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Alberta is having a different approach to lockdown


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
In Alberta during the last 3 days = 80 deaths.

218 hospitalizations (90% were not vaccinated or not adequately vaccinated).

Authorities are trying to send covid patients to hospitals in other provinces.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
L’Alberta fait volte-face : deux mois après avoir levé l’ensemble des mesures sanitaires, le premier ministre Jason Kenney a annoncé « à contrecœur », mercredi, l’imposition d’un passeport vaccinal pour faire face à la flambée des cas de COVID-19 et à la hausse des hospitalisations. Le gouvernement albertain a décrété l’état d’urgence sanitaire. « Selon les plus récentes prévisions, nous sommes à risque de manquer de personnel et de lits aux soins intensifs dans les 10 jours qui viennent », a affirmé M. Kenney, soulignant que cette vague était celle des non-vaccinés. Le premier ministre a aussi déclaré que la levée des mesures sanitaires cet été était « une erreur ».

Le premier ministre a annoncé que c’est « à contrecœur » qu’il imposerait le passeport vaccinal dès le 20 septembre, afin de sauver des vies et d’empêcher les commerces de fermer. M. Kenney avait auparavant refusé de mettre en place une telle mesure qui, selon lui, était en contradiction avec la loi sur l’accès à l’information médicale de la province. Dès lundi prochain, les clients qui refuseront la vaccination auront l’option de présenter un test de dépistage négatif réalisé dans les 72 heures. Les restaurants, bars et cafés qui n’imposeront pas la preuve de vaccination devront fermer leurs salles intérieures. Dans ce cas, les tables à l’extérieur devront accueillir six personnes ou moins. De plus, à compter de ce jeudi, les rassemblements à l’intérieur pour les gens pleinement vaccinés seront limités à un total de dix personnes provenant de deux foyers et seront interdits pour les gens non vaccinés. Le télétravail sera obligatoire à nouveau à cette même date. Les élèves devront porter le masque à l’école à partir de la quatrième année.

« C’est une vague de non-vaccinés : 90 % des patients aux soins intensifs sont non vaccinés. » — Jason Kenney, premier ministre de l’Alberta

Mercredi, l’Alberta a rapporté 1609 nouveaux cas et 24 décès, alors que 877 personnes sont hospitalisées, dont 218 aux soins intensifs. La province affiche en ce moment un taux de propagation de 338 nouveaux cas par jour par million d’habitants, contre 88 au Québec.

À bon entendeur. salut!

ps: Pourquoi dit-il toujours à contrecoeur??? Est-ce que le coeur ne devrait pas prioriser la santé et l'intégrité de la population???


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yes, but it's too late.
It's never too late pour prendre la bonne décision en regard de la santé publique....ce prend du courage et de l'humilité pour un PM d'avouer ses fautes dans un monde---politique--ou les Chefs n'admettent jamais s'être trompés--leurs erreurs.

Et comme on dit mieux vaut tard anyway--il le sait très bien---politiquement il est brûlé--cuit. ;) ...espérons que maintenant la situation se redresse.


Jun 8, 2020
2 posts deleted.


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Be aware that the moderation's patience has reached its limits and if the culprits have to be sent on vacation for this behaviour to stop, so be it.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A letter from the leaders of several unions that represent health-care workers in Alberta is calling on Premier Jason Kenney to request assistance from both the military and the Red Cross as the health-care system struggles to keep up with demands placed on it by the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“(We) urge you in the strongest possible terms to call on the federal government to immediately deploy the military, the Red Cross and all available medical staffing resources from other provinces to assist our province’s overwhelmed hospitals,” reads the letter, dated Sept. 18.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Alberta = 29 COVID-19 deaths reported in 24 hours Tuesday.
Quebec = 5 COVID-19 deaths reported in 24 hours Tuesday.

Alberta = hospitalizations in intensive care = 294
Quebec = hospitalizations in intensive care = 92

Alberta = 4,4 millions
Quebec = 8,6 millions
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I don't see your point.The vast majority of Quebec's cases were in the first two waves when we had no vaccines, a shortage of masks and other medical equipment.
Quebec is now performing much better then Alberta in the 4th wave.
yes and no
The red line is deaths per million population. Red is Quebec, Blue Ontario, Green Alberta
First wave, OK it was the CHSLD. Second wave was in the fall. They knew what was coming and failed
The Legault went on and on about how great they were compared to Ontario in the third, yet Alberta had fewer deaths
Now Alberta is doing poorly but similar to what Quebec did even in the third wave.

If you look at the case counts, what's interesting is Alberta at times has a higher case count but lower death rate. 2nd and 3rd wave. 4th wave is getting up there but deaths still are lower than one would expect

Bottom line, Quebec did the overall worst at handling the pandemic. Legault is just much better and taking credit at the opportun time.
Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 12.36.08 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Number of COVID-19 deaths in Canada as of September 17, 2021:

Quebec --- 11,381

Alberta --- 2,523

cv deaths.jpg

Alberta's population is about 1/2 of Quebec but has recorded more than 3x deaths in the last 14 days. And we're going into fall, with higher rates of COVID transmission since more people will be indoors.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Alberta's health-care system continues to be under considerable strain as the fourth wave of COVID-19 continues to batter the province.

The province announced that 226 patients were in ICU fighting COVID-19 on Thursday, with a total of 310 Albertans in ICU.

"We have never ever had that number of total patients in ICU before, never with the prior waves, and never in the history of this province," Alberta Health Services president and CEO Dr. Verna Yiu stated at a COVID-19 update on Thursday.

According to Yiu, the average daily COVID-19 admissions to Alberta ICUs over the past five days was more than 23.

"It's tragic that we are only able to keep pace with these kind of numbers because in part some of our ICU patients have passed away," said Yiu.

Alberta's chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw also spoke to reports of people intentionally gathering to acquire COVID-19 for natural immunity.

"Anyone contemplating this kind activity should know that this consequence, severe illness and transmitting to others who may become severely ill or even die is an absolutely likely outcome.”
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Why is the situation in Alberta so catastrophic?

Because of the Delta variant.

Because the pandemic is political, as proof of the very mismanagement of Jason Kenney.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Watch this page throughout the day for updates on COVID-19 in Calgary.

An Alberta Medical Association psychiatrist has written a letter to the vaccine-hesitant in hopes of helping them see the bigger picture.

The head of Alberta’s nurses union is worried hospitals were added to Bill 1 as a way of impeding possible job action by health-care workers.

Alberta reported 34 deaths and 1,682 new cases on Wednesday, marking the highest number of deaths reported in one day since Jan. 12.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

COVID-19: Government institutes proof of vaccination policy for Alberta Public Service.

Premier Jason Kenney, public service commissioner Tim Grant and Dr. Verna Yiu, president and CEO of Alberta Health Services, speak about the government's proof of COVID-19 vaccination policy for the Alberta Public Service during a press conference on Sept. 30, 2021.

My 2 questions are:

What do you think of an SP going to work in Alberta now?

In 4 weeks it may be another situation, but now isn't it risky?

Certainly this is much less risky if she is fully vaccinated.
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