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Any advice on how to become rich?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm a troll cause i exposed your bullshit:rolleyes: Keep editing your post for the 20th time so u dont get caught slipping again Joe Pesci.

I've lived it, seen it all, been there, done that.

Yeah right, I think we all know who the purveyor of bullshit is here. By the ways most of the senior people here saw that car and some even rode in it so keep sticking your foot in your mouth.

I edit posts because that is what I do for a living- I edit stuff, stuff you would never be able to understand.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I can second the Beav accolades.......... nice guy, hard headed at times and even tho he thinks Shatner is more Popular world wide than Celine (puke) Dion, he gets a :thumb: in my book.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Shatner gets the vote of any rational person who was born prior to 1970 and observed the entirety of his career. Many people have commented to me that there should not even be a debate over it.


New Member
Sep 4, 2013
Yeah right, I think we all know who the purveyor of bullshit is here. By the ways most of the senior people here saw that car and some even rode in it so keep sticking your foot in your mouth.

what an honor it must be to ride in a 3 series.


New Member
Sep 4, 2013
I can tell you a number of things.
1st of all eb is a senior poster,and to show a bit of respect would be nice of you, althought stubborn and hard headed at times, I have met him in person many times and yes I have personally pissed him off a lot,but I do like the guy ,and have respect for him, to the dismay of many.he is a professional, and makes more money ,than most could wish ,and unlike many people with money he is not tight and I found him to be kind hearted and generous when not pissed off.
maybe he comes across the wrong way to some, but he has good advice, if you could take the time to listen ,and not be condescending and rude.

I'm not insulting him. I'm just calling him on his nonsense. No brand new honda accord is going to cost you 250$ a month, a brand new honda accord is over 500 a month, it's almost the same price as a 3 series BMW. the 3 series BMW is for people who wish they could afford the 5 series, it's a low class attempt at trying to look rich when everyone knows it's worth as much as the accord.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm not insulting him. I'm just calling him on his nonsense. No brand new honda accord is going to cost you 250$ a month, a brand new honda accord is over 500 a month, it's almost the same price as a 3 series BMW. the 3 series BMW is for people who wish they could afford the 5 series, it's a low class attempt at trying to look rich when everyone knows it's worth as much as the accord.

You are totally full of shit. The numbers you mention are complete bullshit and you have no idea what you are talking about. There is a $420 difference in the leases. You are just a troll, banned before and probably soon to banned again. Your posts are the posts of a wannabe who pretends to know something but who actually knows shit.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2013
There is a $420 difference in the leases.

Maybe that's the difference between the 3 series bmw and a scooter, but definitely not the difference between the 3 series and honda accord. I challenge anyone here to call the honda dealership and ask them how much it will cost per month to lease the new honda accorda, guaranteed over 500. this guy doesnt know what he's talking about.

The 3 series is a disgrace to the BMW brand, it was made for broke people who want to look rich.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is a $420 difference in the leases. /QUOTE]

Maybe that's the difference between the 3 series bmw and a scooter, but definitely not the difference between the 3 series and honda accord. I challenge anyone here to call the honda dealership and ask them how much it will cost per month to lease the new honda accorda, guaranteed over 500. this guy doesnt know what he's talking about.

The 3 series is the BMW brand, it's for broke people who want to look rich.

Dude you have no clue what you are talking about if you are paying $500 on a Honda Accord lease your negotiating skills are those of a 10 year old. Your information sucks and you are trolling which is pretty obvious and comical to everyone else in this thread.


Jul 31, 2011
Dude you have no clue what you are talking about if you are paying $500 on a Honda Accord lease your negotiating skills are those of a 10 year old. Your information sucks and you are trolling which is pretty obvious and comical to everyone else in this thread.

I'll go with lived it on this one.

The Accord is a pretty high end vehicle here in Canada, probably $35,000 all in.

Those advertised leasing rates often exclude a lot of say a downpayment.

If you have an advertised rate at $299 a month for 24 months, and a $2,400 downpayment, you are paying $500 a month plus tax.

Usually those advertised rates dont include taxes, air, automatic and a ton of other stuff....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'll go with lived it on this one.

The Accord is a pretty high end vehicle here in Canada, probably $35,000 all in.

Those advertised leasing rates often exclude a lot of say a downpayment.

If you have an advertised rate at $299 a month for 24 months, and a $2,400 downpayment, you are paying $500 a month plus tax.

Usually those advertised rates dont include taxes, air, automatic and a ton of other stuff....

Sorry but this is the USA and I pay exactly $253.89 per month on a new Honda Accord. That is a 3 year lease, I did put some money down but it was the same as the last few cars. That is $420 per month less than what I paid on the BMW lease. These are the facts. I just made my lease payment a few nights ago.

One thing you get with BMW that you don't with Honda is a bumper to bumper 50,000 mile warranty which covers everything except gas and tires. Honda is 36,000 miles and does not cover or pay for routine maintainance and oil changes, whereas BMW pays for your oil and filter changes while you are in warranty. But you have to take your BMW to their facility or else it is considered an "unauthorized service." While I was in warranty, BMW at no cost replaced my radiator which was causing the "check engine" light to go off due to a faulty sensor. It was in the shop 8 days but they put me in another BMW loaner vehicle, which was a 5 series vehicle.

I wait until my vehicle gets close to warranty expiration and then look to trade it in before lease end. Honda will pay off the remainder of the lease and I have done 2 lease deals with them now where they did so, one with the BMW traded in and the other with a Honda traded in. Each time Honda agreed to pay off the lease remainder which was 4 plus months in both cases. Competition to get your lease business is extreme. However I shopped Honda's last lease offer on my current vehicle and Subaru refused to match it, which confirmed to me that the deal Honda offered was almost too good to be true. I actually had no intention of doing business with Subaru but just wanted to see if they would match what Honda was offering me as a free agent seeking a new lease. As I mentioned earlier Honda treats their own free agents very well.

I think you guys need to do a better job negotiating your leases and know what the bargaining points are.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Did a check and EB is correct with the lease rates, vehicle costs are much cheaper in the US. Obvious that someone who drives a Yugo would know nothing about leasing.
Since we know livedit is trolling maybe the mods should take his false statement about meeting Maria Divina out, he has not replied to her request about when they met as she requested.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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livedit is completely full of shit and the numbers I posted are 100% accurate as I do not forget the amounts of my lease payments. But I am doing business in the USA and my sense in negotiating lease deals is that the competition is ferocious and prices may be lower. Obviously taxes are much higher in Quebec, although in Connecticut we do have a sales tax which is 6.35%. The lease I mentioned is for a new Honda Accord base model with no add ons.
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