Montreal Escorts

How will the college closures affect Montreal's Hobbyland & Tourism?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Just one more reason for government to get out...

Yeah ! this gov. is way over due.
Just lost Argenteuil where they'd won for over 45 years to the PQ.
That's about the same time the Leafs won the cup !

So hopefully they'll STFU with their so-call silent majority and wake up so that we can have a nice warm summer enjoying the best summer sport there is : Meeting with lovely SPs. Some like to golf since 45 years but hey ! that's their prerogative !

We clearly saw that the GP could go on even with naked protesters marching !
Despite the usual scare tactic from the Liberals.

So we should have a lot of fun in the next big event which for me will be 'le feux de joie d'la St-Jean' !
mmm...likes them big

Then it's up to.. SMV at the Jazz fest !
Here's a nice sample !

Montreal's Hobbyland & tourism ?
Sh!t the summer is not even started and I'm already having fun like hell in Mtrl :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Saw a report on CBC News at 5 last night. Crescent St. merchants are reporting a banner Grand Prix weekend, with business at record breaking levels.

Meanwhile, in other news from my bedroom, the two young women with whom I spent time last weekend, old friends both, did not seem to be at all overworked. (Actually, it was Wednesday and Thursday and neither worked the Grand Prix weekend.)
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts