Montreal Escorts

The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More madness from Justin Castro. You think this is bad, Justin Castro plans to make everyone more poor with the coming days while politicians get richer off peoples backs. With the new Clean Fuel Regulations coming in effect, what it is in a nutshell is fuel producers and importers will have to keep the carbon content of fuel below 15%. This will just make prices go even higher. So in addition to the carbon tax, car manufacturers being forced to limit the amount of ICE cars they produce, and this Clean Fuel regulations, expect everything to cost even more. The government will be racking up all the profits so Justin Castro can zip around in his private jet. As this country is on fire, Justin Castro throws fuel on it. This is Socialism for you, its aim is to make everyone equal and poor while making government rich. Everything in the Trudeau government is getting centralized. To have a country prosper, you need small government, low taxes, low regulations, and an abundance of cheap energy. Is it any wonder that the most prosperous times was between 1945 to 1973? Why because there was an abundance of cheap gas. Keep on voting Liberal if you want to be broke.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Immigration 2022:

  1. Economic & Family + Refugees ( just over 430,000)
  2. Temporary Foreign workers (just over 200,000)
  3. Illegal border crossers (just over 40,000)
  4. International Students (just over 700,000)
  5. International Mobility Program (just over 250,000)
That is 1.5 million extra people just for 2022! Canada reached 40 million. Is it any wonder that so many people are not able to find an affordable apartment or to ever be able to afford a home? There are no family doctors available, the capacity at hospitals has not increased, roads are congested yet Socialists like Plante are increasing the width of sidewalks to triple the size and adding useless bike paths and turning two way streets into one way single lane streets making traffic congestion even worse. Socialist claim to be for the working class and want equality but all these policies are making the gap between the rich and poor bigger. Mass immigration greatly benefit investors, real estate owners, and corporations. They are raking in the big bucks. Even with interest rate hikes by the BOC, it has not slowed down inflation because Justin Castro has rapidly increased the population with mass immigration because it creates demand. So even though there are so many overpriced food items, over prices homes, they still sell because there are just too many people and someone is bound to buy it considering the supply is much less compared to demand. It is like Socialists are intentionally making the population poorer and the rich corporations and politicians richer. Keep on voting Justin Castro is you want to be broke.



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
More dumb decisions by this sleazeball Trudeau. He passed Bill C-18 which will force media giants like Google and Facebook to pay Canadian news companies for their content. Australia tried this and it did not go too well. They reached an agreement. So in the coming months, you will no longer see any Canadian news on Facebook and it may stop showing up on Google search results. Even posting a Canadian news link on Facebook will remove it.

If news companies posted on Facebook is because it benefited them. Forcing companies to pay them is ridiculous. At the end the news companies will suffer, Canadian revenue represents a small portion in Facebook's revenue. The Federal government will cease to advertise on Facebook.

The hypocrit Prime minister and his party continue to advertise on Facebook and Instagram !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Baby Castro at it again, anyone who does not fit Trudeau's far-left ideology or woke nonsense is automatically labelled a far-right extremist. Communists use this technique to manipulate by publicly shaming and slandering.

Trudeau says Muslim parents who object to gender identity education are being misled by far-right Americans. Trudeau will say anything and make up any lies to push his agenda. He takes the crown for the spread of misinformation. The thing is these is total madness to be teaching such things to children, they should be kept away from this and let the parents decide what to teach them about this.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Trudeau said "Trudeau says these right-wing forces are “using those fears to drive a wedge between a government that will always stand up for all your rights"

^^^^^ Talk about misinformation. Remember this is the same man that used the emergencys act on truckers who wanted to be free from covid mandates. The same guy forcing vaccines. The same guy intentionally making us poorer with carbon taxes, mass immigration, sending taxpayers money to foreign countries. Wow there is a limit to how many lies someone can say.

Anyhow you judge it for yourselves.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

^^^^^ Justin Trudeau is ranked the least liked prime minister since 55 years. Not surprised, you just cannot do worse then this corrupt Socialist. Total disaster, Canada is now headed to a sinkhole. High rents, overpriced houses, inflation, high taxes, intentionally making energy more expensive, excessive corruption, etc...


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Trudie is losing support among Canadian Muslims and the rest of the world is noticing.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

^^^^^ Interesting no one mentioned this because this is big. Trudeau shuffled his cabinet, a big one. Marco Mendicino is out. This is a sign of the failure of the Trudeau government.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Effectivement un gros remaniement...23 ministres déplacés et 7 nouveaux visages....sur 38....big en ta...lollll.....pas vraiment le choix......veut aller à la guerre avec de nouveaux guerriers....MAIS ne semble pas réaliser que c'est peut-être lui qu'il faudrait remplacer
pour diriger ce nouveau bataillon.....une chose cependant que j'ai grandement apprécié c"est la capacité de la grande majorité de s'exprimer dans les 2 langues.....pas sûr que PP réussirait cet exploit....lolll.....maintenant seront jugé selon leur compétence....leur souhaite du succès...jamais facile de s'engager dans la vie publique avec de telles responsabilités.....à suivre.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013

^^^^^ Interesting no one mentioned this because this is big. Trudeau shuffled his cabinet, a big one. Marco Mendicino is out. This is a sign of the failure of the Trudeau government.

Trudeau, the actor, still looks great on bought media.

But the fact that seven Ministers (so far) don't want to run again = Huge.

Signals candidate recruitment will be tough + those ministers (several of which were big time vaxers) are hearing stuff on the ground they do not like.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau, the actor, still looks great on bought media.
Indeed, Liberal funded media with taxpayers money. A person will do what the person who pays their paychecks tells them to do.
But the fact that seven Ministers (so far) don't want to run again = Huge.

Signals candidate recruitment will be tough + those ministers (several of which were big time vaxers) are hearing stuff on the ground they do not like.
Exactly why I brought it up.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Equality and inclusiveness is really at it’s best in Trudeau’s government.
Out of the 158 liberal MPs there are 58 female MPs.
Nevertheless 19 of them have been promoted Ministers. 19 out of 58 are Ministers…
If you’re good in Mathematics the equivalent statistic for the male is 19 Ministers out of 100 MPs…
It’s easy to understand why our country is lead by incompetent, the quality is diluted in the name of inclusiveness and fairness.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Equality and inclusiveness is really at it’s best in Trudeau’s government.
Out of the 158 liberal MPs there are 58 female MPs.
Nevertheless 19 of them have been promoted Ministers. 19 out of 58 are Ministers…
If you’re good in Mathematics the equivalent statistic for the male is 19 Ministers out of 100 MPs…
It’s easy to understand why our country is lead by incompetent, the quality is diluted in the name of inclusiveness and fairness.View attachment 54502
Like Aristotle said "“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” Socialism promises equality and fairness but the reality is it does the exact opposite. Like with Trudeau's government, to hire based on equality, race vs merit is a form of inequality. He gives preference to someone because of their gender or race. Also, Trudeau's governments taxes single person a lot more to give lots of credits especially to single parents with 4+ kids, they get everything free, they are the first to get subsidized housing. In Socialism's effort to their utopia of equality, as you can see in the example I provided this is a form of inequality because the single person will see his money taken by force to give it to someone else because she is one parent with lots of kids. There is no fairness in this.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Immigration 2022:

  1. Economic & Family + Refugees ( just over 430,000)
  2. Temporary Foreign workers (just over 200,000)
  3. Illegal border crossers (just over 40,000)
  4. International Students (just over 700,000)
  5. International Mobility Program (just over 250,000)
That is 1.5 million extra people just for 2022! Canada reached 40 million. Is it any wonder that so many people are not able to find an affordable apartment or to ever be able to afford a home? There are no family doctors available, the capacity at hospitals has not increased, roads are congested yet Socialists like Plante are increasing the width of sidewalks to triple the size and adding useless bike paths and turning two way streets into one way single lane streets making traffic congestion even worse. Socialist claim to be for the working class and want equality but all these policies are making the gap between the rich and poor bigger. Mass immigration greatly benefit investors, real estate owners, and corporations. They are raking in the big bucks. Even with interest rate hikes by the BOC, it has not slowed down inflation because Justin Castro has rapidly increased the population with mass immigration because it creates demand. So even though there are so many overpriced food items, over prices homes, they still sell because there are just too many people and someone is bound to buy it considering the supply is much less compared to demand. It is like Socialists are intentionally making the population poorer and the rich corporations and politicians richer. Keep on voting Justin Castro is you want to be broke.

One day ago, on, TD Bank published the same exact conclusions on the mass immigration policy of Trudeau Government.
Big housing shortage, increase interest rates and increased Health-Care strain.

That's what happen when an incompetent theatre teacher run the country !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

This latest poll shows the Conservatives in a ten point lead over Trudeau. This is good news. Trudeau's days are numbered, but wow amazing that still 40% of voters would vote for left-wing parties. The successor will have a lot of work to do to repair the damage caused by Trudeau.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
hum..still soon to call the shot.....tout va se jouer durant la campagne qui n'est pas pour demain....lolll..... et TRUDEAU is a good campaigner..a encore beaucoup de temps devant lui...mon feeling est qu'il va se faire réélire again le Québec va jouer un grand rôle dans sa réé it or not....on s'en reparle le temps venu.....relollll.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
hum..still soon to call the shot.....tout va se jouer durant la campagne qui n'est pas pour demain....lolll..... et TRUDEAU is a good campaigner..a encore beaucoup de temps devant lui...mon feeling est qu'il va se faire réélire again le Québec va jouer un grand rôle dans sa réé it or not....on s'en reparle le temps venu.....relollll.

A good campaigner doesn't make a good Prime Minister or President.
Good examples : Ronald Reagan (actor) and Donald Trump ( Tv Show The Apprentice).
Trudeau was a theatre Teacher.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree....mais malheureusement gagnent souvent des élections only because ils sont des beaux parleurs en ce sens le theâtre aide pas mal.....mais effectivement rien d'un véritable leader crédible ....seulement un gros show.....triste mais la réalité.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

This the damage under Trudeau's government. All he cares about is to import Liberal voters and to make money. More population means more taxpayers and business lobby the government to increase population because they want more cheap labor and they can jack up their prices on goods and services. So do landlords and real estate want more population it means higher rents and more expensive houses. But this is creating a lot of wealth inequality and poverty. It is stressing the healthcare system even more, roads are full of cars, for leftists this also means more pollution. More population means bigger carbon footprint.

Direct Quote from the Article:

“We shouldn’t be too short-sighted on the immediate demands of employers. Population growth needs balance over the long-term. Following a surge in population, consideration should be given to lower levels in other years to allow social systems to catch up. This way, the economic pie won’t just grow in size, but the quality will increase as well.”

The report explains Canada’s housing shortfall could grow by another half a million units and interest rates could rise by another 50 basis points.

“That will put pressure on the existing stock and prices will go up,” he explained.

“Canada was already on its back foot in meeting housing demand, and this was also true in hospital beds on a per capita basis. These chronic tensions can quickly become acute for provinces and cities that absorb a higher population share. As dislocations widen, it creates an even larger come-from-behind strategy in addressing housing affordability and quality of life issues,” Caranci explained.

This is pretty clear of what I have been saying for a long time and now the media is reporting the same thing yet the snake keeps on increasing immigration. The madman is narcissistic.

A international student was found living under the bridge in Toronto. Even Trudeau's imported Liberal voters are getting shafted by Trudeau. Can anyone be more corrupted and narcissistic then Trudeau?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

This the damage under Trudeau's government. All he cares about is to import Liberal voters and to make money. More population means more taxpayers and business lobby the government to increase population because they want more cheap labor and they can jack up their prices on goods and services. So do landlords and real estate want more population it means higher rents and more expensive houses. But this is creating a lot of wealth inequality and poverty. It is stressing the healthcare system even more, roads are full of cars, for leftists this also means more pollution. More population means bigger carbon footprint.

Direct Quote from the Article:

“We shouldn’t be too short-sighted on the immediate demands of employers. Population growth needs balance over the long-term. Following a surge in population, consideration should be given to lower levels in other years to allow social systems to catch up. This way, the economic pie won’t just grow in size, but the quality will increase as well.”

The report explains Canada’s housing shortfall could grow by another half a million units and interest rates could rise by another 50 basis points.

“That will put pressure on the existing stock and prices will go up,” he explained.

“Canada was already on its back foot in meeting housing demand, and this was also true in hospital beds on a per capita basis. These chronic tensions can quickly become acute for provinces and cities that absorb a higher population share. As dislocations widen, it creates an even larger come-from-behind strategy in addressing housing affordability and quality of life issues,” Caranci explained.

This is pretty clear of what I have been saying for a long time and now the media is reporting the same thing yet the snake keeps on increasing immigration. The madman is narcissistic.

A international student was found living under the bridge in Toronto. Even Trudeau's imported Liberal voters are getting shafted by Trudeau. Can anyone be more corrupted and narcissistic then Trudeau?

Or ignorant and grossly incompetent !
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