There is more to multiple relationships than polygamy. There are societies that practice polyandry, thats when women have more than one husband. More common is polyamory when people are involved in multiple relationships, for some it might be called swinging, for others involves long term, not one night stands. I lost the love of my life to cancer a year ago. When she was alive we played together, we invited another woman to join us for fun. I was the instigator but with her approval. She decided when, where and who. It was only a few times a year. Never once did I stray. To some our committement may seem odd but it was based on truth and openess. She knew me for who I am and I could not have imagined seeing an SP without her knowing about and approving the choice, and being together as a couple.
I see following a polyamory as a lifestyle and intend to let any female suitors the score. This is not the lifestyle for everbody and like marriage to an escort or a john is not acceptable to most.
There is more to multiple relationships than polygamy. There are societies that practice polyandry, thats when women have more than one husband. More common is polyamory when people are involved in multiple relationships, for some it might be called swinging, for others involves long term, not one night stands. I lost the love of my life to cancer a year ago. When she was alive we played together, we invited another woman to join us for fun. I was the instigator but with her approval. She decided when, where and who. It was only a few times a year. Never once did I stray. To some our committement may seem odd but it was based on truth and openess. She knew me for who I am and I could not have imagined seeing an SP without her knowing about and approving the choice, and being together as a couple.
I see following a polyamory as a lifestyle and intend to let any female suitors the score. This is not the lifestyle for everbody and like marriage to an escort or a john is not acceptable to most.