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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Most people know the Mexican wall will never happen, blowing smoke out of his ass on that one.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Wait and see, Kasey. Hillary's gig is going to be up very soon starting with her testimony before the Federal Judge.

I told you what law up above. You're too lazy to read it? Or you don't understand it?

Has she been charged? It's really a simple question that you refuse to answer... Has Colin Powell been charged for doing the exact same thing?

Your fantasy-land delusions may sell among other wing-nuts, but the lack of any charges here in the real world would seem to contradict your lovely conspiracy theory...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
One of you asked (Kasey Jones, Yikezzz, you both amazing sound and talk the same ... even could be using the same computer, haha, using the same hands?) about the specific. It's apparent you did not read the law, even though I supplied the link. Ignorance means not knowing or wanting to know. That describes you. It's not a personal attack. It's an observation.

It really is quite simple. Until she is charged it is just a fever dream that you hope is true... After all this time, the lack of charges would lead intelligent people to come to certain conclusions. Apparently not you, though. Let me dig up a pedophilia law which I can quote at you as proof that you are a Catholic priest...

And lastly, Hillary going to jail is not far fetched. She is being subpoenaed by a Federal Judge to testify about her personal mail server. The FBI has custody of a Hacker from Romania who hacked into Hillary's unsecured server that she kept in her closet. Hillary will be indicted soon. That's a reasonable assumption.

This is the kind of stupid which leads to a party nominating Donald Trump to run for president...

this about sums up the current situation...

There’s going to be a whole bunch of #nevertrump wankery in the upcoming months, but that doesn’t mean they will do anything to defeat him. They may choose to sit out as these two profiles in courage, Bush 41 and Bush 43, but they won’t actually vote for the only other option in the race. But it needs to be said over and over and over again. We are here because of the Establishment GOP.

For the last couple decades, the GOP has been eagerly supporting the political equivalent of suicide bombers. You can go through the list of the top tier un-elected idiots, whether they be Joe the Plumber, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, the entire coterie at Red State and Hot Air and the National Review, and the gun nutters and fascists and Bundy bros that they all play footsy with, and every one of them was all in on the teahadists and shit fer brains when it served them. And then they elected nutters from Steve King to Bachmann to that you lie shitbird to on and on and on. I’m not even going to waste your time and give you acid indigestion listing all these toilet bowl clingers.

So yeah, now you’re against Trump. You’re so fucking principled. It’d be horrible for conservatism if Trump wins.

F you.

John Cole

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Whoever wins in the US it would probably be better than what we have now. And this is just my opinion, no funding by Greenpeace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Whoever wins in the US it would probably be better than what we have now. And this is just my opinion, no funding by Greenpeace.

You actually beleive trump or clinton would be better than obama? I would take Obama back another 4 years in a heartbeat!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You actually beleive trump or clinton would be better than obama? I would take Obama back another 4 years in a heartbeat!

I meant in Canada....


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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It really is quite simple. Until she is charged it is just a fever dream that you hope is true... After all this time, the lack of charges would lead intelligent people to come to certain conclusions. Apparently not you, though. Let me dig up a pedophilia law which I can quote at you as proof that you are a Catholic priest...

What twisted logic. Time will tell ... and it may be very soon. Don't be surprised when it happens though.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Has she been charged? It's really a simple question that you refuse to answer... Has Colin Powell been charged for doing the exact same thing?

Your fantasy-land delusions may sell among other wing-nuts, but the lack of any charges here in the real world would seem to contradict your lovely conspiracy theory...

You sound like someone we know very well.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There are a lot of rednecks in the US that like Trump, he screws things up by saying stupid things once in awhile that pisses off a large group of people.


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Trump can convince his own party, but can he convince the American public?

This actually isn't quite true. There are certain segments of the GOP base who are all in on Trump: nativists (build a wall, ban Muslim immigration, etc.), racists (e.g. David Duke), and some economically disaffected whites who see the US changing and don't like it. But many in the GOP are shocked and disgusted by his imminent nomination. So the response to your question is actually, he can't even convince many in his own party, and has absolutely no shot with the rest of the American public.


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
There are a lot of rednecks in the US that like Trump, he screws things up by saying stupid things once in awhile that pisses off a large group of people.

He screws things up by being an amoral, rudderless, say anything, opportunistic, me-first asshole, actually.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
This actually isn't quite true. There are certain segments of the GOP base who are all in on Trump: nativists (build a wall, ban Muslim immigration, etc.), racists (e.g. David Duke), and some economically disaffected whites who see the US changing and don't like it. But many in the GOP are shocked and disgusted by his imminent nomination. So the response to your question is actually, he can't even convince many in his own party, and has absolutely no shot with the rest of the American public.

Well said. I can only hope that all the Clinton ads are this funny:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have been following the GOP race.... Trump basically just repeat few sentences to any question at debate or his rally: I am gonna make a great deal, I work with many many great people, this country is going to hell, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
He was dodging answering the substantive questions, so that the media can't pick up his lack of real policies... and it worked..

Not sure why so many of his supporters think that he has the bal
ls to wipe out ISIS or actually ban Muslims or let the Mexicans pay for the wall... if he can't even face Megyn Kelly.

Wait for the anti-Hillary ads. 100 Million will buy a lot of ads:

What an election we're going to have.


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Wait for the anti-Hillary ads. 100 Million will buy a lot of ads:

Yep, the Republicans are really gonna go after HRC now! They've only been fooling' around the last 20 years!

Peter Townshend

New Member
Feb 21, 2012
The Trump crowd are red necks that are hypnotized by Trump to believe that they too can have skunk head ahir and be banging models. The Bernie Sanders crowd are young and idealistic. The we can make this world a better place crowd. The Clinton crowd are the win by hook or crook, by lie or deceit we want to do it our way crowd.
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