Montreal Escorts

Abuse denunciation: Le Rubicon and Carte Blanche Agency in Montreal


New Member
Jul 31, 2011
Merci April pour ce partage qui me dégoûte royalement.

Je pensais participer pour ma première orgy à l'événement de novembre dernier pour l'une des filles mais je trouvais qu'il manquait de l'information..
ce qui est un red flag personnellement.

Sérieux, je ne pensais pas que des gars pouvaient manquer de respecte à ce point avec des femmes exceptionnelles. On est tous là pour avoir du fun dans le respect et limite de chacun.

C'est des êtres humains avant tout.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2003
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April, on ne s’est jamais rencontré mais j’admire ton courage. Et j’ai un message également. Pour tout les trou de cul qui sont sur merb ou autre forum de discussion, (et je ne vise personne en particulier mais je me dis qu’a la quantité de membre, il y en a sûrement), qu’ils ne sont pas capable de respecter les filles dans leurs limites et de les respecter tout court, pensez comment vous réagiriez si on obligeait votre propre mère à faire plein choses dont elle ne veut pas. Cet exemple est peut-être tiré par les cheveux mais moi, j’en vois un très bon exemple.

Ces femmes dans cet industrie ne demande que le respect et si certains ne sont pas capable d’accepter de se faire dire non, et que celles-ci en paient les frais, il y a plusieurs solutions qui donne tous le même résultat sans consulter un médecin. J’appellerai çà pour le besoin de la cause: l’aide médicale à mourir.

On parle de cet industrie mais cela va plus loin que ça quand dans la vie de tout les jours, des femmes et des enfants sont dans ce genre de situation. Alors c’est pourquoi que je fais cette montée de lait. J’espère qu’on ne me bannira pas pour avoir été si drastique dans mes propos. Si j’en ai choqué certains alors il serait temps de vous regarder dans le miroir.

Je suis membre de merb depuis le début des années 2000 et si je n’avais pas le droit d’écrire ceci et que j’ai dépassé les bornes, j’en suis désolé et comme je disais plus tôt, j’espère ne pas être banni pour cette première offense.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
This took lots of courage and you are amazing for it

I concur completely. Thank you for your courage -- to all the ladies, especially April Rose. You ladies are very brave. (And thank you for the work you perform.)

How can anyone say our Society is enlightened when our laws cannot protect and people do not respect the ladies and gentlemen who engage in SW -- the work they perform is more valuable than what any shrink or most politician claim to do for their patients and constituents.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I personally dislike those "public denunciations" and really don't understand why it is courageous. The sound thing would be to press charges against those who did you wrong this microcosm can't solve shit, now that's courage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This is one of the reasons why I have always only seen Indys.
I am not saying all agencies are like this, but I never liked dealing with middlemen and don’t trust them.

I have never had a bad experience with an Indy that advertises here on Merb and those are the ones I have been seeing and will continue to do so.

I am so glad all these ladies are standing strong together and will not tolerate this kind of abuse and any client that is worth anything will join them and never patronize the places they denounce.

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
I personally dislike those "public denunciations" and really don't understand why it is courageous. The sound thing would be to press charges against those who did you wrong this microcosm can't solve shit, now that's courage.

Nobody likes denunciations. Do you know how much courage it takes to speak out? Do you understand how heavy it is to take legal actions? We are taking care of our sisters, if they want to press charges we will support them. Who are you to shame people who wants to remain anonymous? You'd like us to be silent while we begin a long hidden judicial procedure while he continues to abuse women? Sir, I think you should sit down.

Vicky Lopez

Active Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thank you April! You’ve helped so many already just by putting this horrible truth out there!

I was told to stay away from MK by somebody well known in the BDSM community (for his lack of respect for women) and this was over 5 years ago. He must have been getting away with this manipulation and abuse of women for quite awhile now.


Oct 8, 2018
The fact that April wrote this is encouraging others to share their story. If you want to put together a criminal case, you need defendants & this story is bringing them out of the woodwork. Don’t diminish it’s value.


Mar 22, 2019
Hi April;

I logged in after a long hiatus and fell on your thread. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience about the agency and to front for some of your peers who would understandably prefer to stay anonymous. I agree it takes courage.

First of all - happy holidays everyone. I hope that if you are all privy to a lady this week you all remember that it is Christmas when you tip the lady!

I googled the agency that you discussed after reading your post and looked up its site, and I can understand its appeal as it explicitly caters to johns who enjoy women role-playing as subs -- This is something that I (and I am sure many other respectful and otherwise nice guys) personally crave as a service (as a disclaimer - I'm not a super regular john, and I have never contacted or used their services).

It can be intimidating for a guy to express that they prefer women to be or openly act in a submissive way. Before I get snarky comments on this - Yes - I can totally appreciate and assume the full irony of that statement. But I'm pretty sure 'nice' guys that are simply into the role-play and still very shy about sharing their fantasies is pretty darn common.

After reviewing their website, I notice that Carte Blanche creates an online digital presence / website where this kind of role-play is openly encouraged and disclosed explicitly. This breaks down barriers and helps bring business: I can understand how - as a john looking for a specific type of fantasy and not knowing any better, it is the kind of site that I would be tempted to try out because it is catering to that fantasy and it is making me comfortable discussing it on the outset. This is most probably why -- as Vicky states quite eloquently -- MK is still around and doing business 5 years after being flagged in the BDSM community.

So, in the interest of redirecting other lurkers on this board who may read this out of interest in the subject matter - can you ladies refer us or tell us where we should be looking to find these kinds of experiences in environments that do not condone or encourage abuse and treat the ladies respectfully? I understand there was this thing called the Unicorn Healers in the past but it's no longer a thing. I think this is important to tie other suggestions directly in this thread (ideally not just individuals) because you'll have johns googling the agency in the future and falling on this thread. Decent human beings will gravitate to healthier alternatives suggested here.

Thanks you!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Well not one to partake in these events but for some folks surely it’s an enjoyable fantasy so to each his own

But reading up on this thread and the details of how things transpired left me disturbed with the way these events where planned and carried out . A very unprofessional and abusive organizer and an unsafe environment in so many ways which is truly worrisome . Also very saddened with the degree in which these vulnerable ladies where exploited and barely compensated, something that I thoroughly despise

The good news of course is how everyone here has rallied to support these ladies . I applaud them for finally speaking out and making a stand , just wish it was done much sooner . Let’s not support and encourage these establishments , agencies that abuse women in such a despicable way . Now that everything is out in the open let’s hope that this will be the beginning of the end for such horrible events

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

The conclusion to be made is "We are never better served but by ourselves" (talking specifically about BDSM plays, real lifestylers not wannabe/pretenders without real knowledges security/safety)

Women will just take care of their business themselves and sooner or later, ethical safe events will be presented, I am having no doubt about it. Your suggestion to join to this discussion alternatives is a good idea.
For the moment, there is plenty of people offering BDSM & fetish encounters that can be find easily in Montreal, and I am not talking about an agency but independents. Donjons exist.

That will be important to verify the background of the future events organizer(s) to be sure that nobody will encourage again a psycho abuser.
And for what I know, there has been more abuses not only perpetrate by the one just denounced. But that's not me to talk about it. Victims have to free themselves about those heavy secrets.

Just please be patient about women organizing themselves, as some may need certainly still a certain time of rest for healing.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
These events do nothing for me, to each their own. What does amaze me is the low cost the SP's are expected to work for and the OK to be "tested" by the organizer. With the clientele that arrives I wonder what new strain of a virus has been developed.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2004
Je ne te connais pas personnellement April mais je tiens à te féliciter pour ton courage et ton "leadership", tu sembles être une femme admirable, BRAVO !!!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I personally dislike those "public denunciations" and really don't understand why it is courageous. The sound thing would be to press charges against those who did you wrong this microcosm can't solve shit, now that's courage.

You are disgusting. It’s like you actively want him to keep abuse women and you want clients to keep going to his events. Speaking up on the board DOES serve a purpose. Thanks to April, now hundreds of girls and guys know to avoid these events.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
Bravo April for your courage to speak on this very disturbing subject. I am truly sorry you and others have to endure this behavior i never have imaged rhat this kind of atuff happen today. This definitely start change to happen. Bravo


Mar 22, 2019

Thanks. I understand and agree it's best to do research; but there's value in having a legitimate central web location or agency to find SPs. Without it you are leaving a void for agencies like Carte-Blanche to fill in the market. We all have our physical and/or attitude preferences; it's best to aggregate in a matter that is safe. I understand how having a thread about Unicorn healers could be seen as 'marketing' - but the information is valuable and hard to find otherwise. This feels like what this board is about.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Carte Blanche is more or less filling the void left by the now defunct Unicorns agency.
Most of these Unicorns are now independents, some advertise here on Merb and pretty much all of them have positive reviews and are well thought of in the community, a few of them have received Indy of the year nominations.

These are the type of women I would like to think most of us would support.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And speaking of marketing, I hope the thread doesn’t become an agency-bashing thread.

Me too!!

I think we simply should all avoid to publish here anything negative. Nor to respond to anyone not being intelligent enough to understand it's not needed. At least not now.

I obviously think very highly of April Rose and listed her as my favorite independent in the Best of 2019 poll.

Me too but as my second favorite ;) The fact that the thread comes from her adds much importance as she is an intelligent girl who knows right from wrong in any situation. Even kinky ones ;)

So, in the interest of redirecting other lurkers on this board who may read this out of interest in the subject matter - can you ladies refer us or tell us where we should be looking to find these kinds of experiences in environments that do not condone or encourage abuse and treat the ladies respectfully?

I guess we should revive this thread:

My advice... Do your own research. There is really a lot of girl open to this because it's fun. But my personal advice do not ever write anything here about such activities you've done. Keep that for PM message ;)

The fact that April wrote this is encouraging others to share their story. If you want to put together a criminal case, you need defendants & this story is bringing them out of the woodwork. Don’t diminish it’s value.

Exactly! But as I wrote above I think we simply should ignore such post.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If so, I am surprised such person has not responded here.

The reason is obvious.
He has had almost two days to respond and refute the allegations. I guess he is not aware lol.
I personally know some of the ladies who have signed their name to April’s denunciation, and I don’t doubt their word or April’s for a minute.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
You don't have to insult me, suffice to disagree.
I don't want anyone to be abused, I think it should be reported to the authorities and be taken more seriously than just a thread on this board. I'm pretty sure that in less than 3 months this will deflate and no one will have the guts to start something in court. A couple of compliments for the "brave" girls who came forward and then nothing...
I really hope someone will go forward and do something serious with this.
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