Montreal Escorts

The battle of incalls Round one NADYA'S VIPs versus GOODGIRLS


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
...pourquoi se plaindre

1- Parce que ça fait du bien après s'être fait promener en ville pour rien à cause de changement de dernière minute ou de cancellation de dernière minute ou une fois arrivé sur place, la fille pas prête et j'ai moi même déjà dû attendre 1h30 une fois au centre ville pour voir Leticia de GG... Mais j'en n'ai pas parlé de celle là... J'étais de bonne humeur en Tab faut croire :)

2- Parce que comme j'ai déjà dit dans un autre thread, "Qui aime bien, châtie bien"... Si on veut que nos agences incall préférés s'améliorent, faut se plaindre un peu :p

Uncle Bob.


Nov 4, 2009
^Vous êtes mon ami et comme un résultat, j'ai vraiment vous respectez.

I'm just trying to practice some french.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For me the sign of a good agency is what they do when shit hits the fan and it has with both places so this is my experience.

When I book with Caro it's always a pleasure and I appreciate his customer service when he has to clean up Nadyas mess.

Booked Alyssa with Caro very early in the morning and he told me what area so made my way there and called but Nadya said she didn't have my rsv and that I shouldn't make rsv that early lol so why answer the phone and take them? Called back and explained the last time to which Nadya replied ohh u must be dying to see this girl it's like you've made it a mission...whatever her irradic behavior amuses me now. She asked me if I was cop once and hung up on me another time when I complained that they didn't hold my rsv with Neva twice but super Caro called me back and promised me a reduced rate next time which they delivered. I always ask him why they let her answer the phone because she jumps off the handle way too quickly as we see with her replies when negative comments are made by members. How about they post the bookers schedule so we could avoid her.

Hello Perverted,

Interesting Opinion. The first time I called Nadya's nearly a year ago I got a guy who was very helpful, I don't remember the name. But when I have spoken to Nadya last August, and February I did find her be kind. Then since I posted the review on Kasandra it's been viral.

I'm not sure why the situation turned out like this. I wrote a very belated review, noting the lateness, which seemed to be the basis of the owner's annoyance, at the top. "This review is more in the idea of an inquiry because it has been quite a while since I met the lady who is the subject here." There were only two reasons why it was late. Laziness and reluctance to criticize the lady's performance. For me the lady looked absolutely perfect with a gorgeous petite all natural body, and an exotic glamorous look that was to die for for my tastes. I had a lot of thoughts about seeing her again, but she was just too jittery during the encounter, seeming unable to find a comfortable position and stopping action multiple times each in a number of positions. I didn't think it was a strongly critical review, but the reaction to it by the owner was defensive and attacking.

Of late, I referred to the lack of email response and got bashed again, just as it happened right after the review. I would think a better strategy would be to have an attitude of...yes, sometimes things don't work out...we will try to improve...we'll try to find someone better for you. After all it seems that public relations and displays are important to business success. Yet, the owner chooses public insults. Does this route encourage more clients to call? Isn't it against the agency's interest? There are a lot of elements that are beyond the control of the agency for a meeting that can negatively affect it's quality, such as the chemistry between the two parties for one. But how one deals with the client or chooses to react to any difficulties that result from the encounter are absolutely in the agency's control, even despite misunderstandings. Why not choose to be constructive over being defensive.

If I could be sure to deal with Caro I would see one of the two ladies I am interested in soon. But the owner is banned in my PM box to avoid the nastiness, and even though it's certain the lady would not know me if I called I have no faith in her handling ability for the same reasons you pointed out.

Too bad,

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Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Surprisingly I rarely have dealt with Nadya on the phone. Almost exclusively by email, which was always pleasant and smooth. The booker you are mentioning is named Carroll. We are very friendly and he is top notch to be sure. He's a class guy who knows how to handle people. An educated man.

I haven't dealt with Mike that much until recently. He's always been very cool with me. He has a lot of time to talk and answer all my questions. He is a real straightforward no BS kind of guy. If you are cool with him and are serious about meeting his girls, he'll go that extra mile for you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nadya has always been perfectly kind to me and pleasant to deal with, I assume some just rub her the wrong way. Mike is also very pleasant to deal with and one funny guy! They both have some great looking ladies so I dont see how you can go wrong with either agency.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Yes Igna, that is right. It's great to have nice friendly owners/bookers, but in the end, I'm spending a significant amount of money to see a great girl who I can hopefully have a great connection and intimate moment with. In saying this, both places definitely have some gems, especially with Mike's recent recruits. Nadya always had some top notch ladies.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

...I assume some just rub her the wrong way.

Please post a link to any review of yours that details how your meetings turned out with this agency`s ladies. Here`s mine: I haven`t seen anything that shows you`ve met one.

Unfortunately for the agency there are multiple negative reports on the same attitude issue without mine.

Nadya always had some top notch ladies.

The ladies look great, and the male handlers deal with the customer respectfully and helpfully whenever I have dealt with them. I would deal with this agency more if this was always the way it turned out. Maybe some are meant to manage in the background making contributions and decisions behind the scenes. Wouldn`t that be wiser if an owner did not have good control of negative impulses publicly.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You made your point the first time in other threads about this topic (and the 2nd time, and 3rd, and....) we get it, you two dont like each other and thats fine, move on, she has told you this as well in so many words I do believe. I am sure another agency would love your $$$ Merlot.

Nadya has obviously done well with her agency for being around so long and with having so many quality ladies, as Manapart also pointed out earlier, same for Mike's agency, Goodgirls. I have always found both Mike and Nadya very polite and helpful. Maybe you should chalk your situation up to the saying you cant please everyone all the time and let it go, stressing over something so silly is a waste of time and not healthy.

Please post a link to any review of yours that details how your meetings turned out with this agency's ladies. I haven't seen anything that shows you've met one. Unfortunately for the agency there are multiple negative reports on the same attitude issue without mine. Cheers,Merlot


Jan 12, 2011
You made your point the first time in other threads about this topic (and the 2nd time, and 3rd, and....) we get it, you two dont like each other and thats fine, move on, she has told you this as well in so many words I do believe. I am sure another agency would love your $$$ Merlot.

Hey Igna why should Merlot move on to another agency when his problem is with the booker? He said he would see a couple of girls if he didn't have to deal with her and having been on the other end of her wrath I totally agree. There's a saying in business that the customer is always right and even if he's not it's the agencys duty to rectify the situation in a way that is beneficial to both parties, it's called customer service and Nadya could take some pointers from Caroll on how to handle situations in a more respectful manner. We are spending $200/hr and don't appreciate being insulted when they fuck up.

Hey Merlot havent been to Beantown in years is the combat zone still around?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I already explained why, the stress this seems to be causing him is obvious, so simply move on or deal with whomever answers the phone if you really wanna see one of the VIP girls. Again, I have always found Nadya and Carroll both very cordial when conversating with either. Maybe she was having a bad day if true. As I know first hand, customers (in any business) are not always that easy to deal with all the time and as humans we do have bad days.
Hey Igna why should Merlot move on to another agency when his problem is with the booker?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all

...the stress this seems to be causing him is obvious...Maybe she was having a bad day if true.

Hey Igna why should Merlot move on to another agency when his problem is with the booker? He said he would see a couple of girls if he didn't have to deal with her and having been on the other end of her wrath I totally agree. There's a saying in business that the customer is always right and even if he's not it's the agencys duty to rectify the situation in a way that is beneficial to both parties, it's called customer service and Nadya could take some pointers from Caroll on how to handle situations in a more respectful manner. We are spending $200/hr and don't appreciate being insulted when they fuck up.

Hey Merlot havent been to Beantown in years is the combat zone still around?

Thanks for the support Perverted. Sorry, but the Combat Zone was erased some time ago.

Let's looks at this defense. Here we have a member of 4 years and 5603 posts with no evidence of any escort meeting whatsoever. So he has no standing to speak about any escort agency owner or seeing escorts.

Then he tries to shift criticism to me alone when the now closed Complaint Nadya's VIP thread contains pages of evidence, including insulting outbursts by her, that she doesn't know how to control herself publicly.

Lastly the statement "maybe she was having a bad day" :confused: tries to deny that the lady has a generally defensive temper and offensive attitude, which as so many of us know and can see in her posts, is a bold-face lie. That does not mean I would not deal with this agency as long as anyone there treats me like a customer before and after the encounter.

My episode with the owner started only because I posted a review months after the encounter. If it had been a positive review the lateness would have been irrelevant and the same owner would have applauded me for it. The facts of the review have not been denied by anyone including the owner to this moment. If the owner had simply come out and said...sorry this didn't work out, we will try to help you have a better experience next time...I would never have had any cause to say a negative word about any of this. Look at all the publicity the WRONG choice has generated.

Now someone tell Iggy this thread is about which of two agencies named gives better service and satisfaction as those who have experience with either of them can testify. It's not for making ridiculous excuses, as the one in bold above which so many know is laughable, for inadequate or poor behavior by either agency.




I've said enough on this subject and I intend to drop it completely as long as there are no more ridiculous claims or insults.


Dec 27, 2009
. . . Nadyas

When I book with Caro it's always a pleasure and I appreciate his customer service when he has to clean up Nadyas mess.

Booked Alyssa with Caro very early in the morning and he told me what area so made my way there and called but Nadya said she didn't have my rsv and that I shouldn't make rsv that early lol so why answer the phone and take them? Called back and explained the last time to which Nadya replied ohh u must be dying to see this girl it's like you've made it a mission...whatever her irradic behavior amuses me now. She asked me if I was cop once and hung up on me another time when I complained that they didn't hold my rsv with Neva twice but super Caro called me back and promised me a reduced rate next time which they delivered. I always ask him why they let her answer the phone because she jumps off the handle way too quickly as we see with her replies when negative comments are made by members. How about they post the bookers schedule so we could avoid her.
Similar experience.

I have tried to go for incall on my last day of stay, since I really don't want to host past noon, due to check-out. So, I have pre-booked with Naydas, via Carroll three times, a day or two in advance. On the morning of appt, I call to get location. I get Nadya on the phone. She says that I don't have a reservation. I explain that it was pre-booked was with Carroll. She says she wasn't informed. The escort is now fully booked or it is too late, since I have afternoon flight.

On my latest stay in Montreal, I didn't even bother trying to book Nadyas for noon or early afternoon incall on my last day. Lucked out by getting outcall around noon. Left quite late, with luggage in tow down to lobby, escorted by hot top rated SP beside me. :D


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
That agency treats her girls with an iron hand and are afraid of losing their job ....if they don't comply....many ex nadya's told me...they also are very brutal with customers on points they hang understanding......eleganza is much better, so is good girls if mike would
put a little more control on insisting and discipline his girls
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