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Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

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Active Member
Jun 23, 2022
their body their choice, period. Calling it racism is uncalled for.
If it's not racism then what is it?

While I agree that no escort should be forced to accept clients they don't want, l also envy everyone who feel privileged enough to leave it that "their body, their choice."

EDIT: I'm South Asian if anyone is wondering.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
The question is whether a woman is allowed to discriminate based on her past personal experiences as a working girl and her encounters with vile, cheap and violent men. Many of them are from a particular ethnic group and have imported this cultural view of women as chattel.
I'm sorry but I've seen a lot of vile cheap and violent white men in my life lol should I start not seeing them?


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
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Sep 8, 2020
I think this thread has giving an opportunity to some men to spew their racist views.

It’s one thing to say that sex workers should be allowed to see who they want including people they wish to discriminate against based on race.

It’s another thing to say that men from those countries should be sent back to their home country.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
It doesnt matter why anyone male or female decides to or not to sleep with someone, a group of people, a race of people anything! It is a personal choice by each individual(and thus is none of our fucking business) and is probably for a different reason from person to person, to insinuate someone should partake in sexual intercourse with people they are not comfortable and if they dont then that makes them a bad person is insane to the point that i can’t believe im actually reading this!
To see a lot of this actually coming from other providers is absolutely DISGUSTING!!!!


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
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Sep 8, 2020
to insinuate someone should partake in sexual intercourse with people they are not comfortable

I would not want them to be forced to see people they don’t want but not seeing people based on their race is racist. That’s literally what racism is.

If they want to be racist, they’re free to be but that’s very unfortunate for people of colour, that’s all.

I can understand that this situation can be frustrating.

Like others said, it’s good that agencies mention it on their profiles. At least now I know who I want to associate with and not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I would not want them to be forced to see people they don’t want but not seeing people based on their race is racist. That’s literally what racism is.

If they want to be racist, they’re free to be but that’s very unfortunate for people of colour, that’s all.

I can understand that this situation can be frustrating.

Like others said, it’s good that agencies mention it on their profiles. At least now I know who I want to associate with and not.

You must be willing fuck someone of any/every race or your racist, ok glad it’s clarified

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
why are there these threads lately?? their body their choice, period. Calling it racism is uncalled for. We all lose in the end as we scare talent away.

"Their body their choice" of course! The point is, though, that just because someone is entitled to making choices doesn't mean their choices aren't racist.

Nobody loses there's always going to be people entering and leaving this industry. For most people, losing racists isn't a big loss.


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Apr 29, 2004
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Here, for what I hope is comic relief, are a couple of stories about my friend who is of Indian ancestry.

Firstly, as he is tall, relatively light skinned and born here (so no accent), he routinely passes for Mediterranean. He ignores no Indian notices and has never been "caught".

Secondly, he saw a white escort regularly for a couple of years who did know of his ethnicity. After they finally ended their relationship after an unpleasant argument, she changed her ad from "all ethnicities" to "no Indians".

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Nope not racism.
Consider that some women who have restrictions may actually already have clients from those ethnicities - but they are simply not accepting new ones moving forward. Simple risk management.
I can assure you this is in fact, a truth.
IMO, any decision or statement (made by whoever), that ends up being restrictive for a specific ethnic group, it is racism. No matter how they try to make it look like.

So as @CLOUD 500 rightfully stated:

"Girls cannot be forced and racism is a personal choice, even if it is offensive it is their right to be racist so long as they cause no harm."


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I'm sorry but I've seen a lot of vile cheap and violent white men in my life lol should I start not seeing them?
That is very unfortunate and scumbags come in all shades and sizes, rich and poor. It would be your right and choice not to see them.
Again unless it is a matter of running into friends or family and you are part of that ethnic group then how else can you describe it other than racism.
Having said that everybody has a right to sleep with the person of their choice racist or not.
Just because you are an escort and get paid for your service does not mean you don’t have the right to choose who you provide that to.
This is not a business like a plumber or a store.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Some ethnicities tend to be on the hairier side, or just never groom their pubic regions, making it unpleasant for some providers who find this a major turn-off. Avoiding certain ethnicities may ultimately lower the cases of YMMV reviews caused by turn-offs, leading to a better reputation of the provider’s services.

Ultimately it’s their body, their choice. I don’t feel like this should even be a discussion.

How hard is it to say "no hairy men" then instead? There are plenty of white men with a lot of hair.

Their body, their choice, just like it is our choice to use our brain and call out racism when we see it. Choices can be rooted in racism. It was also a choice when businesses of the past wouldn't allow black people to drink water.


Of course it is a discussion because when you are on the receiving end of this it just sucks and is a big ego breaker. These types of threads are coming up for a reason because racial restrictions seem to becoming more common. I looked at Luxury's website for example, and over half the girls had restrictions against Black men. I sympathize. I know what it feels like to be avoided because of your race. When I went to Cleopatra I was boycotted by the girls because I am brown. It is a ego breaker and frustrating. Girls would rarely approach me, I always had to go to them and when I did some gave me a weird vibe. I like Black girls but they often say brown men are not interested in Black women giving them more reason to avoid me. Needless to say I stopped going there because of that. At other clubs it is a totally different experience, lots of Black girls approach me at the other clubs. Having said that, I think the agencies took a good proactive step to add the racial restrictions of the girls on their profiles. I think this should have been done a long time ago. It saves both parties embarrassment and wasted time. Girls cannot be forced and racism is a personal choice, even if it is offensive it is their right to be racist so long as they cause no harm. There is not much else to be done. I would say if you are a Black man, your choice is limited to half, the pickings become a bit slim.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
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Sep 8, 2020
How hard is it to say "no hairy men" then instead? There are plenty of white men with a lot of hair.

Their body, their choice, just like it is our choice to use our brain and call out racism when we see it. Choices can be rooted in racism. It was also a choice when businesses of the past wouldn't allow black people to drink water.


Why aren’t they just saying “no hairy men” “no big dicks” “don’t eat garlic before our date” “showering is mandatory no arguing”

What happens if a white man with a big dick shows up? Are they allowing him or not?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Is you're experience the same as others... Or perhaps you specifically attract a different kind of clientele? Worth considering. Only 5-6 (of the same) women tend to respond here... Out of over a 1,000 sex workers in the city. Your experience may not mirror others.
My expierience is I screen for personalities I would get along with. For me it is personal and intimate encounters for the most part. Many men weed themselves out of my favor to be willing to see them. Agency women don't get that ability, or often those with bookers. Having someone else representing the initial communications, makes a difference.
But equally those women only have the minimum control of avoiding bad expieriences. It is heartbreaking that in their attempts to avoid certain expieriences, it has to remove many who could be a good/great expierience as well. The after effects of trauma are often illogical, and what we do for self preservation can often be taken and presented in negative ways.

We aren't in the agency atmosphere. For all we know the agency may have clientele indies would refuse, and subject their hires to these trauma inducing clients, causing the hires to refuse that race to avoid the clients who have been allowed to become regulars. I'm speculating, I don't know, because I refuse to ever work for an agency again because of the shady behind the scenes that clients get to pretend don't exhist.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I feel that women should be able to choose which clients they see. There could be many reasons that they choose not to see a certain race of people, most have already been stated in this thread. None have to do with racism.

They ALL have to do with racism except when it's someone from that demographic trying to avoid bumping into a relative.

You must have a very narrow view of what constitutes racism. Even "positive" racism is a thing (it's never positive but what I mean here is that the assumption that "all black men have big dicks" IS rooted in racism, the same way "all asians are good at math" is rooted in racism).

Saying that every person from X group is dangerous because of a bad experience IS rooted in racism. 98% of escorts had a bad experience with a white man (the other 2% are new to the business) but nobody refuses white men as a whole.


Aug 28, 2022
If you don't agree with the policies just stop booking there no? Or don't work for them

Years ago I booked a provider that continously made race based Comment about my race to my face. I just never booked them again. They are on this forum. Did I call them out? Nope, don't care enough to. Just never booked them again.

For what my opinion is worth which likely isn't much, if you piss off enough of your customer base you won't be in business very long. If we don't like the policies, don't book or work for them. Whatever their reasons are.


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Apr 29, 2004
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I had a black personal trainer who asked me during our first session if I minded her touching me [to direct my movements when weight lifting, (nothing sexual, mongers)]. I have never been asked that by non black trainers. I guess that some people recoil at the touch of someone who is not of one of their preferred races.

It's hard to overcome racism whose origins may be tribalism which, in turn, may be hard-wired. It's hopeful that, for example, discrimination in employment has greatly lessened and one sees young people of different races enjoying friendship, which was rare when I was young.
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