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Loose Change Movie (MUST WATCH!!!!!) can be seen online free.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
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Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Can you give me a synopsis? I hope it`s not like the moon landing hoax or the roswell cover up type of stuff. Because if it is...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
ocean said:
Even the guy who was the janitor has gone one video as well as some retired fire fighters who gave eye witness accounts.

Watch this and call me a loonie!![/quote]

Now that's what I call an expert witness...a janitor! Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. It's easy to make claims when you don't need to have any concrete evidence to back yourself up. Kind of sounds like what religions are based on. Absolute blind faith in the person telling the story.

And it's so easy to believe that the US government killed thousands of their own citizens, destroyed their major symbols of economic power, demonstrated how easy it really was for anyone to attack the US, put their entire population and much of the world into a panic that lasted for years, for what end? To attack a country like Afghanistan? To invade Iraq and spend hundreds of billions of dollars? To gain control of the world's oil supply? If any of those things were the reason then it was one colossal failure.

And absolutely no one in this conspiracy has ever come forward and no documents have ever been found? When you consider the masive size of such a coverup and the number of people it would have to involve, does it make sense that nothing of the sort has ever happened? That no documentation or conspirators have ever come to light? That no other country's intelligence departments have ever come across anything? Or was every government in the world in on it?

Conspiracy nuts. Ya gotta love 'em! :p



Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
First of all Willie Rodriguez was one of four or five people who had master keys to the WTC.

He (Rodriguez) has been honoured numerous times by the White House.

An NYFD fire fighter backs his claims up .

Eyewitnesses in Shankesville PA, numerous ones say that the plane they saw crash was not a Boeing.

for what end? To attack a country like Afghanistan? To invade Iraq and spend hundreds of billions of dollars? To gain control of the world's oil supply? If any of those things were the reason then it was one colossal failure.

Not really, a few people spent hundred of billions of YOUR (us citizens) money for THEIR profit. Halliburton/ Exxon Mobil will not loose any money the the US citizens will. Now the US has the first and the second of the world's most oil reserves, and they are now going the third Afghanistan/Caspian sea, which when fully exploited could possibly beat Saudi Arabia. It is funny the us government only want to "liberate" countries with oil. You never hear them talking about the Sudan or Robert Mugabe who is 10 times the bastard Sadam was. Would the US ever invade Sudan Darfour or Zimbabwe no of course not no oil. No one really knows this, but the Iraq
invasion happened right around the time that Sadam, started trading oil in Euros instead of US dollars, that would have been 10
time more damaging to teh US if that kept on happening versus this credit crisis.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Eyewitnesses in Shankesville PA, numerous ones say that the plane they saw crash was not a Boeing.

And these people are who? Aviation experts? Airplane buffs? Average Americans who probably couldn't tell what kind of car was driving down the street but they know for certain that a plane they saw for perhaps a few seconds was definately not a Boeing? They made this identification how, did they contact the authorities themselves or was it from photos shown to them weeks or months or years after the fact by someone with an agenda, and a film, to push?

This has already been gone over on the board in the past and I have learned that you can't win a discussion with someone who bases their arguement on 'faith' and 'belief' with no evidence to back them up. It is impossible to prove that something does not exist, even a conspiracy. And those who believe in it don't really have to prove that it does exist because they really can't. They just have to stand behind their 'belief'.

It's a no win situation.



New Member
Nov 19, 2004
What's funny is that this is actually the 2nd re-cut of the film. The main claims having been thouroughly debunked numerous times, the authors just keep putting out new reworked versions... Watch the annotated/subtitled version which points out all the flaws instead:

I love this criticism :)

"The film's greatest flaw is this: the men who made it are still alive. If the US government is running an all-knowing, all-encompassing conspiracy, why did it not snuff them out long ago? There is only one possible explanation. They are in fact agents of the Bush regime, employed to distract people from its real abuses of power. This, if you are inclined to believe such stories, is surely a more plausible theory than the one proposed in Loose Change."

... :p ...

Oh and...


most of the time
Jan 9, 2009
I'm sorry that you think I'm an @$$h... I'm just not very much into conspiracy theories,had an overdose of religion as a kid and now scepticism takes over.


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
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Here's a report from the magazine called popular mechanics who debunked 911 conspiracies

Like everything you read or see on the news. Find out who owns the paper or the tv station.

Lots of anomalies in 911. Will we know about it one day?

my 2 cents on the subject is that the us gov knew something was going on and just let it happen to invade irak.


Aug 14, 2004
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this is like who kill J.F. Kennedy,

if you are the type of guy that really believe a single guy kill the most protected guy in the world, yes, 9-11 conspiracy theories are for loonies.

it is not that u.s. plan every detail, but they know something and they did not much.

and yes, get control of oil is major business, even if it involves killing a few.
not to mention the weapons business.

ask Canada army ...they seem busy trying to get 'free' afghanistan.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
My_dingaling said:
1st building in history to collapse like a demolition after a fire, first building to collapse like a demolition after no fire,
first airplane crashes without any plane parts or luggage or bodies
first time a plane flies near thye pentagon with the AirForce looking like they have their thumb up their ass.

Unfortunately all your facts are false.

- Steel frame buildings routinely collapse because of fire.
- The "pancake collapse" effect was easily explained by independent engineers.
- Airplane and body parts were found all over the place.
- And a Cessna airplane crashed into the White house prior to 9/11 and the Air Force also didn't have time to react back then (Google it!).

If you believe in the conspiracy, you must explain:

- Why didn't the government kill the conspiracy "investigators" before they had time to reveal their "secrets"?

- If they used truck bombs, where did the airplanes and passengers disappear?

- Why bother using airplanes at all? Huge truck bombs would have been simpler to plan.

- How did the government silence the thousands of FBI agents, FAA personnel, and other workers that would be required to pull this off?

- Why did Theodore Olson's wife die? Or didn't she get the memo? Or is she with Elvis in Hawaii right now?

- Why was Rumsfeld in the Pentagon at all? You're telling me he bet his life on the bomb blast missing him by mere meters?

The people who died on 9/11 were some of the richest and most powerful people in America. If anyone had the political connections to avoid this, it would be them. If the "secret government" wanted to fake an attack, it would be a lot easier to kill a thousand people in Nebraska and get the same sense of outrage to spark a war. without risking any of their friends' lives.

etc. etc. etc.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
- Why didn't the government kill the conspiracy "investigators" before they had time to reveal their "secrets"?
Too many people know too much and you can't kill them all

But they still haven't been able to find so much as one person who is a part of the conspiracy to corroborate their claims.

- If they used truck bombs, where did the airplanes and passengers disappear?
Maybe the answer would scare you

They were abducted by aliens who are involved in another conspiracy with the American gov't. :cool:

- How did the government silence the thousands of FBI agents, FAA personnel, and other workers that would be required to pull this off?
see #1 of this list of questions

See last answer.

I really can't believe that I'm debating a conspiracy theory with someone named my_dingaling!:D


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
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My_dingaling said:
- Steel frame buildings routinely collapse because of fire.
Completely untrue

No it is known that steel melts thus causing a collapse. There is also another technique in building construction that is coming back where they using WOOD BEAMS instead of steel. Wood burns but won't collapse as fast.
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