Montreal Escorts

about that no-review policy


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
How are they promotions when I am no longer meeting new clients? How are they promotions when I do not have a website, pictures or indeed reviews? Are you saying that all contributions by providers have to come down to being promotions?


EagerBeaver said:

Some providers pay to advertise but do not necessarily pay to promote. For example your posts in this thread, even though undoubtedly well intentioned contributions, are also promotions. Let's not kid ourselves here.


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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So do you give discounts now because your mouth is swollen, LOL!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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ServiceVIP said:

But may be some SPs have met someone and might be trying to make something out of a relationship and that may be that person knows about this board and that SP might want to continue on working for a while in an anonymously and private manner, I think it should be in her rights to do so. The same as when you come and see a SP it is private and anonymous.

This is sort of an exception to the general rule. I am also aware of agencies taking the SP's pics off a website due to either an obsessive client, in one case, and an obsessive boyfriend, in another. These are not really "no review" situations but "no mention" situations. The SPs do not officially exist, such that they can be reviewed.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
What, so you can write a review about how I wouldn`t DFK or and I have to retaliate by saying your breath stank and your little guy was puss-y! LOL! Oh, that is right, I have a no-review policy - ok - sure then!~ It must be the painkillers I crack myself up!


picasso said:

So do you give discounts now because your mouth is swollen, LOL!


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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Just-ass-weet said:
What, so you can write a review about how I wouldn`t DFK or and I have to retaliate by saying your breath stank and your little guy was puss-y! LOL! Oh, that is right, I have a no-review policy - ok - sure then!~ It must be the painkillers I crack myself up!



Good to see that the painkillers have not dulled your sense of humor ;) !


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I am not retired, but you guys know that I rarely have seen Montrealers - I prefer to relax at home. Sorry to say, but seeing a Montrealer is like pulling teeth (pun intended!), it is mostly about the alphabet, 1/2hr appointments, fear of screening, etc... I am too old for all of that hassle.

My target men are older (over 45), looking for a longer session (I LOVE eating) and are people I have already met with (screening is draining and meeting new guys is a bit nerve wrecking for me)... it makes sense to me. The few people I see here don't look at this board often and are adequate for my needs in Montreal.

If the board decided that posting by non-reviewed ladies was going to be a problem, I would respect that choice, but for now, I am going to use my Powerbook to try to change something here, something I am not the only one who sees a problem with. And hopefully, my posts will help you understand and gain insight into one of the many reasons girls have their reviews removed. In fact, I hassard to guess that some guys do not post POSITIVE reviews for the same reason as I had my reviews removed.



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Good Point

Actually, very few, or more likely, none. I am PMing the Mod now (I assume it is the same one from the referring thread?)

I actually may end up working with a Montreal agency in the near future (not before being completely healed though), but we'll see... I AM a bit of a control freak and to hand my trust over to an agency, that may be a challenge when it comes down to it. - so look out for "New to the biz, petite 22yr old slut, redhead with blonde highlights, natural 34DD, 25, 34, 110lbs" - that'll be me! lol - in case some of you don't get it, that description is quite a ways off!)

I am actually in no pain at all... does that mean I have no heartache?


PS - agencies, feel free to send me your benefit package information (lol)
Maxima said:
You do not see Montrealers/visitors to Mtl anymore (the few gents whom you see here do not read this board as you said). So who would review you on a Montreal Escort Review Board if you lifted your no-review policy?
Just curious.
BTW, hope your pain will go away soon. N'oublies pas: "Mal de dents, maux d'amour":D
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We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
Northeast Corridor
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Just-ass-weet said:
...My target men are older (over 45), looking for a longer session (I LOVE eating) and are people I have already met with (screening is draining and meeting new guys is a bit nerve wrecking for me)... it makes sense to me. The few people I see here don't look at this board often and are adequate for my needs in Montreal.

...In fact, I hassard to guess that some guys do not post POSITIVE reviews for the same reason as I had my reviews removed.
You got me right between the eyes on that one, little girl. (Too bad you are not a redhead!)

Actually, the last review search I did was for an SP that had one of those typical locked negative review threads. I am different from the median Merbite, and all the negative things posted were actually intriguing. Having had a delightful evening with a passionate ATF, I took the next night with the mystery lady as a challenge. It was no effort. She was very nice, and is my first expected repeat in 2006.

Anik, I would guess that your potential clients can read through all the crap. Then again, the trolls are usually not smart enough to realize that their posts mostly define themselves rather than the SP they are attacking. ;)
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uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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Another fun topic, haven't had one of these in a while :D

I agree with a lot of what has been said already, I don't hobby often, especially now since I'm in the middle of changing professions, but I do look at the various reviews in all the different sections and I check out the agency websites all the time too to see if someone will catch my fancy and make me spend money I should be spending elsewhere. :p

I look for reviews of the women I find to my liking and one of a few things usually happens

- There are no reviews because she's too new, asked not to be reviewed or whatever other reason there could be.
- There are questions asking if anyone has see her
- There are reviews but you have to search through 5-10 pages worth of comments just to get to it.


No reviews, I can understand, theres only so many of us vs an army of them and we only have a certain amount of money/time and energy that we can spend


Questions, same thing... people like knowing before they plunge, it's true for anything that's why reviews, recommendations and other things like word of mouth are there...

But here is where the problem occurs, the no review policy means we can't answer that person's question unless it's done through PM but then that leaves us with a dozen people asking about the same girl or the me too syndrome, where a thread only moves back to the top of the pile with just someone asking for the answer to be answered.

It just defeats the whole purpose of the board.

Now the fun part... or not... Lets say I find an agency girl or an indy I am interested in, I see no reviews, I ask about her and get no answer because of a no review policy I'm not aware of because I forgot to check the list and because some of the people that HAVE seen her haven't checked the board or seen my question because it got drowned out by the constant movement of the review section, (caused mainly by the barrage of people just shooting the shit or commenting just for the sake of commenting)

I decide to "take one for the team" as the old saying goes and have the worst experience in my life, the woman is nothing like her picture, plus she's described as GFE but is cold, distant, mechanical and out of there as fast as she can, not even a bit of cuddling after.

I post a bad review of her and it gets deleted, but not before another guy that has seen her reads it and PM's me with a "sorry mate, I would have warned you about her if I could."


Some of you say "I won't see an SP with a no review policy" and that's true for some, but not everyone is like that...

During my canbest days I read the reviews and I saw one SP every two-three months, but I never went for the reviewed girls, and I got burned quite a few times but I also found some gems. And even now I would probably do that once in a while because that's how you find the gems.

Okay, let's say Anik was still taking new clients but still had that no review policy, maybe she's the best out there and that's why she has her regulars now but you wouldn't know that unless you spent time with her and if you follow that silly I won't see her because she doesn't want reviews published, you might be missing out. I've seen Anik's website and her pictures from when she used to advertise here and on BigDoggie, and I've never spent time with her, so what I've said above is all hypothetical, although I was tempted a few times.

Well... Actually what tempted me is that she looked a lot like the SP from PL that took my hobby cherry so to speak and defined what GFE stands for in my mind(slow, gentle, tender, almost romantic encounter, with lots of carresing and cuddling before and after).

Same name, different spelling. similar look but a bit more weight than the PL girl and Indy... fact is I wanted to see HER again so I didn't take a chance because of those differences, didn't want to talk in expecting her and find out it wasn't. I would have known right away because I'm always nervous before, during and after an encounter but she had something that made me completely at ease.


I won't even talk about how aggravating sifting through 500 posts in one thread, for 5-6 unique (not from the same guy) reviews of one SP is

Anyway, all this rambling to say instead of bitching about this, why not invest some time in finding solutions, I've seen a few already, but they just need to be fleshed out, investigated in terms of if the board software can implement them or not and voted upon/requested with a clear description of how it can be applied with the current software or a small update.

My suggestion is this and it's based on what I've seen others suggest.

Review section is a one post, auto lock section, no room for comments.
The post and it's title would have certain requirements

Title would be something like this:
Agency Name(or Indy if independent) - SP name

The post itself:
Contact info (Phone#/Website)
Are pictures available?
Yes? Are they accurate?
No? Is a description available on web site?
Yes? Is the description it accurate?
No? give a description of the SP

If there is no website then was the operators description accurate.

Was she on time/late?
Were you notified of possible lateness?
What was her general state when you first met her (type of wardrobe, dunk? high? friendly? cold?)

followed by a general description of the encounter, in whatever style you prefer as long as it is respectful and informative.

1) Most shills, tend to give the least amount of information with the most amount of promotion, thats why a lot of them are found out quite easily.

2) Personally I'm tired of seeing reviews that sound like the guy is describing a porno "Yeah, I fucked that bitch up the ass hard and came all over her tits" stuff like that is only funny to read as a review once or twice, after that, I'd prefer reading this type of shit as a fiction story, at least in those there's no real people involved.

I tend to go more for reviews like the doc's where it's an interesting read that tells you what happened with subtlety and is informative"

Then again, you have people who are just bad at writing(language barriers, bad grades), and even some who are just plain stupid, but had a great time and think their simple minded post is of great help. They wind up being bashed as shills and some of them leave with a general feeling of "what the fuck? what a bunch of assholes" others will stay and defend or start trolling to retaliate.

Numbers or verbal ratings can be put but it's optional since some don't like using those and they don't really mean something (one man's favorite wine is another man's poison)

If a post doesn't follow the voted upon, established and stickied template, the post is PM'ed back to the poster, with a clear message of what was wrong/missing with it and the post is deleted from the section until the person fixes and reposts it.

Another long post, brought to you by Gee's ramble emporium, because nothing ruffles and rumbles like a good ramble
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Dec 30, 2004
My opinions and something maybe off topic but...

I know that i don`t have many posts, but but I`ve been lurking since fall 2004. At that time I was looking for informations about strippers and I was a beginner in escorts businness. I found this board quite useful, but we see some annoying flamming war between posters (like 2 children fighting for their toys in a sandbox) and too much restriction, but hey, the main goal of a forum is a place where we can share our experience or point of view. The rule about no review policy is too extreme, after all, the title of this forum is Montreal Escort Review Board. But if a SP is retiring we should close the thread, not deleting it.

The idea of a section for review only is good and a template for a review too, but It must not be too restrictive. It could be like this:


The top 3 sections should mandatory and the last one could more personnal or more in depth. For questions or 411, we should add a sub-section of each topic (Incall, Outcall and Strip Club).
The forum could be divided like this:

..... ETC

I know that the idea of a question sub-section seem like a duplicate of the review section, but I will be easier to look for what we`re looking for, as Gee quote:
But here is where the problem occurs, the no review policy means we can`t answer that person`s question unless it`s done through PM but then that leaves us with a dozen people asking about the same girl or the me too syndrome, where a thread only moves back to the top of the pile with just someone asking for the answer to be answered.

It just defeats the whole purpose of the board.

And now my off topic question...
Why a supporting member could have a multiple handles, like kevin_dcurves (see this thread for info). I have nothing about kevin_dcurves, but i took is case in exemple. Because in the posting guildline in the forbidden activities section, it says clearly that:
vi) Using multiple handles. Only one handle per member. Members using multiple handles and/or obvious shills WILL BE EXPOSED to the world.
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uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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ops_com said:
And now my off topic question...
Why a supporting member could have a multiple handles, like kevin_dcurves (see this thread for info). I have nothing about kevin_dcurves, but i took is case in exemple. Because in the posting guildline in the forbidden activities section, it says clearly that:

If you read the description of the multiple handle definition(you provided the link) for kevin and chris they are both advertisers, official and declared. So I personaly don`t see an issue with it, whether it is true or not that chris is a friend of kevin who is using Kevin`s pc doesn`t matter because the Chris handle was not created to promote Kevin`s agency, it advertises another agency with different girls. (at least that`s my understanding of it from the posts I`ve read...

However If the Chris handle has just been "Chris" the new member who is posting rave reviews about Kevin`s girls and it was found that it was a handle used on Kevin`s pc, then that would be in infringement.

In the case of Tony/LCS/EGB/whatever nick he`s using right now, in his case he does it for his own amusement... and possibly a miltiple personality disorder where all the different personalities are exactly the same...

And you also have people who create new handles to defend their main handle, or attack other people without sullying their main handle. those are infringements.

But these guys have to be FOUND, or caught if you preffer, you can`t know for certain when someone registers if they are the same as that other guy that have 50-60 posts to his name.


The spreadsheet is great for short and quick info, but it`s not enough to go on. You look at it and all it tells you is numbers, measurements and abreviations. No room for what happened... Might as well put a barcod on each SP and box them in a crate as product BRH-225, TWB-212+attachemtents, etc (extra points to anyone who figures out what the letters mean :p) I mean how did they calculate the 3-4-4 rating? how did they gather their data?

The collection of data is a painfull process for whoever is brave enoough to do it. In the canbest Robin and whoever else it was that was doing the work explained it to me and it sounded like way too much work... So much that I volunteered to create a web site that would generate the spreadsheet and be updateable, I still have the code for it somewhere in my cd archives, I think it was 60% complete, but real life intervened and I erm... kinda got bored of the project and dropped off the hobby map for two years :p
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Instead of having a form what about a checklist sticky?

Heading Checklist:
Provider name
Agency or independent
contact number

Review Checklist:
Your literary masterpiece should include most of the following information -
Approximate location of incall
Physical Description - nationality, age, hair, build, natural or nay, etc...
Are pics, if any, accurate
Services you recieved
Rate you paid and any tips requested
Ratings for face, body, service, attitude (not necessary, but helpful)
Website address and contact information

I think something like that does have to be too formal, you can mix the information around as you please without leaving out information that will be requested later anyhow... what do you guys think?

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New Member
hi i was very surprised to read about the rule that SPs can request to get their reviews off the board. doesn't this mean that if an SP or an agency or MP provides awlful services or rip people off or steal customers' money and bad reviews appear, then all she or they have to do is to request a pull-off and they can continue to rip people off in secret? what then, is the point of this board? only good reviews would be left standing, isn't it so?


Feb 6, 2004
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I so totally agree with Anik. I don't know what the best approach is but I only want to read reviews in the reviews sections. Instead, I have to sift through piles of comments from people who didn't meet the person being reviewed. And while its tough enough for an independent review, an agency thread covering all the girls is a nightmare with various flames blowing up from time to time. I wish the mods would control this more. Its all about reviews! Anyything else should be in the lounge or 411 section.
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