Montreal Escorts

your scheduled girl can't make it because:


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
The job of agency dispatcher can sometimes be complicated. A client has pre-booked a girl, but you have to think fast on your feet because, for whatever reason, you won't be able to come through with escort A, so you have to come up with a plausible reason for her no-show, even though not even a half-hour before, all was set... Let's help out these beleaguered phone jockeys with a list they can easily refer to during any future jams...

EXCUSE # 1 (it's still only 10:30pm) "She was too tired and went home to sleep"

EXCUSE #2 "She had to go see her mother/sister/boyfriend"

EXCUSE #3 "She just had her period" (yet she had it also only 7 days ago)

EXCUSE #4 "i can't reach the girl, the driver is waiting downstairs, but she's not answering her phone...she's never done this before..."

EXCUSE #5 "She was kidnapped by aliens!"..."no, REALLY!!"

EXCUSE#6 "She just left the agency...tonight!"(but oddly is still on call and on the website the following day)

EXCUSE #7 "The car is stuck in traffic!!" (actually, the car is in another hotel's parking lot!!:) )

Feel free to add any others you can think of, Folks!!
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello Shijak,

The fraternity has decided to adopt her.

She got tangled up at the orgy and we can't unravel the bodies.

Her implants just deflated.

She says she is in love...with her custom built vibrator.

We just got an emergency call and she is needed as a party favor for Congress.

Her recent visit to the zoo has opened new worlds for her.

At the moment she is tied up by...uh...with some Japanese businessmen.


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May 7, 2006
How about just telling the truth:

An arab sheikh offered here 10 times more than what you are willing to pay her, you cheap bastard........

But sticking to the topic, it seems to me that EXCUSE # 1 "She was too tired and went home to sleep" - is the most common excuse.

I got it once from celine, and another time from DC.
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Oct 2, 2006
south shore
""#8-2 of our girls went for medical tests- one has alzheimer's the other has aids-they mixed up the results so since you ordered a duo i suggest to send both of them for a pizza and the one who comes back dont fuck her!""



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
centaurus said:
How about just telling the truth:

An arab sheikh offered here 10 times more than what you are willing to pay her, you cheap bastard........

I got it once from celine, and another time from DC.

Hello Centaurus,

In short, it just got better-dealed. That is probably what happens most of the time when a lady "can't make it". Emma of FKS makes a profession of excusing herself from a set appointment so she can take a "better deal" according to several hobbyists. And she is far from being the only one.

Better luck to all in the future,


The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
The funniest one!

I have eard some funny reasons that I wanna share with you!

1- The girl vanish after 2-3 calls:
Reason: I went to eat were you drop me and while a was at the bathroom
my phone fall into the toillette and didn't have your phone number anywhere!

2- The girl vanish after 2-3 good days:
Reason: I did work a lot lately and felt tired, so I closed my phone to sleep
better (for a week!!!) :rolleyes:

3- The girl cancelled 2-3 hours before the appointment:
Reason: Sorry I don't feel good today ... (but good enought to work for
another agency the same night!!):cool:

More to come ...:D

The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
Round 2

1- The girl cannot work that day:
Reason: During the night somebody broke my lock and stole everything in my appartement. I have to stay because I cannot lock my door! (but there is nothing more to be steel!):confused:

2- The girl cannot work that week-end:
Reason: I think I am going to be sick so a better save my energy just in case!
(Then another girl saw her in some kind of rave party the same week-end!):rolleyes:

3- The girl cannot work the week AFTER this week-end:
Reason: I am really sick, I don't no what happened, I went to see the doctor and I will come back next week!;)

More to come ...


New Member
Aug 17, 2006
my excuse

sore throat due to strep throat infection (or perhaps too large amounts of sperm intakes) :)

I'll be back shortly!!!

Love you all!!



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello all,

It's gay pride week and she is booked up for the entire time.




Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Hi, I'm Sorry, I called the girl but her "husband" said she can't make it to work tonight.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Her 8th grade report card was terrible and her parents have grounded her.

She was very excited about shopping for her first training bra.

She needs time to adjust to her new braces.
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The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
Round 3

...Never ending stories ...

1- The girl cannot make it to her appointment.
Reason: I went to my fuck friend's place last night. I took a taxi this
morning to come back home when I realised I forget my hand bag. I call my
friend that took a taxi also while I was waiting to pay mine and he showed up
with his girlfriend hand bag!!! Then we took back a taxi to his place and his
girlfriend was back from her night shift! A have survive a big fight but won't
be able to work either today and for a few days cause I have scratches,
browses and I look like shit!:cool:

2- The girl cannot make it to her appointment.
Reason:I went to get myself a hand and foot manicure. I was a bit in a
hurry so left before it was completely dry. Back home, when I took of my
socks, some of the nails got off!!! So I went back to the manicure place while
you have pushed my appointment for me. But there, it was closed for an
emergency situation. So I had to find another place to fix my toes. Finally,
at the other place they didn't have the same nails then my finger and they
had to remove them to make a perfect match for the new one for my toes.
After the job was done, my fingers and toes started to be itchy and call back
the manicure place. They said it was probably because of the mixed product
from there place and the other or maybe my skin wasn't used to it, or to
much in the same day or ...(Whatever...) So I won't be working for a while
till the irritation goes.;)

3- The girl cannot make it to her appointement.
Reason:Last night I had a party at a bar. My drink was druged and
I end up at the hospital. They have clean my stomack and I have sleep at
the hopital. This morning, they gave me something to eat and the food was
not good. So on my way back home I got sick and went back to the hopital.
They cleaned my stomack again!! After all of that I finally made it home and
my boyfriend was pissed off so to make him happy I did him a deap thoarth
blow job and swallow and, beleive it or not, I got sick again!!! I am really
tired and cannot work for a couple of days ...:rolleyes:

Never ending stories ...:)

More to come ... funny one next time!:D


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
The Wizard of Oz said:
...Never ending stories ...

3- The girl cannot make it to her appointement.
Reason:Last night I had a party at a bar. My drink was druged and
I end up at the hospital. They have clean my stomack and I have sleep at
the hopital. This morning, they gave me something to eat and the food was
not good. So on my way back home I got sick and went back to the hopital.
They cleaned my stomack again!! After all of that I finally made it home and
my boyfriend was pissed off so to make him happy I did him a deap thoarth
blow job and swallow and, beleive it or not, I got sick again!!! I am really
tired and cannot work for a couple of days ...:rolleyes:

Never ending stories ...:)

More to come ... funny one next time!:D

Hello Hot Little Wizard,

Wow...the last one sounds like a REALLY, REALLY BAD DAY! Did I say a bad day. It sounds like someone put a curse on her. I hope she is doing better now.


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