Montreal Escorts

Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I liked Baba Yoga better actually.

or perhaps a name out of the past maybe Booker L.
we seem to have many returning Merbites lately.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
As previously mentioned Baba Yaga is a figure from Russian folklore, a sort of witch with supernatural abilities. Baba Yoga is a form of yoga designed to cure hernia and constipation. I do get the impression that Booker L may be in this thread, a lot of new handles have popped up. BookerL was himself quite a character during his tenure on the board but was actually a good contributor to some threads like the one about the Cocaine Cowgirls.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You are correct EB

Baba Yaga was used by pretty much all Eastern European parents as well to scare children into behaving.
You are correct about Booker L also that is if you could cope with someone repeating and repeating things to every bodies annoyance and the constant promotion of Nadyas
He did have his moments and raised some interesting threads.


Jul 5, 2004
Visit site
Bravo April pour ton courage.

Je suis actif sur le site Fetlife et Le Rubicon y est membre (sous le nom LeRubicon)

Es-tu au courant que dans sa section photo il y en a plusieurs de toi (dont je devine sans ton consentement)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I been a bit away from merb for the past 3-4 days (Christmas Stuff and other things) but i saw this thread pass on twitter and i obviously totally support the victims. I never did business with Rubicon or Carte-Blanche personally(not an orgy club guy and it just never happened that i dealt with CB) . And of course i will stay away from them.

Personally i discovered a bit the "roleplay/bdsm/submissive" stuff with the Unicorn Healers agency. The first thing was always to make sure everything was fine with the provider and she was totally into it. It took me a few sessions to get comfortable in these things and go a bit further. I mean i do enjoy them in movies, but i always was "fearfull" of doing them myself if that make any sense. I needed many reassuring that it was fine with the person i was with. And im sure i was very tame compared to other clients.

But i know lots of clients are not like that, and even in "regular" sessions, some clients are very pushy, rough and do not concern themselves too much with the providers "comfort". The providers need to speak up of it and tell them they are uncomfortable with these things, and the agency owners/bookers have to make sure it never happen again and do all they can for that, including banning the guys.

Personally i do enjoy booking with agencies, be it for that they know me and i don't have to do any extra step than sending a text (no screening, no reference etc needed as they already know me) and obviously the more competitive prices are also a factor. Some agencies i fully trust, some others i heard very bad things about them and stay away.

So yes, if bad stuff happen, speak up ! Do not hesitate. So we can make our decisions accordingly.

Baba Yaga

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
As previously mentioned Baba Yaga is a figure from Russian folklore, a sort of witch with supernatural abilities. Baba Yoga is a form of yoga designed to cure hernia and constipation. I do get the impression that Booker L may be in this thread, a lot of new handles have popped up. BookerL was himself quite a character during his tenure on the board but was actually a good contributor to some threads like the one about the Cocaine Cowgirls.

Good evening Eager Beaver ,
I just briefly looked at a couple post from BookerL , well first I'm not BookerL and my fields of interest are different .

As for you Fradi
You are correct EB

Baba Yaga was used by pretty much all Eastern European parents as well to scare children into behaving.
You are correct about Booker L also that is if you could cope with someone repeating and repeating things to every bodies annoyance and the constant promotion of Nadyas
He did have his moments and raised some interesting threads.

For someone that has been here for only 8 mounts you most certainly have documented yourself very well on BookerL. From what I can see the man hasn't posted in years.
Perhaps YOU are BookerL ??? LOL


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ *Viggo Tarasov

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I can guarantee you that Fradi is not BookerL LOL and he was on this board longer than his handle makes you think.

As for you, it’s funny, I remember BookerL using the board emoticons a lot and especially the one you used lol. I don’t know who you are and I don’t care but you really do give people a reason to believe you might be BookerL

Baba Yaga

New Member
Dec 28, 2019
Baba yoga I was just checking your contribution to this thread and I feel dumb to didn't realize who you are before. You lack of finesse with your undercover ego.

Mlle Laliberté le fait de ne pas partager votre point de vue vous ne vous authorise pas d'utiliser des termes peut élogieux a mon endroit. A se que je sache mes commentaires ont été fait dans le respect.
De plus je condamne ses deux agences .


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As for you Fradi

For someone that has been here for only 8 mounts you most certainly have documented yourself very well on BookerL. From what I can see the man hasn't posted in years.
Perhaps YOU are BookerL ??? LOL

As EB said new handles keep popping up and you seem to have all the answers with 13 posts and have not been here even a month lol.
As Julia said I am definitely not BookerL and she happened to know me before and now, and so do a few other ladies, anyway there are a number of people who know who I am, I have not tried to hide it and my writing definitely betrays it.

BookerL also thought of himself as Lawyer, Booker, Engineer, Doctor, Business man, real estate mogul, and the list went on...... I do not.
I just happen to like women and think we should respect and be kind to them and support them when they are being abused.

btw BookerL also had this habit of answering everybody multiple times until you just finally gave up and ignored him.

April Killian / Rose

Active Member
Mar 6, 2017
I just finished translating the one testimony that i was permitted to share.
I have received this over snap chat, about an jour or 2 after posting the denunciation.
We spoke again today. She added that she finds herself lucky to have followed her instinct to get out before it was too late.

Trigger Warning

No, I have never worked there… I thought I had a “master” that I had met on fetlife… He insisted on having sexual intercourses with me, without a condom assuring me that he did regular tests and that he would provide me the proofs (which I’ve never seen or had access to) Since the first moments, he put me in a “training” mode. I was sure it was for his gangbangs… humiliation, forced scato, forced fisting, making me continue to suck him or be penetrated even if I was in pain, telling me that it’s because I lacked practice ( I only had 2 sexual partners before him, I believed him… thinking I was ugly and bad in bed).. He wanted us to meet every week and I really felt this was a “training”. He took pictures of me during the act, I wasn’t feeling good, but he said it would be used for his personal use only… After, he wanted me to go to a photoshoot, with a man that I never met, I panicked and contacted a friend that knew him from another girl. Then the story I was being told was really similar to mine… He even showed me the website of Le Rubicon. I confronted him and he reassured me
He even pushed me to believe that the gangbangs were part of his personal fantasies.
He is an excellent manipulator.
This whole situation was very intimidating for me and every time I tried to speak he would laugh and call me a Judeo Christian
and he wanted to present me to a certain (NAME RAYED FOR PRIVACY)
I started to get paranoid about diseases, seeing that he was fucking all these girls and that for him, I was one in a bunch… Today I ignore him, but he calls and texts me from time to time.
He said that he offered anal trainings… because one time after a fisting I bled a long time and I got really scared for my life…
I quit before he made me an event object… I found it really rough because that’s not how I imagined my first bdsm experience.
You can publish this without naming me…
He told me that he had found me a stage name, I hadn’t understood why…
The place is wonderful and I really believed.


Thanks again for supporting us. This means a lot to us. We dont want these kind of experiences in our community, in our lives. There is really hard and heavy on all of us emotionally. The things we have read and that have been shared to us are tragic. I'm doing my best to stay professional and poise. It's very hard to not react with vivid emotions. These have happened to people who are meaningful to us.

and again. It is possible to have and share bdsm activities, fantasies. Gangbangs can be done with consent and pleasure.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
The guy is an ass no doubt, but why was the girl accepting all that bullshit? Self-esteem issues?
Aside from that, what can this man be charged for?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Maybe Baba Yaga or Baba Yoga whatever his name is really Ze Elf? :lol:

Yeaa maybe it’s Ze Elf or it could also even be Santa Claus, who knows really ?!?

Either way one has to admit that Baba Yoga chose a very cool handle ,,, I mean who doesn’t like Yoga?! It’s so relaxing and apparently it can clear the mind ....of all common sense sometimes, as we are about to find out :doh:

Folks change names but they can’t successfully change their style of writing, not for long at least , that is not sustainable and so it stays with you for the most part and it’s always a giveaway in the end for many on these boards.

So that being said it’s very likely thst he is mr BookerL who once claimed to be many things , to have mastered many
professions as Fradi clearly stated .... but then again there is a plethora of handles on these boards that claim to be something that they are not or to promote one thing or another or have some sort of an agenda more or less ,,, but many of us have shown a bit of favouritism to an agency or an Indy one time or another so nothing new really , no harm done it’s all good

And as EB previously mentioned and I remember as well , BookerL did post a lot of interesting threads and information for us in the past

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Unless BookerL improved his grammar he is not Baba Yada. There was a member awhile ago that did use a similar signature though and had the same attitude. Can not place it yet, many ex MER..C members are bored since their board got shutdown and visit here, they were easy to spot with memberships from 2011 and 1 or 2 posts, they now start new handles.


Feb 17, 2019
Thank you again for the update, April. That is a sickening read; hard to comprehend that someone would do that to another human. I'm glad you and the other girls are shining a light on this. I hope this person is brought to justice.

April Killian / Rose

Active Member
Mar 6, 2017
The guy is an ass no doubt, but why was the girl accepting all that bullshit? Self-esteem issues?
Aside from that, what can this man be charged for?

I understand what you are trying to express.
Unfortunatly. This girls as you can read had no experience in bdsm. She couldnt tell right from wrong. She is also not a provider. She had 2 sexual partners. She had not built the experience to be able to stand for her boundaries and express them. He mocked her, ridiculed her. Made her feel like she has a piece of shit. He used her insecurities, her self doubts and her lack of knowledge. And from the other testimonies i have read. Once you are stuck in the room with him. There is no way out. He is very imposing of his attitude and stature. He also harasses them on the phone endlessly. He will be charged for a list of things. I cant say to much publicly it would ruin part of our process to give all the details.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
Easy answer : It was a voluntary act. From what I can see here no one was obligated to go. There is just to many grey areas. I condemn the actions that took place. Make no mistake about it; but make sure you seriously reflect on every aspect of this affair before you spend a single dollar and most importantly evaluate how much money you can win and how much time this is going to take. It's going to be years . At least five if not more.

You want redemption . Make sure that on their next event the girls that might be temped to attend are made aware on how things are so poorly conducted. Also what prevents you to open a blog and expose the guys that were really abusive.

Trust me that's going to work.

This is the most pernicious post in the thread: labeling consent a "grey area," suggesting the grievants cannot complain because they engaged in "voluntary acts."

If there is one thing that is fundamental to de-stigmatizing and supporting sex work, it is affirming a provider's right to consent to some things and not to others, to maintain both hard and soft boundaries. Muddying the waters of consent by calling it a "grey area" and suggesting that these women undertook by "voluntary act" to be gang banged 6:1 in a facility without proper orientation of participants, security personnel, and shower facilities, where unprotected penetration actually (and predictably) occurred, is tantamount to saying you can't rape a sex worker, a sex worker can have no boundaries and limits. Or at least, those who refuse to respect the limits and boundaries explicitly set can explain away their behavior by claiming that it was a "grey area" or that there was some kind of "implicit consent" inherent in the context of a gangbang-type event turns assault into the women's "voluntary act." How convenient. And how fundamentally antithetical to the basic social contract underlying this merb community.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
I was always curious about attending one of these events but after reading all this. I’d lower myself as a human to give this guy that runs this place a dime of my time. Absolutely unreal on how he can treat anyone like this and April as a person I commend you like you have no idea for bringing this to light. As a SP you put yourself out there to denounce this pos and it shows what kind of person you are.

You’ll definitely always have the time of day from me.
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