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Are You a Sex Addict or an Explorer in the Sex Industry?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Même si j'ai été satisfait dans la très grande majorité des rencontres avec des escortes jamais je vais comparer avec une vraie relation amoureuse.
Quand tu réussis à bâtir une relation d'amitié, amour,complicité ça n'a pas de prix.
C'est pas facile à trouver ça demande beaucoup d'efforts mais c'est un bonheur durable avec une très grande intensité.
Rencontrer des travailleuses du sexe c'est un plaisir immédiat qui comble ton ego
Tu rentres dans une spirale sans fin qui finit par un grand sentiment de vide.
Combler son ego ça équivaut à tourner dans une roue qui tourne avec des hauts et des bas sans fin.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
J'ai une addiction sexuelle,j'aime beaucoup les femmes, je suis incapable de rester fidèle, je vieillis et je veux profiter le plus possible pendant que j'ai la santé de ce hobby.
C'est le prix à payer pour explorer le plus de corps féminin que l'industrie du sexe nous permet d'explorer.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
J'ai une addiction sexuelle,j'aime beaucoup les femmes, je suis incapable de rester fidèle, je vieillis et je veux profiter le plus possible pendant que j'ai la santé de ce hobby.
C'est le prix à payer pour explorer le plus de corps féminin que l'industrie du sexe nous permet d'explorer.
Bravo, tu as bien exprimé ton point de vue. Si je ne me trompe pas, j'ai partagé des idées similaires dans un ancien post sur un autre thread, où je mentionnais que tant que je peux me permettre d’appeler des escorts et que j’ai des fonds disponibles, je le ferai jusqu’à mon dernier souffle. Étant donné que je vieillis, il devient de plus en plus difficile pour moi de coucher avec une belle femme dans la vingtaine. Payer pour une escorte ne me dérange pas ; au contraire, je considère que c’est une belle opportunité pour quelqu'un de mon âge. En fin de compte, nous vivons une seule fois, et il est important de ne pas avoir de regrets concernant nos actions ou nos passions, tant qu'elles sont saines et que nous nous amusons. Certes, j’ai une certaine dépendance envers les escortes, mais c’est une dépendance qui reste saine et qui me permet d’explorer mes désirs les plus profonds tout en passant un bon moment et en étant heureux. On pourrait la qualifier d'addiction, mais c'est une addiction positive tant qu'elle ne met pas en péril ma santé, contrairement à des dépendances telles que la drogue ou le jeu compulsif.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
I consider the relationship between a man and a woman to be a social construct that benefits the woman, much more than the man in a modern context.

A man meets a woman, the woman gives the man sex and if he likes the sex he hangs around in the so-called relationship. If the man enters into marriage with the woman, it becomes legally binding, and she truly has him by the balls. When she decides it's over, it's over and chances are very good to excellent that he will pay for this financially for the rest of his life. That is a huge red flag for me, particularly now that my younger siring years have passed me by.

Believing that a man pays one way or the other financially(either in marriage or a common-law relationship), I will pay a service provider, relieve myself of the burden of the so-called relationship and enjoy my freedom. This is exactly why I entered the hobby. Men pay for sex one way or the other.
Agree completely as long as a man is not force to steal or kill ( I hope nobody ever did this) for having sex with a beautiful woman.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Agree completely as long as a man is not force to steal or kill ( I hope nobody ever did this) for having sex with a beautiful woman.
I can assure you that this happened fairly regularly in primitive societies.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
For me its a sense of adventure, doing something different, the element of having sex with a stranger, not knowing how your bodies will connect.

As much as I am a sapio, there is that element of mystery that is a turn on.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I consider the relationship between a man and a woman to be a social construct that benefits the woman, much more than the man in a modern context.

A man meets a woman, the woman gives the man sex and if he likes the sex he hangs around in the so-called relationship. If the man enters into marriage with the woman, it becomes legally binding, and she truly has him by the balls. When she decides it's over, it's over and chances are very good to excellent that he will pay for this financially for the rest of his life. That is a huge red flag for me, particularly now that my younger siring years have passed me by.

Believing that a man pays one way or the other financially(either in marriage or a common-law relationship), I will pay a service provider, relieve myself of the burden of the so-called relationship and enjoy my freedom. This is exactly why I entered the hobby. Men pay for sex one way or the other.

On a very basic surface level this is undeniably true. However, it also suggests very basic surface-level relationships are the norm. Maybe they are!

I will say I've never had a relationship that would fit into this, however.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Does that make every sex provider a "Sex Addict"? I hope you say "yes" because that is what all of us want/need. Like mentioned from other members I come here to be surrounded by other men and women who needs sex in their lives and to discuss about likes and dislikes and of course the entertainment.
I am not a sex addict. I can assure you of that. I havent had sex in my civilian life this year so far and if i wasnt a sp i could go months without it.

That doesn't mean I'm not a good provider!! I do enjoy sex and I aim to please. :)

Like I mentioned in another thread I have history with addiction (not sex and no not drugs) and went to therapy for it.

You can see something is becoming a problem if there's compulsive behavior behind it, a dehumanizing attitude, cravings that can derail your day, losing control over your expenses, your mental and physical health being affected, you enjoying things you used to enjoy less and less, your thoughts being consumed, your relationships being hurt, angry feelings when you cant satisfy your craving, being less and less easily satisfied and needing something more and more intense etc.

Not all clients are sex addicts at all. And I can tell when someone is by their attitude.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
On a very basic surface level this is undeniably true. However, it also suggests very basic surface-level relationships are the norm. Maybe they are!

I will say I've never had a relationship that would fit into this, however.
I should note that 30 years ago when I was ready for the so-called relationship(marriage) it did not happen for one reason, and yes I do believe in love as I have been in love.

The only reason I will enter marriage is for children(family), nothing else. This did not come to be so I moved on and left the relationship. There is no other reason for me to be married, including love.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I should note that 30 years ago when I was ready for the so-called relationship(marriage) it did not happen for one reason, and yes I do believe in love as I have been in love.

The only reason I will enter marriage is for children(family), nothing else. This did not come to be so I moved on and left the relationship. There is no other reason for me to be married, including love.
I completely agree with you, in today’s world, love often feels like a joke. Surprisingly, I have never felt happier in my life. I have chosen to stop believing in love, as most relationships I see are toxic and unhealthy particularly among the new generation, many of whom seem preoccupied with materialism and high maintenance. If that’s the case, I’m better off alone, avoiding the headaches and drama that accompany such dynamics.

Having been through numerous relationships, I have only now begun to appreciate the joys of solitude. It has become my new addiction and a source of obsession. Solitude grants me the freedom to pursue my interests without navigating the complexities of toxic individuals . I can establish my own schedule without anyone exerting control over my life or personal choices.

To be honest, I am seriously contemplating the idea of never entering another relationship again. It’s not that I’m old or not attracted , but rather a realization that, in this chaotic modern age, remaining single may very well be the best choice for me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Y a une raison pour laquelle les hommes paient pour avoir du sexe
Le désir, le fantasmé,l'excitation sont des facteurs qui incitent les hommes à rencontrer des travailleuses du sexe
Dans la majorité des cas les hommes ont beaucoup plus de libido que les femmes
Dsl Luna mais je suis accro aux femmes je les aime à la folie ,j'adore avoir des conversations avec elle,je les trouve plus intelligente que les hommes surtout sur le plan émotionnel
En aucun cas tu verrais que je suis un sex addict par mon attitude bien au contraire
Dans ma personnalité j'ai beaucoup plus d'affinités avec les femmes que les hommes
Je ne vois pas les femmes comme des objets sexuelles
Dans mes rencontres dans ce hobby avoir une connexion humaine est aussi important que l'aspect sexuel


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Y a une raison pour laquelle les hommes paient pour avoir du sexe
Le désir, le fantasmé,l'excitation sont des facteurs qui incitent les hommes à rencontrer des travailleuses du sexe
Dans la majorité des cas les hommes ont beaucoup plus de libido que les femmes
Dsl Luna mais je suis accro aux femmes je les aime à la folie ,j'adore avoir des conversations avec elle,je les trouve plus intelligente que les hommes surtout sur le plan émotionnel
En aucun cas tu verrais que je suis un sex addict par mon attitude bien au contraire
Dans ma personnalité j'ai beaucoup plus d'affinités avec les femmes que les hommes
Je ne vois pas les femmes comme des objets sexuelles
Dans mes rencontres dans ce hobby avoir une connexion humaine est aussi important que l'aspect sexuel
Merci d'avoir souligné des points importants avec autant de sincérité . Il est clair que vous, comme moi, défendez les valeurs d’un gentleman, et j’ai un grand respect pour ceux qui le font. J'apprécie tout particulièrement votre remarque selon laquelle les sp’s ne devraient pas être considérés comme de simples objets. C'est un problème courant dans ce forum ; certains membres ont tendance à les voir ainsi, manquant le respect qui est essentiel pour une interaction mutuellement bénéfique. Ironiquement, ce sont souvent ces mêmes membres qui expriment leur déception lorsque le service qu'ils reçoivent ne répond pas à leurs attentes. Personnellement, j'accorde une grande importance à l'établissement de conversations significatives avec les sp’s, car cela aide à créer une atmosphère confortable et favorise une meilleure compréhension mutuelle. Établir une relation est la clé pour obtenir le meilleur service possible. Je souhaite sincèrement que certains membres comprennent ce concept, car cela pourrait réduire une grande partie de leur insatisfaction. Je parierais que vous n'avez jamais rencontré d'expérience négative avec une sp , mon ami ! En adoptant cette approche, j'ai bénéficié de près de deux décennies d'interactions positives, avec une seule exception en 2004. Cependant, cette situation était unique ; la sp affichait un comportement préjudiciable, et il y avait peu à faire dans ce contexte. Mais c'est une autre histoire.


New Member
Jul 31, 2024
Hi all , I am new here.. and I firstly like to say that I really enjoy reading everybody’s comments and inputs
It is a melting-pot of ideas, point of views, jokes and sometimes deeper subjects that make you think …
I wondered this question myself if I am an addict or just like to explore… for the time being I believe
I am enjoying exploring as I am new to this hobby
If I feel that it’s out of my control and I have to jeopardize myself in anyway to continue exploring
That will make it an addiction in my eyes. And I might have to reevaluate …
We all have our reasons for exploring this industry and whichever way you choose ,
But as long as it’s fun, exciting and done with good intentions. It can only help you grow as individuals.
It’s all about the e journey!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I am not a sex addict. I can assure you of that. I havent had sex in my civilian life this year so far and if i wasnt a sp i could go months without it.

That doesn't mean I'm not a good provider!! I do enjoy sex and I aim to please. :)

Like I mentioned in another thread I have history with addiction (not sex and no not drugs) and went to therapy for it.

You can see something is becoming a problem if there's compulsive behavior behind it, a dehumanizing attitude, cravings that can derail your day, losing control over your expenses, your mental and physical health being affected, you enjoying things you used to enjoy less and less, your thoughts being consumed, your relationships being hurt, angry feelings when you cant satisfy your craving, being less and less easily satisfied and needing something more and more intense etc.

Not all clients are sex addicts at all. And I can tell when someone is by their attitude.
Many questions if you don’t mind
(open to all SPs):

1. As a SP having sex frequently, does it decrease your interest or need to have sex with a civilian?

2. Do you have as much, less or more enjoyment during sex with a civilian?

3. What are the signs or attitude of a sex-addicted client?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
Y a une raison pour laquelle les hommes paient pour avoir du sexe
Le désir, le fantasmé,l'excitation sont des facteurs qui incitent les hommes à rencontrer des travailleuses du sexe
Dans la majorité des cas les hommes ont beaucoup plus de libido que les femmes
Dsl Luna mais je suis accro aux femmes je les aime à la folie ,j'adore avoir des conversations avec elle,je les trouve plus intelligente que les hommes surtout sur le plan émotionnel
En aucun cas tu verrais que je suis un sex addict par mon attitude bien au contraire
Dans ma personnalité j'ai beaucoup plus d'affinités avec les femmes que les hommes
Je ne vois pas les femmes comme des objets sexuelles
Dans mes rencontres dans ce hobby avoir une connexion humaine est aussi important que l'aspect sexuel
accro = addict
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Many questions if you don’t mind
(open to all SPs):

1. As a SP having sex frequently, does it decrease your interest or need to have sex with a civilian?

2. Do you have as much, less or more enjoyment during sex with a civilian?

3. What are the signs or attitude of a sex-addicted client?
1- I'm a very romantic person and I need to at least have developed a crush on someone to have sex with them. That hasn't changed. I feel less touch starved now and I don't get into situations of getting hurt emotionally because I get affection with certain clients and it feels emotionally safer for me. Isn't that interesting?

2- When I was dating my ex I has more enjoyment of sex with her because it was just so different from my clients. I've been in 2 other situationships with people while being a SP and I would say my enjoyment of sex with them was definitely higher, but I'm very selective and I feel like if I were to have sex with people in my personal life often I would really enjoy it less and not see the point.

3- I think to me someone can be a sex addict and still be kind and respectful but some signs of sex addiction that is being expressed in a malignant way are :

boundary pushing, objectification, the way certain clients talk about women in reviews (for example seeing escorts who arent their type or have physical features they dont like and insulting them in reviews), hyper fixating on things they can't have from a provider, anger at providers rates and limits, certain behavior like reaching out to a sp when they know this person is getting less bookings or had cancellations in order to ask for things they're not supposed to ask for (like services they don't offer or bbfs), reaching out through various fake identities and numbers to see a sp who doesn't want to see them.. clients who seem to know about all the ads and all the providers.. an attitude of looking for who charges the lowest for the most intense service regardless of that person's living conditions etc. So that they may be able to see a large quantity of providers... time waster behavior like sending insults and dick pics and asking for deals I could go on. For some ppl it will go as far as doing non consensual stuff physically and I understand that addiction is an illness but when you treat ppl badly as a result and you won't get help you shouldn't be booking escorts..

I've had clients who admitted to being sex addicts to me and were very nice and treated me well. :) but I think when sex workers get dehumanized by society a lot of sex addicts can adopt dehumanizing behaviors

And I just want to repeat that a lot of clients are not sex addicts, and a lot of sex addicts don't see sp's. I hope this all makes sense
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
1- I'm a very romantic person and I need to at least have developed a crush on someone to have sex with them. That hasn't changed. I feel less touch starved now and I don't get into situations of getting hurt emotionally because I get affection with certain clients and it feels emotionally safer for me. Isn't that interesting?

2- When I was dating my ex I has more enjoyment of sex with her because it was just so different from my clients. I've been in 2 other situationships with people while being a SP and I would say my enjoyment of sex with them was definitely higher, but I'm very selective and I feel like if I were to have sex with people in my personal life often I would really enjoy it less and not see the point.

3- I think to me someone can be a sex addict and still be kind and respectful but some signs of sex addiction that is being expressed in a malignant way are :

boundary pushing, objectification, the way certain clients talk about women in reviews (for example seeing escorts who arent their type or have physical features they dont like and insulting them in reviews), hyper fixating on things they can't have from a provider, anger at providers rates and limits, certain behavior like reaching out to a sp when they know this person is getting less bookings or had cancellations in order to ask for things they're not supposed to ask for (like services they don't offer or bbfs), reaching out through various fake identities and numbers to see a sp who doesn't want to see them.. clients who seem to know about all the ads and all the providers.. an attitude of looking for who charges the lowest for the most intense service regardless of that person's living conditions etc. So that they may be able to see a large quantity of providers... time waster behavior like sending insults and dick pics and asking for deals I could go on. For some ppl it will go as far as doing non consensual stuff physically and I understand that addiction is an illness but when you treat ppl badly as a result and you won't get help you shouldn't be booking escorts..

I've had clients who admitted to being sex addicts to me and were very nice and treated me well. :) but I think when sex workers get dehumanized by society a lot of sex addicts can adopt dehumanizing behaviors

And I just want to repeat that a lot of clients are not sex addicts, and a lot of sex addicts don't see sp's. I hope this all makes sense
With all due respect, my friend, I have to express my strong disagreement with many of the points you are making. As a service provider, it seems you may have a different perspective on this issue. However, it's important to recognize that you cannot fully understand my experiences as a man. When you claim that sex addicts don't seek out service providers, I find that argument to be quite unfounded. If they are indeed not seeking service providers , then by that logic, they might as well be looking for monkeys.

I'm not entirely sure I grasp your viewpoint; for many sex addicts, service providers fulfill their fix, and while it's possible that they might occasionally find solace with someone they meet at a bar or on the street, that tends to happen only when they are unable to afford their addiction. I genuinely respect your perspective as a woman, but it might be limited by your lack of direct experience in this area. Your speculations seem to overlook the complexities of male sexuality and addiction.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
With all due respect, my friend, I have to express my strong disagreement with many of the points you are making. As a service provider, it seems you may have a different perspective on this issue. However, it's important to recognize that you cannot fully understand my experiences as a man. When you claim that sex addicts don't seek out service providers, I find that argument to be quite unfounded. If they are indeed not seeking service providers , then by that logic, they might as well be looking for monkeys.

I'm not entirely sure I grasp your viewpoint; for many sex addicts, service providers fulfill their fix, and while it's possible that they might occasionally find solace with someone they meet at a bar or on the street, that tends to happen only when they are unable to afford their addiction. I genuinely respect your perspective as a woman, but it might be limited by your lack of direct experience in this area. Your speculations seem to overlook the complexities of male sexuality and addiction.
Did you even read what I wrote??? I said that SOME sex addicts don't seek out service providers. I've had friends who had sex addictions, but they couldn't afford to book escorts. Some sex addicts are porn addicts, some sex addicts compulsively masturbate, some sex addicts are women or gay men who have one night stands with multiple men all the time, not all sex addicts are heterosexual men who have the money to book providers. I wrote a whole paragraph on how I notice addiction in clients. Obviously a lot of clients of sex workers are sex addicts.. I never denied that. Addiction is complex. When you are addicted to something, almost everything revolves around it.

Another thing I said is that not all clients of escorts are sex addicts, which is true. Saying all clients are addicts contributes to the stigma people have against sex workers and their clients.
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