Indy Companion
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  1. D

    Sad story of abuse

    I had made arrangements to meet an SP I have seen in the past this morning as my ATF has not been available lately. I text to confirm and she texts back that she would like to see me but would appreciate it if there would be no sexual relations this time. WTF ? As I thought about the text I...
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    Investment recommendation for dummies

    Buy a well managed ETF, best would be global or U.S. ( S&P 500 ) and let it grow.........long term ! Quick money, forget cannabis, go to the casino
  3. D

    Main page ? ?

    I have been noticing that the minute you click on a thread the main page reverts to and a new window opens, does anyone have an idea why ? Is it just me or has there been advertising sold to do this ?
  4. D

    Escorts asking for deposits

    I don't think a deposit to an SP from Indy companions is quite the same as some girl advertising on 123, AI etc. I contacted one who asked me to bring some kind of gift card as her "employer" ( I assume pimp " prefers that to cash. I thought about this odd request and it makes sense if the pimp...
  5. D

    Your wish list of sp's you would like to see re-appear on the scene

    Christine ! I don't remember the name of the massage parlour she worked for but some of the long standing members will certainly remember her .
  6. D

    Indy rates, your opinion

    Not every Indy who charges $500/hr is worth the price the same as not every Indy who charges $100./ hr will give you great service. We all have different tastes and budgets otherwise we would all be booking the same SP's Complaining about rates is just childish, I agree with Rosie Sparkles find...
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    Your wish list of sp's you would like to see re-appear on the scene

    Christine ! Those that know, know those that don't sadly will never have enjoyed a wonderful womans time
  8. D

    If you saw $50 on the nightstand....would you take it?

    If there's $50. on the nightstand and you didn't put it there, it isn't yours, leave it alone . Were you raised to steal from someone else ? Because this is an SP you feel you have rights that you wouldn't exercise elsewhere ? Stealing is stealing, period !
  9. D

    How much does the agency usually get?

    I don't know why this is an issue
  10. D

    Who is your favorite porn star?

    Gabbie Carter simply awesome !
  11. D

    Pubic hair, yay or nay?

    Tiny tuft on top is sexy
  12. D

    Okay to follow SP personal social media or no?

    The relationship we have with a provider is a "Professional" one, NOT a personal one. Why would you want to invade her personal life ? There is one provider who I have met who asked me if I would like to connect with her via social media, I did NOT while I was seeing her but when she left the...
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    freedom3 bows out - cancer

    So sorry to hear about this sad news. We come here looking for information on escorts and sometimes fail to realize there is a human side to life as well. Cancer has touched those close to me on several different occasions and it's never easy to deal with. I wish you the very best in your...
  14. D

    Who has the best selfie and general discussion of selfie thread

    Amelie White, beautiful beyond belief
  15. D

    Are you older ( 40 + ) and go clubbing with the kids?

    Think back, when you were their age would you have wanted your Dad out in a club with you ?
  16. D

    Investment recommendation for dummies

    I am a financial professional and question your stated returns. Current 3 year average for GIC's is 3.2% ( your stated return would have been 6%) and average 5 year rates is 3.6% ( at 35% total yours would have been 7% ) and lets not forget that GIC rates are the highest they've been in the past...
  17. D

    Visistor question:why indy is generally more expensive than agent

    My thoughts on this are as follows. I believe a quality Indy manages the clients she sees and hence the number of encounters is much lower than a girl working for an agency. That being said the rates will be higher to reflect quality and enable the girl to make a decent income. An agency on the...
  18. D

    Who has the best selfie and general discussion of selfie thread

    For me , Amelie White is by far one sexy number. I love the geeky, self confident woman and she certainly is that. I must admit I have never met her but she is one of the women that I must meet before I'm done with this hobby.
  19. D

    New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft charged with soliciting prostitution

    I understand that a lot of you are anti Patriots but to take pleasure in someone getting caught doing the same thing you all do regularly, pathetic and hypocritical . First let\s understand that he is a widower and has no ties to a woman in a relationship. The only thing I don't get is with all...
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    RIP Vito Rizzuto

    I don't understand why we are glorifying these low life gangsters ? They prey on tax paying, hardworking citizens and they are revered as gods. They are criminals, gangsters who don't give a shit about you or your well being. I wish the reference to them and their exploits would end as far as...
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