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2013 NHL Free For All Thread


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
He might be a newbie when it comes down to running a front office, but knowing Shanahan and how competitive he was as a player, I'd be really surprised if he doesn't approach his new job with the same fierce determination.
That doesn't necessarily bode well for Nonis and Carlyle however.

All very true. Getting Shanny is one of the VERY FEW smart moves that the pathetic leaf organization has made in the last HALF CENTURY.

If Shanny is smart, he'll get rid of the things dragging down the leafs: Nonis, Carlyle, Phaneuf, Clarkson, Kessel and his rent-free roommate, Kadri, Kulemin, Colton "not Bobby" Orr, Tim Gleason, Glass Man Joffrey Lupul, all the scouts, and EVERY OTHER PLAYER except Bernier and Reimer....but Reimer won't WANT to stay with a hopeless, clueless team like the leafs and their CLASSLESS fans who attacked his wife in social media.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Edmonton has not addressed many problems over the past two decades. The problem in recent years is the lack of leadership (from both players & management alike), lack of veterans, poor defence, poor goaltending and average coaching. There is also zero team chemistry. Dallas Eakins has been a huge disappointment in his first season as a head coach & right now not a single NHL team would want to touch him should he get fired.

Change "Edmonton" to "toronto" and "Dallas Eakins" to "Randy Carlyle" and your post will be perfect.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Doc, who would you like to see coaching the Leafs next season?

What's the difference WHO coaches the leafs? There's an old saying that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit - and believe me, leaf fans will NEVER get to eat chicken SALAD.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Is Claude Julien safe in Boston if Detroit surprises them?

Kind of a strange statement coming from someone who predicted Boston IN FIVE. But maybe after being wrong SO MANY TIMES in the hockey threads here, you're finally learning to hedge your bets. If so, good move - even if it's too late.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Do you think MLSE would try to lure babCock out of the final year of his contract by making him the highest paid coach in NHL history? They have the $ to do so?

True, they have plenty of money because their fans have been drinking their Koolaid for 47 YEARS which is why they can afford to waste tons of $$$$$ on stupidities like the Clarkson signing, the Phaneuf signing, the Kessel signing, the Komi and Grabo signings followed by buyouts, and on and on and on.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Hey welcome back Rev. How did you enjoy your several weeks of HIDING when the leafs had their inevitable COLLAPSE and FAILED to make the playoffs for the 9th time in 10 years?

BTW: My MAIN contribution to this thread is DESTROYING all the lies, errors and incorrect ridiculous predictions posted by leaflovers.

No hard feelings: while all the real hockey fans here enjoy the playoffs, best wishes to leaf nation on the golf courses of Canada!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Laughing? Or, perhaps more accurately, CRYING...since in spite of all your bragging, insulting, and erroneous predictions, the Wings MADE the playoffs (for the 23rd consecutive season) and the miserable leafs FAILED to do so (for the 9th time in 10 years).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just when I thought you (cairo) were getting better, a meltdown of epic proportions has consumed your night, once again

How about you take a night off and actually give back to the MERB community in one of the hobby threads for once and actually offer some advice to someone looking for it or better yet do your FIRST EVER review of a SP?

On a somewhat serious note, looks like the scabs got lucky and do not have to face Ben Bishop in the series with Tampa. I did not know this when I made my picks but I will stick with Tampa, although somewhat hesitant to do so.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Just when I thought you (cairo) were getting better, a meltdown of epic proportions has consumed your night, once again

You call it a meltdown, but the correct term is "diligent and accurate correction of misinformation presented by leaflovers who have emerged from several weeks of HIDING after their joke of a team again FAILED to make the playoffs and again suffered an EPIC COLLAPSE of cowardly proportions".

P.S.: Have fun on the golf usual.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
So guys, where are your predictions for this 1st round ???

Here are mines :

Boston in 5 (yes Doc)
TBL in 7 :)()
Pitts in 6
Rangers in 6

Colorado in 6
Hawks in 6
Ducks in 5
Sharks in 7


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Mod 8 actually admonished Joe T. because the latter boasted on many occasions on this board to losing a bet to me and stiffing me. The fact that you blatantly lie about it is one of the reasons that nobody with half a brain would bet with either of you.


Joe.t was suspended for constant goading specifically because he bragged about cheating you out of the money he lost on a bet. He published his own welching showing he has no shame or honor. Iggy's makes a perfect matched pair.

Maybe our new mod will keep these lies off the board?

I predict that Doc and Ignaxxx are now courageously going to support the best team of the NHL (Boston).

Not a chance. Iggy doesn't know how to pick a winner...and he's now very busy in his annual caddying/oil massage business for the Leafs...special offers ;) for Phil super-dud Kessel.

Says the man with the agenda... you have 60 posts all in sports threads and 99% in the free for all and ZERO in the rest of the MERB community offering advice of any kind nor ANY reviews,...

Says the guy who makes free-for-alls and has never written a review except...yeah, I over 8000 posts.




Sr Moderator
Jan 27, 2014
2013 NHL Free For All Thread

Please get back to the topic. Anything posts not dealing with the NHL will be deleted.

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...

iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

Any posts that violate the rules and guidelines may be deleted, and the offending poster be warned, or ultimately banned from this board.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Dion Phaneuf versus NIKLAS KRONWALL - No Contest!

The leaf "captain" has played 9 seasons in the NHL, 4 in Calgary, 1 split between Calgary and toronto, 4 in toronto.

He has made the playoffs 5 times - the 4 complete seasons in Calgary and the 1 fluke in the shortened season in toronto (the only time in the past decade that the leafs made the playoffs).

Phaneuf is a plus 3 in his regular season career totals and a MINUS 18 in his career playoff totals. Not surprisingly, he has NEVER made it past the first round of the playoffs.

Niklas Kronwall has played 10 seasons in the NHL, all with Detroit.

He has, of course, made the playoffs ALL 10 TIMES. He is a plus 46 in his regular season career totals and a plus 24 in his career playoff totals. And, of course UNLIKE the leaf "captain", Kronwall has frequently gone past the first round and has, of course, even won the Cup.


P.S.: We could also have chosen many, MANY other d-men throughout the league with FAR better records than the leaf "captain".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Frazer McLaren was a great pickup by the heavily Carlyle influenced Dave Nonis. The line with Orr on one side and McLaren on the other will not only put fear into the opposition but those 2 guys not only play with an edge, they showed last night they can also skate and have some skill not ofton found in tough guys in todays NHL.

"Great pickup" - ha ha ha ha ha.

"can also skate and have some skill" - Orr: ZERO goals, ZERO assists, ZERO the ENTIRE 2013-2014 season.
McLaren: ZERO goals, ZERO assists, ZERO the ENTIRE 2013-2014 season.

Maybe that kind of "skill" is why the leafs FAILED to make the playoffs for the 9th time in the last 10 years and why they have had NOTHING but FAILURE for 47 YEARS.

And maybe the fact that leaflovers actually believe (!!!!!!!) that stiffs like McLaren and Orr "have some skill" is why leaf ownership has been LAUGHING at its fans and making $$$$ for those 47 YEARS of constant FAILURE and HUMILIATION.
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