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A question about escort advertising sites

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
JB Post vs Chloe

I fully agree with Regnad. There is no doubt either in my mind on the target of JB's post (e.g. Chloe - JaG). As for JB's intentions, the line betwen sacarsm and bitching is very thin. I won't presume on which side of this line he really intended to be.

I only had the opportunity to meet with Chloe twice, the second and last time being same day she annonced her decision to quit the biz (and she told me there was - fortunately for me - no relationship between her decision and this encounter with her!).

I spent a total of 6 hours with her and I can assure you she had the GENUINE SWEETHEART label stamped all over her face and her lovely eyes. I'd say it's her very open and honest attitude towards her motivations for being an SP which explain why she was so appreciated by many of us during her brief comeback.

Lion Heart
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Rexroth: I'm only human and yeah maybe I should have shut up but I'm just not one that does that often (those who know me know this well). When something irks me, people usually get a hint of it pretty quickly. I'm annoyed right now, annoyed that suggestions on my character would be made on this board, as a joke, whatever, still suggestions based on nothing more than assumptions, and assuptioms I strongly believe belong not on public boards but in our heads, until we've been able to validate them with fact. Is that such a silly idea? Am I PMSing? Fact is that there was no grand plan and that if someone is as machiavelic in the bunch as I've been made out to be, tongue in cheek of course, but still, its most likely the person who created the reality and launched it onto the public arena so it could be taken as truth by the rest who cared to believe it. I figured I'd lessen the chances of that being accepted as truth by saying something. Then again, I'm not so naive to think that my speaking up might actually sway people to accept my argument. After all, it's a business right.

ppj: Drôle, peut-être. Drôle que j’aie eu l’impression que tu savais que je n’étais pas un « act », en tout cas, selon ce que tu m’as dit.

Regnad: You might get accused of accepting bribes from me :p Thanks for taking the plunge and sticking with me. It’s comforting to know that some people only change their opinion of people based on the actual person’s behaviour, not nice prose.

LionHeart: Thank you as well. The honest attitude is what got me in the business, got me to be appreciated by the people I saw, and got me to reconsider my reasons for being here in the first place. I was eventually going to have to go back on the real job market and trust that I was good enough to succeed in it. Unfortunately, such life realisations are not usually easy to spot before they happen. Some people may have felt used, sorry for that. It was not about you guys, it was about me.

The rest: I came in totally honestly, asked questions like questions-girl did because I really did not know the answers. I never did the independent thing before and I needed guidance, which I got plenty of. I met the nicest guys I ever met in my whole escort career in those brief months. I met those people, I think, because they were drawn by my character, not just the pictures or my grand marketing strategy. I left because it was time for me to leave and do things on my own, and be less worried about financial situation which everyone else has to go through anyway. I’m still lurking around because I enjoy reading you guys and because I enjoyed my time here. I’m not going to be around forever, and when I leave it won’t be because the grand plan has finally come to fruition. I was in it honestly, naively perhaps. The plan was never to piss off anyone. I thought I could cure a bad case of raging hormones and in-the-red bank accounts. I left when I realised that I was really in it because I was scared of trying another way… using my brain to make money instead. I came here because I had no confidence in myself, and I left with the confidence some of you gave me.

Jag :cool:
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Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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I apologize for the grief my post has caused you. I wrote it in jest, with no particular agenda in mind, and certainly not to harm you. When you retired, I had actually posted a short tribute to your intellectual contributions to this board, which you probably did not have the opportunity to read because it was deleted my the mods (you were Unmentionable then). Anyway, I wish you the best in life, whatever your career choices.



May 3, 2005
how should we reach you Question-girl

Ne sachant pas comment manoeuvrer sur ce site, j'aimerais un peu d'aide. A savoir comment je peux rejoindre Question-girl, et si la réponse est de le faire par un MP, pourriez m'éclairer sur la façon de le faire. Merci


Nov 30, 2004

Clique sur son nom ( a gauche de son message) tu trouveras un acces au message privé a son attention



uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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you could also go the route of having your own personal website, web hosting and domain name's are usually very cheap, you can get a domain for as low as 10$US a year, and hosting for small websites can vary from 0 to 20$/month or year.

I would gladly offer my humble services as a web designer, free of charge and no "services" required. (I'm just bored and looking for stuff to do.)

Sure the site won't be flashy and all technologic like some of the ladies/agencies that paid 200 to 1000$ for their website. But it will be clean and functional.

As for certifying pic's like someone said, best way to do that i to have someone known on various boards take the pictures or meet you in person.

Like naughty lady for instance.
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