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Blacklist Attempt Last Week

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Stephen, attacking and insulting Rose who just pointed out some facts is totally uncalled for. Here are a couple of other facts. Your indiscretion in a review resulted in an agency escort being fired.
The most incriminating evidence against you is that of all people to start a blacklist motion against you on twitter, were ex Unicorn women....some of whom are among the most popular on Merb.

I totally agree with this.
it is also strange that someone writes an almost 2 page explanation in which he explains that only 3 out of six SP were ok with being with him.
Kind of strange that of all groups the ex Unicorns Sonia’s helper is the one to sound the alarm, these girls are not exactly squeamish when it comes to kink so it is anybodies guess what really brought this on without having the version from these ladies.

I don’t blame these ladies for being on alert with the recent murder near Quebec City and April’s long post on the abuse some ladies had to endure at Rubicon.
If you have inadvertently made an ass of yourself, then the best thing to do is apologize and change the way you conduct yourself with these women.
I can understand no chemistry, or that they are not into me, but a blacklist by so many, sorry there has to be more to this story I don’t buy the complete innocent long book like explanation.

Outing the provider for seeing a client outside the agency is also not a great move. Perhaps it is the OP that should reflect on how he conducts himself with these ladies so he doesn’t have to write a 2 page essay.
Continuing the argument and excuses with Rose is not the best move either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thank you for your posts gentlemen. I do hope the girls will say something about this whole thing when they come back from vacation, but if they don't, I hope I was able to shine some light on the situation.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
I think the SW community has to have tools, including the ability to blacklist, to protect itself.

I didn't write the post to blame anyone or to deny fault on my part.

I wrote the post to present facts concerning a fairly unusual event in the Montreal scene, and foster discussion about it.

I'm happy to hear any criticism anyone has of how I should have behaved differently--I want to learn.

But some people are responding to the post by talking about behavior which I not only deny, but which no person who has ever encountered me personally has accused me of.

I will not admit to things that aren't true. There is no point in that.

My refusal to admit things about that are not true is not an attack on anyone or anything (including Rose).

I had a lot of negativity focused on me by a lot of people during my time in Montreal.

I wrote the post to raise the issue of whether there should be blacklisting when there is "bad chemistry," miscommunication, misunderstanding between client and provider.

People are responding to me by ignoring that point, and instead saying blacklisting me was right because I posted "indiscreet reviews" when the providers told me to go ahead and post the reviews, and by accusing me of crazy things that I do not believe anyone who has ever met me has ever said about me, like I have "an intent to cause harm."

And, like Rose, saying "blacklisting is for violence, taking off the condom, etc."--again, things that no one has accused me of.

The fact is I have been blacklisted and stigmatized as some kind of creep or even criminal. For the commenters who say I should not be posting about it, that it is indiscreet to do so, or that my post is too long, you are not addressing the substance of what I am saying and basically saying to me this is not a proper subject of conversation. for the commenters trying to suggest facts that have no basis even in actual allegations against me, you are also trying to avoid discussing the substance of my points with the argument that "I got what I deserved."

I can't stop people from refusing to address the substance of what I have written. But I can point out that people are doing so.

And I will continue to refuse to admit made up assertions about my behavior that are not true and have not even been voiced by any person who has ever personally encountered me (as far as I know).

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Ur post was long as fuck. I say that with no disrespect, but it was. As someone who doesn’t know you and wasn’t present when all the shit went down, the only thing I could possibly extract from your original post is that your quite verbose and there may have absolutely been some miscommunication that led to this whole mess.

With respect to getting black listed for bullshit reasons, my advise would be to have confidence in yourself as a client. Sounds easier said than done. If your clean, respectful, don’t argue about £££ maintain appropriate boundaries, even if someone starts complaining about you others maybe skeptical. again, I wasn’t there, nonidea as to what happened and not saying one party is right and another is wrong. But my advise, move on, book some other chics


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Stephen, I think you miss the point here. As I mentioned several times over, the two girls in question are in vacation at the moment. Hence why they are not coming forward with their stories. You wrote this post to have people side with you and tell you that you did nothing wrong and that WE went over the top with the blacklisting. From what I gathered you have :

- did COF on a provider who clearly doesn't offer that service. When she got mad about it, you laughed it off.
- booked GFE providers but then expected to have rough sex for hours at the time.
- got the provider to give you a BBBJ but then held her head there. When she was clearly getting tired, you laughed it off ''im going to break your mouth''. This is something that has been mentioned by not two, but three providers.

I don't know if it's because you had booked quite literally 6h of bookings a day (2 x 3 hours sessions), which made you feel desensitized, but no girl goes into a 3h booking expecting to be fucked non stop. You would only need common sense to know that these providers were not comfortable/in pain from what you were asking of them. Clearly you have trouble reading another human being's cues. Otherwise why would you highlight in all the other bookings ''it is such a relief to be with a provider who lays her boundaries clearly, etc, etc''. This post and the reviews look like a way for you to own the narrative and make it seem like the girls' fault. The other girl, who has quite frankly 10 pages of stellar reviews here, who you have conveniently left out of your story, is a great provider and the fact that she felt forced to do things in the booking says a lot more about you then it says about her.


Feb 9, 2018
The cof thing happenned to me with a client not too long ago and when i got pissed cause he never asked he just fucking laughed right to my face . i told the booker about it and was soooooo mad i blacklisted the guy too . He was a lawyer too . Wonder if its the same guy lol . Might not be tho. I feel strongly about everything rose has said and if you refuse to even give your version of what you did / said to the SP during your session that says a lot about what went down .

I would also like to add that asking an sp about her limits is a bit stupid in a way because we have SO MANY . I mean YES WE DO. You should ask instead what they DO offer . Because then we can just say GFE no cim/cof/anal . Or something like that depending on what we offer . Limits are a very wide subject like if you asked id probably just say my acronyms restrictions but i am not gonna say « i dont like people throwing poop at me or farting on my head » but that doesnt mean im ok with it you follow?

Gabrielle Laliberté

Active Member
Jul 6, 2015
Montréal - Québec
Thank you so much Rose for take your time and your energy on this thread, I agree with everything you said. Every providers have different limits, a guy can be a gentleman with few lady, and act like a dangerous jerk with others.

Dude, I don't understand why you made a big public drama about being blacklisted. I mean, we aren't a universal public service ! We have limits but also desires, and if a bunch of providers decide to cancel the date because you say or made something that made feel her uncomfortable, it's none of your business.

As my grand-mother say well "If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes''.

But i'm also happy to see the reaction of the community on merb.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
But my advise, move on, book some other chics

Wow didn’t know about the holding head in place during BBBj and unwanted CIM. Take back my statement and apologize if I offended anyone. Def not cool and totally legit reasons to get black listed
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly, we wouldn't even have mentioned anything about you on this board Stephen. The opinions of both sides (those who saw you and had a nice time vs those who didn't) were laid out for all providers to see. They then decided whether or not to cancel on you. That is indeed the beauty of critical thinking. I'm happy some providers had a positive experience with you and I respect them regardless of my opinion on the subject. At this point I think we can all just move on, be happy that we providers have a support system and learn from this.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Thank you so much Rose for take your time and your energy on this thread,.

I agree it is not the first time Rose has stepped into a sticky situation and calmly explained things without being either overly aggressive or creating a panic.
I guess I will never fully understand these kind of situations as I am more of an old romantic and half fall in love with every SP that smiles at me and treats me with kindness.
I just don’t see theses ladies issuing these kind of warnings and causing such a stir in the SP community without reason.
These women are professionals and clearly know when someone is out of line.
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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I wrote the post to present facts concerning a fairly unusual event in the Montreal scene

If that was your intention, it looks like you failed miserably. Otherwise, there probably would be no need for people to spend so much time trying to reconstruct what exactly happened.

The impression I got was that you wrote the post to obfuscate the facts concerning that (fairly unusual) event.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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To me the communication issue is simple - you don’t talk about boundaries, you tell the lady what you want and either she says yes or no and you then respect the answer. Many times I have asked a lady, “will you let me CIM?” For most escorts that question is pretty simple and capable of a yes or no answer. I tend to see ladies who are reviewed as offering it, but if I see a lady who is newer or not reviewed on that point I ask. If the answer is no I find another way to finish and ask if it’s OK. These are not difficult questions to ask and answer. As to forcibly holding someone’s head or laughing at a COF or CIM that was not expected, it does warrant blacklisting in my opinion.

With my Seeking Arrangement friend it was about 7 dates (approximately) before I was allowed to CIM. She didn’t even BBBJ me at first. Had to build up to it. Trust has to be earned and is not to be taken for granted.

April Killian / Rose

Active Member
Mar 6, 2017
Hi There!
I've been told by a few people to come read about this. I don't know why my name was stated before, Rose and i are different people. I hope you took the time to realize that in the meantime.
Thanks both Rose and Gabrielle for your time as well, i know you both have full schedules and busy lives with all your passions and projects.

The facts were indeed layed out and it was all of our personal choices to determine whether or not to meet you Stephen. And even if you think you were stellar, irreproachable and the best gent in the world, ladies that have met you, some wrote to me personally, saying to watch myself. If my friends ask me to be guarded, it's already a freaking bright red flag.
I'm experienced in rough plays, i take much pride in being able to provide incredible scenarios and rougher experiences. But if a fellow coworker, messages me directly stating to watch myself, on top of everything else that i had read, i'm going to be trusting the providers.

I've read most of your post, i'm happy to understand that you are learning through this. Reading this now, i'd still not want to meet you. I find it unnecessary of you to have brought it out here. Are you looking for support from hobbyists or are you really trying to make a point to us providers ; cause this could have been an email sent to all? You are taking more of our time and energy, when we've acted just and aimed to protect our community. Providers have different levels of triggers, emotional endurance. Some will reflect for a week in anxiety to someone who says : im going to break your jaw, others will find it funny. You don't get to decide what level some are able to take and endure. There is a big lack of respect in assuming that we are all the same and offering the same level of comfort in all activities. For some, just the idea of a disrespect is triggering. I realize how you think this is unjust to you, and that you've been a victim of a whole boycott, but i think the boycott is still valid. I imagine you had amazing encounters with prividers post ban, to try to get yourself some references, some good reviews, but that isn't the story that is told by all. The mix of good and bad reviews we got from you is also a red flag in my book. Although you do seem to understand some sociological/recent events and reasons that put us even more is a stress situation, i'm not sure you realize that all providers aren't the same, don't offer the same services. I don't think in the moment, you actually cared. Your primal you, the one in the moment, the one that can't make a clear decision has been rough, hasnt respected boudaries, hasnt asked about boundaries, asked and over passed some, mocked and put the girls to the test with bullying comments.

You have asked me to read articles, and watch documentaries, which i did, some that have left me with great trauma, self reflect and discomfort. The videos you asked me to watch left me in a great state of choc. In return, I'll ask you to read a specific section of a book i studied in business management : It's called Predictably Irrationnal, specifically the chapter on sexual arousal. The point i want you to reflect on is do you actually know yourself when you are aroused?
This article and scientific experiment show that the results of peoples actions in a arroused state vary upto 72% compared to all result they have given in a more rested state. Maybe there is a Hyde in you that you never encountered. Maybe the control that you reflect in your messages here change into something else in the bedroom.

I have never met you, i have chosen not to. So i don't know. But what i know and observe is that there is a big difference between your words and others experiences.
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Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Thank You, to All the Ladies who have Spoken out here.

I hope All the Ladies who can shed more light here, will.

To have the Bravery and Wisdom to Share and Speak, I appreciate this Forum.

Thank You!

***Everyday is a new Chance, to Be, a Better Human***
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
OK, that's just not what happened. But there is no reason for anyone to take my word for it. I'm ready to move on.

From what the ladies have written. This is the first true thing you have said. No reason to take your word for it


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I didn’t think this thread was a good idea from the start. I don’t really understand what the purpose of it was. My feeling was (and I could be wrong) that the OP was looking to provoke a response from the blacklisting parties so he could determine the reasons for the blacklisting or attempted blacklisting. However just as it’s a rule for any trial attorney to never ask a hostile witness a question when you don’t know what the answer will be, on a public escort board you should never invite others to conduct a public debate on the appropriateness of your private behaviors. I don’t know Stephen500 and his past posts before this thread have mostly seemed intelligent, well thought out and respectful. However this thread I think was ill advised. Hopefully all the parties can discuss or mediate the issue privately and constructively resolve it (or not) once the vacationing parties return from their vacation.

On another note, and this is not directed at Steven500- I know many men who are extremely intelligent persons and make boatloads of money, but their people skills (especially with women) are absolute shit. They are socially Cro-Magnon period ape-men in their ability to communicate and read body language of the opposite sex. We actually had to ban one of our own group of friends from any Montreal trips because he exhibited these behaviors in the USA (the last straw was him getting thrown out of a strip club and almost being beaten by a bouncer after his interactions with a stripper there he had become obsessed with). This guy is a hopeless train wreck socially but we all feel sorry for him and by banning him we not only protected him, but protected ourselves from the repercussions of his bad behaviors in Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I also don't see what was the purpose of Stephen's original post other than try and get people on his side. Either party has proof, which means everything here is ''he said, she said''. We blacklisted you, it seems to me you still had a good time with many providers and based on your reviews, you'd repeat will all the them. Enjoy those who still want to see you!


Sr Moderator
Jan 27, 2014
I didn’t think this thread was a good idea from the start. I don’t really understand what the purpose of it was. My feeling was (and I could be wrong) that the OP was looking to provoke a response from the blacklisting parties so he could determine the reasons for the blacklisting or attempted blacklisting......

agreed, closed until further notice (for those providers concerned who were away please contact moderation if you wish for us to re-open)
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