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Montreal Escorts

Need advice! Newbie: Just regitered


New Member
Jun 5, 2006
Hi all! have been reading Merb for a while
As an occasional hobbyist upon my visits to Mtl, I've just had the courage to deal with Eleganza (John) all good up to now!

Came upon them by recomandation, now I would like to try another agency, same service & style, as straight forwarded as Eleganza, (No bad surprises, real photos on their site, on time service & discreet!
Have been searching posts trying to compare but alas, not too much luck...
Any tips would be appreciated, Thanks, & Good work all UPNORTH!;)


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
also new

Hi there!

I'm also a new member of the forum and can honestly say I know very little about the hobby. I've been in Montreal for several months and have spent more time (and money) in downtown strip clubs than I would care to remember. It's only recently that I considered escorts as a possible alternative. So I've spent the past few days reading through the various threads on the board here and I would like to pose a question to the merbites:

Given my inexperience in the hobby, would you recommend an agency or an independent for a first experience? And are there any partcularly "newbie friendly" SPs in Montreal? Any feedback would be appreciated.
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