Montreal Escorts

Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Did you even read the post? A lawsuit IS in project but it takes preparation.

Also, do you even have the slightest idea of how long it can take for a lawsuit to have results? It can take months or even over a year just to make it to trial. Are you really saying we shouldn’t warn the community about this in the meantime? Seriously.

Remember your stance next time you wanna write a bad review about a provider. Just suck it up, like the brave man you are.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Julia I understand such situation really gets to you. Yes it's very sad. But as I wrote below I think we should not write anything negative about this thread and even more not reply if anyone does.

Just out of respect.

My 2 cents...



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Sorry it is precisely out of respect that we should get 100% behind these ladies that have the courage to stand up for their profession and their colleagues.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Julia’s comments.

If we want to talk about something negative it doesn’t get much worse than the abuse these ladies had to endure as described by April.
Now is not the time to stay silent and worry about negative comments and perhaps offending someone who usually has negative comments about women all the time.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Fradi I am just afraid things will degenerate to a point the thread loose it's meaning... And/or, as Patron wrote, things will degenerate into a complete rant against all agencies...

Could be wrong... Just my feeling...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Couldn’t agree more Fradi ,,, I don’t see the need to suppress anyone’s comments even if they are negative

Some folks choose to say the right things for the wrong reasons it seems


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Fradi I am just afraid things will degenerate to a point the thread loose it's meaning... And/or, as Patron wrote, things will degenerate into a complete rant against all agencies...

Could be wrong... Just my feeling...

I don’t think so, there are agencies where people know the owners and even some of the ladies who are now Indys speak well of them.
I think people are smart enough to know the difference between an agency that treats the girls decently ( as you can see when they have had enough they will talk) and scumbags that are a disgrace to the human race.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Horror stories like this one actually make folks appreciate Montreal’s top agencies even more than before IMO


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jal when you sit on the fence you risk getting a splinter up your ass....take a cue from the ladies and vote against abuse of women by scumbags.

Wow slack the cool aid Cloud. Please read my post correctly. I COMPLETELY support April.

I just think some will simply troll to divert the thread out of it's original meaning. Do not feed the troll or they will succeed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don’t think this thread can be diverted from its original meaning.

April’s denunciation, left no room for misinterpretation and the support given by all the other well known escorts who signed their name to it is proof enough for me.
It is time for us to stand behind these ladies and give them 100% of our support, trolls will never be strong enough to defeat these ladies now that they have decided to stand together and neither will these scumbags who masquerade as human beings.

April Killian / Rose

Active Member
Mar 6, 2017
Hi Gents and Fellow Providers.
Thanks so much for the affection and support. We do feel it and are very touched by the amount of messages and offers of help we have received.
Yes we are taking legal actions as well, but i can only do so much. Some of the women affected weren't members of the industry, as you can see in the recent testimony that i've shared on my twitter, under the initial post. I advise you have a rested mind to read it. We are going to be taking a route, for the moment, where i can be in court and i can testify, as the other girls have chosen to remain silent at the time being. They are scared, they have already lived so much trauma. Trials make you relive traumas and they dont have the mental and emotional strength at the time being to carry that battle. I will do all i can, but there is a limit to what i can do.

As i am writing this, i have noticed a thread pop up near this one called : salon Bukkake 2020. I would like to take the moment to red flag this organization. Both owners have been opportunistic and started harassing myself and many providers in the last 24h. They had already been flagged in the community. I will be posting about them on twitter in a few as well as we have all received very triggering messages.

I would advise to be careful about these 2 individuals and their new "project"
Kontak @GautDray and his partner @Julien52218175 on twitter. Their Project is called :

Going into the topic of the agency bashing. My goal isn't to bash on all of the agencies here in montreal. My goal is to open your eyes, as consumers and providers to the dangers lurking that you might not be exposed to. Until i started asking, these events were all happening and i had no idea about them either. My goal is to keep the people i care for safe. That said. I don't think all agencies in montreal are as glowing with ethics as most of you think. I have, my friends have, been victim of abusive situations and injustices in almost all the agencies you know of. Including your favorites.
A multitude of providers offer Bdsm and fetish oriented sessions, gangbangs and orgies. I will also be continuing myself to offer these services, as they are experiences i love to share with my clients and coworkers.

I'm not trying to be the fun police, but if that's what some of us have to do to keep our community safe. Then so be it.



Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
En que tant que clients de l’industrie du sexe il nous est pour ainsi dire impossible de s’assurer que les services que nous achetons sont offerts dans un cadre totalement libre de toute forme d’exploitation. Que nous faisions affaire avec une agence, une indépendante, un salon de massage ou un organisateur d’événements de type gangbang, nous ne pouvons jamais être sur à 100% que la travailleuse du sexe est complètement libre dans son choix et qu’elle n’est pas dans une situation d’exploitation. Toutefois, lorsque le service est « consommé » ou lorsque nous arrivons sur les lieux où le service sera rendu nous pouvons avoir des doutes, que ce soit par l’état de la (les) fille(s) ou par la salubrité de l’endroit.

Je tiens personnellement à remercier April pour le partage de ces informations. Ayant fait affaires avec MK (Rubicon à 3 reprises et agence carte blanche à 1 reprise), je peux vous affirmer hors de tout doute que je n’utiliserai plus jamais les services de ce fournisseur à causes de certaines allégations portées dans la dénonciation. Je tiens à préciser lesquelles :

-Allégation de viol sur une fille désirant participer à un premier gangbang
-Allégation de violence excessive par MK lors d’un essai
-Allégation d’absence d’une sécurité adéquate lors de la Bacchanale permettant ainsi à un ou des participant (s) d’obtenir sans consentement des relations sexuelles non protégées (viol)

Si ces affirmations s’avèrent fondées, c’est très grave. J’espère que les victimes alléguées auront le courage de porter plainte et d’obtenir justice. J’ose espérer que la présente dénonciation débouchera éventuellement sur de réelles accusations criminelles. D’un point de vue affaires, la dénonciation devrait nuire aux activités de MK. Le recrutement sera plus difficiles et j’ose espérer que devant les faits rapportés, les membres de notre communauté auront un minimum de conscience et éviteront de faire affaires avec lui.

Ayant participé à environ une quinzaine d’événements de type gangbang, avec différents organisateurs (5), je tiens à partager certains faits basés sur mes expériences personnelles. Il ne faut pas démoniser les événements de type gangbang et mettre tout les organisateurs dans le même bateau :

-Tous les événements sans exception possédaient un minimum de facilités (douche ou salle de bain) permettant de prendre soin de son hygiène personnelle. L’utilisation n’était toutefois pas obligatoire (même chose que dans un club échangiste).
-Dans tout les événements auxquels j’ai assisté, la (les) participantes ont pu (es) prendre une pause lorsque désiré.
-Dans tout les événements auxquels j’ai assisté, la sécurité était adéquate (surveillance de l’organisateur, sécurité assuré par plus d’une personne, présence du conjoint).
-Dans tout les événements auxquels j'ai assisté, les pratiques sexuelles étaient sécuritaires.

Baba Yaga

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
Did you even read the post? A lawsuit IS in project but it takes preparation..

When reading this thread I simply couldn't resist becoming a member. I'm very happy to join Merb. I have been consulting Merb since the early days of Eleganza and Devilish. This been said Julia, none of this will take place. First this is Civil Court issue and there is not an attorney in Montreal or in the entire province that's going to go pro-bono on this. Undertaken this case without charge hoping to get a percentage of this lawsuit ??? It's not going to happen.

You are quoted that it takes preparation. On that I agree with you. Be prepared to upfront a lot of money to any attorney you will be soliciting.

Good luck.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Of course lawyers cost money. But I’m not sure why, or how, you think such a serious case involving violence, rape, abuse, and pimping, is a "civil case". It is one hundred percent criminal.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Je suis vraiment très fière de toi April. Je t'ai vu travailler durant des semaines afin de recueillir les témoignages des victimes. Tu es très courageuse et je te remercie de servir de voix pour ceux et celles qui ont peur.

Ça me réchauffe le cœur de voir autant d'hommes dire qu'ils te supportent, qu'ils nous supportent. C'est un soulagement de voir qu'ils n'encourageront plus ces agences.

Maintenant, non ce thread ne deviendra pas un "agency bashing thread". On parle ici d'un seul et même propriétaire. Aussi, mais bien sûr que les victimes vont porter plainte et avoir des recours légaux. Ça prend des témoignages et il faut monter un dossier. On ne peut pas juste entrer dans un bureau et dénoncer.


Baba Yaga

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
Of course lawyers cost money. But I’m not sure why, or how, you think such a serious case involving violence, rape, abuse, and pimping, is a "civil case". It is one hundred percent criminal.

Easy answer : It was a voluntary act. From what I can see here no one was obligated to go. There is just to many grey areas. I condemn the actions that took place. Make no mistake about it; but make sure you seriously reflect on every aspect of this affair before you spend a single dollar and most importantly evaluate how much money you can win and how much time this is going to take. It's going to be years . At least five if not more.

You want redemption . Make sure that on their next event the girls that might be temped to attend are made aware on how things are so poorly conducted. Also what prevents you to open a blog and expose the guys that were really abusive.

Trust me that's going to work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

First you seem to have forgotten about a little thing called C-36.
I seem to recall paying for sex even if disguised as a party is illegal for the purchasers, having unprotected sex against someone’s will is rape.
Profiting from selling sex and advertising it is also a criminal offence for a third party.
I think if they are capable of having enough victims come forward there will be many lawyers ( good ones) that will jump at the chance to be on their team perhaps even a few that may just be sympathetic to their cause and want to expose scum like these people.

Apart from that don’t underestimate the power and the will of these women when they decide it is enough and start to mobilize they are connected all over the world with social media and have the capability to take down anyone if they so choose. Ever heard of the #me too movement.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 2.. Agree, also wonder how many of the girls will go again even when they know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Not many I have read several on Twitter that have already quit Carte Blanche and state they will never work for them again.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Baba Yaga,

Every major American city I know of has low paid public interest attorneys who take cases on a pro bono basis for poor, oppressed or indigent clients. In Montreal, I would think that there is legal aid offered through provincial and municipal funded organizations. There are also law school clinics. I was in foreclosure court a few months ago and one of the local law schools had a professor there and students who were offering assistance to indigent homeowners that were representing themselves in foreclosure cases. The foreclosure judge was indeed directing those who were in over their heads to these law school clinicians. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that the Montreal law schools offer criminal law clinics and this would be a perfect case for them. I suspect that costs would have to be fronted but the actual fees would be waived. I would actually think Canada has much better legal services for the poor, indigent and oppressed than does the USA for similarly situated citizens. I would suggest to the SPs that they may want to contact law school criminal clinics or local legal aid organizations specialized in public interest law. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Regarding the law students, in my state they can appear in Court with an attorney/professor and under his or her supervision render legal assistance to those who need it. This gives the law student an opportunity to gain practical experience. My law school offered civil and criminal clinics. I did not join them only because I made law review and had my hands full with that endeavor.

Baba Yaga

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
A lost cause is a lost cause . Don't matter how emotional you're going to be about it. Unless you were there in person yourself or have spoken to someone that was part of it. Then by all means share the additional information. Or perhaps you wish to donate to the cause ! Wouldn't that be something !
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