Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Indépendants have to pay their own advertising, websites and Incalls. Please take this in consideration before whining. Nobody is telling you to book someone of to not book someone else so I don't understand why you all making a big fuss about prices when you can go someone in your budget. Every person is different and I found your ''what do I get more from an Indy, etc.'' deshumanizing.

Une maudite chance que j’ai dis au Indy de pas répondre hein, exactement a cause de ce genre de réponse ou tu te justifie
Et voila ta pas pu resiter Rosie, ta le droit a ton opinion et moi je la juge pas, tu n’a pas a juger la mienne non plus


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Do you have the feeling that those indys that you see at the price range you mentioned give you more compare to angency's ??

Honestly I don’t know, I have never seen a girl from an agency, Heaven so far is the only one that is really a temptation for me to try, and even her I keep putting it off.

I don’t like to talk to a booker or middleman, I like the individual attention that an Indy provides.
For the most part I do repeat visits and I have become kind of friends with a couple and with one that I keep mentioning she is just everything that I could have hoped for, so is it worth it for me, yes very much so.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Not every Indy who charges $500/hr is worth the price the same as not every Indy who charges $100./ hr will give you great service. We all have different tastes and budgets otherwise we would all be booking the same SP's Complaining about rates is just childish, I agree with Rosie Sparkles find someone in your price range and hopefully she will provide the service you want and expect.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Do you have the feeling that those indys that you see at the price range you mentioned give you more compare to angency's ??

Speaking for myself to that question. No absolutely not. They won't give you more, they won't give you less. The only guarantee you have is to pay more.

Does it matter? Absolutely not ;) It's offer and demand as Fradi wrote.

If I was an SP I would be an Indy trying to make the most money as possible (according to my availability) seeing as much regular as possible while trying to avoid seeing weird strangers as much as possible. I think that's how most Indy think and that's all fine. Can we blame them? Nope ;)

For me this debate is a bit bogus. Because in Montreal and in the suburbs EVERYONE can find great SP and have dream time for his own budget. In other words we are fucking lucky bastard haha

The only thing I find in this industry in the mental blocage indy and agency have to change their price based on offer/demand. I was so happy to see Lisa Marie this week offering rebates!!! Fuck for once one has the guts to do it! I love that. To me it proves for her it's not an EGO thing. She is currently not having the demand she wants according to her current availability she offers a rebate! Bingo! I know so many indies and agencies having barely a booking per day in January complaining but sticking to their jacked up price... WTF!

My 2 cents!



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I totally agree with you Jalimon.
We are extremely lucky here in Montreal and there is a wonderful young lady for everyone at the price range they can manage.

I consider myself extremely lucky I have managed to find a companion of my dreams and 5 or 6 others that I have seen a few times that are fabulous also.
Even when I see a new Indy I have yet to have even a mediocre time with them.

Perhaps I will try an agency ( Heaven) but I am in no rush, at my age I have the perfect companion who I can’t wait to see each time, I am a creature of habit I like to know in advance that I will have an amazing time.
I like being treated better than any girlfriend, who never gives you shit about anything, goes out of her way to please you, and is gorgeous beyond belief, what more could I ask for, oh yeah to be half my age again, then it would be a whole different ball game I would never let her go she is that awesome.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Not every Indy who charges $500/hr is worth the price the same as not every Indy who charges $100./ hr will give you great service. We all have different tastes and budgets otherwise we would all be booking the same SP's Complaining about rates is just childish, I agree with Rosie Sparkles find someone in your price range and hopefully she will provide the service you want and expect.

First , i did find SP's at a good price range witch is with agencys ( FYI i do NOT have a price range pre made ) and they give A+ service and are in my criteria body and face wise.

Second FYI again, i did in the pass, ( 4-5 years ago ) seen Indy's at high price ( 350$/hr and booked them for 3hrs ) and only to realize with time and experience that i had ( almost ) the same , service in general with some girls from Agency's.

Third if you and Rosie beleive i am complaining and is childish, well ….. i wont speak my mind to you about that comment because i will get suspended from here.

But i can tell you one thing though, A LOT of others here DO complain about it , but i guess i am the only one who had the balls of mentioning the subject.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Just to make things clear before others feel the need of throwing me a insult or else .

I do believe that there is a to big gap in the price between agency's and Indy's, and it should not be , because i believe there is barely a difference in service wise between the 2

THIS MY PERSONAL OPINION , OKAY, i do believe i have the right to have one.

Now i started the thread because i want people's opinion on it , the subject itself, plain and simple.

NOT there personal opinion on me



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Spinner addict,

I hope you are not misunderstanding, nobody likes high prices for anything, just like I wouldn’t like 20% increase in groceries or car prices or anything else I don’t look forward to Indys or Agencies increasing their prices either.

i am sure Indys don’t look forward to increased prices for rent on their in call or for photo shoots or anything else.
It is human nature to complain, and that is fine, what some of us are saying is that in Montreal we are still relatively lucky that we can all find a high level of service at a decent rate be it with an Indy or agency.
The market will always dictate, and I don’t blame anyone for asking for maximum worth, we all do that, none of us would like to work at a job where we are being paid half of what we think we are worth why should an escort be any different.

I don’t even begrudge the Indys that ask $800-$1000hr if they can get it more power to them, they won’t be getting it from me.

spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Dont worry i do not misunderstand haha

Honestly i can go into details of the money part ( profit vs expences ) and it would show that the indy's dont need to charge that much at all.

You know what i think , it is like pro athletes , everybody complains that they are making too much money, but in a way its not there fault, its the team owners and the fans fault. The owners were stupid enough to give them that money, and the fans were stupid enough to buy those sky high prices tickets. The players ask for big salary and owners said ok.

Its the same thing with high end indy's ,they asked for high price and they found suckers willing to pay for it. Now what i think is that the lower ones ( 300-400 $ range ) are trying to pull the same move but less drasticly .

Again its my own personal opinion


Active Member
Aug 3, 2015
A significant number of higher-priced independents do twitter feeds and updates to websites with pictures, videos and interviews that provide customers (particularly those who have seen them before) with some enjoyment in terms of recollection and anticipation of seeing them again. For some guys, that justifies the additional price, and is certainly an extra cost for the provider. For many johns, this is irrelevant. We are all different.
many agency girls have twitter too. the personal side Fradi likes to pay extra for like talking to them you can continue to contact n check up on favorite girl by twitter or text for free lol. I find out also many indies you think you're talking to them but in fact its not them... For real Indies its her business she charge what she want but they have to sell the illusion of the relationship you think you have with them to justify the extra cost cause if she dont do this we all know theres plenty others who are better in bed or better companion... for them youre their ATM so if she has to talk to you or give you extra time you think its cause they like u? no or maybe yes but as a client but its time and advertizing expense for them they will give so you will keep calling them... its not even about budget its just to know where u stand when u see a girl dont expect a life with her just have fun n enjoy each others time u can be rich n smart or just get played


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
There seems to be a lot of opinions being thrown around

If the girl thinks she’s in the top 1%, she will charge as if she is the top 1% catering to the top 1%
a lot of these girls would rather sacrifice money for big 1% bookings because in their mind it would balance out... sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. The market will dictate whose the 1% and some girls learn the hard way

do i agree with these price ranges? im a pleb so obviously no. However if i were rich, i’d book HDHs all the time
are the prices justified? i would say half yes, the other half, are girls who have inflated egos or they simply think they can get away with it.

As previously mentioned, usually the high rate comes with looks, cuz the service is often on par with agency girls yet you are getting good service from a stunning women. However with all the competition (more SPs than clients), this is becoming less and less true. indys are losing to agencies.

Like my best friend in this hobby taught me: no pu$$y is worth that much.
unless they can provide an experience that is unique

during my noobie days, i cant lie that I’ve been disappointed in most of my HDH experiences. Very often i shake my head and tell myself I could have had 4 bookings with 4 different girls at 4 different times at this price.

I also believe if you’re a successful HDH, i only see the quality of service going downwards from there, why would she want to improve? for the love of it? nah! otherwise she wouldnt be at that price point.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What the hell is HDH?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Indy rates. My opinion. It is none of your business

I disagree,
This is an escort review board, it is natural to discuss prices, unless they are completely meaningless to you and you don’t care who you see and how much you pay.
If we were discussing anything else you would want to know the price also.

We all have an opinion which may differ, bottom line every escort charges what ever they think the market will bare, and what they think they can make a reasonable profit with, there is nothing wrong with that. It is their livelihood, just like our jobs we expect to be paid top dollar and what we are worth also.

We all have a budget and hopefully are aware of what we can afford.
I absolutely love the Indys that I see and am totally satisfied with the value I receive, luckily for now I am able to afford such luxuries in life.

I may be able to save by seeing agency girls but that is not my first priority, I am seeing someone who to me is the most gorgeous woman and the kindest I have ever met, to me she is worth every penny and then some.

No, I am not some naive person, far from it, but you only have one life and when you find someone that makes you happy it is very difficult to put a price on it. In the end if this turns out to be nothing more than a fabulous fantasy, so what then I enjoyed the fantasy, and she is entitled to receive an Oscar, either way I was totally happy every time I was with her.

I would give everything I have if I could bring my wife back to life and cure her cancer so spending a little more at this stage of my life I am not going to worry about.
This is my reasoning, which may be very different from everybody else.

Btw I am not paying extra because I like to talk. I like to talk because she is an Intelligent, classy human being and to me the most gorgeous woman in Montreal, who just happens to be interesting and fun to talk to also.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Fradi. You are allowed to disagree. OP asked for our opinion. I gave mine. Her price. Is her price. You ask me my salary. None of your business. I can ask for what I want. If an employer accepts. All the power to me. Weather you think an sp is worth that price or not is not your business. Someone somewhere is paying it. All this post does is try and convince others not to pay. It brings nothing to a conversation.
There is a big difference between what you write which is knowing the price. And discussing if that price is right or not. The not hidden. It is out there for everyone to see


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Ok nobody is gonna understand this one.
I meet a camgirl on twitter. She is freaky, weird, edgy and not my type ….yet for some reason I`m attracted to her. She is not an escort and doesn`t want to be , but she has fuck friends....both male and female.
I finally convince her to see me and I give her what she asks for and its lower than most escorts ask for. First date is excellent.
Second date was out of this world.....she made me feel like no other woman has in many years. I can`t wait to see her again.
But I feel guilty about the rate I`m paying her. Its too low especially when I compare her to any other woman I`ve seen in the last 5 years.
Its too low and I decide to raise it....substantially. She was grateful and I was content that I pleased her ,and now I count the days till I`ll see her again.
Its not just about the immediate pleasure she brings me....but its about how I feel the next day and for days afterwards and then the anticipation of our next reunion.
Is it worth paying a little more than to a hot GFE/PSE agency girl. Damn fukkin right it is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Makes sense to me.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
People can charge what they want, people can purchase what they want. Who really cares what the price is if both parties agree.
Do you question why a MacIntosh stereo amp costs more than a Phillips amp, OK bad example as Mac kicks Phillip's ass in quality.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
People can charge what they want, people can purchase what they want. Who really cares what the price is if both parties agree.
Do you question why a MacIntosh stereo amp costs more than a Phillips amp, OK bad example as Mac kicks Phillip's ass in quality.


Also, a few pages earlier, that guy dismissing indies’ expenses like "just an excuse" and bringing up his mathemathkcs like he somehow knows how much every Indy spends on advertising, how many clients she sees, how much her (often multiple) rent is, how my her car and other bills cost, etc.... LOL Pathetic
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