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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
...for Gentle

Help is on it's way Doc !

As soon as the Leafs will play their last game... you will be able to save face by having an excuse in getting suddenly interested in baseball like you always do around this time of the year....

I mean you even started talking about baseball in a hockey thread...

Faut l'faire en est! :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Baseball? It is spring. Whats wrong with talking about a sport that starts in the spring? Doc loves his Blue Jays, maybe this is new to you.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Baseball? It is spring. Whats wrong with talking about a sport that starts in the spring? Doc loves his Blue Jays, maybe this is new to you.

It's no news for me since I'm not surprised Doc loves 'his Cyanocitta cris de tata' .... cuze they sucks. 2 titles in 37 years ?

But hey have it your way ! might as well talk about curling in a hockey thread !
That's some 'expert' talkin' for ya !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hey theres and idea, Womens naked curling! Could you imagine the camera angles? :faint:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's no news for me since I'm not surprised Doc loves 'his Cyanocitta cris de tata' .... cuze they sucks. 2 titles in 37 years ?

But hey have it your way ! might as well talk about curling in a hockey thread !
That's some 'expert' talkin' for ya !

Two titles in 37 years is actually very good. It's better than not winning a World Series for 86 years. However, i'm not surprised that you don't realize this since you probably only watch hockey & men's figure skating.

For the record, the Jays won the World Series on two consecutive seasons, which is an amazing feat in itself. They won the World Series only 15 years after their birth. Amazing! :thumb:

Great win by the Leafs tonight, by the way. They really screwed up Buffalo's plans for the post-season. What did Montreal do? Of course, they lost again. Sad to see such a great franchise wind up in the dumpster!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hey theres and idea, Womens naked curling! Could you imagine the camera angles? :faint:

I don't think our friend 'Gentle' would care for it much. However, if it'd be naked men's curling, he'd probably subscribe to that channel! :lol:

I'm just kidding, of course.....i like to kid my friends. ;)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I don't think our friend 'Gentle' would care for it much. However, if it'd be naked men's curling, he'd probably subscribe to that channel! :lol:

I'm just kidding, of course.....i like to kid my friends. ;)

Looks like you took your pills now ?
Oh ! wait ! I think it's because Leafs got 2 points yesterday !
Wow ! what a difference on your 'mental' !

About...getting excited at women play curling naked ?
Now that's desperation for ya !

And I'm not surprised you brought up the men since you posted so much hockey players pictures out here !
We all know you have a crush on Gomez anyway !

Well have some curling if it makes you happy.

Here's you Leafs playing curling... starting at 1:26.

Yep ! you didn't know they did hey ?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
BTW all cards for Dion Phaneuf are now worth 60 cents !
Down from $6.00 as a rookie !

BTW RIM is now teaming with the LEAFS in order to find solutions in shapping back it's administration and stopping it's constant decline.

Brian Burke was invited at RIM (Research in motion) Head office to help them find a solution on how to manage the latest crisis.

Inspired by Burke's speech, RIM's administration (the Blackberry maker) took the decision to dismiss any drastic changes in order to stay the course on stability.

Which in turn inspired Tim Cook to thank RIM for giving up so much market shares to APPLE.

Here's the article !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I think everyone can agree that the Montreal Canadiens were pretty bad this season.

Yet in spite of this, they took the sad sack Toronto Maple Leafs to school in the final game, when only pride was on the line for both teams.

The Leafs showed as they have so many times before that they have NO pride, NO guts and precious little talent!

Their ball-less joke of a captain is about as quick as a tree stump - and not just mentally but also on skates. Their "power play" is a joke...unless it's GOOD to get scored on when you have a two man advantage. The late Ray Charles could do a better job of stopping pucks than their goaltenders...but to be FAIR to their goaltenders, I guess it IS hard to stop pucks when you have the most inept defence in the league. Just what the hell is Mike Komisarek still doing in the NHL? He's been exposed as a coward (thanks Milan!), contributes NOTHING offensively, and is even worse than Phaneuf DEFENSIVELY.

Losing 4-1 to a 28th place team exposes just how pathetically crappy these Leafs are. If I didn't have such total contempt for them and their garbage organization I'd almost feel sorry for them.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Whats the matter cairo, dont you think the Scabs look mighty nice sitting in the basement? Afterall it's fitting what with the circus act they have been seen as all season, so get used to it habs fans (cairo included, wink wink) your reservation is more than a one year seat at the table in the bottom of the east. Ole' :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
uh ohhhh , I think "someone" is having one of his famous "meltdowns" again.... You have been so good the last year to cairo, why tonight? (nevermind, it makes PERFECT sense) :lol:

(Doc, would you like that in cold hard cash or Blue Jays tickets?)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Just like every year at this time the golf courses are becoming crowded. First it's the Masters and then it's the Leafs - as usual out on the links the INSTANT the regular season ends.

Hey I sympathize: Komisarek, for example, wants to get in as much golf as he can while Lucic is still playing hockey...because if there is even a CHANCE that he might run into Milan on the course, he will NOT be there - I'm not saying Komi is a chicken but I do know that when he sees Lucic he always says bawk, bawk, bawk and tries to skate away!
Mar 1, 2012
Funny thread.

I'm from Toronto and I hate the Leafs with a passion. The players are a joke. Burke is a joke. The fans are a joke. The franchise would move to fucken Oromocto NB, I wouldn't give a rat's ass. Leafs suck, they're hopeless.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Top 10 Descriptions of the Leafs

10. Hopeless
9. Pathetic
8. Gutless
7. Sad sack organization
6. Failures
5. Losers since 1967
4. Inept
3. Laughingstocks
2. Canada's National Embarrassment
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