it hides his face.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sir William,

What happened to your statistics on why Sweden and Quebec are doing so great compared to their neighbours.
Going off on different directions is always the tactic of someone who doesn’t want to answer things or can’t and then wants to start a new argument instead.

It seems your only entrepreneurial skills are as Cloudsurf described.
You did bring up an interesting point which I will agree with, that this community is often very critical of new posters and especially reviews.
You are always walking a fine line of either being attacked by white knights or accused of shilling.
Personally I am getting to the point where an email to the SP in question thanking her for a good session or just not repeating if it wasn’t what you were expecting is sufficient for me.

Wear a mask it won’t kill you, it may just do the opposite and save your life and someone else’s.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
What happened to your statistics on why Sweden and Quebec are doing so great compared to their neighbours.
Going off on different directions is always the tactic of someone who doesn’t want to answer things or can’t and then wants to start a new argument instead.

They did the worse compared to their neighbours. The comparison is that Sweden did no worse then Quebec without a lockdown, bankruptcies and screwed up economy.

It seems your only entrepreneurial skills are as Cloudsurf described.

Comparing me to a highly successful entrepreneur and billionaire that became the president of the United States is the nicest thing that you can say to another entrepreneur :) Whatever he is doing is working in more than the great majority. Highly successful entrepreneurs work on tangible facts not emotions and make decisions on those facts taking in consideration the REAL greater good. Contrary to popular belief they actually have moral conduct and the highly successful ones an integrity beyond any reproach. When an entrepreneur makes a mistake, they are experts at doing so, they correct them, move on and forward. Nobody is perfect. It's the normal process of learning and the ability to take risks. Most people don't take risks, can't handle making mistakes and when they do make mistakes they don't realign or adjust they just keep on doing the same mistakes. They prefer the status quo. Donald Trump is the perfect example of an easy target for intolerants, people that don't grasp or don't have the abilities or even all the same facts as he does and can't understand his decisions. He will continue to make mistakes in his second mandate, just fix them and move forward. The bottom line is that the United States is doing better then it ever did in more then the last few decades and that is a feat even if he thinks differently, has different points of view, opinions, ideas and comes out with different conclusions than some ;)

Sir William

May 22, 2019
Wear a mask it won’t kill you, it may just do the opposite and save your life and someone else’s.

All the facts are saying otherwise. I won't save my life since I'm not at risk and let the crushing minority of people at risk wear masks, stay secluded at home, let the economy restart, not impose ridiculous measures to the 97,5% not at risk until a vaccine comes out. Most won't take the vaccine like presently with the vaccine against the flu! It's out of any common sense and certainly not for the greater good.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Not at risk ? You are in great company Willy with Boldesaro and that 30 year old healthy American who died of covid. The 30 year old thought he was invincible and went to a covid party ....later on his death bed he admitted that he was wrong to think it was not serious.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sir William,
You completely misunderstood as usual I wasn’t comparing you to Trump or any successful billionaire.
Cloudsurf said you were a troll and I had no reason to disagree with him.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For masks. During April and May I was in Drummondville, June in Alberta and now in BC. I go out a lot, shopping, restaurants and pubs, my guesstimate is that less than 20% wear masks from what I see. One worksite had over 1,000 people and the only testing done was a temp check when you went through the gate, no masks required on site but in the offices they were required.
For the Sweden comments, give it 6 months and see the results. Look at the NY and NJ cases then and now. Would you rather be in NY or Texas now?

Sir William

May 22, 2019
His team changes strategy, as the previous one didn't give votes, they said that the only thing that could win votes, would be to say that he now agrees with the wearing of the mask.

If you visit a location that 100% at at risk it's common sense to wear a mask. Don't expect to see him wearing a mask in any other circumstance. It's not his advisors that insisted and imposed it to him. He made the decision by himself.
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