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An American's Apology


Aug 18, 2020
As a Canadian i appreciate your apologies and i also want to apologize for the rude behaviour of some Canadian hockey fans booing the US national anthem and some of the players of the US team at the 4 nations hockey cup. It was rude and from my perspective innappropriate. We should understsnd Canada has conflictual views with its president not its people. Even if some people still support him it is still inappropriate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
ahTrump! the great unitor or dividor?? only he could make our common canadian sense of patriotism soar. Maybe a good reminder we have it too easy in Canada. I am a big fan of the century intitiative. We need Canada to be a bigger country. Hey we have the room! 100M population is a start. Yes it would be painful to get there (housing crisis, etc) but wont be so easily bullied anymore. ANd we need to align more with Mexico against the bully who DOES NOT represent where most americans are, although he does have enourmous power and influence at the moment.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
As an American, I would like to apologize to all Canadians for Trump's boorish behavior. He is an embarrassment and in no way reflects how Canada is regarded in The States. I can only hope Karma is real.
Yes and no. Some obviously don't like yourself, but some does from hardcore MAGA to just regular republicans. Im sure that a fair % (i estimate between 10 and 20%) probably regret their vote right now (i would be one of them if i was American. I would had voted Trump but would regret it now). But the reality is we gotta live (all of us, not just the USA) with their choices now.
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Meta not Meta

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Dec 26, 2016
He's a mafia-like Don attempting to assert control over "his turf," the entire Western hemisphere.

Which is not so very different from traditional American imperialism, ie. the Monroe doctrine. What's different is the US empire is in decline further afield and facing a serious challenge from China, Russia et al.

There's no liberal mask with Trump, so he makes plain the aggression that has always been present in one form or another. Canadians are just waking up to what much of the rest of the world has already known.

We're barely a month in ... conserve your energy ... don't take his rhetoric too seriously. He's not going to invade. Canada is not Ukraine. We're not going to invite a hostile foreign power to set-up missile sites pointing south of the border.

In his crude, disrespectful way, he he's just reminding us who's boss. He wants our energy, critical minerals, water, greater military expenditures, bases in the north, etc. And we take the bait, which only spurs him on. He has much bigger, more immediate matters to deal with and will probably soon go back to regarding us a secondary concern. And when we have to, we'll do what we've always done: make a deal.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
i also want to apologize for the rude behaviour of some Canadian hockey fans booing the US national anthem
Excuse me but it is the US population who voted for the orange thing. When your legitimately elected neighbour then continually tell that he wants to buttfuck you without your consentment, you have all the rights.
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Aug 12, 2016
Indeed sad timeline with worst to come.

May the good do good.
Permettez-moi de vous soumettre une opinion contraire. Trump nous donne le coup de pied au cul nécessaire pour nous faire réaliser jusqu'à quel point le Canada s'est enfoncé dans un insupportable merdier depuis 10 ans, ce que nous refusons de voir. Le Québec est dans la pire situation, gangréné par la règlementation et les impôts excessifs, l'incompétence, la médiocrité, la complaisance et les syndicats. La majorité des américains sont des gens fiers qui ne tolèrent pas ces dérives.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Permettez-moi de vous soumettre une opinion contraire. Trump nous donne le coup de pied au cul nécessaire pour nous faire réaliser jusqu'à quel point le Canada s'est enfoncé dans un insupportable merdier depuis 10 ans, ce que nous refusons de voir. Le Québec est dans la pire situation, gangréné par la règlementation et les impôts excessifs, l'incompétence, la médiocrité, la complaisance et les syndicats. La majorité des américains sont des gens fiers qui ne tolèrent pas ces dérives.
Melange pas les pommes et les oranges. il essaie de crosser tout le monde et il est en train de faire sauter un à un tous les verrous de la démocratie américaine. J’ai bien peur que deux mandats ne lui suffisent pas, il s’est autoproclamer roi…
Il a dit que c’était l’Ukraine qui a déclarer la guerre aux russes et il veut les crosser en mettant la main sur leurs réserves minières. Si ça marche, nous serons sa prochaine cible de chantage. Remarque que c’est déjà commencé
Plus crosseur que ça tu meurs
J’aime mille fois mieux notre merdier que d’être sous l’autorité d’un fasciste


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Sep 8, 2020
I can’t stop laughing at the tweets I’ve seen saying “do you know how bad you have to f*** up for québécois to be proudly calling themselves Canadians” :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
thanks again for the apoligies and i will apoligize as a canadian, you need to know that has a canadian i love america and americans our reaction to the US is not to the people but to your narcissist dictator of a leader who wants to rule the world without caring about anybody in the way, even his own people. im sorry to tell you this but all this shit is not going to help america in the long run we all need each other in this world and everyone profits from import and export including many americans. so i guess we have 4 years of this shit unless something drastic happens, but if it lasts 4 years america will be hurting as much as many of us


Active Member
Aug 25, 2013
I can’t stop laughing at the tweets I’ve seen saying “do you know how bad you have to f*** up for québécois to be proudly calling themselves Canadians” :p
Only the peppers were booing the English dont boo we are more educated
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
I can’t stop laughing at the tweets I’ve seen saying “do you know how bad you have to f*** up for québécois to be proudly calling themselves Canadians” :p
Probably for the same reason why French Canadians fought Americans along the Brit’s in 1812-14
Like in Japan, there used to be clans fighting against each others. They united to fight back Chinese invader.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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Le Québec est dans la pire situation, gangréné par la règlementation et les impôts excessifs, l'incompétence, la médiocrité, la complaisance et les syndicats. La majorité des américains sont des gens fiers qui ne tolèrent pas ces dérives.
…but they tolerate someone shamelessly gnawing at the pillars of their democracy? Come on. Shutting out media, bullying legislative officials and elected state representatives into submission, blackmailing allies… please tell me again how Americans are too proud to tolerate the kind of crap we put up with over here.

And don’t kid yourself about Trump helping us see how far we’ve fallen. He has no more merit here than a natural disaster. People will always band together and rally in the face of adversity. And that’s just what Trump is: not a savior, a modern catastrophe.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Gulf Of America
Canada the 51st State
etc etc .

People just don't get him, he is misdirecting everyone from what he's actually trying to do which will be painful in the short term.
Trump is actually following through on much of what he promised and what he was largely elected for, in a big way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Gulf Of America
Canada the 51st State
etc etc .

People just don't get him, he is misdirecting everyone from what he's actually trying to do which will be painful in the short term.
Trump is actually following through on much of what he promised and what he was largely elected for, in a big way.
You are correct he is using this as a smoke screen so people don’t pay attention to all the other stuff he is doing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Melange pas les pommes et les oranges. il essaie de crosser tout le monde et il est en train de faire sauter un à un tous les verrous de la démocratie américaine. J’ai bien peur que deux mandats ne lui suffisent pas, il s’est autoproclamer roi…
Il a dit que c’était l’Ukraine qui a déclarer la guerre aux russes et il veut les crosser en mettant la main sur leurs réserves minières. Si ça marche, nous serons sa prochaine cible de chantage. Remarque que c’est déjà commencé
Plus crosseur que ça tu meurs
J’aime mille fois mieux notre merdier que d’être sous l’autorité d’un fasciste

Every morning, I hope to see the news that his creator SATAN has brought him back in hell !
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Gulf Of America
Canada the 51st State
etc etc .

People just don't get him, he is misdirecting everyone from what he's actually trying to do which will be painful in the short term.
Trump is actually following through on much of what he promised and what he was largely elected for, in a big way.

What do you consider a big way ? Less than 2% more votes than Harris ?
You're repeating that joke that I see on Youtube by MAGA CULT membrrs !
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