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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Actually, the only performance enhancing drug Papi is using is his brain. If you look at his production over the last few years, you'll note that his resurgence began at the same time that Adrian Gonzalez joined the Red Sox. Not coincidentally, that was the time that Papi started hitting the ball to the opposite field.

Note that the Three Musketeers keep belching gibberish about Buchholz days after the story has been debunked from many different corners.

Really, rumps, you and Merlot are two, not three. I thought you were good at math.

Anyhow, the Red Sox organization is really entrenched in cheating. I can't name my sources, but Red Sox nation is less than none in the cheating department.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Anyhow, the Red Sox organization is really entrenched in cheating. I can't name my sources, but Red Sox nation is less than none in the cheating department.
Really, DD, is this silliness the best you can do? Have you given up reading the sports pages?


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Jun 20, 2003
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Mariano Rivera is now tied for the AL lead with 13 saves


13 for 13 in saves
1.88 ERA
0.98 WHIP

All below his career numbers on ERA and WHIP at age 43. I see no reason why he should retire at this point.

Congratulations to Robinson Cano on his getting his 1500th hit today, at age 30.

My CY pick if the season ended today, Yanks will be officially tied for first in about ten minutes with a team that consists of Nix, Stewart, Overbay, Wells, Hafner, etc, congratulations go out to Hal, Hank, Brian and Joe.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My CY pick if the season ended today, Yanks will be officially tied for first in about ten minutes with a team that consists of Nix, Stewart, Overbay, Wells, Hafner, etc, congratulations go out to Hal, Hank, Brian and Joe.

Yankees are actually in 1st place by percentage points better than the Os and Sox. The reason is obvious, the Yankees' run prevention has been much better than any other AL East team. The Yankees have had good starting pitching, very good relief pitching, and Manager Joe Girardi has done an excellent job mixing and matching and using his bench resources. The result is a 6-1 record in 1 run games, best in MLB, and a 13-4 record in games decided by 2 runs or less, also the best in MLB. This is a well managed team with very good pitching and at the moment, an offense that is functional but soon to be reinforced.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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Anyhow, the Red Sox organization is really entrenched in cheating. I can't name my sources, but Red Sox nation is less than none in the cheating department.

You mean those made up sources in your head? This from someone too ashamed or afraid to divulge his true team allegiance but only here to rip on the Sox and their fans. Typical DD41. You never get old, amigo.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
My thoughts on the AL East.....

The Yankees have been the best surprise of the entire major leagues. The pitching has held firmly & Mariano Rivera is one of the world's wonders. He's pitching as good as he's ever pitched, which is totally remarkable. Vernon Wells & Lyle Overbay have been very nice surprises & have given their sagging careers new life. Catching hasn't been a problem as i suspected it would be, neither has the fact they have been without Jeter for pretty much the entire season. This team will likely continue improving when a couple of players return from injury & i now pick them to win the East.

The Orioles have also been a pleasant surprise. I now pick them to pick up 2nd spot and contend for a wild card.

The Rays have been a disappointment. But you never know with the Rays. They could start playing much better come June or July and once again contend for the division lead.

The Red Sox were surprising for most of April, but have struggled & played like i expected to in recent weeks. Clay Bucholz was a very nice surprisse & pitched great, but we now all know why this was so. He'll now be put under a microscope after the allegations of 'cheating' and i doubt he'll be able to pitch effectively under that pressure. He's also likely to hit the DL sometimes in the near future, as has been his custom in recent years. The Red Sox just lost their top closer to the 60-day DL and that'll hurt. Bright spots have been Pedroia and Ortiz, which have brought about more allegations of Ortiz juicing himself considering his strong start after returning from injury. Lackey hasn't been as bad as i thought he would, and Jon Lester has pitched very well. No doubt he's in better physical shape, since he looks considerably leaner than he was last season.

The Jays have been an extremely huge disappointment. No doubt the loss of superstar Jose Reyes has hurt the team tremendously, and the fact some of their top players have had rough starts. The starting pitching has been a major disappointment, but Brandon Morrow has pitched extremely well among that group. The bullpen has been a bright spot for the struggling team.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Between Rivera's leading the league in saves and Cano already getting his 1500th hit they should surely be thanking their steroid dealers!! Lol.

You mean those made up sources in your head? This from someone too ashamed or afraid to divulge his true team allegiance but only here to rip on the Sox and their fans. Typical DD41. You never get old, amigo.

So according to you, K, Yankees are on steriods and I am making up that Red Sox are known cheaters. Kind of hypocritical, K.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Yankees are actually in 1st place by percentage points better than the Os and Sox. The reason is obvious, the Yankees' run prevention has been much better than any other AL East team. The Yankees have had good starting pitching, very good relief pitching, and Manager Joe Girardi has done an excellent job mixing and matching and using his bench resources. The result is a 6-1 record in 1 run games, best in MLB, and a 13-4 record in games decided by 2 runs or less, also the best in MLB. This is a well managed team with very good pitching and at the moment, an offense that is functional but soon to be reinforced.

By contrast, the Red Sox pitchers are giving up a lot of runs of late. Red Sox pitchers have given up 47 runs in their last 7 (1-6) games. Do you think this is the Clay effect? It was a group effort, and the stuff has been stashed away for safe keeping?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Red Sox were surprising for most of April, but have struggled & played like i expected to in recent weeks. Clay Bucholz was a very nice surprisse & pitched great, but we now all know why this was so. He'll now be put under a microscope after the allegations of 'cheating' and i doubt he'll be able to pitch effectively under that pressure.
Doc, all teams slump and the Sox are going through that now. The recent problems have a little to do with the pitching, some to do with offense, and a lot to do with the defense. They currently have four pitchers pitching very well and one gaping hole in the rotation. Though he's only thrown 28 innings, John Lackey has a 2.82 ERA. He was great last night, except for one brief lapse when he lost his composure after making an error on what would have been an inning ending double play. Three batters later, he'd allowed 4 unearned run. Buchholz had a mediocre game last time out, and I'm not concerned about the so-called controversy since he doesn't read merb and no one else seems to be taking it seriously. While Morris and Hayhurst made a lot of noise last week, there was not a peep from the Toronto bench. Felix Doubront has lost several miles an hour off his fastball, possibly due to the Verducci effect. Personally, I'd have left him in the pen and given Allen Webster another start. Doubront seems to have nothing at this point.

The Sox have had a little trouble scoring runs lately, but still maintain a +24 run differential, second in the division to the Orioles +25. Both teams differentials are in line with their records; the Yankees +11 suggests that their record is a mirage.

Two of the Sox' three losses to Minnesota were the direct result of lousy defense. Pedro Ciriaco cost them one game with two errors on consecutive plays and John Lackey cost them last nights game. They've made 19 errors in their last 18 games.

Due to the fact that Buchholz, Lester, Dempster, and Lackey are all pitching very well, I'm still confident of their staying in the race all season.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Personally, I'd have left him in the pen and given Allen Webster another start. Doubront seems to have nothing at this point.

Minnesota or any team would love another start from Webster and his 11.75 ERA. :lol:

The Sox have had a little trouble scoring runs lately, but still maintain a +24 run differential, second in the division to the Orioles +25. Both teams differentials are in line with their records; the Yankees +11 suggests that their record is a mirage.

Run differential is a crock of crap, rumps.

Washington Nationals are in second place in the AL East with a 19-15 record and they have a -9 run differential.

World Series champs San Francisco Giants are tied for first place with a 20-15 record and they have a 0 run differential.

Kansas City is in second place in the AL Central with a 18-13 record and they have an +18 run differential.

Run differentials can be made moot by a couple of blow outs in losing or winning efforts.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Minnesota or any team would love another start from Webster and his 11.75 ERA. :lol:.
Thanks for the wisdom, because as we all know, one game means everything.

Run differential is a crock of crap, rumps.
Thanks for the wisdom, DD. However, the facts show, that over 90% of the time, by the end of the season a team will win between 1-3 games of what their run differential projects. That's history, and history repeats. Maybe you should start looking for knowledge from other sources than iggy.

Speaking of history, your posting history suggests that history means nothing to you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actually i am quite fond of my saying i was not worried about this years Yanks, and lookie there, FIRST PLACE beoutch! :)

Tho a long season ahead, the Yanks are doing great for all of their high potent offense from a year ago gone, minus one or 2 bodies. Grandy back soon and more help in July.... the Yanks are set up for another post season berth.

First Place when you had them buried by now, hahahah.... you could use some baseball knowledge tho, stop believing in all things sabre metrics would be a good start. Metrics are nice to "guage" but are not as accurate as you think, do i need remind you why?

That's history, and history repeats. Maybe you should start looking for knowledge from other sources than iggy.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I must admit Joe.t makes a good point.
Actually, the historical record of sabermetric accuracy is quite the reverse. It's really not surprising at all that Joe.T is willing to make a statement about something about which he knows absolutely nothing. (What's new?) Sabermetrics are not used to predict the future, nor can they affect such things as injuries. They are used to help with things like roster construction and scouting.

The Red Sox won the World Series in 2004 and 2007. When did they hire Bill James? 2003. The recent success of the Texas Rangers can be directly linked to their hiring of Craig Wright. The success of the Oakland A's, despite one of baseball's lowest payrolls, can be directly tied to the use of Sabermetrics. Sabermetrics have been instrumental in the scouting successes of the Tampa Rays in the last 7-8 years.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Actually, the historical record of sabermetric accuracy is quite the reverse. It's really not surprising at all that Joe.T is willing to make a statement about something about which he knows absolutely nothing. (What's new?)

Rumps being condescending as usual. What's new?

I go with Joe. He knows baseball and he's modest about it.

Here's an in
teresting article about Sabermetrics and how it can be very subjective, written by Callum Hughson. He makes some very good points.
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