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Am I the only one not feeling much with a condom?


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Oct 18, 2003
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Yes Crown condoms!

regnad said:
Was in a condom shop on St. Denis this afternoon, on the East side of the street, maybe 100 yards south of Sherbrooke. They offered three brands of silicone lubricants. The Millenium was only available in an 8 oz., so I picked up another brand.

I also picked up some Japanese latex condoms, Crown, recommended by the saleswoman.

It was then off to the Chablis to meet my current favorite young woman to test the goods. Both the silicone and the Crowns were fabulous. The silicone kept the body heat up and the condom was the next best thing to bareback.

I would recommend both purchases I made today highly.

Yes Crown condoms!

They are very good!

They LOOK like bareback because they are are a slight tint of pink but almost clear if not that slight tint of pink. Because of this look they are the most common condom used in the LA porno industry. They can feel pretty good to.

In NY they are almost the only condoms I have seen used in Korean and Spanish incall houses. I think this is mainly because they are easily found at very affordable prices and in larger bulk packages.

But they do break easily when involved in long sessions, a very tight girl or anal.


TERBite Undercover
Oct 30, 2005
HarmonyNYC said:
Come on brother give me a break!

That is not fair!

And what is their to not love about Canada!

America is a very big country with an extremely large amount of every kind of or class of person you could categorize.

I have never stayed at a 5 start hotel and I have never paid more then 180 for an entertainer. Never have and never will. I am also sure that you must recognize that most of the Americans on MERB fit into my class person not your classification of the Americans who come to Canada.

Take it easy, I was simply making a joke that many Canadians make. Isn't it ironic that Americans can bash Canadians all they want when they want but once a Canadian bashes an American all hell breaks loose. Don't worry man, I grew up in LA. I love Americans, I was only joking. :cool:


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Oct 18, 2003
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PHNINE said:
Take it easy, I was simply making a joke that many Canadians make. Isn't it ironic that Americans can bash Canadians all they want when they want but once a Canadian bashes an American all hell breaks loose. Don't worry man, I grew up in LA. I love Americans, I was only joking. :cool:

All hell did not break loose! just a short and simple clarification of your mistake or foolish easy slap at me.

But more importantly I must now say PHNINE you seam to be an endless supplier of mis-truths! You sure you are not a Republican?

One more of your mis-truths is how you say how Americans bash Canadians!


Who bashes Canadians?

Not only have I never witnessed any kind of Canadian bashing in any way possible but I can't even imagine a Canadian bashing.

And you can bash Americans all you want, hell I do it everyday and encourage it but you insulted me personally with your mis-truth about Americans who come to Canada.

Man everything you have said is completely void of logic! It seams you did not know what to say but just wanted to say something stupid.

Now has all hell broke loose?

No but I had to defend MYSELF (not the place I was born).

PHNINE please don't bother to respond to this, let it end this is a thread about Condoms not about bashing Americans.
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