Montreal Escorts

1.18L beer


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I used to be able to find a lot of different ones around here blue dry 6,7,8,10/ molson dry 6,7,8,10/ black label/ molson export/ budweiser/ etc, but now days its down to blue dry 7 and molson dry 10 and thats it, i always stay around the golden mile area of downtown, is there a different selection in other neighborhoods that any of you know about? Thanks

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011

The 1.18 L is the format for the real alcoolics! Forget about taste, that doesn’t matter.

sorry for the bad joke @cpp433 but the part about taste is true, only the bad beers get this format.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I like the taste of these beers, maybe not the molson dry so much, but blue dry black label and export are good, im not a craft guy its mostly overpriced crap that tastes like grapefruit, although in the fall months i do enjoy pumpkin ales, but thats the extent of the craft types i like

Anyways the next time your in the dep picking up some craft in the next week or so, please check the shelves and lmk if you see anything im looking for, thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
beeing a big beer drinker myself, i can appreciates @cpp433 desire to keep costs down, and save my money for other things :cool:
i used to be able to get Boreal (respectable local brewery) for 8.99 a six pack up until recently. now its min 10.99 or more.
ill keep an eye out for different types 1.18L
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I used to pay 15.99 for 12 Boréale IPA! But since 2021 forget it, now it’s 20.99. But I found last week in Québec city 8.49 a 6 pack au Monde des bières. I bought 6x6! lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I like the taste of these beers, maybe not the molson dry so much, but blue dry black label and export are good, im not a craft guy its mostly overpriced crap that tastes like grapefruit, although in the fall months i do enjoy pumpkin ales, but thats the extent of the craft types i like

Anyways the next time your in the dep picking up some craft in the next week or so, please check the shelves and lmk if you see anything im looking for, thanks in advance!
Actually it has nothing to do with the price, i could drink craft if i wanted to, liquor wise im big into cognacs, i have around 20 different ones at the house right now, i genuinely enjoy the type of beers that i do


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
, im not a craft guy its mostly overpriced crap that tastes like grapefruit, although in the fall months i do enjoy pumpkin ales, but thats the extent of the craft types i like

Damn, man, never buy the fruity beers lol! Plenty of other great ambers, ales, IPA's, blondes, etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2006
Je suis quand même étonné de voir un tread exclusivement sur la bière sur un site comme MERB. Y déjà eu des treads sur l’argent, on est donc en train de démontrer l’ABC de la vie : l’Argent, la Boisson pis le C**
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
This thread is making me nostalgic about when we would get drunk with 1.18L bottles of either Black Label or Tornade when I was a teen. You were kind of guaranteed to throw up with these blends of trash and alcohol, but that was par for the course back then.

RIP Tornade, you will forever be remembered as the undisputed champion of the worst beers ever created.

I never seen that tornade one, I remember there was old milwaulkee zenith when i first started coming to montreal, black bull too, i think there may have been a cyclone as well
The black label ones may still be around, i found some in the area near the bus station last time i was here in november, the dep owner bent me over the counter and took my manhood on the price, but i paid cause thats the only place ive seen them in awhile

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The worse tasting beer i’ve ever tasted in my entire life came in that format & it happened in Mtl on one of my trips about 20 years ago. It was called ‘Blanche de Chambli’. I’ll never forget the name. Later i found out it was brewed by a microbrewery owned by Quebec music legend Robert Charlebois.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
That beer literally won awards worldwide. I think you just may not be into Belgian-style wheat beers lol.
True, but really not my type of beer. I remember getting my first taste of a Blanche de Bruges in the ‘70s. I had the same repulsive feeling as the Doc with the Blanche de Chambly. I just can’t drink that stuff.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
True, but really not my type of beer. I remember getting my first taste of a Blanche de Bruges in the ‘70s. I had the same repulsive feeling as the Doc with the Blanche de Chambly. I just can’t drink that stuff.
Although it’s been over 20 years since i tried to drink it i still remember how it tasted: perfume.

The only type of alcoholic beverage that i drink now is beer. I prefer light beer but i’ll try anything new. For the past couple of weeks i’ve mostly been drinking Carlsberg Light, a Danish beer. I find it surprisingly very good. However my go-to beer over the past few months has been a Japanese beer called Saporo. Usually when i try new brands of beer i like it for a week or so (like Moosehead Light) but i tend to get tired of them & go back to my usual favorites (Bud Lite, Blue Light, etc) but Saporo has surprisingly become a favorite!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not 1.18L but they do make it in 750ml format.
View attachment 63447
That’s the one! I remember a very large bottle. I also remember purchasing a few “Maudite” bottles & giving them away to friends as gifts. It’s also made by Unibroue but i never tried it. My friends told me it tasted awful & they were buzzed after drinking just one of them!
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