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2018 FIFA World Cup

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Vladimir Putin will be the one deciding who will end up winning the World Cup of Soccer. Of course high rollers across Asia will also have a say in the final outcome. Soccer is the most corrupt sport on the planet.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Doc Football is the only worldwide sport. You can make it to the world cup while growing up in cote-d'ivoire.

All other sports are mostly done in wealthy country.

Still as Gary Lineker once said "A prediction; The final will be played by 22 men kicking a ball about for 90 minutes, and at the end the Germans will win." ;)


Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Fifa does have a history of immense & blatant corruption.

But the World Cup as a competition ... umm, not so much.

There are allegations regarding Argentina's / South Korea's success at home in '78 (the winner) / '02 (the semi's) respectively, but little if any supporting evidence (that I know of) beyond happenstance, poor officiating and home-town calls.

Russia as a team probably wouldn't be at this year's WC if not for automatic home qualification; but they're in one of the easier groups (lol, I know ...) so could advance to the knockout phase, especially after opposing teams man-mark Mohamed Sallah out of Egypt's games. Uruguay should easily top this group.

And Jalimon/Lineker, of course, are wrong,lol, about the Germans:

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Yeah, that's an interesting anecdote about Puskas. At the end of the day what's more important than the glory, especially when playing for your country.

I don't know much about '54, but in that context, and even assuming a worst-case scenario, it's especially difficult to understand why pampered, extremely well-paid players in '18 would be subject to bribery.

PS. Putin couldn't even manage a hockey gold at Sochi, lol, can't wait to see how manages WC '18 ...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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PS. Putin couldn't even manage a hockey gold at Sochi, lol, can't wait to see how manages WC '18 ...

I heard that Putin's goons attempted to food poison the Canadian hockey team, however the Canadians very smartly adopted the medieval defensive tactic of having food tasters for the team and also brought in their own chef. The report I read also said that Putin ordered the Mussolini tactic of lacing the food with high powered laxatives designed to cause explosive diarrhea (Mussolini actually force fed castor oil to prisoners), but the Canadian food tasters intercepted and "took one for the team."


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2018
Montréal (Saint-Henri)
A World Cup game in Montréal in 2026 ?

A stupid question : Is it easy to grow real green grass at the Olympic Stadium ? I guess the nearby Jardin Botanique's gardeners can help

Your hope for a world cup game in Montréal ? Personnaly I would like to watch a Italy Argentina game :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don’t know what venue they would use for the New York matches but I would love to see one played at Yankee Stadium. I think one of the Pro soccer teams plays there (New York City FC) and it would be cool plus I could take the train to the game. Plus it would be good marketing for the Yankees.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I hope the countries of the world have the balls to boycott the World Cup if FIFA doesn't chose to remove it from Russia. I'm sick and tired of Putin & Russia assassinating people all over the world and getting away with it. Taking away the World Cup from them would make a bold statement that what Russia has been doing (including interfering in democratic elections) is not acceptable under any circumstance!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I used to like the World Cup of Soccer as much as anyone but then i read a book by Declan Hill which detailed all the corruption around the world of soccer which opened my eyes and caused me to lose interest when i realized half the games could very well be fixed. We should not be encouraging all the corruption of a sport by constantly praising it in a thread like this one.

For me international soccer isn't much different than professional wrestling. Quite often the outcomes are pre-determined. And holding the World Cup in a corrupt criminal country such as Russia is the worst thing to happen to the sport.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Germans are very good at manipulating the system to put talent on their team. Look at their last few squads which are populated with ethnic Turks, Poles and Africans. I recall watching one of Germany’s games around 7-8 years ago when Podolski was on the team and actually scored on a late free kick to win a game. I was watching the game with an older Polish man in a bar and he exclaimed with great distress, “what is dat Polac doing playing for Germany???? WTF?” He was insulted. Similarly Mesut Ozil is a Turkish dude and their is a black guy from Ghana who is or was one of their better players, by name of Boateng I think. They are a mixed racial/mixed ethnic team which is fine, but they are not Germans. It’s a joke on a certain level if you ask me. And the USA was harshly criticized when they tried to import some Eurodudes who had an American parent but grew up elsewhere. Germany on the other hand somehow gets a pass for pilfering the talents of other countries. There is no money for these guys to play in their own countries so they become soccer whores for Germany. That’s all they are IMHO.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB Germany is right now probably the most open country in the world to immigration. These players are Germans. Yes their origins are not but as long as you are a German citizen you can play for Germany.

Beside look at England, France, Belgium, Sweden... etc... Same thing, they have players from all over.

Hey look at the US they have a few nationalities in their team as well. Unfortunately they did not qualify :(



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Would love to see the united bid from Canada, US , and Mexico win the 2026 bid.
For sure I would go see all games played in Montreal probably some in Toronto and New York as well.

I really hope that Canada withdraws their bid for this ridiculous event. FIFA is one of the most corrupt sporting bodies in the world and it would leave whoever wins the bid with enormous debts after the event is done. FIFA does NOT pay any taxes to the country hosting the event, they come, they play, they take all the money and they leave, Fuck FIFA go somewhere else !


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Just like Uber, Netflix and a whole lot of companies...


The difference is that those companies although they don't pay their share of taxes don't require that we build stadiums and pay for security to host their services ! They simply don't contribute.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The difference is that those companies although they don't pay their share of taxes don't require that we build stadiums and pay for security to host their services ! They simply don't contribute.

No new stadium required if it happens in USA/Mexico/Canada. Only a natural turf would be needed in the stadium. Not much.

Security pays by itself by having a stadium full with 70k people. All city hotels fully booked, etc...

Montreal pays how much to host the grand prix? Plus we learned yesterday that renovation at the site will not cost 36 million but 76. Is it still worth it? Yes if you ask me because so many million viewers see how beautiful is our island via the grand prix images on tv...



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Of course professionals will always go where the money is but the World Cup on its most basic level is about nationalism, correct? And my point is that Podolski and Ozil and Boateng and guys like them who have started for Germany and have been responsible for its success are not German nationals. They are German whores. And I would never call an escort a whore because an escort is a professional and she plays for her own team or an agency’s team. These German whores are playing for someone else’s team.

This is the problem I have with World Cup. I am not bothered by a guy like LeBron James making as much money as he can by switching professional teams or going to play for a team he thinks has a chance to win. He is a free agent and his only duty is to nation of LeBron. What these soccer whores are doing is cheating their real national teams: Podolski is betraying Poland, Ozil is betraying Turkey, Boateng betraying what was a very good Ghana team.

I have no soccer talent but I potentially could qualify for 7 national teams based on my ethnic backgrounds and origins, which are very mixed. The only team I would ever play for if I had soccer talent is the USA because this is where I was born and have lived and also to honor relatives of mine in the US Armed Forces who made sacrifices for this country.

I have no use for the shenanigans Germany has engaged in even if it is within the rules.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB this happens because Football is the ONLY completely worldwide sport competition.

Beside of the player you mention yes Podolski has double nationalities so he is allowed to chose on his own which country he represented.

As for the other 2 they were born in Germany:
Ozil => Gelsenkirchen
Boateng => Berlin

EB you got 7 nationalities? That would surprise the shit out of me...



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sam 21, one other question, if you were hosting someone like Ozil and went out to eat with Ozil in Montreal do you really think he would say, "hey Sammy, I got a taste for some home made bratwurst and sauerkraut, where can we find some?" That conversation is NOT HAPPENING and you will not have to worry about finding a German resto for Ozil to get some homecooked food. The conversation that will be happening is, "hey Sammy, can you take me to Barbounya on Avenue de Laurier? I know the owner and he is gonna hook us up with some off the wall doner kebab."
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