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Any advice on how to become rich?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
lol foot, usually im very ok with long post and favorise them, like when people have something to say, but as soon as i realize it was a pyramid scheme(around line i stoped reading... I may be a bit naive but not stupid.

Im still surprise this thread got so many reply as it was mostly a joke at first, as yeah i wouldn't mind somebody offering me a big job opportunity, but it was just for fun and kidding i made the thread.

I'm surprised too HM. It started as a joke but it kept going and turned into a decent read. Not uncommon for your threads. :)

LOL at the pyramid scheme. First rule of pyramid scheme: vehemently defend when it's called a pyramid scheme.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
Also, I stopped reading that post when it said a penny doubled every day for a month. That would be the same as buying a stock that goes up by 100% every single day. LOL

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
A friend of mine got up north to fermont, he is gonna work 1 full month 10 hours a day, then 2 weeks off with plane paid... Lots of work but its tempting, he said he is gonna make 900$ a week...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

A very good friend of mine is a ship's pilot, often on tankers running oil from Alaska, from Texas. He's been to Russia, Indonesia, Venezuela, northern Europe, etc, etc, etc. The hours can be brutal, the money is great. Long stretches working with significant periods off. He doesn't hobby, but in the past he's had some very hot "girlfriends" (seen the pics) in a number of foreign ports and at home. He owns a great place on a gorgeous New England lake and seems to be settling in with fine a lady. The life is rough and it's a long road to the top. It's a lifestyle you have got to love.

good luck,



Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
A friend of mine got up north to fermont, he is gonna work 1 full month 10 hours a day, then 2 weeks off with plane paid... Lots of work but its tempting, he said he is gonna make 900$ a week...

is that 900 a week after taxes? 900 before taxes isn't very much.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I just ran into an acquaintance who told me that a friend of his who moved to Alberta to work in the oil fields is clearing $5,000 every two weeks, he lives in the camps which means that room and board is also paid for by the company(Sol Tee Nutz can confirm), on top of that there is no place to spend the money so you are literally swimming in cash, the acquaintance told me that he himself is planning on moving to Alberta to work for six months, make $60K, which will pay off all of his debts and will come back East for the summer, I hear a lot of stories like this, If I could I would do the same thing, head out West, make lots of pussy money then come back home for the summer.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you want to be rich just LEAVE quebec and go to ALBERTA.

Yes lot's of money there but if you need to live there the cost is high. House $375,000.00 and not a nice house, rent an apartment and 2 bedroom is $1,200.00 ( low ) for a not very nice place. Movie for 2 with drink and popcorn will run you $50.00. If you can get a job that pays your living allowance ( many there ) and still live in Quebec all is good. I am on a program now where the slashers ( people with chain saws clear access lines ) are making $400 a day plus expenses are paid, the low end labourers are making $225 a day. Senior people with experience pull in over $1,000.00 a day.


Nov 18, 2011
A report just came out that the average Quebeccer has credit debts of about 27000$

That's insane.. Three words to being well off . BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET !!

It doesnt matter if you make 350$ a week or 2000$ .. If you don't make yourself a budget and stick to it, you'll always be poor.


Mar 22, 2006
Considering the homeownership rate of Quebecers is over 60%, i don't think this is a problem....

A report just came out that the average Quebeccer has credit debts of about 27000$

That's insane.. Three words to being well off . BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET !!

It doesnt matter if you make 350$ a week or 2000$ .. If you don't make yourself a budget and stick to it, you'll always be poor.


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
There is no simple method to get rich. It is the right conditions at the right time plus certain disciplines. You also have to have the ability ( money ) to act when the opportunity presents itself.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ok, you grow really good oh let's say tomato's in your basement and sell them for $200 an ounce, do not tell anyone and do this only 3 times you could pull in $$$$$$$.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Rule #1 - Never take advice from a bunch of horny guys.

I recently read a book that has had a huge impact on me! It made me realize that throughout most of my life that I have been "a drifter" and drifters go nowhere in life except failure.. And one of the big wake up calls was this > the over indulgence in sex causes mankind to drift more towards failure then all other causes combined! If man would spend half the time on the pursuit of financial freedom as they do on the pursuit of sexual gratification, they would never know poverty.

I would like to share with you some of the wisdom that I have obtained from reading this very clever book "Outwitting the devil" by Napolean Hill.

Napoleon Hill wrote this book "Outwitting the devil" in 1938 but he never published it because of the controversial nature. It was Sharon Lechter who obtained the rights of the book & published it in 2011.

Don't be influenced and controlled by circumstances outside of your mind because if you do you fall into the category of being "a drifter". According to the principles of the book it would seem that 98 % of the human population are drifters to some degree or another. The 3 main categories in which humans tend to drift are through the over indulgence of food, alcohol & drugs, the over indulgence in sex which causes mankind to drift more towards failure then all other causes combined & the over indulgence in the desire for fast money such as gambling.

I draw my own conclusion that the devil as well as god do co-exist here on earth but the devil is in fact the dominating influence on mankind & the world which is a negative force. Look at all the natural disasters,the most recent in the Philippines, look at all the evil that for the most part had dominated mankind since the creation of man. Look at all the wars & horrific crimes that take place everyday all of which are influenced by the devil. Hitler & all the Nazi thugs were most certainly possessed by the devil. Again I draw to the conclusion that the devil either possesses or influences 98% of nature & the human population here on planet earth.

Think of it as "All there is, All there ever was, & All there can ever be!"

The book "Outwitting the devil stresses that in order for people to thrive & be happy then they should strive for a level of infinite intelligence & infinite wisdom. The first duty to everyone is to themselves..

The 7 main principles of how mankind can outwit the devil are as follows>
1) Create a definiteness of purpose for your life
2) Mastery of oneself
3) Learning from adversity
4) Controlling environmental influences & associations
5) Time,giving permanency to positive rather than negative thought habits & developing wisdom
6) Harmony, acting with definiteness of purpose to become the positive dominating influence in your own mental, spiritual & physical environment.
7) Caution, thinking through your plan before you act.

Throughout the book the devil expands on all of the above main principles & much more including our defective educational system. Our children today make up tomorrow's future.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Usually property is the way to go, buy a house and pay it off, rent it and buy another. If you can and have the ability buy a fixer upper and do some renovations, flipping does well also.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
Absolutely correct, I've made millions on real estate, but remember location is the key, my first flip I made 500 K, but of course it was in the states, even here I've made tons on flipping rental income properties.
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