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Would starting this thread be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Julia already pointed out that sex workers tell their stories all the time. What purpose would a MERB thread serve?

Like i mentionned earlier, we could always re-publish the testomies elsewhere at some point. Of course it does not serve much of a purpose HERE, but at the same time, it is a great place to start, relative anonimity, friendly and appropriate environment, etc.

Seems like a good idea to me, but hey, if nobody agrees, thats fine too :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ A SP using a dorm as an incall should not enter the equation, it would be tha same as opening a business out of your residential home, not allowed in most areas.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If it ever did become legalized I imagine someone or group would put up condo complexes to use as incalls, monthly rentals, purchase whatever. It would be like a buffet with hundreds to chose from.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
The "what are the logistics of decrim" should probably be another thread, maybe one of the ones on politicians who are in favor of it.

While interesting, it is a bit of a derail from the point of the thread.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Like i mentionned earlier, we could always re-publish the testomies elsewhere at some point. Of course it does not serve much of a purpose HERE, but at the same time, it is a great place to start, relative anonimity, friendly and appropriate environment, etc.

Seems like a good idea to me, but hey, if nobody agrees, thats fine too :)

I mean, that was my point. We tell our stories and talk about how much we love our jobs and that we’re not victims. Everywhere. All the time. People don’t listen. There are countless of articles on that subject already. Want me to post links? I could. Thousands of testimonies have been published and re-published on many, many platforms. It changes nothing. Doing a thread on merb isn’t going to have any different result. Even if you publish the testimonies elsewhere at some point, they’re the same testimonies and people are still going to view sex workers as less than human. When we say we love our jobs people assume we’re broken girls who pretend they like their jobs. They gaslight us, saying we’re victims and we’re obviously sad but we just can’t see it because we’re too damaged to even feel our own feelings anymore. If you published an article based on testimonies from sex workers on a review board, they’d say "the girls lied because it’s a review board and they don’t want to hurt their business, but the truth is they hate their work". Nobody wants to listen to us and you’re not going to change that with a thread on merb unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I always think you get it half right, but for some reason stop after criticizing the groups you dislike. But there are others to dislike just as much.

Yes, the religious and social conservatives oppose sex work, but even in the U.S., they are only a significant minority. And they are shrinking.

They team up with traditional feminists to make the opposition to prostitution a significant majority in the U.S.

I did mention feminists too. Feminists present a threat as much as religious zealots and social conservatives. But feminists go beyond prostitution and invade our normal life too. Feminists want to castrate and dominate men. Like with that #MeToo movement I say presents the biggest threat to men. Both feminists and social conservatives infantile sex workers as they either have mental dysfunction or are being pimped because no girl would choose to work as a sex worker.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The "what are the logistics of decrim" should probably be another thread, maybe one of the ones on politicians who are in favor of it.

Any politician who supports this would commit political suicide. The religious zealots, social conservatives, and feminists will never support this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud500, sorry I missed where you mentioned feminists.

Yes in post #13 I talked about feminists and the #MeToo movement. The politicians and social conservatives never learn. See how well Prohibition worked? At the end alcohol was legalized and it was the best solution to the problem of organized crime. I focus more on social conservatives because it all started with the rise of conservatism in the early 20th century and prohibition era is one example of that. Feminists is just a new added problem now both are a big problem.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Ok Julia, you convinced me. I have to say however, i have heard the representative from Stella on the radio (and damn she was good), and a very occasionnal story here and there, but generally, you dont hear about the "good side " of this profeession in the mainstream media, or any media for that matter, unless you look for it, and even then i find it hard to find. Yeah, I would not mind a link or two if you have them. Thanks!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ I am guessing that an extreme high percentage of escorts here want to be here, mainly for money. News like this is not wanted, people want the gritty, the shock. Find a story of a runaway picked up by a pimp at a bus station, faked to care for her, got her addicted and then put her on the street. That sells, feel good stories do not.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
There has long been a deep split between "pro-sex" and "anti-sex" within US radical feminists, as far back as the 1980s when I was an undergraduate majoring in women's studies. The anti-sexers viewed any heterosexual sex and pornography as inherently exploitative and perpetuative of male dominance and female subjugation. Pro-sexers like Gayle Rubin wrote that sex and sex work could be liberative. Here's a summary of the two schools of thought: . My law school Prof. Drucilla Cornella writes in the pro-sex tradition and fleshed out the socialist/economic rationale for decriminalization. Here's an interview with her that talks about her organizing a collective brothel back in the '70s!: . Progressive legislators like Julia Salazar and Dick Gottfried in New York City are trying to implement this policy through legislation.

You can't paint all with the same broad brush.
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