Montreal Escorts

Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
That's a good question everybody can ask himself/herself: Why, somewhere with someone, I endure a particular shitty situation?
Noboby here is better that another, we did all, at different degrees.

Everybody here endured situations they did not like or approved, in their personal OR professional lives, thinking they were lacking of choices OR that is the best to do OR it is what it is OR simply thinking this is the way things are.

Don't forget that there is someone who is looking like a "reputable professional of knowledge" that says "Everything is normal" and invalidated all the questions/hesitations.
That's how exactly is working a manipulative/Pervers Narcissique/Psychopath. (if you need more infos how it works, I invite you to Google, there's plenty of informations out there on that subject)
There's a common root with how also work Violence with family related people, with a Sect Guru who will bring an entire community to do atrocities or suicide.

To my knowledges, any abusive situations are still as criminal they could be even if the manipulator looked to have convinced his prays/victims and they look to be "consentent". It has never be seen as a true consent when things happened under lies/promises not kept/threats.

I know this is difficult to understand. That's not an easy subject.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I'm no lawyer but I don't see any incriminating evidence but there are probably facts we're not aware of. Good luck and go strong.
I understand all this "we were young and vulnerable" it is just sad that one has to go through so much to open their eyes on the ugliness of the situation. Why does these stories keep repeating all over again? Isn't the experience of a few good enough to teach the rest? Girls and Women should build their confidence on other factors that their looks. When a woman is pretty it is easy to be confident, everyone is nice to them. But when they're of very modest looks it is clearly not the same and comparing to others on features they clearly can't compete on is detrimental to their self-esteem. Love yourself for what you are and improve on your personality as a whole not on your breasts, lips and butt. It all goes down the sink after 35, a genuine smile and a vivid mind lasts a lifetime. Why is that so hard to understand?
I applaud the attempt of lawsuit/criminal charges pressed against this scoundrel as I see it as a group of women standing up for themselves, hit fast and hit hard.
None of that all talk and no action bullshit.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
Everybody here endured situations they did not like or approved, in their personal OR professional lives, thinking they were lacking of choices OR that is the best to do OR it is what it is OR simply thinking this is the way things are.
I don't agree with you, I don't remember a single time where I was in that kind of situation. I don't think it's the norm either. I tried a few jobs, got fired and quit a few others on the spot but never endured. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and naturally not being able to take shit for nothing I did what I was taught. As far as being in relationships, I don't think I've been abusive nor have I endured, if it didn't work out, it didn't work out. "It is what it is" (The irishman)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
First I think we need to look at the fact that April is a professional in these matters and it is not her first rodeo.
I believe Maria Divina also knows a thing or two about being a Domina and the world of BDSM and more than likely all the other SP that signed their name to April’s Denunciation statement are not shrinking violets and they know what they are talking about.

Then there is the matter that this type of situation was imposed on 30 women that came forward ( how many more that didn’t I would not want to guess).
With all this evidence I highly doubt it is a case of 2-3 girls making bad decisions and just simply not being able to say no at the right time.
This guy was a manipulator a disgusting human being and deserves what he gets. Does it take a girl ending up in the hospital or dead before people here stop giving the benefit of the doubt to scum like this.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I'm no lawyer but I don't see any incriminating evidence [...] Girls and Women should build their confidence on other factors that their looks. [...] Love yourself for what you are and improve on your personality as a whole not on your breasts, lips and butt. It all goes down the sink after 35, a genuine smile and a vivid mind lasts a lifetime. Why is that so hard to understand? [...]
None of that all talk and no action bullshit.

People’s looks has literally zero correlation to the subject. "Tu patines" comme on dit en bon québécois. You’re making irrelevant arguments to try and justify the fact that you don’t want to believe these women or that you want to blame them for what happened to them. See, you first came in this thread saying there would be no legal actions, and it took less than 72h to prove you wrong. These women are stronger, braver and smarter than you think.

As for evidence, a good amount of rapists in jail went to jail based solely on testimony from the victim just so you know. It’s hard to have proof (pictures etc) of an act of violence that happens in private most of the time. I can guarantee you that thirty women’s testimonies, with similar characteristics (the venue, the guy’s name, specifics about what he did and how and what the place looked like etc) IS considered proof. Or that girl that bled after fisting? She probably has rectal scars to prove it. Not to mention he has actual pictures of the girls, some of which he posted without consent, some of which are during action. These also constitute proof. He can delete them but there is always a way to retrieve pictures, even deleted. I’m sure there are also tons of text exchanges amongst the girls but also between him and girls that can be used against him. For some reason, he doesn’t strike me as the type to be too cautious in his communications.

Also, it’s nice of you to tell women to base their confidence on things other than looks, but I’m here to remind you that any woman who is less than drop dead gorgeous gets reminded all the time by men that she’s worth less than the prettier girl. Of course we should base our self worth on more than just looks, but as a man you’re literally not allowed to blame women for giving importance to the way they look when the entire society - especially men - puts so much pressure for women to look perfect. You yourself have made multiple comments regarding women’s appearance on this board in the last few weeks/months alone. Stay in your lane.

P.s - I know MANY 35+ women who are gorgeous.

Now regarding your reply to Maria, glad to know you never had to endure anything. Is it comfortable up there in your ivory tower? Does that make you better than anyone who had to endure stuff? You come from a family of entrepreneurs, you were born with an advantage, but that doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone else.

To end this, Imma just reiterate - 30. Thirty testimonies. This isn’t nothing.
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Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
I would like to ask the ladies how often do men try to go bareback during those events and during incall/outcall sessions? April mentioned people doing it and catching someone putting the condom back on. I would never think of doing bareback with someone I do not know, let alone at these events. I am not trying to be disrespectful to the women, but with the amount of guys over there, I am not taking that risk.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
You’re making irrelevant arguments to try and justify the fact that you don’t want to believe these women or that you want to blame them for what happened to them. See, you first came in this thread saying there would be no legal actions, and it took less than 72h to prove you wrong. These women are stronger, braver and smarter than you think.
They say there will be legal actions, I'm glad there are. I really am and I hope this get carried as far as it is supposed to go. I'm still a bit skeptical, but if my skepticism is proven wrong the happier I'll be.

Or that girl that bled after fisting?
Again, I'm no lawyer but isn't this a service that is offered by a few sex workers? Even if it led to injuries and as disgusting as it sounds can this be considered as rape?

posted without consent, some of which are during action.
This on the other hand is more incriminating, he can go to jail for this, I'm sure unless girls agreed to this with some sort of contract.

but I’m here to remind you that any woman who is less than drop dead gorgeous gets reminded all the time by men that she’s worth less than the prettier girl.
Who do you hang out with to be reminded you're worth less the prettier girl? You're the archetype of what I try to describe. If this line of business reminds you that you're worth less than others just quit and do something else. Your ideas are not your own, nothing you believe is genuine you are the product of your experiences and microcosm you live in. That applies to all.

Every time I make a post you jump on me, there is a fine line between love and hate. lol

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Up 3, Julia.

You are painting a broad picture saying non hot women are reminded all the time they are less worth than pretty girls.
It depends on your circle of friends/acquaintances, most men I know prefer an average looking girl with a good attitude over a high maintenance hottie, much easier on your mental health.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I don't agree with you, I don't remember a single time where I was in that kind of situation. I don't think it's the norm either. I tried a few jobs, got fired and quit a few others on the spot but never endured. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and naturally not being able to take shit for nothing I did what I was taught. As far as being in relationships, I don't think I've been abusive nor have I endured, if it didn't work out, it didn't work out. "It is what it is" (The irishman)

I can now understand why you just cannot understand what was/is going on. It is totally out of your reach because you cannot imagine something you never lived yourselve can exist to a majority of people because you did not experienced it. Well then, welcome to planete Earth kkrack. ;-) It seems that even our capitalism is based on taking advantages of situations/people. Well.

You maybe not know it, but you had a privileged life if you never ever had to shot and follow what you've been told/taught by someone having autority over you.
(that's very hard to believe, but hey, if you said so... Good for you!)

I am very surprised as myself knowing many business families, their sons/daughters had to shut their mouths in front of their father being very more strict maybe even abusive in certain ways with their own children than with their other employees, and prevent them to have even a normal teenage lives. Call it "tough love", but I know few of them that are keeping ressentiment about that. IF you never lived any pressure ever, bless your exceptional luck.

And that's ok if you don't/cannot understand. It won't change what it is presently happening. Your posts just look a bit strange presently as wanting to bring down the energy around of people defending themselves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
To my knowledges, any abusive situations are still as criminal they could be even if the manipulator looked to have convinced his prays/victims and they look to be "consentent". It has never be seen as a true consent when things happened under lies/promises not kept/threats.

I know this is difficult to understand. That's not an easy subject.

C'est effectivement un sujet difficile et complexe. La réaction d'une victime qui se fait abuser peut être incompréhensible aux yeux d'une autre personne. Pourquoi ne pas avoir dis non? Pourquoi ne pas avoir frappée? Pourquoi ne pas s'être enfuie? Nous ne pouvons juger de la réaction d'une victime face à son abuseur. Nous ne pouvons que la supporter et lui offrir notre aide afin de passer au travers. Ma belle-fille s'est fait violer dans un party par deux hommes. Elle n'à pas frappée. Elle n'à pas dis non. Elle ne s'est pas enfuie. Cependant elle n'à jamais dis oui à ce que deux hommes la viole sans protections. Légalement l'absence d'un consentement éclairé est aussi valable qu'un refus clair. Selon les enquêteurs impliqués dans le dossier, il est très fréquent que les victimes soient figées par la peur et incapables de réagir.
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Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Liloudallas: vraiment attristée d'apprendre ce qui est arrivé à votre belle-fille. J'espère qu'elle s'en tire plutôt bien, sincèrement.

Si ce n'était pas déjà assez évident, j'ai une ligne d'acceptation très basse au sujet des abuseurs de tout genre.
Ceci fût appris et non inné. Il y a de ces trucs qui viennent avec l'expérience de la vie, si l'on peut dire.


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
I was aghast upon reading this yesterday and it certainly hasn't gotten better on its second reading. My heart goes out to everyone on the receiving end of these disgraceful actions.

Would legalization help prevent this type of unethical behaviour? It's a good question, but for another day I think. Today I would very much appreciate hearing condemnation of MK's behaviour by others in the industry. Matt? James? Can I as your client be certain that your interactions at Velvet and Euphoria are fair and respectful toward the providers that you represent? Could you provide anyone to vouch for your ethical practices?

This is what I hope for when considering an agency and I expect a majority of your clients do as well. Please get ahead of this situation before business suffers.

Best regards,


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
Liloudallas: vraiment attristée d'apprendre ce qui est arrivé à votre belle-fille. J'espère qu'elle s'en tire plutôt bien, sincèrement.

Si ce n'était pas déjà assez évident, j'ai une ligne d'acceptation très basse au sujet des abuseurs de tout genre.
Ceci fût appris et non inné. Il y a de ces trucs qui viennent avec l'expérience de la vie, si l'on peut dire.

Les premiers mois ont été difficiles. Maintenant c'est mieux. Le processus judiciaire est très long. Dans son cas ce sont deux enquetteuses qui s'occupe du dossier, donc beaucoup d'empathie. Quand elle en parle ça déchire le coeur, on est capable de ressentir sa douleur et sa peur. Merci d'avoir demandé. Je partage votre ligne d'acceptation, les abuseurs de tout genre n'ont pas leur place en ce bas monde.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't agree with you, I don't remember a single time where I was in that kind of situation. I don't think it's the norm either. I tried a few jobs, got fired and quit a few others on the spot but never endured. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and naturally not being able to take shit for nothing I did what I was taught. As far as being in relationships, I don't think I've been abusive nor have I endured, if it didn't work out, it didn't work out. "It is what it is" (The irishman)

I am like that too. As a kid i was actually bullied for a certain period of time but more on the psychological side if i can say. I was shoved a bit and such but never beaten badly but always threatened that it would happen. I was afraid to even go out of my house at a certain period of time because some guys told me if they saw me out of school ground, they would beat me badly. Then eventually it got to a point i said fuck it cause i was exhausted of the situation and retaliated and what was gonna happen was gonna happen. I learned 2 things that day. Receiving a punch to the face does not hurt that bad, and i packed a pretty good punch myself. It didn't took long til the word got around and in less than 2 weeks and a few fights, nobody was taking on me anymore. So i basically endured over a year of abuse instead of a few bruises for a few weeks for nothing. Since that day (i was around 14) i told myself i would never take shit from anyone, either verbally or physically and i applied that motto ever since.

Guess i was "lucky" in a way to discover this young enough and change my situation. But i know some peoples are not like that. A lot of different things can lead them to "endure". My mother for exemple hate her job, she is sick of it and its a very tough job for a woman of her age. Not only is the job hard but sometimes her boss is an ass too. But considering she has 3 more years to work only before retirement, she does not want to quit and find something else. She is insecure about her financial situation if she was gonna be fired or quit and if she could find something else at her age or not. So she endure. Personally i may not be of her age but i know for a fact i wouldn't endure disrespect in a job ever. I could never be in the army for that reason too lol.

Anyway. My point is we don't know the situation and what was happening in their mind at the time, why they reacted the way they did. We can't judge them base on how we would react ourself.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Can we just for once take a woman's word and experience at face value without having to parse situations and semantics?

You go ladies! F@ck this scumbag...

I feel horrible that this could happen to anybody....


Active Member
May 7, 2018
From your perspective I have lived a privileged life. From the perspective of the queen Elizabeth I'm just a peasant and Bill gates would mock my earnings. It's all a matter of perspective. You can be a victim all your life or stand up firmly. This is what this 30+ girls are trying to do, to that all say bravo but keep a cool head and be more analytical and less emotive. Play it like a game of chess. I'm not the guy who will cry next to you all emotive, what kind of support is that anyways?
I don't think angry mobs do anything right but well prepared organizations calibrated like a Swiss movement watch are far more dangerous.
People tend to charge blindly at situations because they're emotive. I just try to help people to charge knowingly, soundly.

oh yeah I was bullied when I was 8 or 10. To that little whiny bitch I would say to suck it up, man up and stand proud.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Would legalization help prevent this type of unethical behaviour? It's a good question, but for another day I think. Today I would very much appreciate hearing condemnation of MK's behaviour by others in the industry. Matt? James? Can I as your client be certain that your interactions at Velvet and Euphoria are fair and respectful toward the providers that you represent? Could you provide anyone to vouch for your ethical practices?

They have nothing to do with this and need not respond.

April and SW of Montreal, I support you.


New Member
Nov 2, 2016
Hello to all commenting on this Abuse Denunciation,

I usually stay away from posting anything on this forum that does not pertain directly to the positivity of my work as an SP, however today I will make an exception.
To those men making idiotic jokes, comments on what they think April should do, questioning the authenticity or how this could hold up in a legal case, and whatever other dumb shit you felt it was necessary to share, I ask you all to politely shut the f*** up. Keep your unnecessary posts to yourself, or if you insist, discuss amongst yourselves what you think of the situation in PM. But don’t comment on what is supposed to be an Abuse Denunciation with obtuse posts.
This post was meant to be shared to warn people as well as let the public know what has been going on behind closed doors.
Do not make us regret sharing these types of things with you by behaving like complete morons.
And to those gentleman who have made short and supportive posts, I applaud you.
To the rest, go read a book or something.

Happy New Year everyone,

Sasha Johansen
Toronto Escorts