Like I said before, I do not go out of my way to frequent west-end MTL restaurants precisely because a number of them employ unilingual anglophones as part of their serving staff. I spent enough years in Toronto as an "exile", no need for me to be one in my own town.
I have to agree with this STM thing you mention, the staff should speak both French and English, the numbers in Montreal justify this. Like I said before, the French have a hard time getting service on OC Transpo in Ottawa, where the numbers also amply justify it.
Your last two paragraphs are totally laughable:
- First of all, there seems to be a fair number of English who hate French as well :smile:
- When you mention "Too bad I will continue to speak English whether they like it or not" you show your colours my "friend"
- A previous post sent us to a government source numbering francophones outside Quebec @ 2.5 mil, hardly "amount of francophones outside Quebec is very few"
- "and most speak both languages". Yes, I guess they have to, because where they are they are not extended the same courtesy as they are here...
- " in Quebec the amount of anglophones is far greater" (575,000), and I guess they are NOT bilingual, as opposed to the francophones outside Quebec?
How convenient... Basically what I am reading is: Francophones outside Quebec must speak English, Anglophones in Quebec have no need for French.
Please stop using bilingualism as a reason to deny people their rights, or your own unilingualism to arrogate yourself some. It is shameful.
Hang on for a second here!!! You bilingual :eyebrows:?