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WWII and why USA and Europe are so different

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Quebec has been the most secular province but the recent influx of immigrants changed the tides by a lot and I do mean recent around 2013.

Another nice try. The table I linked has data for 2001 and 2011. But why bother with data when it is much more fun to make things out of whole cloth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Another nice try. The table I linked has data for 2001 and 2011. But why bother with data when it is much more fun to make things out of whole cloth.

Yes you can post links and links still does not change reality. Check this out. Funny how this article states the contrary -> https://www.patheos.com/blogs/secularspectrum/2015/11/the-catholic-atheists-of-quebec/

I suggest you read this article before you right your next bs. But you like to distort facts. Let me spell it out for you. You can call yourself Catholic but are you really religious? Do you go to church every Sunday? Are you a social conservative? What do you think of sex out of marriage? What do you think of prostitution? Same sex marriage? Transgender rights? Abortion rights?

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Shit you ruined it! Ok now why are quebec french girl so fucking horny? There must be a reason!!!

Could it be that quebec guys are ever so polite and meticulous when debating important issues (some even say "good bye" in the middle of a conversation) that their girls just get bored? Could they (girls) be looking for more adventurous partners?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I did check it out, thank you for the link. Unfortunately, I do not belong to its target audience:

Now that you know that I am right and got nothing to debate with you decide to insult? Well I cannot debate with people like that and ones who distort facts. Thanks for the laugh


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Brazil is a great example. They are devout Catholic but the hobby is a way of life and there are more freelancers than you can shake a stick at. I haven't wasted my time talking religion with the GDPs but I assume they are as religious as the men. It is just compartmentalized.

I think the difference is the economies and disparity of income. The Romanians in the FKK are dirt poor and they have nothing going for them back home. The same is true in Brazil. The freelancers in Corumba are dirt poor. I've never met a Chemical Engineer working in a Termas. I've always said, if you don't want your daughter to be an escort than make sure she gets a meaningful degree such as engineering, accounting, or programming or something like this. This means, with the exception of a few electives, stay out of the School of Social Sciences. Get a marketable degree and you won't be forced to whore yourself out. The same goes for hobbyists. Get a good job and you can afford to call escorts and not have to hang out in strip clubs. Get a worthless degree in Political Sciences and you have much less of an opportunity to market yourself. You spend your life on forums like this saying over and over again It's not fair. It's not fair. Everything isn't fair... Well, to a degree this is true. Life isn't fair and you chose your own fate because you chose to spend your collegiate years hiding out in the School of Social Sciences because this came easy to you. It did come easy to you because it is is easy to everyone. Just write a few papers from a liberal perspective and you have at least a B. Avoid those classes such as Physical Chemistry and or those those damn Chem/Computer labs that could take 10 hours worth of work a week for a lousy credit hour because this is work. There's no time for protesting and you frankly can't spare the brain cells to smoke weed. So stay in the worthless school of the Social Sciences and get a worthless Poly Sci degree and become a Social Justice Warrior.

My uncle was in Patton's Tank Army as an MP. The Germans were starving. Women were fucking for a chocolate bar. There was the anti-fraternization rule within the Army. So the MPs would wait for the poor GIs to go up to a house and knock on the door. The GI's would have chocolates and wine and bread. The MPs would give them 15 minutes and and then knock on the door and shout "Military Police." The GIs would sneak out the back door and they would enter and have the wine, chocolates, bread, and the girls. The women were fucking out of desperation. In the FKKs in Germany you will find women that are still fucking for the same reason. They are Romanians and their economy back home is in a shambles.


Feb 6, 2004
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Sex during WWII..a new topic...I like it. And comparing sex during WWII to what happens today in German FKKs...fantastic....Let's Talk.

Romanian girls in German FKKs and in the rest of Europe are NOT desperate to be fed...they have found a niche from which they have become quite rich because of how cheap things are in Eastern Europe. I even know Romanian girls who OWN several houses in Germany having worked only a few years. Some own multiple houses in Romania. And they like sex..ALOT...unlike American girls who are looking for sugar daddies for money only..and ignore young guys their age ToTALLY.

In Quebec, most girls are from non-Montreal areas which are economically quite depressed. And like their counter-parts in Romania like sex a LOT too. Only diffrence is that there are 100 times more Romanian girls doing this in Europe because it is LEGAL almost everywhere in Europe.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ A person can not compare European escorts to North American escorts, it would be like comparing American gun laws to Japan. It is it the law but the civilian mindset, changing laws will not change much. The percentage of people in canada who want legal prostitution is probably very small, minuscule. Why would a politician risk trying to change that law.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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... Wht would a politician risk trying to change that law.

I wonder how the European countries where prostitution is legal were able to resist the interest groups mentioned in this thread which want to ban it. It must take balls for anyone, in particular a politician seeking re-election, anywhere in the world to publicly defend it.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Not so much balls but practicality & common sense. For most countries, it’s a simple realization that prostitution is best managed if decriminalized. The police don’t have the time or resources to prosecute consenting adults engaging in paid sex. It’s pointless and stupid after all even judges, politicians & policemen patronize prostitutes.

In countries where the anti-prostitution interest groups are too strong and prostitution is deemed a crime, the police simply turn a blind eye and pretend that prostitution is decriminalized. Even the world’s largest Muslim city, Jakarta is considered by many to be an excellent city for punting.
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