Montreal Escorts

Mini GT at Cleo's


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Shijak posted in the Cleo's thread about having a mini-gt tonight, Friday Dec 29, at around 10pm, at Cleo's to end the year. So I figured I'd post here in the lounge for those who may have missed it in the Cleo's thread. The usual tables, turn right when you enter the club, and you should see at least a couple of us there. Hope some of you can make it down! See you there.



Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Serpico said:
Looking forward seeing positive people with smiles on their faces....

Not sure about the positive part, but I'll be drinking, so I should be smiling.....

Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Even the log-in was difficult

hey guys,

Just to let you know that I had an awesome time tonight. The log-in was difficult, three trials and I finally got it right!!! (with several back spaces). Michelle, always a pleasure to see you. Rook...what can I are the best...and I truely have a wonderful time with you. Techman...xoxoxoxo. I hope you had a wonderful evening with your date. are adorable, and it was a pleasure to finally meet you. Shijak...sorry I didn't have a chance to say goodbye - but you were a little busy. Bianca, well not good night yet!!! are beautiful...I have such a good time with you. Hojo, very calm and composed, as usual. Eastender, very sweet, and I will surely send you the pictures that you requested.

So I am off....more drinks to go....

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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Impromptu parties are the best?

Wow, what a night. Our table was getting puzzled and envious stares from the clients, and a few different looks from the ladies working the house. And I found out quite a few dancers there know that “Global Village” is a code word for…

Michelle: Isn’t she a charmer? Her eyes. The way she moves them. The way SHE moves. The ponytail swish. The lick of the lip. Oh, gosh. Stop! And a wonderful person and conversation companion. Cool like one of the guys, but such a woman to go with the package. Who could ask for anything more? I hope there was no lump of coal in your Saint-Sylvester stocking, but something a little more glittery! You deserve it.

Jen: oh, who is this bright, beautiful woman? My, oh my, she’s my date for tomorrow night. Wow, this is going to be a fun night, I think.

Bianca (of CD): we had a bird of Paradise in our midst. The pictures on the website are great, but still do not do her justice. We didn’t talk much, but she seemed very genuine and down to earth. Thank you so much for the Hall’s Lozenge, my throat was getting sore from keeping Michelle well stocked in LOL’s.

Candy: next GT, I want you to find me every time you come in from the cold for a smoke. I’ll take care of warming those hands, and maybe we can finally talk that way. (Sound of birds chirping).

Sarah (dancer at Cleo’s): very pretty curvy girl with a smart and sensuous look. I love the glasses, they add so much sex-appeal to what nature has already blessed her with. Very witty girl too. I guess she went off to look for regular clients. Too bad, I would have enjoyed spending time with her. Oh well…

Hojo: always a smile on his face. He works his magic in quiet ways, and projects universal acceptance.

Techman: what a genuine smile he has. And a good word for everyone. Glad to be “on board” with you, hehehe.

Algol: Finally emerged from Solaris, unscathed (on the outside at least). Good to see you join the fray, brother. Stick around, pull up a log.

Fat Happy Buddha: well, some people say you don’t look like a Buddha, I beg to disagree, they’re limited by racial stereotypes. Being a Buddha is a state of mind, and you have it in spades. Keep it up, I say!

Tony: Admiral on deck! Well, that was really nice of you to show up to one of these. Seeing your pleasure at making new in-person acquaintances and renewing old ones was great. Welcome back.

Shijak: The humble organizer, what a guy, our local Mike Myers of the scene, Gene! Poor guy didn’t know where to look: the lovely ladies around our table, the sweeties pacing the floor parading their beautiful charms, Shijak seemed to have died and gone to heaven. In this heaven, there are no men, at least none that he could see! It was hilarious.

Rook01: Mister class himself. Always saying the right thing at the right time, disarming smile, a lot of charm with both us and the girls. Tough to follow.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, so much going on. Eastender, sorry I missed you. Happy New Year to all.
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