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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Can anyone be more corrupted and narcissistic then Trudeau?
Is it a question?
Narcicisst, maybe. Corrupted??? You never brought anything about it rather than opinions.
You seem to know a lot about it. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Is it a question?
Narcicisst, maybe. Corrupted??? You never brought anything about it rather than opinions.
You seem to know a lot about it. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.
I wrote it as a question to Merbites. And no, I did not post an opinion but rather facts. I posted plenty in this thread or maybe you got a short memory but I will summarize.

1. The SNC Lavalin scandal
And Trudeau threw Jody Wilson-Raybould under the bus to save his own skin.
How much did Trudeau and his family pocket? Lots of cash. And then he prorogued parliament to get away with it.
3.The ethics watchdog first sanctioned Trudeau in December 2017 when he accepted a vacation on the Aga Khan's private island in 2016. At the time Aga Khan's foundation was formerly registered to lobby Trudeau and his officials.
4.Trudeau went to Indian events dressed in their attire which was a inside deal to get votes from Indians. For example in February 2018 Trudeau took an eight day trip to India wearing elaborate colorful costumes. During this trip Jaspal Atwal, who was convicted of in 1986 of an attempted murder of an Indian politician visiting Canada, has been invited to a reception by Trudeau in New Dehli, India.

Need I go on? And these are things he was caught on. Imagine how much things he did and he is getting away with it all. Anyone else would be in jail right now.

As about the narcissistic comment, how can any sane person bring in 1.5 million people in 2022 when there is not enough housing for all those newcomers? A 3 1/2 apartment in Toronto is going for on average $2200 a month! What about the overburdened healthcare system, it cannot handle the current population how can it handle accepting so many extra people yearly. Does he care if people can find an affordable place to live in? Does he care if people can find a family doctor or get medical care in a timely manner. Or all he cares about is taking selfies, looking good on the international stage, and getting rich off taxing people. This is at its core narcissistic and fits with the definition you posted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I wrote it as a question to Merbites. And no, I did not post an opinion but rather facts. I posted plenty in this thread or maybe you got a short memory but I will summarize.

1. The SNC Lavalin scandal
And Trudeau threw Jody Wilson-Raybould under the bus to save his own skin.
How much did Trudeau and his family pocket? Lots of cash. And then he prorogued parliament to get away with it.
3.The ethics watchdog first sanctioned Trudeau in December 2017 when he accepted a vacation on the Aga Khan's private island in 2016. At the time Aga Khan's foundation was formerly registered to lobby Trudeau and his officials.
4.Trudeau went to Indian events dressed in their attire which was a inside deal to get votes from Indians. For example in February 2018 Trudeau took an eight day trip to India wearing elaborate colorful costumes. During this trip Jaspal Atwal, who was convicted of in 1986 of an attempted murder of an Indian politician visiting Canada, has been invited to a reception by Trudeau in New Dehli, India.

Need I go on? And these are things he was caught on. Imagine how much things he did and he is getting away with it all. Anyone else would be in jail right now.

As about the narcissistic comment, how can any sane person bring in 1.5 million people in 2022 when there is not enough housing for all those newcomers? A 3 1/2 apartment in Toronto is going for on average $2200 a month! What about the overburdened healthcare system, it cannot handle the current population how can it handle accepting so many extra people yearly. Does he care if people can find an affordable place to live in? Does he care if people can find a family doctor or get medical care in a timely manner. Or all he cares about is taking selfies, looking good on the international stage, and getting rich off taxing people. This is at its core narcissistic and fits with the definition you posted.
You certainly have posted "plenty in this thread". And yes many of us have a "short memory" when it comes to these posts for good reason.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

As Justin Castro's ridiculous Bill C-18 comes closer to take effect, Facebook as of Tuesday will block all news content and news sharing on their platform. Google will do the same later in the year when the law takes effect. Another example of government overreach. News companies use social network sites because it benefits them. To be told they have to pay is government overreach and the people will pay the price for Trudeau's stupidity. Now it means I will have to use a VPN to be able to search for news.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'est très souvent le prix à payer pour faire de la politique active......le métier passe avant tout et naturellement la famille passe en voilà malheureusement le ré on met l'aspect politique de côté on peut comprendre le drame personnel de ces hommes et femmes qui ont choisi un travail /agenda très très exigeant /prenant et difficile....avec oui souvent un prix à 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
. Now it means I will have to use a VPN to be able to search for news.
It means you don't know how a VPN works. META will know you are using a VPN and can block you. Even MERB can detect and block a VPN user.
Mind you, FB is not a way to find reliable news. Going directly to reputable sites is the one and only way. Of course it is better to consult difference reliable sources.
FB and other social media will direct people to echo chambers reflecting what please them. They will feel confortable but will learn nothing new.
It is what it is and people taking their source on social media are just stuck and prisoner. It explains how the MAGA movement stays strong despite all the evidences and proofs accumulating against their foolish guru.

But we are digressing from the subject, the PM Trudeau. In fact the title of this thread is itself a fraud. We may agree or disagree on Trudeau and PLC policies but there is no so called "Trudeau crime family". This is just an other lie protected by the expression freedom. Any one can say anything, even stupid and non sens. I accept this. It's part of the game living in democracy.
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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
I guess it makes now two cabinet shuffles during the same week.
That’s pretty wild, like being such an absolute dick head that even as a millionaire Prime minister of Canada, the wife still wants to divorce you.
The story says she fell in love with a trucker about a year and a half ago.
This picture was taking recently, the damage is well centered lots of space for interpretation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
j'espère pas un trucker qui avait tenu en otage le centre-ville.....lollll ....pour le moment c'est une séparation et non un divorce qui se fera sans doute hors de la vie politique...pas vraiment inquiet pour eux......lollll
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The most interesting thing about the split between Justin and Sophie is that their three kids will live with Justin and Sophie is getting her own place in Ottawa. Though I am sure that she will see her kids often, it sounds like she is running away from the responsibility of taking care of them on a daily basis.

It almost seems like Justin married a woman in Sophie who resembles his crazy mother, Margaret. In the same fashion as Sophie, she abandoned her husband, Pierre, and their three children after 10+ years of marriage. Margaret embarked on a playgirl lifestyle while carrying on affairs with celebrities and hanging out at Studio 54, the infamous NYC disco of the 1970s.

It will be interesting to see what Sophie does. She is still an attractive woman at age 48 so I think we will soon see photos of her cavorting with rich, older men who can provide her with a better lifestyle than poor Justin does on his government salary. I almost feel sorry for Justin-he finds out after 18 years that he married the wrong woman.

Of course there were warning signs about what was coming, so Justin was probably not totally surprised.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife, Sophie, spoke about the desire to break away from traditional feminine domestic roles while on Meghan Markle's podcast last year.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, 48, was referenced as 'Soph' on Markle's failed Archetypes podcast titled Good Wife/Bad Wife, Good Mom/Bad Mom in November 2022.

Grégoire Trudeau spoke about how all women 'long to be free in who we are' since they carry 'most of the load' in the household and with the children...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It means you don't know how a VPN works. META will know you are using a VPN and can block you. Even MERB can detect and block a VPN user.
I know how VPNs work, I have used VPN and accessed FB before, and yes there is a chance that FB can block you but highly unlikely they will take action. Also google plans to block news from Canadians which means it will not be possible to search for news using traditional search engines. Only way would be to go directly to the news websites but if I wanted to search for old news then I will not be able to find it and using a VPN is the way to get around this.
Mind you, FB is not a way to find reliable news. Going directly to reputable sites is the one and only way. Of course it is better to consult difference reliable sources.
FB and other social media will direct people to echo chambers reflecting what please them. They will feel confortable but will learn nothing new.
It is what it is and people taking their source on social media are just stuck and prisoner. It explains how the MAGA movement stays strong despite all the evidences and proofs accumulating against their foolish guru.
FB is not the source of the news, FB is just a medium which displays news from news sources like CTV and CBC. The news companies use those platforms because it benefits them, it is kind of an advertising medium to gain more audiences and it works. I often share news articles of my interest on my FB but now that will all be history thanks to Trudeau.
But we are digressing from the subject, the PM Trudeau. In fact the title of this thread is itself a fraud. We may agree or disagree on Trudeau and PLC policies but there is no so called "Trudeau crime family". This is just an other lie protected by the expression freedom. Any one can say anything, even stupid and non sens. I accept this. It's part of the game living in democracy.
Trudeau is indeed a criminal, he got away with it all with sneaky underhanded means. Any regular person would be in jail. He committed treason and many ethics violations. The Trudeau Crime family is accurate. You are right in a democracy, we are all entitled to our opinion including the one you have.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
There are lots of rumors surrounding the separation of Justin and Sophie, including:
  1. They have already been living apart for the past 2-3 years (seems possible)
  2. Justin has been having an affair with Melanie Joly, his foreign minister (possible but no hard evidence)
  3. Justin is gay/bi (I don't think so).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Tout ce placotage dans un fil de discussion qui se prétend "politique. Avec qui couchera Sophie Grégoire? Franchement on devrait s'en fouter. Cela ne nous regarde pas.
C'est une belle occasion pour certains de montrer leur ignorance. Dire que Justin Trudeau a un petit salaire de premier ministre est pure fantaisie. Il est multi-millionnaire via l'héritage reçu de son célèbre père. D'autres décident de proclamer que le PM est un criminel alors qu'il n'a jamais été accusé de quelque offense au Code Criminel. Il a souvent eu des problèmes avec l'éthique mais cela ne fait pas de lui un criminel. Ceux qui ont détruit des biens publics durant la crise des "truckers" ont été jugé et condamnés. Ce sont des criminels. Ceux qui les ont appuyés comme Pierre Poilièvre sont des idiots manipulateurs mais certainement pas des criminels. Les mots sont importants, mais certains se contentent de les enligner pour pousser une idée et faire un écran de fumée pour cacher leur vrai motivation. Beaucoup de placotage, pas de faits. Le niveau de discussion est vraiment plus bas que jamais. Qui en est surpris?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
As this NP columnist points out, the separation will hurt Trudeau's popularity, because he now seems like much less of a family man and so less likable. He has a carefully crafted public image with his attractive wife and children and now all that is gone. If he does photo ops with his kids from now on, then they will just draw attention to his status as a divorced dad. If he finds a new wife too quickly, then he will look like the one who caused the breakup. All in all the separation is a big political blow to Trudeau. Of course, many Canadians will be thrilled about that!

I took no pleasure in learning that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, are separating. They’ve been married for 18 years and have three school-aged children together. The breakdown of a marriage — particularly when kids are in the picture — is tragic. Trudeau would know, as he experienced it himself as a child.

“Sophie and I would like to share the fact that after many meaningful and difficult conversations, we have made the decision to separate,” read the prime minister’s statement, which was posted to Instagram. “As always, we remain a close family with deep love and respect for each other and for everything we have built and will continue to build.”

It’s an awful situation, especially for the kids. They’ll be old enough to remember what it’s like to have a functional, normal family — and what it’s like to have it torn away. They won’t be so old that they’ll be out of the house and independent enough to avoid the worst of what’s to come.

Whether they knew it was coming for a long time, or it hit them by surprise, it’s made all the more worse because of how public their dad’s life is. Their parents’ mutual rejection is now crystallized and real, for all to see.

Canadian political culture shies away from prying into the personal lives of politicians. Rumours of infidelity, and marriage troubles more generally, might circulate around Ottawa, but almost never make it into the news. Unlike in the United States, we don’t have a tradition of valorizing politicians’ spouses, or expecting them to participate in political campaigns. There is no Canadian “first lady.”

That’s a good thing, for the most part. There’s little incentive for high-status Canadians to go into politics as is. If our media culture involved exposing the intimate personal lives of every elected official, we’d likely see even lower quality representation in Parliament.

Marriage — and its breakdown — is an integral element of one’s political image, as much as we don’t like to talk about it. Whether we like it or not, society generally expects leaders to represent the ideal. The leader tasked with keeping the country in good order should be able to do the same at home.

A failed marriage — even if the separation is made in good faith for understandable reasons — symbolizes a failure of judgment and an inability to govern (well, co-govern). Some might say the stigma against divorce in leadership is irrational, but it’s still very real.

It’s no coincidence that divorce is rare in public office. Only two Canadian prime ministers have been divorced (Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who divorced while in office, and Kim Campbell); Trudeau the younger will soon make it three. In the U.S., it’s similarly rare: the only divorcees in the White House have been Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

The subtext: parties run leaders who can play the romantic hero in their personal lives (or, at least, appear to). If you’re going to divorce as head of government, it’s best to at least keep up appearances until you’ve exited public life.

It’s unclear why the Trudeaus chose to separate now and not after they’ve moved on from Ottawa. The timing doesn’t bode well for the prime minister — especially since much of his personal marketing has to do with image.

Trudeau can no longer play the loving husband, the family man. He can’t live by example on the family file, because he can’t claim personal success on that front. There will be no more family photo-ops of the perfect trail ride, the perfect British Columbia getaway or the perfect Christmas.

There will be no more opportunities to be chivalrous by defending his wife. No more leaning on her for flattering news stories to build the family narrative, and no more relatable anecdotes about married life.

Grégoire Trudeau is losing a lot less. She used her status to draw attention to her preferred causes, but has stayed out of the limelight for the most part, aside from some personal PR — speeches here, podcast appearances there.

She’s more present than some prime ministerial wives have been in the past, but a shadow compared to Anaida Poilievre, who was prominent in the Tory leadership campaign and continues to make public appearances alongside her husband, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre.

Grégoire Trudeau has drawn some flack in the past, but as a former TV entertainment reporter, she’s certainly capable of handling publicity. Probably the worst thing on her record is her family’s hiring of nannies to help with childcare, which I thought was a non-issue (if they want to use their allotted household budget — something that every prime minister gets as part of the job — on childcare staff, that’s perfectly legitimate).

Unless any new and shocking details emerge, Grégoire Trudeau is probably going to walk away quietly, but dignified. The prime minister, perhaps not so much.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Trudeau refuses to reduce immigration despite a housing crisis. It is clear rapid population growth is making Canada's housing market very unaffordable and creating more wealth inequality. But what the hell does Trudeau care? He is a multi-millionaire, all he cares about is getting reelected so he can continue stuffing money in his pockets and increase the taxbase.

From the Article:

In the short term, however, that massive growth has strained major urban centers and exacerbated housing shortages. In the 12 months to March, 4 to 5 international migrants arrived in Canada for every newly started unit of housing construction. That’s the highest ratio of new Canadians to new homes on record in data going back to 1977.

Many Canadians now criticize the government for not only doing too little to boost supply, but also making it worse by adding too much demand from immigration. But Miller pushed back against that view.

A recent survey by Ottawa-based Abacus Data showed 61 per cent of respondents believed Canada’s immigration target is too high, and 63 per cent of them said the number of immigrants coming to the country was having a negative impact on housing.

“What’s driving this is really rational concerns, not xenophobia,” said David Coletto, Abacus Data’s chief executive officer. “From many people’s perspective, the growth that Canada experienced hasn’t been matched with an increase in infrastructure. It’s putting a strain on public opinion toward immigration more broadly. We’d be foolish to assume that Canada’s immune to the same forces that have affected other countries.”
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Trudeau refuses to reduce immigration despite a housing crisis. It is clear rapid population growth is making Canada's housing market very unaffordable and creating more wealth inequality. But what the hell does Trudeau care? He is a multi-millionaire, all he cares about is getting reelected so he can continue stuffing money in his pockets and increase the taxbase.

From the Article:

In the short term, however, that massive growth has strained major urban centers and exacerbated housing shortages. In the 12 months to March, 4 to 5 international migrants arrived in Canada for every newly started unit of housing construction. That’s the highest ratio of new Canadians to new homes on record in data going back to 1977.

Many Canadians now criticize the government for not only doing too little to boost supply, but also making it worse by adding too much demand from immigration. But Miller pushed back against that view.

A recent survey by Ottawa-based Abacus Data showed 61 per cent of respondents believed Canada’s immigration target is too high, and 63 per cent of them said the number of immigrants coming to the country was having a negative impact on housing.

“What’s driving this is really rational concerns, not xenophobia,” said David Coletto, Abacus Data’s chief executive officer. “From many people’s perspective, the growth that Canada experienced hasn’t been matched with an increase in infrastructure. It’s putting a strain on public opinion toward immigration more broadly. We’d be foolish to assume that Canada’s immune to the same forces that have affected other countries.”

Completely right ! Trudeau and his Immigration Minister don't live in the real world and don't care for the majority of Canadians citizens !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Two thirds of Canadians now disapprove of Trudeau's mass immigration policy as bad for housing. They are right. Trudeau's obsession with increasing the population keeps inflation high, and rents and houses skyrocketed. Trudeau claims to be for the middle class and for equality but we see the reality he is eroding the middle class and cators to his rich buddies. Trudeau's support is eroding and yet he continues with this madness. All he cares about is making money by increasing the amount of taxpayers, he needs more people to steal more money from.

Direct Quote from the Article

Most Canadians view Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plan to raise immigration targets as adversely affecting the cost of housing, signaling a shift in public attitudes in the typically newcomer-friendly country.

Polling by Nanos Research Group for Bloomberg News shows about two out of three respondents believe increasing the annual target for permanent residents to half a million by 2025 will have a negative impact on the cost of housing. Only one in five believe it will have a positive impact.

The survey suggests Canadians’ opinions are changing at a time when Trudeau’s government is being criticized for exacerbating housing shortages by boosting the number of immigrants. Concerns about inflation and the rising cost of housing have been increasing over the last year, said Nik Nanos, chief data scientist and founder of Nanos Research Group.

A worsening imbalance between housing supply and demand, combined with rising cost of living and higher interest rates, has already priced out many Canadian residents, including younger generations and recent immigrants. It has also prompted calls from economists for the government to revise its immigration policy.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Economists are raising the alarms on Trudeau's mass immigration policy. They are saying rapid population increase is reducing the standard of living for most average Canadians. The GDP per capita is shrinking and is becoming stagnant. Not only increasing population is making companies less willing to invest when hiring and the wages drop. The inequality is growing.

Direct Quote from the Article

Economists though — a handful at least — are beginning to raise some flags as stresses grow in the housing market and data show the economic gains from accelerated population growth may be producing diminishing returns.

The numbers are big and historic and well ahead of our peers.

Canada’s population is estimated to have increased by just over one million last year — easily a record and up 2.7 per cent from 2021.

We all know this is producing strains in housing

Stéfane Marion, chief economist at National Bank of Canada, pointed out in an April 10 note that the ratio of housing starts to working-age population has fallen to the lowest on record. “Ottawa should consider revising its immigration targets to allow supply to catch up with demand,” he said.

But it’s not just housing. Economists are beginning to see warning signs in another gauge: rising population isn’t coming with a commensurate increase in economic output.

According to data released by the International Monetary Fund last week, Canada’s population growth will help fuel the biggest increase in national income among G7 countries over the next six years, but our economy will also see the smallest increase in GDP per capita.

Biggest increase in national income is key for the government, it means government will make record profits off taxes because of more population and higher inflation. The GDP per capita tells the true story which means peoples incomes are going down compared to the cost of living.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Economists are raising the alarms on Trudeau's mass immigration policy. They are saying rapid population increase is reducing the standard of living for most average Canadians. The GDP per capita is shrinking and is becoming stagnant. Not only increasing population is making companies less willing to invest when hiring and the wages drop. The inequality is growing.

Direct Quote from the Article

Economists though — a handful at least — are beginning to raise some flags as stresses grow in the housing market and data show the economic gains from accelerated population growth may be producing diminishing returns.

The numbers are big and historic and well ahead of our peers.

Canada’s population is estimated to have increased by just over one million last year — easily a record and up 2.7 per cent from 2021.

We all know this is producing strains in housing

Stéfane Marion, chief economist at National Bank of Canada, pointed out in an April 10 note that the ratio of housing starts to working-age population has fallen to the lowest on record. “Ottawa should consider revising its immigration targets to allow supply to catch up with demand,” he said.

But it’s not just housing. Economists are beginning to see warning signs in another gauge: rising population isn’t coming with a commensurate increase in economic output.

According to data released by the International Monetary Fund last week, Canada’s population growth will help fuel the biggest increase in national income among G7 countries over the next six years, but our economy will also see the smallest increase in GDP per capita.

Biggest increase in national income is key for the government, it means government will make record profits off taxes because of more population and higher inflation. The GDP per capita tells the true story which means peoples incomes are going down compared to the cost of living.

I just saw that the Trans Mountain pipeline that Trudeau bought for 5 billions $ has now cost 30.9 billions $ and is not completed.
The accomodation with indigenious estimated at 99 millions $ ended up at 900 millions $.
Not surprising.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Economists are raising the alarms on Trudeau's mass immigration policy. They are saying rapid population increase is reducing the standard of living for most average Canadians. The GDP per capita is shrinking and is becoming stagnant. Not only increasing population is making companies less willing to invest when hiring and the wages drop. The inequality is growing.

Direct Quote from the Article

Economists though — a handful at least — are beginning to raise some flags as stresses grow in the housing market and data show the economic gains from accelerated population growth may be producing diminishing returns.

The numbers are big and historic and well ahead of our peers.

Canada’s population is estimated to have increased by just over one million last year — easily a record and up 2.7 per cent from 2021.

We all know this is producing strains in housing

Stéfane Marion, chief economist at National Bank of Canada, pointed out in an April 10 note that the ratio of housing starts to working-age population has fallen to the lowest on record. “Ottawa should consider revising its immigration targets to allow supply to catch up with demand,” he said.

But it’s not just housing. Economists are beginning to see warning signs in another gauge: rising population isn’t coming with a commensurate increase in economic output.

According to data released by the International Monetary Fund last week, Canada’s population growth will help fuel the biggest increase in national income among G7 countries over the next six years, but our economy will also see the smallest increase in GDP per capita.

Biggest increase in national income is key for the government, it means government will make record profits off taxes because of more population and higher inflation. The GDP per capita tells the true story which means peoples incomes are going down compared to the cost of living.

Trudeau is holding a big meeting trying to correct his failure provoked by his massive immigration policy.
I call him Justin TOO LATE Trudeau in most of his actions.
Now he acknowledge the big deficit in housing.
Does he acknowledge too the extreme high cost of houses and appartments rents caused by his almost 9 years as Prime Minister ?
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