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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Who the hell know what repubs/conservatives are going on about anymore... They live in their own self-sustaining media bubble, completely disconnected from any form of objective reality. There have been endless congressional investigations (run by republicans no less) into Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Emailgate bla bla bla... when you look at the results, even those swearing to "UNCOVER THE TRUTH" have come up with SWEET FUCK ALL.... Why? The obvious reason is that because all these scandals are figments of their imaginations... The reasons they give? George Soros an the vast left-wing conspiracy. I call shenanigans. If you have evidence of a crime bring it forward. Press charges and go to court. Short of that, all you have is innuendo and bullshit... Poo-flingers, the lot of you... YOU HAVE JUST NOMINATED DONALD TRUMP TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU???? SERIOUSLY????

Most people would take a moment to look in the mirror and reflect for a minute...

Yo Kasey, I didn't vote for Trump. No need for me to look in the mirror.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
But guys tell me how the most powerful country in the world, with the most generous population in the world (the americans are by far the biggest donor in the world, it's in their blood to give back)... so I was saying, how could the united state end up with these 2 final candidate for the presidency? What the fuck is the problem to end up with someone who broke the law and someone who once cut electricity and infested one of his own building to get the tenants to leave it... It's beyond me...

What law did Hillary break? Please be specific. Last I checked she hasn't been charged with anything despite the millions spent on trying to prove otherwise...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Yo Kasey, I didn't vote for Trump. No need for me to look in the mirror.

your signature says otherwise.... What crime was Hillary convicted of again? I did not realise she was ever CONVICTED of anything. Maybe I missed it. Please enlighten me...


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Hillary has really broken the law, Mr. Yikezz from New England (hmm). Look up US Title 18 Section 793(f). It's all in black and white and it fits what she did which was expose Top Secret and other classified information by putting her email account on an unsecured server.

Haha. Ok, well, I'm sure the GOP Benghazi! committee will be filing charges any... day? Week? Month! ... now. After all, it's only been, what?, a couple of years they've been rooting around looking for dirt. And those Vince Foster murder charges will be next, no doubt. Hell, what's the statute of limitations on Whitewater while we're at it?

As far as your "hmm" regarding my location... As you may have guessed, I am not a hard-core HRC supporter, and unfortunately my home state senator Bernie will not be the Democratic nominee. If he was, you would see a real landslide!



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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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What law did Hillary break? Please be specific. Last I checked she hasn't been charged with anything despite the millions spent on trying to prove otherwise...

Kasey, you don't know how to use Google?

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

It's all available for your education, Kasey.

And more trouble for the Wicked Queen:


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Kasey, you don't know how to use Google?

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

It's all available for your education, Kasey.

And more trouble for the Wicked Queen:

Quoting a law is simple. Your signature states that Hillary is a potential convicted felon. Has she been charged with breaking the law that you are quoting, let alone been convicted of it? Apparently there have been hundreds of FBI agents and millions spent in congressional investigations. The end result? NADA! NOTHING! RIEN! BUKUS! ZILCH!

Maybe it is not me that needs an education... I'll ask again... What law has Hillary been convicted of breaking?


Jan 6, 2016
Funny how everyone says this, about hating Americans. Yet their immigration backlogs are many years long (including Canadians that want to move to the US!) and others take huge risks to enter and live in the country illegally.

You are absolutely right... The line up for work visa and green cards are enormous. And that includes a slew of Canadians looking to go there as well. The reason why? They are hoping to improve their situation: better peace and security, better jobs and hopefully better future. And for some because of how bad the situation is in their home country, they are willing to risk everything, includes their lives.

However, that doesn't negate the fact that many societies, cultures, groups and even countries hate the US with a passion. Fundamental Islamist refer to the US as being the Great Satan. We need to remember that these are religious zealots who will go so far in their commitment to destroy America break with their own religious ideology and shave their beards, drink alcohol, etc. in order to better blend in.

Granted this is not all people, however there are enough, and getting back on point. If Trump is really as racist, sexist and all the other things he has been labelled as. He will unfortunately provide fuel to the fire. These haters and zealots will use him as the example to continue to promote the US as being the Great Satan. Because a country's leader, for all intensive purposes is supposed to be a representative of the entire country.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You are absolutely right... The line up for work visa and green cards are enormous. And that includes a slew of Canadians looking to go there as well. The reason why? They are hoping to improve their situation: better peace and security, better jobs and hopefully better future. And for some because of how bad the situation is in their home country, they are willing to risk everything, includes their lives.

However, that doesn't negate the fact that many societies, cultures, groups and even countries hate the US with a passion. Fundamental Islamist refer to the US as being the Great Satan. We need to remember that these are religious zealots who will go so far in their commitment to destroy America break with their own religious ideology and shave their beards, drink alcohol, etc. in order to better blend in.

Granted this is not all people, however there are enough, and getting back on point. If Trump is really as racist, sexist and all the other things he has been labelled as. He will unfortunately provide fuel to the fire. These haters and zealots will use him as the example to continue to promote the US as being the Great Satan. Because a country's leader, for all intensive purposes is supposed to be a representative of the entire country.

I am the one who brought it up. When I said rest of the world hates American I was just saying exactly what Trump said at the very beginning of his campaign. It has nothing to do with ppl wanting to immigrate in the US (which is normal, it's a great country!). Why did Trump said that in the first place? Because he is part of the same Bush thinking of if you are not with me you are against me, thus my enemy. Fucking far west bullshit that the rest of the worlds hates beyond anything. The world is more complex then that.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Presumably this will go as swimmingly for the GOP as the last time they called on her to testify, when they spent 8 hours making her look like Winston Churchill surrounded by the GOP dwarves.

Indeed, bring it on.

Ignorance is bliss, huh, yikezzz. It's not the Benghazi. It's a Federal Judge who is going to make Hillary testify under oath. The gig is up for all you Corrupt Libs out there who only care about the law when Republicans are accused of breaking it. What hypocrisy.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Quoting a law is simple. Your signature states that Hillary is a potential convicted felon. Has she been charged with breaking the law that you are quoting, let alone been convicted of it? Apparently there have been hundreds of FBI agents and millions spent in congressional investigations. The end result? NADA! NOTHING! RIEN! BUKUS! ZILCH!

Maybe it is not me that needs an education... I'll ask again... What law has Hillary been convicted of breaking?

Wait and see, Kasey. Hillary's gig is going to be up very soon starting with her testimony before the Federal Judge.

I told you what law up above. You're too lazy to read it? Or you don't understand it?


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Ignorance is bliss, huh, yikezzz

daydreamer41 said:
You're too lazy to read it? Or you don't understand it?

So, here we go with the personal attacks. I'm ignorant and KJ is lazy and/or incapable of comprehending DD41 shrewd political commentary, because we simply disagree with a seriously flawed and far-fetched argument ("Hillary, you're really going to jail now!"), even though basically every half-way knowledgeable person on the right AND the left, including poll after poll after poll, are predicting an electoral disaster for the GOP.

Is there ANY non-zero chance Trump could win? Of course there is; after all, the American people elected GWB not once but twice... Is it likely? Not very.


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Feb 9, 2004
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So, here we go with the personal attacks. I'm ignorant and KJ is lazy and/or incapable of comprehending DD41 shrewd political commentary, because we simply disagree with a seriously flawed and far-fetched argument ("Hillary, you're really going to jail now!"), even though basically every half-way knowledgeable person on the right AND the left, including poll after poll after poll, are predicting an electoral disaster for the GOP.

Is there ANY non-zero chance Trump could win? Of course there is; after all, the American people elected GWB not once but twice... Is it likely? Not very.

One of you asked (Kasey Jones, Yikezzz, you both amazing sound and talk the same ... even could be using the same computer, haha, using the same hands?) about the specific. It's apparent you did not read the law, even though I supplied the link. Ignorance means not knowing or wanting to know. That describes you. It's not a personal attack. It's an observation.

And lastly, Hillary going to jail is not far fetched. She is being subpoenaed by a Federal Judge to testify about her personal mail server. The FBI has custody of a Hacker from Romania who hacked into Hillary's unsecured server that she kept in her closet. Hillary will be indicted soon. That's a reasonable assumption.


Aug 4, 2015
I doubt Trump would nominate Ted Cruz and I don't think Cruz would want to be a Supreme Court Justice at this point.

But Cruz is an honorable person, despite your slated, much biased views.

He may be honorable, but he's extremely close-minded. Too adherent to a document drafted >200yrs ago and not accepting enough of other points of views, other beliefs, etc. In many ways he scared me far more than Trump.

I think Hillary's main enemy is her own ego/smugness (as with her husband). Her and her followers are potentially also too close-minded (thinking they are on the 'right' path and not being empathic to others).


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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He may be honorable, but he's extremely close-minded. Too adherent to a document drafted >200yrs ago and not accepting enough of other points of views, other beliefs, etc. In many ways he scared me far more than Trump.

I think Hillary's main enemy is her own ego/smugness (as with her husband). Her and her followers are potentially also too close-minded (thinking they are on the 'right' path and not being empathic to others).

Closed minded? That document, if followed, gives Citizen's freedom. I think the closed minded are those Progressives who trash the Constitution. You and those who think like you scare me because it's your thinking that leads to dictators.

Hillary's enemy is the FBI at the moment. She's corrupt and she broke Federal Law. She needs to be prosecuted. No one is above the law. Even the Elite, like Hillary and Bill Clinton. It's time one of them goes to prison.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
My opinion for what its worth.
I don`t like or trust Trump.
I don`t care for HRC either but she is the lesser of 2 evils , especially with Bill as an adviser.

Trump has an ego that can swallow a black hole and is not trustworthy.
Hillary is weak and inexperienced.

Unless a disaster strikes her most Americans will vote for the first woman president though.

Tommy Hilfinger

New Member
Sep 22, 2009
It was a nasty fight between Cruz and the other Republican candidates vs. Trump. Clinton has all the brown paper bags filled with poop ready made to fling at Trump prepackaged and ready made by the Republican drop outs.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Republican challengers made the huge tactical mistake of not really challenging Trump on the issues, thinking he would eventually implode on his own before they really got to the issues. Hilary will not make the same mistake. She will attack the logic of Trump's positions, first of all by asking how it is that Mexico will be made to pay for a wall that will never be built.
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