Montreal Escorts

How will the college closures affect Montreal's Hobbyland & Tourism?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Just one more reason for government to get out...

Yeah ! this gov. is way over due.
Just lost Argenteuil where they'd won for over 45 years to the PQ.
That's about the same time the Leafs won the cup !

So hopefully they'll STFU with their so-call silent majority and wake up so that we can have a nice warm summer enjoying the best summer sport there is : Meeting with lovely SPs. Some like to golf since 45 years but hey ! that's their prerogative !

We clearly saw that the GP could go on even with naked protesters marching !
Despite the usual scare tactic from the Liberals.

So we should have a lot of fun in the next big event which for me will be 'le feux de joie d'la St-Jean' !
mmm...likes them big

Then it's up to.. SMV at the Jazz fest !
Here's a nice sample !

Montreal's Hobbyland & tourism ?
Sh!t the summer is not even started and I'm already having fun like hell in Mtrl :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Saw a report on CBC News at 5 last night. Crescent St. merchants are reporting a banner Grand Prix weekend, with business at record breaking levels.

Meanwhile, in other news from my bedroom, the two young women with whom I spent time last weekend, old friends both, did not seem to be at all overworked. (Actually, it was Wednesday and Thursday and neither worked the Grand Prix weekend.)
Toronto Escorts