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about that no-review policy


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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from the old terb

Years ago on TERB something along this track happened...but it was the agency in the spotlight. A well known agency got permission to 'edit' reviews and removed certain parts of the review that they decided shouldnt be public knowledge. It wasnt widely known that they edited these posts, who really goes back and re-reads old posts that often...except for those looking for info on certain escorts.

Low and behold, this agency found out that by editing info they where setting themselves up for trouble...the courts could prove that by editing info the agency knew what the girls did at the calls. After learning this the agency had to edit ALL the reviews...basically deleting all the info. Anyone searching for a review of the agency's ladies got zilch, zero.

The board isnt just a place to post for the hobbiest. Its also a place for the agency's to get noticed.

But back on the subject...I'll never see anyone who has a no review policy, unless one of my trusted hobbiest spies can give me the low down on the lady. Id rather see a newbie to the business and risk a dissapointment than book someone who's been in the business for many years and hasnt had any reviews. EB, that's why im always booking the new talent that shows, I like variety.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
WRman said:
What might be good, as an SP, would be to see if you want reviews with no discussion (like SFRedBook), or a time-locked review like NVBrothels, or another solution that fits.

I vote like SFRedbook! Locked! Also, having a form for entering reviews would be great, that way all the information can be easily included...



New Member
Aug 31, 2005
I`m sorry what?

The reason I love this board is because it helped avoid making bad agencies/sps choices.

With the "no bad policy bs", it`s only a matter of time before most agencies and SPs start using that policy. Then what? What the heck is this board going to be good for? Not as much I can tell you that.

Will it only become a big "ad" thing where I won`t get a "fair" picture because all the bad reviews get vanished, and where most Guys get banned for wanting to protect fellow MERBers?

Anyways, long live


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
As of now I have yet to see an escort so my opinion may not be worth much. But if and when I do decide to see a lady it will be decided by her reviews on the board. No reviews and there is no way I would risk my hard earned money on her. As far as pre-determined forms for reviews go, I am against them. Everyone's experience is unique and I for one enjoy reading many of the reviews as they are quite entertaining and informative. If forms were used they would be about as fun to read as a form letter from a bank informing you of a credit card rejection. Any experience with a lady is a very personal thing and should be treated and reported as such. The details revealed and how they are described should be totally up to the poster. After all it is he who paid for the service and it should be up to him to decide how to review it, if he chooses, and not some form designed by commitee.


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
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Not that I don't just love beating the dead horse here, and taking a chance of actually moving forward...

Just-ass-weet said:
I vote like SFRedbook! Locked! Also, having a form for entering reviews would be great, that way all the information can be easily included...

They have a form you fill out, including contact info and stats, as well as a narrative. Once there is a review, additional reviews are listed for the same SP under that name. It results in a listing like this:

(BTW, I just chose the most recent RB review of a Canadian. Don't know anything about Dalia.)

If you are a paid member, or contribute reviews, you get to see more details. But the free lurking is not bad, as you can see. No discussion, and each review is checked before it is posted. If you REALLY want to discuss it, you can always start a thread in the discussion area.

They also migrate reviews when an SP changes names. When you look her up, you get her old reviews too. And again, they can be challenged by the SP, and removed if inaccurate. But, no right not to be reviewed, even by an advertiser. In fact, if you have an ad, a link to your reviews is automatically put at the bottom of your ad, even if you don't want it.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
WRman, first of all this is a free board and I don't think anyone wants that to change. The info on the page you listed is exactly what I for one feel is like reading an automobile spec sheet. This is Quebec. We are passionate people. That has to be the most impersonal review page I've ever seen. We love our women, their beauty and their sensuality and like to express this fact. I would leave the board if the reviews were listed like that.


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
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Techman said:
WRman, first of all this is a free board and I don`t think anyone wants that to change.
But the claim is the leverage of the advertiser revenues is what`s leading to the ``no review`` problem. There is no free lunch, yet people tend to go where one is provided. ;)

Techman said:
The info on the page you listed is exactly what I for one feel is like reading an automobile spec sheet.
It is, however, not unlike the Montreal Spreadsheet, except for listing activities (DFK, , etc), which are often listed in the narrative. It is also explicitly searchable, including for stats and ratings. Nothing says that MERB could not add this as a free service, just to add some order to the ``review problem`` that has lead to the SPs` complaints - the very heart of the problem.


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Oct 3, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:

I would never write such a review with those kinds of details, in fact I really don't recall anyone ever having written a review including the time and date they got a blow job. Perhaps Oliver has in the street action thread.

It's fairly common sense or should be to everyone that if you are using an established LDL agency or incall operation and seeing a lady at night or near the end of her shift, you are likely seeing someone who has had other clients that day.


I've seen people do this quite frequently. Not always the exact time or date but sometimes quite specific so that it wouldn't be hard for an SP to retrace her steps and figure out who you were. As a matter of fact I did this for my first review since being a newbie at the time and having part of my review being negative as to the agencies level of professionalism I saw it as necessary to keep Hawkish Senior Members from questioning my integrity.

Certain Hawkish Senior members(not you) questioned my integrity anyway(so much for my efforts) despite the fact that I included this information but surprisingly, because I had done so the agency owner came right out and admitted that my claims were in fact 100% true and apologized to me publicly on the board for my trouble. The agency owner even remembered the Hotel I was at based upon my post. :eek: I thought being specific at the time was a good idea. Since then I have obviously changed my view but then again I think thats partially due to my having established my credibility as a regular and honest poster here since then and not being worried about being questioned as to the authenticity of my reviews.

As to the part about seeing a lady at the end of her shift and what she has done by that point you are absolutely right, it is simply common sense that she will indeed have been intimate with at least a few other people. It doesn't take a whole lot of detail however to tip a smart cookie off to who you are. For instance your story about the time you met an SP and had just gotten Kojaxed but thought by gargling with listerine that the foul breath problem would be solved but wasn't. If you included that in your post as a light hearted funny foot note to the review chances are the SP would know it was you. I'm not saying you did it, just giving an example of how easy it is to do some minor sleuthing and maybe some deep cover work here on the board posing as a regular member when in fact you are the actual SP or agency owner trying to uncover who you are by PM'ing you and asking for info on your encounter. Yes I know, conspiracy theories abound, but I have had a personal experience where I was questioned by an SP who mentioned things specific to posts I had made on the board although she never mentioned Merb. Coincidence? Possibly.

It is also possible however that there is a network of shills operating on this board that has been around since day one and we either have no idea of who they are or it is well known and approved of by a higher authority despite claims to the contrary. Sorry, I know thats a controversial theory, but anything is possible is the point.

I also agree completely, I think, with SL's policy of never disclosing personal info to an agency ever. Anonymity is hard to maintain when you don't know who it is you are dealing with at any level of this hobby or on this board and very few of us really know much about anyone else who posts here. There is a lot of peculiarity that I find on the board on a daily basis, soem of which seems to get caught by sleuths such as yourself, Bravo BTW, but some of which seems to go unnoticed or unchallenged. I like the ideas put forth in this thread about really going into lockdown as to what we reveal about times/dates and using "evasive maneuvers" to throw agencies and SP's off our trails so we can simply post whatever we want and not have to worry about threats of being blackballed by them or their agency.

I think Regnads posting method is another possibility with more gory details saved for those who care to send a PM to the reviewer asking for specifics about service/attitude. Just my opinion.


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
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All in all, the number of SPs that are listed as requesting "no reviews" is very small, considering that there is good reason to delete reviews for those that retire. (However, each SP should only get one "retired" request.)

The merit of this thread is highlighting the problems with the review threads, which leads to the removal requests. I hope some consideration is given to improving them, or at least providing an alternative means of posting a review without all the baser digressions. All you have to do is mention an SP, and it seems that negative posts ensue... ...requiring damage control.

As it stands, the only review I would post would be a bad one, since most review threads degrade to that now anyway. I might post a good review, but to avoid it being a disservice, I guess I would have to leave the name of the provider off, and what good is that? :(

Uncle Kracker

Fuck Models Love Stripper
May 30, 2003
I just sat down and read through this and other thread, and decided to add my personal 2 cents...

This board, at its core, is a REVIEW BOARD. It's the name of the site, so if reviewing privileges are being taken away it pretty much takes away the original meaning of this site.

That being said, I can see where Anik's coming from on the point regarding "cluttered posts." Now I know I'm not as active in the SP scene as I am in the Strip Club one, but my point translates to both. See the Cleo's thread, or before the Mods stepped in the Best of 2005 thread turning into a Hidden Camera discussion (which I'll admit I was guilty of taking part in along with the rest). As much as I love Cleo's and interacting with the people in that post, if I was actually looking for a solid review or description of the girls there I'd probably give up due to aggravation...

Threads on these types of boards do generally find a way to turn themselves into back & forth banter between a limited number of members, usually discussing one point/topic and stretching it out over a couple pages until they either resolve it or get bored and move on...

What I'd like to see happen is not shutting down of this board or any other, and for damn sure not making them a Paid Service (if that happened my time here would sadly have to end). But instead, formulating some kind of system to regulate reviews.

Possibly a new section dedicated to Reviews ONLY! Making each thread structured in every way, from the Title having to be formatted a certain way to the context of the post being set to a predetermined format.

Even make a template for people to follow and post it as a Sticky for all to use as a guide. True the first section of the post would read like a car's specs sheet, but this being the free and open forum it is would obviously leave room for your personal thoughts and actual REVIEW. Then once the review is complete, close it. If the poster followed the pre-made template it should not only make it easier to do searches, but also make it easier to get needed information. And if a member had any other questions about a particular SP all they'd have to do is PM the person that posted the review.

Maybe I'm thinking way off base, but I think that would keep the reviews accurate and neat, and let the Mods only have to worry about cleaning up the Discussion sections of the board.

The policy could even be stretched over the Strip Club, Massage, and other sections... Keeping the review section as reviews & the discussion section open for general banter between members about whatever's on our minds...

No matter what it's called Censorship is Censorship... SPs provide a service to the public, they treat it as a job and a business. Therefore they should have to except the fact that their service/business will be critiqued and reviewed in a public forum such as this. If they provide good service it will show, and can only help them in the long run.


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I am in absolute & total agreement that any provider can ask a board, to not permit any reviews of her services or business.

But that being said that same provider from thereon out should therefore not be permitted on that same board to post ANY thing at all with a corresponding handle, that is in essense a promotion of herself & or her business.

Furthermore, if such an agreement with said provider who doesn't wish any reviews to be submitted about her (good or bad) the board should also edit out this provider's name or business services in any post(s).

Why allow the provider to benefit only on the positive side (free publicity) & never on the negative (a possible poor review or worse).

Yes, boards are like the rest of life the are blacks & whites & more often than not, lot of shades of grey & if a thread starts out in a certain direction & perhaps takes a detour, so be it, that's life.

Maybe those who can't stand the detours, should bend over & flex a bit more.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Uncle Kracker, you are right on - I certainly think that is the way to go! I would immediately lift my no-review policy at with that change.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Just-ass-weet said:
Uncle Kracker, you are right on - I certainly think that is the way to go! I would immediately lift my no-review policy at with that change.


I also agree with Uncle Kracker that this would be a good compromise.

Anik, you realize that if reviews were conducted in this fashion that it also opens the possibility of a discussion thread being started about the person reviewed. While they would be different threads, in different sections of the board, the kind of posts you do not like would still be permitted in discussion. But they would not cause clutter in the review thread.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I actually would not mind that threads may be started with simple opinions rather than experience in it... discussions and such are wonderful, but they really shouldn't be confused with reviews. I actually highly doubt that someone would start a whole new thread to state how ugly I am in my pictures (I am not ugly, but not everyones taste), or to discuss my rates (although a rate thread might get started and I may end up being mentioned) or even to discuss screening (again, I may be mentioned, who knows) and that is fine, and I am happy to debate on these subjects.


Techman said:
Anik, you realize that if reviews were conducted in this fashion that it also opens the possibility of a discussion thread being started about the person reviewed. While they would be different threads, in different sections of the board, the kind of posts you do not like would still be permitted in discussion. But they would not cause clutter in the review thread.


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
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Uncle Kracker's suggestion would work fine, with the caveat that the SP could post a "bad-breath" rebuttal, if necessary, through the Mods.

Train said:
Do other sp's feel that this would be enough to remove their no-review policy?

That's the key. They don't have to agree 100%, but each "no review" SP should be invited to comment on the plan - whatever it is.

Uncle Kracker

Fuck Models Love Stripper
May 30, 2003
WRman said:
Uncle Kracker's suggestion would work fine, with the caveat that the SP could post a "bad-breath" rebuttal, if necessary, through the Mods.
This made me think of another section that would possibly need to be added... If the board went with my original idea, there would be no rebuttals in the actual review thread because each review would be locked after posting. (if the Mods found out about "sandbagging reviews" they, I'm sure would handle that in their own way) However, I understand that there are those out there who have malice intent when posting bad reviews and the SP should have the right to defend herself/her actions...

Create a section for the SPs Only... Kind of like their own review section on clients... Good & bad...

This place has a pretty good example of what I mean.
The section's description even reads...
"This is a section for the ladies to chat alone as they please. Posts from males will be removed and repeat offenders will be banned."


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
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SFRedBook has the same, called PinkBook:

Except that for the RB software, you declare your sex, and you just can't post there unless you are a heart. SFRedBook also does not let the hearts post in the general 411 section. (I guess we guys need to be protected from the mean 'ole SPs.)

SFRedBook also has a 25-post limit to each discussion thread, which limits all but the most die-hard flame wars.

HOWEVER, I don't think an only-SP forum is the same as allowing the SP to provide a rebuttal post to the Mods for them to post in the locked review thread. Also, the reviews might best be submitted to the Mods and let them post. This prevents known trolls from messing things up, and does not require that the Mods catch each review and lock it.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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SL's post makes perfect sense and yours makes no sense. It's very simple. You can have a no review policy but if you do, you cannot use the Board to promote. If you use the Board to promote, then you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's a very simple equation, one I already put forth earlier in the thread.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
If a lady or a group is a paid advertiser here, I am sorry, but they PAY to be on this site, so they certainly should be allowed to promote themselves, regardless of their review policy. As stated by many of you, if a lady is unreviewed, you wouldn't see her anyhow, so there is no benefit for them by having reviews delisted (I cannot explain why others might do it)

As for someone like me, I am not here to promote, I am here because this subject is interesting to me and because I am stuck home recovering from have my wisdom teeth taken out (all 4 -ouch!) - also why I am online all day long... boredom and a swollen mouth (but my lips look AMAZING like this! lol) are really a biatch!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Some providers pay to advertise but do not necessarily pay to promote. For example your posts in this thread, even though undoubtedly well intentioned contributions, are also promotions. Let's not kid ourselves here.
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