After seeing Burke's press conference... I must say that it's the first time I feel sorry for the guy !
I think deep down he just realized this year that he's stuck with a team of perpetual loosers !
As much as TO's fan keep trying to say that Habs' fan live in the past... the more I think it's TO's.
It has been so long they didn't win the cup now that they keep trying to believe this team will be back like it did before Vietnam !
On the other hand, Habs were very good up until the mid 90's despite Oilers domination in the 80's so for us it's mostly about getting the team back to a level we can be proud of.
Certainly not like this year which was a big f*ck up.
I've enjoyed a half dozen Stanley cup parade in Montreal in my life but... for TO's fan it has to be now... pure desperation.
The whole town now look like a bunch of desperate fans that paid and paid so much for.... not much !
I mean I feel sad for all these guys now !
Since... they'll never go through the joy I was able to get by being born here in Mtrl.
So sad !
I think that's why all these grown men from all over Canada are so pissed at us Quebecois !
Politics is nothing... it's the fact they'll never live the level of proud we were able to get.
So I have to say now that I don't envy anyone else living in Canada.
Time to move on and just enjoy Hockey even if it is played in cities with not much history of it like Nashville, San Jose, Phoenix, etc...
God it feels good to be virtuous !