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Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Well a high percentage of racist people are not even conscious of being so. And there’s also the ones that don’t have the balls to openly admit that they are racist.

Well most people understand that racism means you hate a certain group, or see them as inferior just because of their race, because someone chooses not to let them stick their dicks in them doesnt mean they hate or see them as inferior beings, it means they just dont want to share their bodies with them
So perhaps its not that people dont “have the balls” to admit their racist, its just that you have a distorted definition of what makes someone as racist
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
I had a black personal trainer who asked me during our first lesson if I minded her touching me [to direct my movements when weight lifting,( nothing sexual, mongers)]. I have never been asked that by non black trainers.
I don't know how it is in Canada, but this is the norm in many parts of the world and actually part of the PT training, especially when dealing with the opposite sex.

As for SPs limiting their services to specific people, I am in full support that this is each individuals choice. Their reasoning may or may not be entrenched in racism, but as we cannot read their minds, we should not judge others based on our own perception.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
It doesnt matter why anyone male or female decides to or not to sleep with someone, a group of people, a race of people anything! It is a personal choice by each individual(and thus is none of our fucking business) and is probably for a different reason from person to person, to insinuate someone should partake in sexual intercourse with people they are not comfortable and if they dont then that makes them a bad person is insane to the point that i can’t believe im actually reading this!
To see a lot of this actually coming from other providers is absolutely DISGUSTING!!!!

Nobody is trying to force anyone to sleep with anyone. I would hope the racists aren't sleeping with people they see as less than human. We're just calling it racism because it is.

I don't like coleslaw, you can't force me to like coleslaw, you won't force me to eat it, but what we're not going to do is pretend like coleslaw is toxic to humans just because I happen to dislike it.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yes, you should stop seeing anyone that you aren’t comfortable seeing, for any reason that you see fit

Which is exactly why we blacklist clients we no longer want to see. It should be about the individual, not the race. Your reply kind of assumes that Luna doesn't want to see white men and that's not at all what she implied.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Well most people understand that racism means you hate a certain group, or see them as inferior just because of their race, because someone chooses not to let them stick their dicks in them doesnt mean they hate or see them as inferior beings, it means they just dont want to share their bodies with them
So perhaps its not that people dont “have the balls” to admit their racist, its just that you have a distorted definition of what makes someone as racist


1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

2. the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I don't know how it is in Canada, but this is the norm in many parts of the world and actually part of the PT training, especially when dealing with the opposite sex.
I can imagine a women objecting to being touched by a male trainer, but I doubt that most men would object to being touched by a woman, particularly, as in my case, a very attractive one.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I will unwatch this thread because it is obvious that some of you don’t even know what racism is, have poor reading comprehension and think we want to force women to have sex with people they don’t want to.

It’s redundant and pointless.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
The difference is that a racist client will not book anyone he doesn’t like and you will never know about it.
I don't think that this is necessarily accurate, unfortunately. I can totally see a person booking an SP despite being racist towards the SP's race. In fact, many screenshots were shared on this very board when the SPs refused a meeting and were then bombarded with racist remarks.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I don't think that this is necessarily accurate, unfortunately. I can totally see a person booking an SP despite being racist towards the SP's race. In fact, many screenshots were shared on this very board when the SPs refused a meeting and were then bombarded with racist remarks.
Yes a lot of racist people fetishize women of a different race which is still racism. The way some ppl here talk about asian, latina and black women here makes me nauseous


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Which is exactly why we blacklist clients we no longer want to see. It should be about the individual, not the race. Your reply kind of assumes that Luna doesn't want to see white men and that's not at all what she implied.
Interesting that you are using this word. I am not accusing you of anything, and I am equally at fault for using the both whitelisting and blacklisting in my daily vocabulary. But associating black with something undesirable or harmful and white as the opposite contributes to systematic biases.

I thought that would be a interesting fact to point out given the discussion.


Sep 1, 2023
My expierience is I screen for personalities I would get along with. For me it is personal and intimate encounters for the most part. Many men weed themselves out of my favor to be willing to see them. Agency women don't get that ability, or often those with bookers. Having someone else representing the initial communications, makes a difference.
But equally those women only have the minimum control of avoiding bad expieriences. It is heartbreaking that in their attempts to avoid certain expieriences, it has to remove many who could be a good/great expierience as well. The after effects of trauma are often illogical, and what we do for self preservation can often be taken and presented in negative ways.

We aren't in the agency atmosphere. For all we know the agency may have clientele indies would refuse, and subject their hires to these trauma inducing clients, causing the hires to refuse that race to avoid the clients who have been allowed to become regulars. I'm speculating, I don't know, because I refuse to ever work for an agency again because of the shady behind the scenes that clients get to pretend don't exhist.
Yeah that part. When I would work in salons, I would never get picked or booked and of course, the manager would always pair me with the clients that did not speak one word of english or french and I would end up being assaulted or robbed.
They would have never passed my screening as an Indy but when you don’t have an initial conversation with the person and it’s through a booker it’s hard.

Even us who see all races do have some « restrictions » or will be wary of certain behaviors.
I personally don’t see anyone who can’t communicate properly in English or french. I just think the boundaries get easily crossed or misunderstood. Or Eastern europeans, I’ll be more on the lookout when we meet even if the initial booking went fine.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Interesting that you are using this word. I am not accusing you of anything, and I am equally at fault for using the both whitelisting and blacklisting in my daily vocabulary. But associating black with something undesirable or harmful and white as the opposite contributes to systematic biases.

I thought that would be a interesting fact to point out given the discussion.

I assumed it was based on the colors black and white (black peoples skin isn't actually black), black being dark and white being light, but now that you mention it maybe it has a history rooted in racism so I'll do some research. Thank you for bringing that up!

It reminds me of the term "grandfathered" that has a racist history (which is why I simply tell my regulars that they get to keep my old rates when I increase them. I never use the term "grandfathered".)

Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
Okay, how about minding your own business and letting the lady and I come to our own conclusions.

So let me understand the logic of writing on an open and public forum, and telling said parties to mind their own business.

Makes sense and humourous at the same time.

Won't say more re:this subtext.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
So let me understand the logic of writing on an open and public forum, and telling said parties to mind their own business.

Makes sense and humourous at the same time.

How many replies have you made about this now? May I suggest taking your own advice?
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