1- I'm a very romantic person and I need to at least have developed a crush on someone to have sex with them. That hasn't changed. I feel less touch starved now and I don't get into situations of getting hurt emotionally because I get affection with certain clients and it feels emotionally safer for me. Isn't that interesting?
2- When I was dating my ex I has more enjoyment of sex with her because it was just so different from my clients. I've been in 2 other situationships with people while being a SP and I would say my enjoyment of sex with them was definitely higher, but I'm very selective and I feel like if I were to have sex with people in my personal life often I would really enjoy it less and not see the point.
3- I think to me someone can be a sex addict and still be kind and respectful but some signs of sex addiction that is being expressed in a malignant way are :
boundary pushing, objectification, the way certain clients talk about women in reviews (for example seeing escorts who arent their type or have physical features they dont like and insulting them in reviews), hyper fixating on things they can't have from a provider, anger at providers rates and limits, certain behavior like reaching out to a sp when they know this person is getting less bookings or had cancellations in order to ask for things they're not supposed to ask for (like services they don't offer or bbfs), reaching out through various fake identities and numbers to see a sp who doesn't want to see them.. clients who seem to know about all the ads and all the providers.. an attitude of looking for who charges the lowest for the most intense service regardless of that person's living conditions etc. So that they may be able to see a large quantity of providers... time waster behavior like sending insults and dick pics and asking for deals I could go on. For some ppl it will go as far as doing non consensual stuff physically and I understand that addiction is an illness but when you treat ppl badly as a result and you won't get help you shouldn't be booking escorts..
I've had clients who admitted to being sex addicts to me and were very nice and treated me well.

but I think when sex workers get dehumanized by society a lot of sex addicts can adopt dehumanizing behaviors
And I just want to repeat that a lot of clients are not sex addicts, and a lot of sex addicts don't see sp's. I hope this all makes sense